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07x04 - Revolution: Part 4

Posted: 09/14/21 08:26
by bunniefuu

this is Lance Corporal Chetri.

I felt like we could use
some support.

Since the m*ssile arrived
in India, all trace was lost.

- (expl*si*n BOOMS)

I was forced to create two
new portable nuclear devices.

Anjali Vartak. She was
with the man that took me.

You think she's the Kingfisher?

COLTRANE: I can't help feeling
there's something even bigger,

something worse
coming down the pipe.


Hand it over. Whatever you've
just used to leech our files.

I am still a Russian solider!

Vartak's holding a fundraiser
and you are guests.

Connor Ryan.
Anjali's personal lawyer.

- Who the f*ck are you?

Asset has access
to financial records.

- (g*nshots)

I've got three in the mix.

Stay on mission, Bravo one
and extraction is priority.

Copy that.

- COLTRANE: Grenade!
- (expl*si*n BOOMS)

I suggest we get out of here

(g*nshots RICOCHET)



[engine revving]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[crickets chirping in distance]


- [grunts]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Zarkova.

Vest took the b*llet.
- [coughing]

- Stay down.

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]


[expl*si*n booms]

[intense music builds]

♪ ♪

[engine revving]

- Boss?

Thought we'd had a rough night.

[The Heavy's
"Short Change Hero"]

♪ ♪

- ♪ I can't see
where you coming from ♪

♪ But I know just what
you runnin' from ♪

♪ And what matters
ain't the "who's baddest" ♪

♪ But the ones who stop you
falling from your ladder ♪

♪ Come on, feelin' like
you're feelin' now ♪

♪ And doin' things
just to please your crowd ♪

♪ When I love you like the way
I love you ♪

♪ And I suffer,
but I ain't gonna cut you ♪

♪ 'Cause this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

♪ ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

- [grunts]

[grunts, groans]

[blows landing]

[grunting, groaning]



- [speaking Hindi]

[atmospheric music]

♪ ♪

- Intimidation. Brutality.

Fake compassion.

I'd say a career in politics
is really gonna suit you.

- Who was your friend
working for?

- She wasn't working
for anybody.

- Muslim extremists?

Splinter groups?

Alssayf Alddima?

- [chuckles] Yeah, of course.

You all think

you're part of some grand
religious w*r, right?


That was her name.

She had nothing to do
with any of it.

She was just a woman
whose father you had k*lled.

- That's an absurd accusation.

- How 'bout we just drop
the bullshit?

'Cause if you were clean,

I'd be down
at the police station right now

Her father was
Professor Yamal Shah.

- That name means nothing to me.

- Bullshit.

Why even bother lying, huh?

- And if I was,

wouldn't that mean that
you're in a lot of trouble?

- Well, I wasn't exactly
expecting mercy

from somebody busy cooking up
suitcase nukes.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- What are you talking about?

- Ah, shit.

You have no idea

what they're making
in there, do you?

♪ ♪

- [speaking Hindi]

- What did you think?

What did you think
you were funding, huh?

Anjali, wait,
you can still get out of this.

You can still help us!

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- I love MI6 safe houses.

Chetri, get set up.

Novin, equipment's
in the storage locker.

And then I want IDs
on all the people

that broke into our crib.

- Boss, we need to go back
for Wyatt.

- The area's swarming
with police.

The center's cordoned off.
Road blocks.

- Boss...

- Sergeant Wyatt
knows the situation.

The mission comes first.

And for now,
that means getting access

to the intel that Mr. Ryan has.

- So much for never leaving
any man behind, huh?

- As soon as your building
opens up,

you're giving my team
complete access

to all the financial information

that you've gathered on Anjali,

and you better hope
that it helps us.

- I'm not here to do
your bidding.

This is a deal, yeah?
Quid pro quo.

- I believe Sergeant McAllister
has already offered you

a new identity, new location.

I can make that happen.

- I want that in writing.

