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05x10 - Family Separation: Part 1

Posted: 09/15/21 03:04
by bunniefuu




Sí, Mama.

I need to see your ID, ma'am.


¿Por favor?






One, two, three, four.

No... babe, there's no four.

(LAUGHS): There's always a four.

- Stop counting. Just feel it.
- I can't stop counting.

- I'm a numbers person.
- Ah.

Math major, so...

- One...
- Tango is not math.

It's sex.

Well, I appreciate that,

but right now, this feels like math.

- No, no, no.
- Mm...


Put your hands on my hips.

I don't bite.



This one understands.

Ah, well, maybe you should dance
with Esmeralda at the ceremony.

What ceremony?

We're renewing our vows.

Ah. This is an American thing.

- Well...
- Why do you do these things?

Well, we never really got
the wedding we wanted.

I was about to deploy
to the Marines and, uh,

well, uh...
can-can we take a water break?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Great, hey... yeah, we just
sort of rushed it a little.

- We didn't get exactly what we wanted.
- Well...

I wanted a church wedding,

ELIZABETH: I wanted the dress

and my bridesmaids and the...

I know, the veil...

Yeah, and I wanted the
first dance to be a tango.

And I wanted it to be
"Baby, I Love Your Way,"

because that's the best song ever,

but, oh, anyway, we
didn't get any of that.

What we got was
a cranky judge at city hall.

HENRY: And years...

- ...of wedded bliss.

- We did get that, and three lovely kids.
- Mm-hmm.

Aw, so when is the big day?

Well, the day we picked actually
has a lot of significance.

The-the hour and the minute
we picked has significance, too.

Because it was the minute that
we both knew, simultaneously,

without telling each other,
that we were getting married.

- Aw.
- We checked the time: : p.m.

Yep. It was actually
this joke that I told

that was what sealed the deal.

- ELIZABETH: So funny.

My favorite joke. No one had
ever laughed at it that hard.

Well, I suppose I have to hear it.

No, I promise, it'll k*ll you.

Well, babe, don't oversell it.

- I mean, it's pretty good, but...
- You can't oversell it.

Okay, well, I need a,
I need a visual aid.

- Oh, no. Oh, crud.

It's Jay.

Don't-don't tell it
without me. Hold on.

Hey, Jay, what's up?

JAY: Sorry to bother, ma'am.

I know you're in that lesson.

Yeah, no, that's fine.
What do you got?

Uh, an earful from the Mexican
deputy foreign minister.

They're wavering
on the border security deal.

Why? I just talked to
President Zaragoza this morning.

And this afternoon,

Arizona governor Barker
implemented a new policy

of separating children from parents

who illegally cross the border

- into the state.
- W-Wait.

They're separating children
from their parents?

I know.

It's crazy.

Okay, aside from

all the obvious questions of
humanity, decency and shame,

how can they even do that
without blatantly encroaching

on federal immigration law?

They probably can't, but
Arizona recently passed a law

authorizing state police to, uh,
temporarily detain anyone

who fails to provide documentation

of lawful presence in the country.

Until now, that's meant a few hours

before turning them over to the feds.

And now?

Governor's office

is claiming weeks,
months in some cases.

I'm gonna k*ll Governor Barker.

I mean, talk to him.

First, at least.

White House has already

set up a call and invited State
to join in half an hour.

Okay, good. Good.

If you want to finish the lesson,

- I could handle it.
- No, no, no.

I... no. Um, I'm on my way
in just a few minutes.

And you go enjoy your evening.

- Thank you, ma'am.
- Bye.

Jay-man. You here for
the : game, too?

Win, hey.

Uh, yeah, maybe.

Man, this is such a coincidence.

I literally just got out of a
meeting with Rob Phelps who said

that I should get a sit-down
with your boss, or you.

- Well, we're pretty busy.
- Saving the world.

Love it. And hey,
you could save it a lot faster

if the government legalizes marijuana.

(LAUGHS): Okay. We'll
keep that in mind.

Love it. Oh, hey, I could swing
by your office tomorrow,

we could grab lunch.

DALTON: Are you really separating

children from their parents?

It's called enforcing the law.

(CHUCKLES): You ought to try it
some time, Mr. President.

Oh, you can count on
the attorney general and me

enforcing the law.

Your law isn't Arizona law.

It is when you encroach on
federal immigration policy.

My AG tells me
I'm on firm legal ground.

