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06x07 - Episode #6.7

Posted: 09/14/21 08:10
by bunniefuu
Colonel Parker.

Get your team out of there.
We'll clean up.

We took down Idrisi,
mission's over, right?


believed in something
that was true and pure.

But you, you crave the
power, the excitement.

I was monitoring comms within a
tenmile radius of the facility.

- And...
- What?

How did you get this number?

I shot Idrisi, twice.

One in the chest, one in the head.

There's no way he's
getting back up from that.

That's not what the intel's saying, is it?

'Intel!?' We're talking about
the incomplete recording of a

g*dd*mn phone call.

And we don't know if that's true.

The military confirmed it,
it's been headline news.

I hope he is alive.

I could happily hunt him down
every day for the rest of my life.

Just got a hit on Lowry.

She's moving in on the
home of Johannes Krieger.

He's the CEO of Octagon.
A private military company.

I came across him in Iraq.

He's involved in some
real shady shit, that guy.

Rendition flights. Black Sites.

So now we're saying Idrisi's
in a prison somewhere?

Did everybody lose their collective
minds when I wasn't looking?

I'd like to know where are we
getting this intel on Lowry from?

That's on a needtoknow basis and
several levels above your clearance.

Right now, you need to focus on
the task at hand, she's already

one step ahead of us.

Krieger's compound. Move!

Yes, ma'am.

If we get eyes on the target,
let me take the shot this time.

You're late. I know what you're
thinking. It's just three minutes.

But a lot can happen in one
hundred and eighty seconds.

Empires can rise.

They can fall too.

Lives can change forever.

Come up! Yeah.

Don't stop on my account.

Make better life choices.

Make sure the perimeter stays secure.

If it's money you want,
I can make arrangements.

If all I wanted was money,
Mr. Krieger, I'd take your art

collection and retire
to a beach somewhere.

I'm not interested in material gain.

I want to know where Omair Idrisi is.

I don't know what you're talking about.

It's true, I swear it.

I received a phone call
saying that he was alive.

Held on a black site.

They didn't know where it
was, but they knew who ran it.

Octagon. Your company.

Now, I just need to know
the truth. And then I'm gone.

Is he alive or not?

Eyes on two tangoes by the pool.

Krieger's men are down.

Yeah. Looks like Lowry's
team beat us to it.

It's true, he's alive.

Where is he?

I know who's in the black
sites, but not where they are!

We outsource the setups.
Rachel Sheridan, a contractor.

Where do I find her?

You won't, she lives not to be found.

We're in position, move in.


Don't sh**t!

I'm with you! I'm the informant. MI6.

Bullshit you are.

w*apon on the ground.


I wouldn't worry, mate, if this
guy sh**t you, you'll be up and

around in a couple of days.

- Nice, Mac, real classy.
- Clear.

Where's Lowry?

She left us little people behind.

We'll check the house.

Volkan Horacin, call it in, MI6.

Call it in. See if this
bullshit checks out.

- Dead?
- Dead.

Shit! Right, so, we got nothing.

Maybe he's got files. Intel.

Yeah, or maybe this is all
just one big tinfoil hat.

You believe in aliens, right?

Statistically, Mac, the possibility
of life existing somewhere

else in the universe is pretty damn good.

But you don't believe a man
can survive a b*mb or a b*llet

because it hurts your pride.

No, because if he's alive, it
means that somebody is f*cking

lying to us.

Now, it could be my people, could
be your people, could be everybody.

And while I accept that my
government lies to me on a

daily f*cking basis,
not about shit like this.

Not on this scale.

We'll take the laptop and the hard drive.

See if Jensen can dig something up.

It's upside down.

How can you tell?

Come on, man, it's Kandinsky,
it's Russian. The guy basically

created abstractionism.

He saw the artist as a visionary
who could usher in the reality of

- tomorrow.
- But, could he draw a horse?


Somebody liked to make home movies.


Is he alive...

- or not?
- It's true, he's alive.

Where is he?

C'mon, the guy's got a g*n to
his head, he's gonna say anything.

We outsource the setups.
Rachel Sheridan, a contractor.

Let's find Rachel Sheridan
and what she knows about Idrisi

before Jane Lowry does. That's
a recruitment campaign to end

them all. The jihadi leader
who comes back from the dead,

- an inspiration, a figurehead.
- We need to speak to Colonel Parker.