- You'll have it in the word
of an Englishman.

- [scoffs]

- You're lucky.

- I don't think it was luck.

He switched his aim.

From head to vest.

- Why would he do that?

- I don't know.

- Getting a match
against crib closed circuit.


Gopan Laghari.

Raised in a Mumbai orphanage.

Won himself a scholarship
to the Institute of Science,

but was expelled due to various
disciplinary issues,

some violent.

After that, he fell in

with militant
Hindu nationalists.

Formed his own splinter group,
Shuddh Raashtr.

- Does he have the capability

to design or construct
a suitcase nuke?

- It's blueprints
for similar kinds of devices

that got him into trouble
at the Institute

in the first place.

- Yeesh.

I sort of feel sorry
for your man.

If that's the company
Anjali's keeping,

he is so f*cked.

- [grunting]


[forlorn music]

- Did you even think
about her, man?


Do you think about the strength
that it took for her?

The hair and the makeup?

All the way to the party,
knowing what she was gonna do.

Do you... do you even f*cking
give that a thought?

♪ ♪

- No.

- No, of course not.

Guys like us, we just pull
the trigger, right?

- You talk too much.

- Yeah, well, I guess that's why

it's called famous last words,

♪ ♪

[blow lands, grunting]

All right.

♪ ♪

Just... just take this off.

Please. It was a gift
from my wife, and she'll...

♪ ♪

She will f*cking k*ll me
if I die wearing it.

♪ ♪

- Looks expensive.

- [speaks Hindi]

- [speaking Hindi]

- [grunting] [g*nshots]

- [groans]

- Wanna know a secret?

I feel terrible...

about Samira.

That feeling will pass,
you know?

Tomorrow, next day.

♪ ♪

And you know
what'll take its place?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What do you think that means?

♪ ♪

No, no, don't do it.

♪ ♪

You're not that fast.


[g*n clicking]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Yeah, it's me.

I need a ride.

♪ ♪

- [speaks Hindi]

- [speaking Hindi]

- Aren't you going
to invite me in?

- I find it interesting
you say me coming to you

is a risk, yet you show up here,


- British military
have taken my lawyer.

I seem to remember
you assuring me

they wouldn't be a problem.

- How much does he know?

- Nothing.

At least I thought not, but...

if they've gone out
of their way to take him...

- Do you trust him?

- He's a lawyer.

- So you need me to sort it out.

- We're partners.
- Oh!

Oh, is that what we are?

Did you know I was self-taught?

The Muslim Council forced me
out of university.

They looked down on me.

Took exception to my beliefs.

- I heard differently.

I heard there was an incident.

- No. It was...

it was political.

That's probably hard
for you to understand.

With your background,
your breeding.

Never had a door slammed closed
on you in your life.

- Where we come from
doesn't matter.

Where we are at does.

And the plan
remains the same, yes?

- Precise radiological
dispersal devices.

Contained dirty bombs.

Detonated in mosques
around the city

to irradiate their places
of worship.

- There is nothing else
I need to know?

- Anjali.

I am not your little washer man.

You should mind your tone.

[suspenseful music]

- All your life, you've waited
for someone to believe in you.

In your potential.

♪ ♪

I just want to be part of this.

- You have never
concerned yourself

with all these details before.

- Maybe I'm starting
to get my hands dirty.

♪ ♪

[chuckles softly]

♪ ♪

[intense music builds]

♪ ♪

- Oh...

- [moans softly]

♪ ♪

- Are these cuffs
absolutely necessary?

- Are you okay?

- I've been to better parties.

- Brought you a change
of clothes, mate.

We wanted to come back.

- Don't sweat it, bro.
I get it.

Mission comes first, right?


Besides, I got some information.

We all know
that Vartak's dirty, right?

When I mentioned the nukes,
she drew a blank.

Like it was, uh, news to her.

- Well, that takes her off
the Kingfisher list, right?

- Yeah.