ELIZABETH: But Governor,
forget the legal argument.

Your new policy,
besides being inhumane,

is already jeopardizing

our border security deal with Mexico.

A deal that your state

- stands to gain from.
- Says who?

I say it will endanger
the good people of Arizona.

After that shameful
immigration debacle

you people jammed through
Congress last summer,

you forced my hand here.

Governor, if you're trying
to k*ll the border deal...

I am trying to deter future illegals.

If it spoils your little deal,
all the better.

Okay, I'm sorry. Y-You're taking
children from their parents

as a deterrent?

Someone had to grow a pair, ma'am.

Do I really have to explain to you

how barbaric and un-American that is?

If you're gonna make deals with
Mexico, you got to be tough.

Now, I'll consider backing off
the separation policy

if you get lower immigration caps,

higher thresholds for asylum seekers

and Mexican support for
construction of a border wall.

You don't get to call
the sh*ts here, Governor.

You don't get to call
the sh*ts here in Arizona.

We're done.

Son of a bitch hung up on me.

(SCOFFS) Trying to leverage us.


How do we leverage back?
Hell, how do we level him?

Sir, the underlying Arizona
statute was carefully drafted

to sit right on the line of what
Arizona can get away with

without getting preempted
by federal law.

So where does that leave us?

Well, there is a strong
argument that the statute

is unconstitutional as applied.

DOJ is putting together
a challenge of the policy

as a violation
of the supremacy clause.

Good. I would think the Constitution

- would be on our side here.
- Yeah, we'll also argue

the policy is a violation
of the due process

and equal protection clauses
of the Fourteenth Amendment.

What's the bottom line, Hank?

Well, like Russell said,
the law's on our side,

but these court challenges
will take time.

Unless we try
for a preliminary injunction

to halt the policy.

Any downside to that?

(SIGHS) We lose, publicly.

I can live with that.

I can't live with
letting this go unchecked.

I'll get into it.


I want other options.

We need to attack this
on as many fronts as possible.

Well, what about a
legislative solution?

We choke off federal funding

to Arizona until the families
are back together

and this policy is revoked.

Bring Governor Barker to heel.

I like the sound of that, too,

but how do we get the votes?

Well, I can talk to Senator Morejon.

RUSSELL: Anti-immigration champion?

Leader of the Squash
Elizabeth McCord Club Morejon?

The man's a senior senator
from Arizona.

Do you really think he'd go against

- his own state's government?
- We've worked together before.

Landmines, a while back.

I've seen his softer side.

And if you get Morejon,
you think he can deliver

his anti-immigration caucus?

He is the senior senator from
Arizona, gives him standing.

Every second this policy
remains in place

is an affront to basic human dignity.

And a national disgrace.

Go get 'em, Bess.

- I got ball!
- Here.

You sure you didn't play college?

- Come on, DIII, right?

Here, here, here.

- Got it.
- I saw it.

- Oh, oh!

Get it back to him. (CRIES OUT)

- Jeez, man, are you all right, bro?
- No, I'm not all right.

Just back off.

MAN: Can I help you?

Thank you. Thank you. (GRUNTS)


- I'm so sorry, man.

(STAMMERS) That was my fault.

It was good D. No one's fault.


I'm sorry I snapped. Thank you.

- Thanks. Thanks.
- Yeah, all right.

MAN: I'll take Paul out.
We need one more.

- Here. Here, let me.

Uh, no, I got it. I got it.

You know what you need for that?

A little CBD-THC gelcap.
I got some in my bag.

- No. Win.
- Seriously, dude.

Cannabis meds are state
of the art for pain management.

Well, hey, okay. I'll take that
under consideration.

I'm gonna hold you
to that. And listen,

while I have you,
did you ever consider

that legalization of marijuana
is the best way for the U.S.

to weaken the Mexican cartels

and stem the flow of
dr*gs across the border?

Did you just trip me on purpose
so you could lobby me?

Dude, of course not. I'm on your team.

- Not tonight. But I got your back.
- Oh, my...

It's just I know
M-Sec is looking to make

a border security deal with Mexico,

and legalization is the
pathway to security.

If you want, I can

- introduce you to some really good...
- No, don't want. Don't want.

- Stop lobbying me.
- My bad. My bad.

- All right? I'll call you tomorrow.
- No.

I'll send you a white
paper on cannabis.

- Win, go away.
- All right, cool. Yeah.

Say hi to Daisy.

Who's got next?