It was his men who found the body.

I'd rather not accuse a highranking
American officer of lying

without solid evidence.

I thought Lowry was finished.
Turns out she's only just begun.

Rachel Sheridan. ExCIA
infrastructure specialist.

Helped design Guantanamo before
going into the private sector.

Stays off the grid as much as she can.

So she gets paid to design
black sites for Octagon.

Technically, she just modifies
existing sites. Foolproofs them.

You know what I meant.

Where do we find her?

We don't.

People like Sheridan disappear
so that people like us can't

track 'em down. Nice work, Johnson.

I'm onto it, Sarge.

You withheld the information
about Volkan from us.

MI6 only shared his intel on
Jane's movements on the proviso that

I kept it confidential.

Yet, we're the ones
risking our lives out there.

There are things you don't
need to know, Captain.

We're all rattled by this.

If Idrisi is alive, then that
means Colonel Parker lied to us.

You know, maybe even his own people.

This is a potentially expl*sive situation.

What you did just there, that was
interesting. Anger then empathy.

I'm sorry?

Well, that's what you taught
me to do when dealing with a

hostile witness, isn't it?
And it's what you're doing now.

You even just switched from
"you" to "we" to get me onside.

Or maybe I'm just having a f*cking
conversation with you, Captain.

Save the mind games for Volkan Horacin.

If you're with MI6, why are you
invading mansions? Risking men?

Losing men.

She turned up, insisting Idrisi is alive.

A f*cking fairy tale and my
men, they start to believe it.

I had no choice.

So, you tip off MI6.

Make a little money, maybe
wipeout Lowry in the mean time.


We'll pay twice what MI6 was
promising. Go back to your people.

Lead us to Lowry.

What, you think she's just
waiting for you to find her?

No. But she'll find you.
And you give her to us.

I liked the one with the whales the best.

And 'The Wrath of Khan',
the one where you die.

'Live long and prosper', it's beautiful.

He's making a joke about your name,

Volkan, Vulcan, y'know, like Spock.

- Spock.
- No? More of a 'Star Wars' man?

I know who you are. You are
the ones who k*lled Omair.

And you sit there and
you joke and you laugh.

- Alright, easy.
- I should f*cking k*ll you both!

Shit people! Scum fucks!

Hey, hey! Calm down, alright?
I get it, you're angry.

But you've made your choice.
You'll get your silver.

The minute you know where Jane Lowry is.

Yeah, I know my task, Sergeant.

Ma'am... we're not going to find Sheridan.

I did find Lila Hall though.

- Who's that?
- That's Sheridan's daughter.

Sheridan kept her maiden name,
Hall was the father's surname.

American, deceased.

She moved to Europe a few years
ago, studying at university in

Hamburg, works in a bar parttime.

Lowry's searching for Sheridan
too. That puts the daughter at risk.

Let's find her before they do.

Yes, ma'am.

What bar's she at?

Volkan, we thought you were dead.

I appreciate the concern.

Something you want to tell me, Kadir?

She said if you came back,
we had to take precautions.


You are my people.

We are Idrisi's people.


Shit! We got a problem.

Son of a bitch!

Did they make him?

Yeah, they made him.

Copy that. I need you
to rendezvous with Novin.

How did you get out of there?

I'm more concerned about how
British military knew we were there

in the first place.

Answer the question.

- Stop.
- I'll talk. But only to you.

They let me go, because
they want me to betray you.


Something must've made them
think you'd take the deal.

I was convincing.

No. You were honest.
You will betray me.

I understand that.

You've lost your faith.
Omair Idrisi is alive.

We find Rachel Sheridan,

we find my husband.

And I'll teach you to believe again.

Finally. Some culture.

OK. This is a serious misrepresentation of

American frontier life.

- Any sign of Lila?
- Yeah. By the bar. I got this.

Like you had Idrisi?

Listen to you. The
guy who can't let go.


Hey. Any chance of a beer?

I'm on a break.

Is that Schopenhauer.
That's... That's good stuff.

Seriously? He's an assh*le.

That's a little strong.

I consider the guy
somewhat of a personal hero.

