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01x06 - What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

Posted: 09/15/21 02:57
by bunniefuu



It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility.

Where a single choice can branch
out into infinite realities,

creating alternate worlds
from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher.

I am your guide through
these vast new realities.

Follow me

and ponder the question...

"What if?"

Every journey has a beginning,

but change one step along the way,

and you could end up at a
very different destination.

Come on. It's okay. Laugh. Hey!

(CHUCKLES) Is it cool if
I take a picture with you?

Yes, it's very cool.
Please, no g*ng signs.

No, throw it up. I'm kidding.

Yeah, peace. I love peace.
I'd be out of a job with peace.


RAMIREZ: Contact left!

Jimmy, stay with Stark!


- Wait, wait, wait. Give me a g*n.
- Stay here.



(m*ssile WHISTLES)

- (expl*si*n)

(m*ssile WHISTLES)

- (expl*si*n)

- (m*ssile BEEPING)


That was a spectacular
entrance, seriously.

The Ten Rings have reinforcements
en route. Let's move.

Fine by me, Lieutenant
Killmonger? What is that?

- German?
- A nickname.


That's clearly a good fit.
I see where they got it.

Uh, what's your afternoon like?

Heroes are not born,
they're forged in darkness.

Shaped in battle.

Defined by sacrifice.

And I am Iron Man.

Without Tony Stark's fateful
capture in Afghanistan,

the Age of Iron Man
would never come to pass.

Though the man was
saved, a hero was lost,

and a villain was given a new chance.

Mr. Stark, were you
injured in the attack?

No, but I did spill my drink,
and it was a ' Macallan,

so I'm pretty sure that's a w*r crime.

Excuse me, sir. Harry
Whittington, British Post.

Did you learn any lessons
from your time in Afghanistan?

I did. Never travel anywhere
that doesn't have a Four Seasons.


has this experience changed you?

Well, I saw young Americans k*lled
by the very weapons I created

to protect them. And I
realized we have to do better,

build bigger, and fight badder for them.

Which is why I'm bringing
in Lieutenant Erik Stevens,

the Navy SEAL who saved my life,

as Stark Industries' new
chief security officer.

This a load of bull. That was
supposed to be my promotion.


All right! Tony's back, huh?

Lieutenant. Lieutenant.
Christine Everhart.

I think we're done here.

What is it you were doing
in the Kunar province?

Uh, saving me. Pretty
sure we went over this.

It's just strange. Since
on the day of the attack,

his unit was stationed klicks away.

If you're trying to imply that he had

advanced knowledge of the attack...

She'd be right. I uncovered
plans to assassinate Tony Stark

while on a deep cover
operation inside the Ten Rings.

Well, there you have it, folks.

That's going to be a
wrap on this conversation.

Yeah. Yeah, you'd like
that, wouldn't you?

Because those plans were bankrolled

by Stark Industry COO Obadiah Stane.


Tony, I...

know what this kid's talking about.

Let's get outta here
and work through this.

No, no, don't you worry about
that. I brought receipts.

Wire transfers, bank
documents, phone records.

Google it. I just dropped it all online.


I knew it.


You son of a... Security!

Oh, man.




Ah. I never liked that guy.

I'll say this for the new guy, he
certainly makes for good TV. Right?

STARK: t*rrorists, corporate
raiders, Maxim cover models.

What do they all have in common?

- They came for the king.
- And they missed.

I owe it all to you.

And that's why I want you by
my side - as my new COO.

Wait. You're giving him Obadiah's job?

Damn, I don't know, Mr. Stark.
I think I'm more of a soldier.

Which is why it's perfect. You, me.
We'll be like Butch and Sundance.

- They died at the end, Tony.
- Okay, bad example.

Fact remains, I need a k*ller.
Figurative one, of course.

But, hey, a literal
one can't hurt either.


- To K*llers.
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah.

You're Butch. I'm Sundance.
Just so we're clear.


So, Colonel Rhodes, what can you tell me

about our knight in shining camouflage?

Graduated Annapolis at
, MIT a year later.