MAYFIELD: Mr. Bramble, I've reviewed

your application
for a preliminary injunction.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Arizona's policy

of forcibly separating
parents and children...

Yes, yes. You're arguing
the supremacy clause.

But an injunction
is extraordinary relief.

But we believe our likelihood
of success on the merits...

I'd like to hear from
the attorney general of Arizona.

The likelihood is slim, Your Honor.

The Arizona policy at issue
was narrowly crafted

to comport with federal law.

It flies in the face of federal law,

- Your Honor.
- Reasonable minds can disagree.

I think we need
a full adjudication here.

The bigger issue
is the irreparable harm

posed to the minors who are subjected

- to this draconian decree.
- Hysterics, Judge.

It's a temporary displacement

of children from their parents.

The duration of the separation

is not the issue. The fact of it is.

Children are legally separated
from their parents all the time.

When the parents are imprisoned.

Uh, when they are placed
in foster care.

After an adjudication
and due process, yes.

I'm curious to see you here,

Mr. Jackson.

This is a pressing matter
for the administration.

Pressing enough
for a presidential emissary

to appear at counsel's table?

I am a licensed attorney, Judge.

And the president's chief of staff.

Don't think I don't recognize
intimidation when I see it.

- It's a shameful abuse

of executive power.

Judge, the stakes of
Arizona's decision

to flout federal policy...

Can be decided at trial.

The government's motion

for a preliminary injunction
is denied.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Judge, there are six more
arguments in our brief.

None of which merited consideration.

I think, given the
enormity of the issue...

Mr. Bramble,
you are counsel of record,

not Mr. Jackson, so either muzzle him,

or he can consider his impertinence

during his night in lockup.


- Dismissed.
- All rise.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

This is highly irregular, Mr. Jackson.

I don't countenance
ex parte communications.

It's not ex parte, Your Honor.
I'm not here to talk substance.

I'm busy, Mr. Jackson.

Too busy to be fair-minded?

Excuse me?

Look... you know the
stakes of this case.

For the children. For U.S.
policy. For the country.

None of that concerns me.
Only the law does.

The law which you short-circuited

by ignoring six of our arguments.

I'd like to know why.

I was short-listed
by the last administration

for an appellate seat years ago.

You know why
I still haven't gotten it?

Because the obstructive
Dalton administration

found me not
to its ideological liking.

Your president, Elizabeth McCord,

your whole cohort is contemptuous

of American values.

But you don't represent the majority.

You represent a soon-to-be
disempowered minority

clinging to power

and bent on flushing
this country down the sewer.

But the only thing that's going
to be flushed on my watch...

is you.

Now get out.

Let me look
into Mr. Whitman's schedule,

and I'll get back to you.

Of course, Mr. Barrington.

Was that Win Barrington?

Yes. He's been trying
to get in to see Jay.

No, what he's trying to do
is circumvent Jay's assistant

'cause he thinks you're
a loophole. Blake.

- Hmm?
- Tell Nina someone's trying

- to loophole her.
- I'm sorry?

He says he's a representative
of a wellness advocacy group.

Wellness advocacy. It's
Win Barrington trying

- to lobby Jay to legalize pot.
- Ah, yes.

See, part of your job is to sandbag

dudes like this
who think they can work

around the gatekeepers

and waste everybody's time

with vaporizers and bongs.

Dude's a clown.

Blake'll fill you in.


Okay. Win was Daisy's fiancé.

She broke up with him
to start dating Matt.

Well, actually, they were
already secretly dating.

- Oh.
- Yeah. By the way,

I'm reading you in on
classified information, so...

- Oh. Yeah, no problem.
- Okay. So, um,

on election night a few years ago,

Matt was making a play for Daisy,

but she went home with Win instead,

so what you are looking at now is...

Two alphas, neither of whom ended up

with the girl. Got it.

So, go ahead and make

- the appointment for Jay?
- Oh.

God, no. Win's a
ridiculous pot lobbyist.

I just thought you'd be
interested in the gossip.



You're actually suggesting
that I sponsor a bill

to cut off all federal funding
to my home state?

ELIZABETH: I'm suggesting you help

reunite children
with their moms and dads

as quickly as possible.

The way to do that is
through the courts.

Well, unfortunately,

the administration's application

for a preliminary injunction
was denied,

so any legal remedy could take months.

If we want to end this quickly,

Congress needs to step up.