And what about lawyer boy here?

Has he got the intel we need?

- He better bloody have to.

- Got you some coffee, mate.

- Oh, hey, thanks.

- Sorry about Samira.

- Yeah, I didn't
really know her.

- No, I meant for her.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[door shuts]

[elevator dings]

[dramatic music]

- This way, sir.
Thank you. Yes, sir.

- Nice place.

- Rent's a bastard.

- I'll keep eyes
on the lobby, mate.

- Give us a shout
if you see anything.

- You don't need
to keep shoving me.

- I'll stop shoving you

when you give us all the intel
you have on Vartak.

Until then, keep moving,

- [speaks Hindi]

- [speaks Hindi]

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Short black, please.

- I had a job interview
at 9:00.

Just what I needed.

- If they're not gonna hire you

over a few coffee stains,

f*ck 'em, right?

- [chuckles softly]
- Thanks.

- So, uh,

do you lads have a plan

for the future, then?

This career of yours
is pretty finite.

- I don't know.
Probably end up in command.

- Command?

I hate to break it to you,

but you're hardly
Sandhurst material.


- Yeah, I got a plan.

Find myself a nice bar stool.

Preferably one
with an ocean view.

- [speaks indistinctly]

- So what we have here

is a deluded CO

and an alcoholic-in-training.

Hey, fellas, if yous want,

I could throw together
a little portfolio for yas.

Some stocks, shares.
Mates rates.

On account of the fact
that, you know...

you might f*cking sh**t me.

- You handle divorces?

- Do you have a prenup?
- No.

[lock beeps, clicks]
- No marital assets?

- Not as such, no.

- Oh, okay.

Next time,

just find a woman who hates you

and buy her a house.

It'll save you.

- Good advice.

- It's not funny.

[indistinct chatter]

[static crackles]

[suspenseful music]

- Getting interference
on comms and surveillance.

Cell phones too.
- Deliberate?

♪ ♪

- It looks like someone's
closing the place off.

- One of us needs to go in.

♪ ♪

Past 24 hours, crib's been hit,

I've been shot, and they tried
to execute Sergeant Wyatt.

♪ ♪

What if something much worse
is on its way?

[indistinct shouting]

[woman screams]

[shouting, screaming]

[intense music builds]

- Go, go, go, move!

♪ ♪

- What do you think
you're doing?

I'm the one going in.
- You've seen my file.

This kind of situation
is Alpha Group's speciality.

- You took a b*llet.
- The vest took the b*llet.

- You're not ready
to go back into action.

- You were the one taking risks
going after Gopan on your own.

- He took down one of ours.

I wasn't letting him
walk away from that.

- One of ours?

- Figure of speech.

[bleak music]

- Colonel...

Neither of us can afford
to lose another team.

Let me do this.

- Go, go! Move!

[men shouting in Hindi]

- Business is booming, then?

- Well, it was, actually.

We had secretaries,

and, of course, back then,
the big man was still with us.

This is the Rohan
of Rohan and Ryan fame.

God rest his soul.

- What happened to him?

- What happens to us all.

You stay in the job too long,

you lose focus.

The man was paranoid as shite.

For good reason.

He was ripping off
the Punjab Mafiosi.

They rolled him up
in a lino and...

Shot him in the head.

After that, well,

I decided I was gonna scale
the whole thing down.

Go straight.

- f*ck me,
that's you going straight?

- Deciding is not the same
as doing, is it?


Just a little bit
of spending money.

Just in case of emergencies.

There's some heavy encryption
on that.

You need a password.

- Which is?

- My one and only
bargaining chip.

I'll tell you
as long as I'm out of here

with a plane ticket in my hand

and a guarantee
that I can keep the money

I embezzled from Anjali.

- [scoffs]

- You knock yourself out, mate.
We only care about the intel.

- Hmm.
- Good to go?

- Give me your phone!

- [speaking Hindi]

[men shouting]

- Hey. Let's go.