Made quite a name for himself
since joining the SEALs

as part of an elite ghost squad that
specializes in high-target wetwork.

- PEPPER: Please tell me that's plumbing.
- Assassinations.

Jeez. Glad I asked for clarification.

I'd say he's done pretty
good for a kid from Oakland.

I mean, what's your concern,
Pepper? Other than the k*lling part.

Lot of people come around looking to get

their moment in the sun with Tony Stark,

and it's my job to sniff out exactly
what it is they want with him.

- And what do you smell?
- Nothing.

And that's the problem.
Everyone wants something.

STARK: Welcome to Candy Land. I
built everything in here myself.

Well, except for the
Lambo. That's D printed.

KILLMONGER: Oh, man. Repulsor tech?

Trying to miniaturize the
Jericho into a portable firearm.

(GRUNTS) Bet she pops.

Easy, k*ller. I come in peace.

What did your old man used
to say? Ah. That's right.

"Peace means having a bigger
stick than the other guy."

Hey, play nice. He's a friend.

Lot of good it did dear
old Dad. What about you?

- You close with yours?
- Nah.

He died, too. g*ng v*olence.

Weapons in the wrong hands. Wish
no one had to fire them at all.

For real. Then again...

- Ah, forget it.
- What?

It's just my doctoral thesis.

I developed plans for an
automated combat drone.

Thought I was going to make
human soldiers obsolete.

But I could never crack the interface.

'Cause you didn't
have me. Let's do this.

Let's build your science fair project.

You saved my life. I'd
like to return the favor.

Jarvis, search the MIT
doctoral thesis database.

- Project...
- Liberator.

You've got an ear for
branding. I'll give you that.


Wow. Uh, bold design choice.

What? I like anime.

Worst-case scenario, we'll end up with

the world's most expensive Gundam model.

Jarvis, case the warehouse.

We're gonna need FPV
wiring, nanocircuitry,

and Bloody Marys. Hangover's
starting to kick in.


STARK: Human pilots mean human
error, but with Jarvis at the wheel,

drones can react to stimuli in real-time

and no one needs to lift a finger.


Operations test. Stark Liberator
drone mark one, showtime.

It's only a failure if it explodes.

Okay, that changes things.

JARVIS: It appears the drone's
regulating processor is over-clocked.

You know, we need another power source.

Hey. Hey. If we could
miniaturize an arc reactor...

- No, that's a dumb idea.
- What we need is Vibranium.

With the right juice, it can act
as a self-sustaining energy source.

Yeah. Now you're thinking.

Too bad Pops used up the
last of it during the w*r.

Hmm. Not all of it.


Where did you get this?

This kind of stuff pops
up all over the globe.

You need the right hook up.

I might have just the guy.

Ulysses Klaue? No, Tony. Absolutely not.

I'm sorry, are you allowed to say
that to people in my tax bracket?

Tony, in case you forgot,

Stark Industries doesn't fraternize
with black market arms dealers.

- She's right, Tony. I agree.
- Wait. What?

Listen, things go south,
shareholders are gonna flip.

Unless we secure some
kind of diplomatic cover.

We send Rhodey. There.
He's U.S. Air Force,

and he's the company's military
liaison. We are all aboveboard.

I think that's a great idea.

Excellent. I's dotted, T's crossed.
Pep, drop the purchase order.

KLAUE: Break out the fine China.

Not every day the Americans get down
in the muck with the likes of me.

Can't clean up the world
without getting your hands dirty.

Oh! That is good. You should
stitch that on a pillow.

KILLMONGER: Ugh! This guy
will run his mouth all day.

Tell him you want to see the product.

So, about that Vibranium?

Oh. Oh. No foreplay, eh? (CHUCKLES)

You know what? It's a
waste of time anyway.

Dora Milaje spear.

Bought it off the black market
for ten mil. Steep, I know. But...

Please, Tony spends $ million
on a slow Tuesday in Vegas.


Now that I know you mean business,
we can move on to the good stuff.




Where did you find all this?