He said women were mostly suited
for babysitting because they're

childish, foolish, and shortsighted.

OK. You will grant it he had some issues.

That nature strips them of beauty
after they give birth because

it's not necessary for
them to breed anymore.

Yeah. OK, well, that...
that one isisis terrible.

It's my belief that the majority
of metaphysical philosophy was

written by unattractive men who
were terrified of the opposite sex.

I would like to buy you a
very big drink, right now.

I don't drink at work.

Well, then, maybe we could
talk about your mother, Lila.

I think you've made a mistake.

My name's Wyatt. Sergeant Samuel Wyatt.

Right now, there's some very
dangerous people looking for her.

I'm here to help.

You can walk out or
Security can throw you out.

Three amigos walking in.

Shall we?

Hola, hola.

Please, give me a minute.

f*ck your minute.

- Look, I'm sorry about this.
- Hey!

Who sent you? Who sent you?

Take your g*dd*mn hands off me!

Let's get you out of here.

Man, they better not be
busting up the good shit.

- Yeah?
- Now!

Right, come here. Come on.
Grab your stuff.

Get what you need, make it quick.

What's this about? Why is my
mother suddenly so important?

Your mother knows where Omair Idrisi is.

Yeah, you might want to check
the news, soldier. Idrisi is dead.

Yeah, I know. I was there.

In fact, I was the guy that shot him.

Twice. And then a mountain
came down on top of him.

Still, here we are.


That's highly confidential
information, by the way.

But you understand why
your mother is in danger?

f*ck her! This is why I keep my distance.

Her life ruins mine.

Yeah, I get that. Bet it gets tough.

It's tough? My father worked
for an American NGO in Syria.

When I was thirteen, she turned
him into a CIA mole to collect

information from some
colleagues, political activists.

First, Dad resisted, but
Mum always gets her own way.

One afternoon, those colleagues
drive him to the middle of nowhere

and put a b*llet in his head.

Hey. Sorry about your father.

If it's any consolation,
my mother signed me up for a

postapocalyptic death cult
before my tenth birthday.

That actually sounds kinda cool.

I was kinda made to believe
that the world was ending on a

bimonthly basis.

After the fourth or fifth time,
that shit gets a little stale.

But those first few times, right?
They must have been pretty exciting.

Yeah. You never feel more alive
than when you're facing death.

Yeah. You're a soldier, alright.

My f*cking heart's beating
a hundred miles an hour.

Yeah, me too.

It's kinda scary, right?

One way of looking at it.

We got time.

Lila, I don't think...

Okay, we've got time.


Yeah. Definitely a Schopenhauer fan.

Did you seriously think I was
just going to f*ck you, twenty

minutes after first meeting you?

It does happen.

Lila, look, please, you're in danger.

Yeah. Guys with g*ns. I gathered that.

Wait, no! Lila, I'm just
trying to protect you.

Why do they want me, Wyatt?

They're using you to get to your mother.

And why do you want me?

It's not...

It's not the same.

You all carry g*ns and
you all think you're right.

Lila. Lila, plea... Lila!

G'day, love!

There he is.


You're coming with me, little bunny.

Now then.


Do you know where your mother is, Lila?

Have you ever met my mother, Colonel?

She tells me two things. Jack and shit.

Lila, you do know what's
at stake here, don't you?

Yeah. Sure. Safety of the free
world. Omair Idrisi. Jane Lowry.

The boogeyman. None of it is my concern.

This is what you people don't understand.

You're part of this world.

I'm not. And I never
wanted to be. So, f*ck her.

f*ck you. And let me go home.


Shouldn't you be tied to a bed somewhere?

Come on. I let you do that.

Trying to gain your trust.

OK, alright, you got me.

But Lila, listen, the people that
came for you, they're not done.

They will come back.

I know. So I've got to pack, got to move.

Even without being here, my mother
has successfully screwed up my

life again.

Listen, you get into trouble,

please trust me. You're
gonna wanna keep this.

Hey, you were right.
Schopenhauer. The guy's an assh*le.

Ma'am, it's Volkan.

You have something for me?

I stole files from her laptop,
it will lead you to Lowry.

Or, near enough.

We'll send someone.

What? And wake up in some
prison somewhere, bag on my head?

f*ck that.