- Hold your horses.

Always shouting, you are.

- We have the package,
we're moving out.

- [speaking Hindi]

- Zero, we have the package.
Do you copy?

- You know this new identity
of mine?

Can you take a few years off me?

And maybe a couple
of pounds as well?

- Ah! Ah!
- Ah, f*ck.

Ah! Wait, wait, wait, wait!


[b*ll*ts ricocheting]


What did I tell you?

Old man Rohan.

Paranoid as shite!

- [speaking Hindi]

- You got any weapons?
You got any firearms?

- I'm a pacifist.
- Comms, cell phone, all down.

- All right, we need
to get back out there.

- Out there?
There's a masked man with g*ns

trying to k*ll us out there.

- There's innocent people
in that lobby

and one of our team.

- Well, that is f*cking
terrible and everything.

But rather them than me.

[tense music]

- [muttering in Hindi]

- Go, go, go, go, go.
[women screaming]

[panicked shouting]

[shouting, screaming]

- [shouting]

[phone ringing]

[ringing continues]

- Answer it.

[ringing continues]

- Yeah?
- I have five hostages.

Hand over the lawyer,

Connor Ryan.

No discussion.

♪ ♪

- Hang on a minute.
- I said no discussion.

- Wait! Just a minute!

- Four now.

[hostages screaming]

Next will be three.

The lawyer.


- Get the shutters up now.
Get them up!

- Just wait, wait, wait!
There's a... there's a passcode.

And you're not getting it.

- You are f*cking joking me.
What are you doing?

- What does it look like
I'm doing?

I'm trying to stay alive!

- Okay, you could sh**t
one of us.

- [under breath] f*ck!

- Let's say, for example,

But the other one will be on you

like flies on shit.

And trust me,

after the f*cking day
I've had...

- Open the shutters.
- No!

- There's a way out of this.

You have my word.

You just have to trust us.

We'll get you out of here.

[suspenseful music]

- f*ck!

[discordant music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [whimpering softly]

- You have a stain.

- [shudders]

- There.
You look better now.

♪ ♪

- Oh!
- Wait!


It's not gonna work.

- I recognize you.

- You know the history.

Brits in India.

I mean, do you really think
it's gonna work

if you plug some locals?

- But you have value.

- Yeah.


Use me as leverage.

All right?

Just let them go.
Let them go.

- Heh.

[all grunting]

- f*cking piece of shit!

- I don't like women
telling me what to do.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, Gopan!

[footsteps approaching]

♪ ♪

This is who you want, yeah?

Let's talk.

- You are not in a position
to make demands.

- Mate, I don't even
cross the road

without a backup plan.

Hostages first,
then we negotiate.

- He's bullshitting you!

There's only one of them
back there.

Unarmed. That's all he's got.

- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Back... back... back around

and to the right, lads.

Beardy American fella.
You can't miss him.

Yeah, your word?

It's worthless to me.

All right, big man.

Let's see if we can't come
to a deal here, yeah?

♪ ♪

[both speaking Hindi]

- Hey.

[blows landing, both grunting]

- [grunts]

♪ ♪

- Hey!
- Down! Get down!

- [screaming]

- [grunts]

[b*ll*ts whizzing]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[screaming, shouting]


[blows landing]

[rapid g*nf*re]

- Jesus!

Not loving your plan so far!

- Shut up!

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

[woman screaming]

- [groaning]
- Stay down!

- That's easy for you to say
with a bloody g*n!

f*ck this!

- No, wait!

[dramatic music slows down]

- Mac!
Get the hell out of here!

- We've got the intel, Novin,
let's move!

- [grunts]
- I'm on my way!

♪ ♪

Zarkova! Exfil!

- You had one job, Mac!
To keep the guy alive!

- He made a run for it!

- Yeah, well, he's the only one

that had the password
to the drive.

- Are we gonna stop
and argue about this now?