I-I don't like Barker's methods,
but I don't disagree

with his position on border security.

I'm not asking you
to take sides on that deal.

Yes, you are. And Arizonans

are deeply concerned about
unchecked immigration.

Carlos, I know your thoughts
on the border.

I'm just asking you
to help these kids.

By committing political su1c1de.

By doing the right thing.

I know what's right.

And I am staunchly against the
federal government undermining

a state's authority to
regulate its own border.

Come on, Senator.

You know there are a million
reasons the federal government

has to be in charge of the border.

You want to talk state's rights?

How about human rights?

I understand that we disagree
on policy.

But this is about
who we are as a country.

And anyone who doesn't fight

this appalling human rights violation

with everything they've got,

even if it means political su1c1de,

may as well be for it.

It is a moral outrage.

And you may be right. (SIGHS)

But I will not let

the federal government
bully my home state.

I'm sorry.

Look, I hope you heal fast.

- Thanks.
- And from what I hear,

these detention centers
aren't all that bad.

They say it's like summer camp
for kids.

Thanks for stopping by, Senator.


You all right?

Sorry I snapped.

My ankle.

STEVIE: Man. This is hard.
I haven't written a poem

since, like, seventh grade.

Actually, that was more of a rap.

Ooh, a rap could be fun.

Yeah. Mm... but no.

- No.
- Hey, guys, I think I got something.

"The way we love our perfect
parents can never be co-opted,

"though Stevie was an accident

and Ali is adopted."

- Cut it out.
- Please, be serious.

No. You know what, I...

It's a little hard to be serious

with everything going on in Arizona.

Can't you just donate
money to the ACLU

like I did and get on board
with the celebration, dude?


Okay? This is the only part
that I actually asked you

- to help with. No.
- Mmm.


Laser Dawn is canceling?

- What is that?
- Why?

It's the band that I booked
for the after-party.

They're breaking up
over creative differences?

They're a wedding band.

What creative differences
could they have?

The name, for starters.

Well, why did we even get a band?

They're so cheesy.

We should just get a deejay.

Well, no, because
Mom and Dad are cheesy,

and they wanted a band.

And this is their party, and
we're supposed to be helping.

I mean, how am I supposed
to book a decent band

(LAUGHING): in the
middle of the holidays,

at the last minute?

You were going for "decent"?

No, Jason. I was going for "good."

But now I'm at "decent," and tomorrow

I might be at "washboard
and mouth harp," for all I know.

DALTON: It was always a long shot

with Morejon.

I don't know.

I thought I got through to him.

Never underestimate a senator's
desire to keep their seat.


I actually think I overestimated

our checks and balances
against malfeasance

and bad faith.

Yeah. Our system
counts on our public officials

to be of good faith.

We rely on their basic...
decency and morality.

Without it,

norms break down.

And even the President
of the United States

can end up powerless to fix things.

Oh, I'm not giving up on you yet, sir.

Thanks, but the, uh,
good people of Arizona

have been sold a bill of goods
by a demagogue

spouting about a fake,
trumped-up crisis at the border,

and now children are paying the price.

- Hey. Sorry I'm late.
- Hey.

I had a few things to finish up.

Well, we seem to be out
of checks and balances,

so no worries.

Yeah. Uh, about that...


After getting shot down
by Judge Mayfield,

my spidey-sense told me
something was amiss,

so I stopped by his chambers.

Ooh. Judges love it when you do that.

Yeah, actually, I was counting on

getting his dander up,
and he didn't disappoint.

Revealed his true
partisan hack colors.

Fishing for grounds to appeal?

Yeah, I already hooked one.

I spent the afternoon poking around.

Found the judge has
real estate holdings in Arizona

that are directly affected
by state policies

dictated by our friend
Governor Barker.

Well, that's a hell of a coincidence.

Not when you consider
they were fraternity brothers

at Arizona State.


You think that's a clear enough
conflict of interest?


the AG's reviewing it with his team.

I'd love to blow that little weasel

right off the bench.

I'm just concerned

about the optics

of the White House going after a judge

because we don't like his ruling.

I'm not sure this particular b*llet

should stay in the chamber,
so to speak.

Aren't we beyond worrying
about optics?

I mean, our standing
in the world is at stake.

I say fire that b*llet.



How's the leg?


Excuse me, could I get
a cranberry soda?

All right.


I assume you're asking this
because I'm Cuban?


To them, you're brown.

First generation, but...

I know your family story.
It's on your website.