What's going on here?
We've been breached.

Find them and light them up.

Killmonger, you got
eyes on this? Killmonger!


WOMAN: Sector four to sector one.

Sector four to sector one.

RHODES: Killmonger, on
comms. Are you seeing this?






Our quarrel is not with you, Colonel.

Oh, really? 'Cause you're sending
me mixed messages right now.

Let me take the Vibranium
back where it belongs.

KILLMONGER: Sorry, cuz.
That's ain't gonna fly.




Really wish it didn't
have to go down like this.


Stark R and D is no joke. The
sonic taser thing is legit.

But this...


- This I'm really feeling.
- RHODES: Erik, why?


Better question. Why wear the
uniform of your own oppressors?

Fight for them? Die for them?

Kid, you've gotta be part of
the system to change the system.

Nah. You can burn it down.



My, my, my. I would not want to
play chess with you, my friend.

I leaked word of the sale
to the Wakandan w*r Dogs.

And it all played out just
as you predicted it would.


We better load up the product.
The Dora'll be here soon.


T'CHAKA ON TV: We will not sit idly
by while our resources are pillaged,

our people k*lled at the hands
of American imperialists.

Brought you a souvenir.

What, airport gift
shop out of Toblerones?

So you've been watching the news?

We lost one of our own. Let's
show the world who's boss.

And just who is the boss, Lieutenant?

Last I checked, your
name's on the building.

And the paper trail. You
certainly saw to that.

But not to everything.

Word to the wise. Never play
Clue with Jarvis. He sees all.

Go ahead, call the cops. Still
won't get here in time to save you.

Yeah, well, police are
the law. I want justice.

You? You never lifted
a finger in your life.

You gonna ask Pepper
to come and k*ll me?

Yeah, probably not. But there's no need.

I melted down that ring of yours.


You were right. Vibranium
worked like a charm.


What do you say? To K*llers?

Whoa, he's got your number, am I right?

You forget you programmed
the drone yourself?

Your moves are his moves.

I guess I have to freestyle, then.




Each one is for a k*ll.
Believe it or not, Tony,

I was really hoping you
wouldn't make the cut.


For a minute, I really thought it
was you and me against the world.

We're not fighting
the same battles, Tony.


Two gear-head orphans trying
to do right by our fathers?

We sound the same to me.

The difference between you and me...

(STARK GROANS) that you can't see the
difference between you and me.



Vibranium spear. Wakandan
issue. Definite hit job.

The Wakandans sent a message.

Not a very subtle one.

How did none of this
get captured on security?

Jarvis was wiped clean. Conveniently.

What are you implying, Pepper?

I don't know, three murders in two
days, and one man at the center?

You are talking to a highly
decorated Naval officer.

It's cool, General.
Cut the lady some slack.

Her and Tony were tight.

What's the next move?

They want a w*r, so
that's what we'll give 'em.

Put the Liberator
drones into production.

Okay, hold on. That'll require a
multi-billion-dollar allocation.

The board will need to be consulted.

The Patriot Act should
cover the red tape.

The U.S. Military is hereby seizing

control of all Stark Industries assets.

(SCOFFS) You must be joking.

GENERAL ROSS: No one has ever
accused me of being funny, Miss Potts.

We're at w*r. You work for me now.


Congratulations, Lieutenant. You
just invented st century warfare.

KLAUE: Oh! That is...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Oh, I'm glad to see my
Vibranium's been put to good use.

Yeah, and I'm just getting
started. How about a road trip?

- You telling me this is it?
- Wakandans are full of surprises.




I found it, Dad.

KLAUE: Hey! Hey, boy! (WHISTLES)
Come on. We better get going.

Not looking to meet the business end

of one of their spears,
if you know what I mean.

- Savages.

It's like you said. Wakandans
are full of surprises.



I come with a gift.
An offering of justice.

For I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu.

RAMONDA: What is this foolishness?

N'Jobu sired no children!

We were led to believe
that. I let us believe that.

We are at w*r,

he is still an American soldier.
What does he know of our people?