- Good timing, Russki.
- Go!

- [grunts]

- Zarkova, go!

[tires squealing]

♪ ♪


- [speaking Hindi]
[sirens wailing in distance]

- So?

What have we got?

- Well, we've got
a locked hard drive

with top-level encryption
and no passcode.

- But you can hack it,
though, right?

With some of that
computer magic?

- Computer magic?

- You know what I mean.

- It's possible I could
retrieve information

with the right equipment,

but we've lost everything
in the crib attack.

This is more or less useless.

- Chetri, they ex*cuted
innocent people

'cause we were after
this bloody thing.

It can't be for nothing.

- We can get you
whatever gear you need.

- We're talking
military-grade hardware.

Nobody around here
is gonna have that.

- I know a way.

[ruminant music]

But you're really not
going to like it.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [speaking Russian]

- Pavel.

♪ ♪

- [speaks Russian]

♪ ♪

- Pavel, how you doing, bro?
Good to see you.

- You wouldn't be following us
now by any chance, would you?

- Are you f*cking crazy?

- We need to use your equipment.

- "We"? She actually said "we."

You told them I was here?

- Lieutenant Kuragin.

- Good day, mate.

- What's the plan, Pavel?

- I don't know.

Obviously, I'm unlikely
to sh**t either of you,

as there are now even more
weapons pointed at me.

- That's good to know.
- But I also feel...

that lowering my w*apon
would be, you know...

an admission of failure.

- Well, that's your sense
of survival

versus your sense of pride.

- Yes.
- I get that.

- Exactly.

You people have treated me
very badly

when all I am doing
is making sure

someone is watching
our soldier's back.

- You're not doing
a very good job of that, Pavel.

Your soldier
took a b*llet last night.

You need to be more careful.

- Let's go.

- Nice place.

- Well, I was not
expecting visitors.

- Do you have
any decryption gear?

MCU, analyzer, oscilloscope?

- You see? This is what
I warned you about.

Turning us into defectors.

- Sergey was your best friend.

Don't you want to know
who ordered

the k*lling of our team?

- Look, of course
I want to know, okay?

What do you think I have spent
the last week doing?

But I also do not want
to return home

to face a firing squad
for aiding these people.

- Sorry, is that a yes,
you have it,

or a no, you don't?

- Please.

Help yourself.

- So you said
you'd been looking into this.

What have you discovered?

- You seem very determined
to ignore

my strong emotions
about aiding you.


That is all.

It could be a person,

an organization,
maybe the name of an op.

I also learned that...

it is one of the few birds
that does not sing.

- Is that relevant
to the situation at hand?

- No, it just struck me as...

quite depressing.

[lock beeps, clicks]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[lock snaps shut]

- Where is everyone?

- I should call Gopan.

- Put the phone down.


- You are Anjali Vartak.

Just another spoiled rich woman.

You don't even know
how to use that.


- I'm learning.
- f*ck you!

♪ ♪

[lighter flicks]

♪ ♪

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You can't do this!
- "You can't do this."

I've heard that all my life.

My husband used to say
it was lucky I had this face,

otherwise I would have
been worthless.

Where is everyone?

- They moved.

To the other place.
- The slipway by the docks?

- Gopan was worried
that you would...

That you would come here.

You would be angry.

- He was right.

♪ ♪

- Listen.

I'll go with you.

I'll make sure you get
whatever you want.

- What makes you think
I need the help

of yet another man?

- You listen to me,
you stupid bitch!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Keep an eye
on this guy, will you?

- Pavel, mate.

Don't take this the wrong way,

but if you do keep
following us around,

there's gonna be a problem.

- That is a clear threat.

Please explain the wrong way
it could be taken.

- Maybe you can pass
a warning onto Zarkova.

'Cause if she fucks
with us again...

- What?

She will get shot again

to protect your team?

- She made her choice.
- Unfortunately, yes.

And now she could
lose everything

because she trusted
someone like you.