They were boat people crammed
into an overloaded trawler,

escaping Castro.

And they were lucky
enough to get to shore,

because of the
wet foot, dry foot policy.

But tell me, how were your
parents any different

from the parents in Arizona

who are separated from
their kids tonight?

Well, my mother and my
father didn't break the law.

Look, my dad's from Uruguay,


I'm a stealth Latino.

I know it.

Every once in a while, when I'm out...

somewhere talking to my
dad on the phone or...

speaking Spanish for whatever reason,

I-I notice some people
look at me differently.

Instant lower status.

Every once in a while,

they tell me to "speak
English, amigo."

Or "American."
That-that's my favorite.

Well, sometimes people
hand me their keys

at the valet.

Yale, Harvard Law, Rhodes Scholar,

U.S. senator... all they
see is "brown guy."

That's right.

Some people.

But, Jay...

I don't need you to lecture me
on unconscious bias.

Unconscious? Is that
what you think it is?

How can you ignore

the blatant racism of this policy?

Don't we already have a
steep enough hill to climb

without allowing Arizona

to normalize treating
people like us as-as...

less than human?

If not for those kids in detention,

how about for our kids?

How is this not more personal for you?

The secretary put you up to this?

Por favor, she doesn't know anything.

I saw you wavering in her office.

I know you want to be on
the right side of this.

Look, there are no sides, Jay.

The only way to change what people see

is to continue to succeed.

Not through identity politics,

but hard work.

I never sought to be
the Moses for Latinos.

My kids see how hard I work
and what I've achieved.

Just like your daughter sees you.

And for me, that...

(WHISPERS): that is enough.


I'm sorry that
it's not the same for you.

POLLARD: This case has been remanded

by the appellate court
for reconsideration

on the grounds that
Judge Mayfield was conflicted.

The issue before us

is whether to grant
a preliminary injunction

halting Arizona's detention
of unauthorized immigrants.

- Counsel?
- Judge Pollard,

if I can direct the court
to U.S. v. Jenlow.

- Not apposite, Your Honor.
- I disagree.

And I've reviewed

the petitioner's affidavits in detail.

The government has clearly made
a prima facie showing

of irreparable harm

- to these children.
- Your Honor...

I also believe that

petitioner's likelihood
of success on the merits

- is great.
- Judge, the APA's amicus brief...

I've read it,

Ms. Cutler, and unless you
have anything new, I'm inclined

to rule against the State of Arizona

and grant a preliminary...

In a case brought on behalf
of the separated families

by the ACLU, the Ninth Circuit
has just affirmed

the District Court
of Arizona's opinion

that the affected families
of Arizona's separation order

do not suffer

irreparable harm.

Judge, the ACLU is a private litigant,

so the case is not precisely on point.

- That is true.
- And this court is not bound

by another federal
appellate court's judgment.

Also true.

But the opinion adjudicated
nearly identical facts.

I consider that persuasive authority

and a judgment

I am not inclined to contravene.

Wha... Uh, so...

th-that's it?

An inadvertent legal wire-crossing

means all those kids

have to remain separated
from their parents?

I'm afraid so.

You'll have to let your suit
wend its way through the system,

Mr. Jackson.

MIKE: Look at this.

- A sign from the gods.
- Hey.

I am trolling for favors,

and here you are. I also need

to hit up Russell Jackson as well.

- This might not be the best time.
- Yeah, I heard.

Bit of an ouch-y in court.

- How else would you describe it?
- Oh, I don't know, Mike,

- maybe sensitively.
- Mm.

What favors are you here for?

I need recommendation letters
for my kid's super-elitist,

capacity private school.

Mike, do you really want

to send your son to a school
that he is not suited for?

%. So can I count on you?

Well, it's a hell of a day
to be asking for a favor

for your privileged kid.

(SIGHS) All right,
send me his application

and his ess...

No promises.

Fine. Look, I also got
the invite to your vow thing.

Nice optics. I can't believe
I didn't think of it myself.

- I reached out to the videographer...
- No publicity.

No publicity. Just a videographer.

Very discreet drones.
You won't even hear them.

Mike, this is a personal
and private event.

No politics.

- No angles.
- Hey, look,

I have been dissecting the polls,

and while you have broad support...

no pun intended...
you lack voter intensity.

People like you,
but they don't love you.

Do you know what could change that?

The sight of you in a wedding dress.

America would go macadamia.
As in nuts.