Dead drop. 35 Kopenicker Street,
electrics box. By the railway.

I need two bodies for a pickup.

- Copy.
- I could go. Copy as well.

Well, the rest of the team are on mission.

It's just a dead drop. Simple enough.

I don't trust Volkan. Simple
might not be what's waiting.

Yeah. Understood, ma'am.

I told you never to come here.

Really, not even a 'hello'?

Okay. A hello.

Is everything okay?

It's just you've been a
bit quiet with me, is all.

Don't make it weird, Will.

You say that about everything.

What do you think happens here?

We f*ck, we fall in love, there'll be
a white wedding with doves and shit?

I just think that you can
talk straight to me, for once.

That's all.

You know how this life works.
There's only two things that count.

Staying alive and getting the job done.

- There's no room for anything else.
- I don't think that's true.

So that's why you came. To
hang out and ask questions.

This was a mistake.

- So just... just forget it, mate.
- Stay in the car. I've got this.

Time for you to stop playing soldier.

- Bravo One heading to the drop.
- Copy.

How are we doing
on the locale of Sheridan?

It's a farmhouse, sending GPS,
sit tight, await instructions.

Yeah, alright. Understood.

No sign of expl*sives.


Be careful.

Nothing. No intel. No data. No drop.

Copy that.

All your life, I can't phone,
I can't write, I can't visit.

It's because of shit like this,
Lila. These people, they don't stop.

I told them I didn't know where you were.

It doesn't matter what you
told them. They could tail you.

No, I made sure, one of the
soldiers, he gave me a note.

- A note?
- Telling me not to come find you.

Why the hell would he do that?

- We had a connection.
- God!

Do we have to have the talk
about the birds and the bees with

their big army dicks and the stupid
wideeyed girls who fall for them.

I think he was trying to warn me.

Then why the f*ck didn't you listen?

Because your work always screws
the rest of us and you never seem

to get that.

And I sat in my car and
realised, enough is enough.

Your car?! The same car you drove here in?

- Take it.
- I am not using this.

For once in your life,
just do what you're told.

I tell you not to come here,

I mean don't come here. I don't
mean do whatever the hell you like.

Good, there's no tracker.

Wait, do you hear that, Mum?

- What?
- Shh. Listen.

I think... I think that's
the sound of an apology.

- That's funny.
- That is funny. Thank you.

Now get your ass back inside.

Jensen's comms are out.

Shit! Jensen's gone,
the drop was a setup.

Lowry may have made or turned Volkan.

They've taken Jensen, d'you
copy? They've taken him!


Do you want the story?

About the woman who made her
way up through the ranks, thought

she'd do anything for her
career, destroyed her marriage,

her family, everything?

So she keeps moving from place to place

because she's terrified
of sounds in the night.

Of retribution for all that she's done.

And even worse, she can never tell
her daughter just how sorry she is.

Easy, easy, easy.

Just want to talk. Just talk.


Nothing worse than knowing
something's coming and not

being able to see it.

All you can do is anticipate.

So, I take it they have Lila Hall.

Do they have her mother yet?

I don't know what you think
you're going to get out of me.

Will, there's a good way that this
happens and there is a very bad one.

I'm trying to be your friend here.

You'll always be the enemy.

Project Tenebrae. That's the real enemy.

Never heard of it?

Funny, what they tell
you, what they don't.

Where is Rachel Sheridan?

I don't know. I'm not...

OK. There's this thing that they
teach you, body language, right?

The tells people have.
You could be lying to me.

But you could be terrified,
telling me things from the heart.

I gotta make a judgement call.

Look, look, the only thing
that I know is that Lila,

her daughter, said she doesn't
know where her mother is.

That's it. That's all. Please.

Volkan here, he lost his way.
But he's coming back to us.

We all believe in
something. Even you, Will.

So, listen to me.

I'm asking you, one more
time. Please, just tell me.

I don't know, I don't know
where Rachel Sheridan is.

I promise, I don't.


Please, please.

I'm just the computer guy. I don't know.

Stop. Stop, please...

- Ms. Sheridan.
- Don't 'Ms' me.

I don't think you understand how
serious this might be, if Omair Idrisi...

I get how serious you
think it might be, soldier.

Was he the one?