At least I have her back.

You only have a body bag
with her name on it.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- So?

- Well, Ryan was certainly
keeping a close eye

on Anjali's money.

Three weeks ago,
she forms a new shell company,

purchases two locations.

A disused factory
and a waterside dock house.

The company was
immediately shuttered.

All trace wiped.

If it hadn't been for Ryan
secretly tracking the cash,

we'd have had no way of knowing
she owned the properties.

- Professor Shah
mentioned a factory.

Said he was taken there.

Can you get a fix on that?

[dramatic music]

- The fire service got a call
a few minutes ago.

The whole place has gone up.

- They're gonna be wiping
all trace of activities.

Let's get to that
second location.

- Hey, nice work.

- Just doing my job, Sergeant.

- Showtime.
- Good.

- You are going with them?
- Yes.

- I will need to tell Beshnov
that you did not deliver.

I will try to protect you,
but you know what he is like.

- I know.

I know.

- You know, Pavel, mate,

it wouldn't be the weirdest
thing in the world

if we all ended up as friends.

[g*n cocking]

- Hmm.

[indistinct chatter]

- Gopan's expecting me.

Please, lead the way.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- [muttering indistinctly]

As soon as possible...

You really are paying attention
to every detail.

- What are they?

- I believe they are
referred to as

portable tactical
nuclear devices.

[indistinct chatter in distance]

You have questions?

- Hey! Hey!

- You used me.

♪ ♪

- Whirly bird's good.

- Three X-rays nearby.

One main warehouse, two smaller.

- We have spent our lives awake,

fighting against
the Muslim attempts

to subjugate us,
but you were happily sleeping

until an accident took your son.

- An accident?

I lost everything.

- No.

You have everything.

Including anger.

But what happens
when that fades?

- Move in.
Search for the packages.

And stay silent.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Set.

[both grunt]

Moving right.
- Moving to central warehouse.

- Bravo Three, checking left.

- You have no idea how I feel.

♪ ♪

- No.

I don't.

I was wrong about you.

You are much stronger
than I ever credited.

♪ ♪

- Who are the other devices for?

- For someone
who appreciates my work.

The money we are
being paid for this

will ensure our cause for years.

- So all of this,

everything I did,
it was nothing.

- Anjali.

I deceived you,

but I did not lie.

The plan hasn't changed.



- We find those nukes,

and it's mission complete
for us.

- So you're saying
this is the last time

I watch your back?

[suspenseful percussive music]

- [groans]

- Or I watch yours.

- Clear.

- The dirty bombs, as promised.

I constructed them myself.

They're some of my best work.

[device beeps]

Green means primed.

Cellular detonation.

And a dead man's trigger
as a failsafe,

should we need it.

- We?

- As you said.


But you cannot be here.

You are the future.

Our own politician,

in parliament, with real power.

It has taken me a long time

to see you as you really are.

[dramatic music]

- The bombs, where are they?

♪ ♪

No, no, no, no.
Don't do it.

Trust me, partner,
you're not that fast.

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

[phone buzzing]

- Hello?

- This is Nia Chaudry

from the "Indian Times."

I was wondering
if you'd like to comment

on your links to Gopan Laghari

and his terror group
Shuddh Raashtr?

[both grunting]

- [groans]

- I think I was clear
about my feelings

towards your
baseless speculation.

- This isn't speculation,
Ms. Vartak.

We have evidence.

We're publishing it
in tomorrow's edition.

- I-I don't believe you.

That's not...

possi... [phone buzzes]

- What is it?

- It's over.

- Building right clear.

- Building left clear.

- Moving in.

[intense music builds]

[b*llet whizzes]
[man grunts]

[muffled g*nf*re echoes]

[men shouting in Hindi]

- Shit.
Zero, we've gone noisy.

♪ ♪

[men shouting]

[intense music]

[man grunts]

♪ ♪

- Go.
Go now, while you still can.