These are my people too, cousin.

I brought you the man
who stole your Vibranium

and m*rder*d your people as
proof of my loyalty to Wakanda.

You have the eyes of your father.

He used to tell me stories about you.

About watching the sunset from the top

of Mount Bashenga with his brother.

I shared the same story with my own son.

I spent my whole life
searching for my home.

Rest easy, nephew. You are home.

But there's no time to
rest, Uncle. w*r is here.

The drones are made
up of Vibranium alloy.

Just like your weapons.
Almost indestructible.

Oh, please. They're built by Americans.

We'll be home in time for lunch.

It will not be that easy.

The drones operate via a hive matrix,

communicating with each other in real

time to maximize strategic efficiency.

Then how do we cut them
off from their network?

We let them inside our force shields.

The electromagnetic interference
will block their satellite uplink.

You're suggesting we let the
k*ller robots into the city?

That's the only way to disconnect
them from the Jarvis AI.

After that, we'll destroy 'em.

The Americans won't have any
Vibranium left to rebuild.

Why should we trust you
with our people's lives?

I know what it's like to
have someone taken from me,

and if I had the chance to avenge
my father, I wouldn't hesitate.

These people m*rder*d your son.

Even if there's only a chance I'm
legit, isn't it worth the risk?

What say you, General?


(IN ENGLISH) For T'Challa!

Yibambe! Yibambe! Yibambe!



(IN ENGLISH) Status, gentlemen.

WOMAN: We have full systems green,

General. Drones moving into position.

This is the Wakandan capital?

- Confirm location.
- WOMAN: Sir, all drones are on target.

It's time.

Are you certain about this, baba?
Entrusting our fate to this outsider.

He is family.

Open the shields.


Wakanda. So the rumors are true.


Show them the true might
of the U.S. Military.


Close the shields.


- What the hell is going on?
- WOMAN: Some kind of interference.

The drones have all gone dark.

Yeah, I see that. Get it back online!


It's working! (GASPS) You were right.

Thank you, nephew.

You've made your uncle and father proud.

I only wish to serve Wakanda.

(CHUCKLING) I'd much rather you
join me in celebration tonight.

Know that wherever
life's journey takes you,

you'll always have a home in Wakanda.

I want a little bit more than that.


That is impossible.

The drones should be disconnected.

Tony Stark! He must've
built a back-up transmitter.

Why would he do that?

That man was a villain.
Didn't trust anyone.

- Charge!





Wakanda forever!








Wakanda forever!



For T'Challa!

Yibambe! Yibambe! Yibambe!



(IN ENGLISH) Does it
meet your expectations?

It surpasses them.

I wish we could share it with our
brothers and sisters across the world.

Your father wished the same.

Perhaps that is why Bast
has returned you to us.

I am a loyal servant of
Wakanda, Your Majesty.

Let me be of service.

T'CHAKA: With this herb, you shall
become the next Black Panther.


Was it worth it,

my cousin?

Yeah. I did what I had to do.

T'CHALLA: For what? A throne?

For vengeance. For my father.

And for all my brothers and sisters
who suffered through oppression

while you just sat back and watched.

You believe the cure for human
suffering is more suffering.

The cure is power. And now, I have it.

T'CHALLA: Because you stole it.

Power, unearned, can be a
very volatile force, cousin.

It'll get the best of you, eventually.

On your plane, or on ours.

Destroyers are circling
the African coast.

I want all Jericho missiles
locked and loaded by .

- Yes, sir.
- All due respect, sir,

isn't that a lot of firepower to aim

at a country most Americans
can't find on a map?

By tomorrow, they won't need to.


What... How did you get in here?

I'm here to help, Miss Potts.

I knew it. He k*lled Tony.

And your brother? How did you get this?

Mr. Stark was a genius, but
he's not the only genius.

It appears have a common enemy.

Unfortunately, your side
and mine refuse to see it.

So, let us open their eyes together.

WATCHER: Heroes are never really gone.

They live forever.

As do the ones they inspire
to carry on the fight.