No, no, I put it together. The
answer's still no. (STAMMERING)

Okay, let's just get the footage,

and then we'll sort it out in post.

President Zaragoza,
I agree this is a travesty.

Arizona won't even let Mexican
diplomats in to visit our citizens.

That's unacceptable, and
we will do everything

in our power to help your people
gain access as soon as possible.

I'm afraid until this outrage is ended

it is not just
our border security deal

that is off the table.

Our entire relationship is at stake.


I am sorry.

He's right.

I'd have reacted the same way.

So, our border security deal is dead.

And our vital trade agreements
and a million others

with our neighbors to
the south are threatened.

And every hour that passes

with kids separated from their parents

lowers our standing in the world.

Courts can't help us, Congress won't,

and we are powerless to
do a damn thing about it.

Did I miss anything?

HENRY: Maybe one.

Lao-tzu said:

"An ant on the move
does more than a dozing ox."

- What the hell does that mean?
- If you can't do everything,

at least do something. Keep
moving in the right direction.

- What do you have in mind, Henry?
- Go down there,

Mr. President.

Walk those Mexican officials

into the detention center yourself.

RUSSELL: Whoa. Whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

That... could open us up
to accusations

of infringing on states' rights.

That is... that is

practically asking
for a constitutional crisis.

Look, I-I am as disgusted
as any of you,

but I will throw my body

- in front of that.
- Well, then I'll do it.

Did you hear what I just said?

Yes, and I'm not the president.

You might be ensuring
that you never will be.

It's-it's domestic interference.

I'd be the Secretary of State
working with our Mexican allies

to visit their own citizens.

HENRY: Advocating for foreign
dignitaries on our soil...

it's not only a moral imperative,

it's a diplomatic one, as well.

Sounds very Secretary-of-Statey to me.

Mr. President, Governor
Barker's intentionally

provocative policy deserves to be met

with an equally provocative response.

MAN: Madam Secretary? Reunite the
families! It is going to be a hot mess.

KAT: Well, it's not
exactly the Hilton.

Well, it would be different

if their parents were with them.


Oh, God, this isn't gonna be easy.

Nope, it's not, ma'am,
but you know what?

There's no other place
I would rather be.

Reunite the families!

You know, the second we're done here,

feel free to go see your dad.

How far away is he again?

Oh, Dad's a couple hours in Aguila.

Thank you, but I'll probably
take a rain check.

Madam Secretary.

Ambassador Lopez,
you know Kat Sandoval.


I am here at the direction
of President Zaragoza

to look after the
interests of my citizens.

Of course.

Well, let's do this.

All right.

Good afternoon... Officer Keegan.

I'm Elizabeth McCord.

This is Mexican Ambassador
Rafael Lopez.

Well, how are you today?

I'm okay, ma'am,

- but I'm afraid...
- That's great.

I'm here to escort the
ambassador inside the facility

so that he can check on his citizens.

I'm afraid I'm not authorized
to allow that, ma'am.

I wasn't clear
about that, either, and...

This is Kat Sandoval,
my policy advisor.

Kat, can you help us out here?

Hey there, Officer Keegan.

It's totally understandable that
you wouldn't be up to speed,

given the different state
and federal laws.

It can be a little bit,
you know... "Aah!"... confusing.

However, under title
USC section - ,

"Foreign Nationals on U.S.
Soil," you must yield

and allow entry immediately.


Yeah, and it literally
says, "immediately."


Hey, Miller?

I don't think we want to get

- any of our bosses involved.
- Yeah.

Right, Officer Keegan?


You'll just need
to surrender your phones.

- Great. Thank you.
- Of course.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Here's a blast from your past.

What are you doing here?

Okay, maybe not my strongest entrance,

but I do come bearing gifts.

I realize I'm a little
late with the baby present.

- What is he, five months now?
- She.

- And a year.
- Oh.

Wow. Uh, well, then I guess
it's a birthday present.

And here's a little something

I brought for Jay. Mm-hmm.

I feel so bad about what happened.

I'm not sure he believed
I didn't do it on purpose,

but I-I swear, I am not a good enough

defensive player to make that happen.

Yeah, I'm not entirely
in the loop on this,

and I like it that way.

Fair enough.

It's just that earlier I was
asking about the possibility

of a sit-down
with the secretary, and...

Look, it's kind of
a busy day around here,

and y-you're just gonna have
to find someone else to lobby.