- They know about me,

about everything
we've been doing.

- Then maybe you are
finally free.

♪ ♪

- I have eyes on Vartak.

Looks like she's carrying
some kind of expl*sive.

♪ ♪

- Truck going west.

[tires squealing]


♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

- Ah!

- Secondary vehicle going east.

- Bravo One, stay on the truck.

Bravo Three, secondary.

- In pursuit.

♪ ♪

- Novin, no backseat driving.

♪ ♪

[rapid g*nf*re]

[explosions booming]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[b*ll*ts whizzing]

[tires screeching]

[car horn honking]

[engines revving]

[tires squealing]

♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

[indistinct chatter]

[crowd shouting indistinctly]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

- Move. Move.

Get out of my way!

- Why are you chasing
that woman?

- She's got a b*mb,
get out of the way!

Get everybody back!
Get them back now!


Hey, where'd she go?
Where'd she go?

The lady, this way?

Move. Move everybody
out of here. Go.

Go, go, go.

♪ ♪

[g*nf*re exchanging]

- Hold still!

- What did I say
about backseat driving?

- Then drive better!


- Ah!

♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

♪ ♪

[tires screeching]

[engine grinds]

- Engine's f*cked.
Everyone out.

- Don't worry about 20.
Stay on the truck.

♪ ♪

[discordant music]

♪ ♪

[intense music builds]

- Contact!

- Move!

♪ ♪

- Wait, wait, wait! Wait.

[device beeping]

♪ ♪

Let them go.
Come on, get out.

[family muttering indistinctly]

So this is it, huh?

This is what it all
comes down to?

- I've lost everything.

And these people, they get to...

live their lives,

go on as if nothing's happened.

[beeping continues]

- You know what?
I get it.

I do, I get it.

You want to destroy everything.
I understand that.

But these people,
they're not to blame

for what happened to your son.

Right now, you still have
a way back.

- As what?

A disgrace?

A failure?

Maybe there is another way

I can be remembered
as something.

The spark that started the fire.

[intense music]

♪ ♪

- [groans]

[expl*si*n booms]

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

[beeping continues]

[groaning, coughing]

[device beeps]

[b*ll*ts whizzing]

- Changing!

- Don't move!

- [grunts]

- Look at me.

Look at me.
Why didn't you k*ll me?

Why didn't you k*ll me?

Tell me.
Tell me why.

- Because I was told...

spare the Russian.

- Why?

- I think you know.

It is your people
who are behind this.

- Clear!

- He dead?
- Yeah.

- Shit.

Target is down.

Package is in the wind.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- They'll be out of range
in two clicks.

♪ ♪

- You're bringing it in too low.

You're gonna lose it.

- Going to lose it anyway, sir.

♪ ♪

[glass shatters,
computer beeping]

- Do you mind telling me
what the point of that was?

Lance Corporal.

- Here, sir.
I got a shot of the driver.

I'm hoping we'll pick up

via facial recognition.


We should be able to dig in.
Track him.

- That drone is coming out
of your wages.

- I'm sorry, sir.
I can't tell if you're joking.

- Welcome to 20, Lance Corporal.

Zero has managed
to ID the driver.

We're gonna find them.

- Did he say anything at all?

- Not a word.

[forlorn music]

♪ ♪


[intense music builds]

[The Heavy's
"Short Change Hero"]

♪ ♪

- ♪ I can't see
where you coming from ♪

♪ But I know just what
you runnin' from ♪

♪ And what matters
ain't the "who's baddest" ♪

♪ But the ones who stop you
falling from your ladder ♪

♪ 'Cause this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

♪ ♪

[engine revving]

- Are you expecting company?
- (g*nsh*t)

WOMAN: All you need to know
is that this...

- (g*nsh*t)
- is the Wild West.

You're about to rip off
a notorious w*rlord

for 20 million dollars.

Alpha's in the building.

- It's on.




Maybe there is another way