Yeah, he's the one.

If Idrisi's alive, we need to
find out which black site he's in.

When he was 'dead', who claimed the body?

Colonel Parker, JSOC.

Now, that is interesting.
You see, I know Parker.

Do you mind if my daughter leaves?

It's just there's a keypad
in that box on the wall.

If I don't punch in a code
every four hours, this place

detonates, takes down everyone inside it.

And we're already on three
hours fiftyeight. Ticktock.

- I think Lila can leave.
- Nobody's going anywhere.

There's a site I redesigned. It's
run by private military; Octagon.

Johannes Krieger.

But it's paid for and controlled
by, anybody want to guess here?

- Parker.
- Exactly.

Parker finds Idrisi alive. Decides
he wants to pump him for intel.

So he hides him in a black site.

Somewhere where the bleeding
hearts in Congress can't stop him.

Somewhere he can k*ll a man and
bring him back, over and over

again, with impunity.

That lyin' son of a bitch.

We're through the looking
glass here, soldier. One minute.

- So can she leave?
- Yes.

No! Not until you tell us
where this black site is.

Why? Maybe Parker's doing good.

Maybe he's getting his hands
dirty but saving the world.

We don't care about
Parker, we care about Lowry.

- Lowry?
- And she's coming for him.

That could be a problem.
Yeah. Fortyfive seconds...

Can you all stop pointing
f*cking g*ns at each other?

Nobody's actually going to sh**t anybody.

- What?
- This is all just a bluff.

It's just a way to sound each other out.

We're not gonna sh**t your mother.

Your mother, hopefully,
is not gonna sh**t us.

And I guarantee there is no
timer hidden in a box, with a

countdown of...

thirtyone seconds.

You know, you might just
be the world's worst mother?

You're still alive, aren't you?

So, Lowry and Idrisi, yeah.

Hey. So you probably guessed,
we tailed you out here.

You used me.

To be fair, I did tell
you not to come here.

Look, this is... it's... it's the job.

This is my family.

You know, the best thing you
can do right now, is jump in your

car, and get outta here.

He's right. Go home, Lila.

You all dragged me into this shit.

I'll go when I choose.

Klomino, Poland. It's an
abandoned Soviet military complex.

That's Parker's black site.

That's where you'll find Idrisi.

Is there a way in for us?

My job is highrisk.

One day, I might find out something
I shouldn't and then they'll

try and silence me.

Car b*mb. sn*per. Or what
would be the greatest irony.

Lock you away in one
of your own black sites.

Exactly. Which is why I build
a backdoor into every place.

Now, here is a decayed arterial tunnel.

You'll find an entrance on the
perimeter, hidden in the old

drainage system, it's about
half a klick from the main site.

You're all either very
brave or very stupid.

Because you might manage to
find a way in, but there's no way

you'll ever get out.

Arriving at last known location.

No hits yet on traffic cams.

Keep checking every locale that we
know, keep going. Just stay focused.

At the wrecking yard, on approach.


Will? My God!

I need a medivac. Now!

Sh... She asked me... She asked me.

I told her about the farmhouse.

Boss, do you copy? Operation compromised.

I'm so sorry.

Bravo, move out fast,
you've been compromised.

I have movement.

Everybody get down. Get down!

Down, down, down. Whatever
happens, you stay down.

Sustained fire, they're trying
to drive us out the back.

Be too exposed, no cover.
We need to stand our ground.

It's me they want, isn't it?

Stay there, we'll get you out.

Lila! Lila... I'm sorry!

Hey! There's a chest over there.
You'll find something useful in it.

I'm gonna try and lead them away.

No, wait! Hey!

Rachel, wait! Shit!


Wyatt, Sergeant Wyatt.

Take the shot.

Belt change coming.

Open it!

Wyatt! Wyatt!

Where's Lowry?

Where is she? Now... Now you listen to me.

Where's Lowry?

Sheridan's in the wind, ma'am.


I'm not saying that I'm a good person, OK?

II've done... I've done things and erm...


And when this is all over,
maybe, maybe there's a world where

- you and I can have that drink.
- No.

OK, I just, I thought I'd chat...

Sergeant Wyatt.

I'm f*cking with you.
Yeah, there's a world.


Wyatt, we need to go.