Well, can you just make
sure he gets this then?

It, uh, has some goodies in there

that'll help with the pain.

Did you seriously bring
a controlled substance

into the State Department?

Not for the first time,
if you'll recall.

You know,
when-when there was a lockdown,

and I got Matt high, and I found out

that you were cheating
on me with him, and...

Okay, I will. I will get this to Jay.

And I will tell him
whatever it is I remember

- of what you just said.
- You're a peach.

But... you-you know, like,
a really smart one.

- Mm.
- I'm sorry.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone
with a stone fruit.

It... Uh...

All-all right, yeah.


In here.

Oh, my God.

Madre, Madre, quiero mi madre.


How is this possible?

The great United States of America.



Hey, excuse me?

Are you gonna change
that boy's diaper?

I mean, I'm assuming he has one.

Child aides make rounds
every three hours.

Three hours.

So you're just gonna
leave him like that?

'Cause, I mean, where are his
clothes? I'll change him myself.

Ma'am, that's not procedure.

I don't care about procedure.

Look at him.


- Daniel.
- Daniel.

Daniel, no.

RICHARD: Secretary Elizabeth McCord,

you are trespassing
on Arizona state property.

Am I really?

You tricked your way in here,

grandstanding for the press

on your self-promotion tour,
but you are a long way

from the federal swamp you call home.

Well, Governor,
if Washington, D.C. is a swamp,

what's this?

It's none of your business
is what it is.

And there's a sheriff out front

with a warrant for your arrest.

Is he going to arrest
Ambassador Lopez, as well?

Mr. Ambassador,
I'm sorry you got dragged

into Madam Secretary's

little publicity stunt.

I didn't get dragged into anything.

My government demands these
innocent children get reunited

with their parents immediately.

Your government has
no authority here, sir.

Neither does yours, ma'am.

I think the ambassador's demand
is on humanitarian grounds.

I don't care
if it's on grounds of coffee.

This is my state and my rules.

Lucky for you, I'm feeling
charitable today.

Y'all can exit peaceably

through the back
without talking to any press,

and I'll let you leave
this state without incident.

(LAUGHS) Without incident?


Look around, Governor.

We passed that.

I suggest you get moving

before I invite the good sheriff
in here to come get you.


Did you think you can
intimidate me or shut me up?

- Don't test Arizona justice, ma'am.

FATHER DINARDO: Saint Francis said,

"All the darkness in the world
cannot extinguish the light

of a single candle."
MAN: That's right!

If it took a visit
from the Secretary of State

to shine a light on the darkness
inside this building,

then praise the Lord for sending her.

And God bless
and protect those children,

our little brothers and sisters
in the Lord's kingdom.

Why did you come to Arizona,
Madam Secretary?

- What did you see in there?
- Are the children being mistreated?

MAN: What kind of care
do they have in there?

MAN : What do you hope to prove?

I came here to see for myself

and to help Ambassador Lopez see

what's going on behind these walls.

What I saw is an affront to decency

and an as*ault
on our country's core values.

Children separated from their parents,

in cages, crying, terrified,

lacking basic care.


And the governor believes
it's a deterrent.

- It'll keep others...
- Hi.

- Are you seeing this?
- HENRY: Yup.

That's your mom.

(SIREN BLARING) But it is child abuse,

- plain and simple.
- Ma'am?

- WOMAN: Yes!
- No deterrent

- is worth trading our humanity.
- That's enough.

No policy, no matter its goal,

is worth lowering our moral standing

- in the world.
- RICHARD: All right.

Nothing can justify harming children.

Ma'am, you are on state property.

And the governor wants me to shut up.


But I won't, because what he's doing

is immoral and un-American,

and every American
needs to know about it.

SHERIFF: Elizabeth McCord,

you are under arrest

for criminal trespass
in the first degree

- in violation of section ...
- No.

- No! No!
- ...- .



if desperate asylum-seekers

aren't free from being

detained unfairly

in this state,

why should I?

Take her in, Trooper.


It's okay, Jared. It's okay.


Officer Stevens.

STEVENS: Uh, if you could please
turn around and put your hands

- behind your back?
- Okay.

I'm guessing this isn't how
you thought your day would go.

STEVENS: No, ma'am.

SHERIFF: Take the protestors, too.

You're under arrest.


Has anything like this
ever happened before?

HENRY: Not in the United States.

No. Not here.


Reunite families!

- Okay.
- Reunite families!