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05x06 - The Sixth Day

Posted: 09/14/21 07:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Greenleaf"...

We were just discussing your post-release

care options with Dr. Sanh.

And I want to go home with him.

You have to get him in to see
someone. He needs medicine.

I know.

What does Edenveil Lending do?

Whatever it is, Bob doesn't
want us to find out.

He got Darius fired
just for working on the story.

Bob knows people at the papers?

They're endorsing his upcoming
run in the Senate Race.

The reason you can't find
Marcus Demars is

he doesn't exist.

So, what, is there an alias or...

Yusef Shabazz.

Your wife previously worked for a company

called Edenveil Lending.

Come on. Let's set a date.

We already talked about this.

Do you not remember?

We are getting divorced.

That's why we wanted to sit you down.

Can I go?

Don't you let Winkie grow
one inch away from you.

You are his one and only father.

Look, Miss Greenleaf,

that house could be a shelter
for women and kids

living out here on the streets.

I think we have to give her the house.

Because she says so?

I think because Jesus said so.

Told you, Tara... These Greenleafs,

hm, just can't get rid of 'em.

No, no, no.

Did it ever occur to you
to call the people she swindled

and alert them to this freak of nature?

James, you have to go.

Well, that's what I call it
when I see two unrelated species

coupling shamefully in the shadows.

Your physical is in minutes,
and the doctor fit you in.

Well, if the FBI is so proud

to be in bed with the likes
of Rochelle Cross,

why isn't it public knowledge?

Mom, who is he talking to?

Agent Dulles from the FBI.

Wait, the one who oversaw

the embezzlement case with Jacob?

Yes, we're trying to get some clarity

as to how Rochelle has been
zipping around Memphis

like she's got the key to the city.

No, no, no, no, no.
Thank you for nothing.


What did they say, Daddy?

Just that Rochelle Cross is
no longer a person of interest.

James, if you are going to make it

to the doctor's, you have to leave now.

Mae, please, let it go.

There's a woman out there
who wants me dead,

roaming the streets.

Now, getting a physical
is no longer a priority.

Would you please make sure
that he gets to the doctor?

His appointment is at : ,
and I have Tara coming over.

Tara James is coming over here?

Well, she insists that
she didn't know anything

about Rochelle coming back,

and she just wants
a chance to convince me.

Why does she care what you think?

She wants this house, of course.

Um, she's worried that the revelation

of Rochelle's involvement

will put an end to all that,
which it should.

The woman deserves a fair hearing, James.

Not from me, she doesn't.

Look, goodbye to the both of you.

You are going to your doctor, aren't you?


I am going to the club

where I'm going to meet
with the city inspector.

Now you and Tara can sift through
the mud of the past all you want.

I am looking to the future.

Why is he going to the doctor?

Well, now he isn't, is he?


Mom, I'm sorry. Excuse me.


Grace, it's Darius.

Hey. Where are you?

At home. I just got in.

What's this number?

It's a new phone.

Somebody broke into
my hotel room in Vegas

and stole my phone and my laptop.

And Bob Whitmore really does
not want the story on Edenveil

to get out.

Hey, do you still have
those e-mails saved,

the ones with the photos of the
escrow files from kerr county?

Uh, I think so.

Excuse me, mama.

Yeah, let me... just give me
a second. Let me look.


Okay, I have it right here.
Where do you want me to send it?


What? What is it?

They're being deleted.

What do you mean they're being deleted?

Just that... the files are being
deleted as I'm sitting here.

- They're gone.
- Gone?

♪ Amen ♪

♪ alright ♪

♪ amen ♪

♪ uh-huh, hmm ♪

♪ ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

♪ well ♪

♪ oh-ohh, ohh ♪

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ amen, amen ♪
♪ oh ♪

♪ yeah ♪

Can I help you?

I'm actually here to help you.

Is Winkie all ready to go?

Yeah. Uh, why is he wearing a tie?

I don't know. It was his idea.

Does he know where we're going?

[SIGHS] Well, obviously
not in great detail.

And just so we're on the same page,

this meeting is not in arbitration,

we're just letting Winkie know.

I know that.

So I don't want to argue about custody

- with him sitting right there.
- Neither do I.

I deserve shared custody, though.

You're not going to get it.

Hey, look at my handsome little man.


So, all this comes from religion?

Well, the people in the church

like to see their leaders doing well.

[SCOFFS] Who told you that?

It sounds like one of those
things folks tell themselves,

has that ring.

Mr. Shabazz. Grace Greenleaf.

As-salaam alaikum, sister.
You're the one I hung up on.

Uh, it's all good.

I wasn't apologizing.

And you really are Phil's father.

- Are we ready to go?

Wait, now, this reporter friend of yours,

now, he knows
I'm not on the record, right?

I mean, I'm what
you call deep background.

I've explained the situation, yeah.


Hey, Charity, nice work.

Thank you.


Took you long enough.

Sorry. I was in the shower
when you texted.

- Mm-hmm.
- What do you need?

And are you okay with the whole...

- Uh, divorce thing?
- Yeah, sure, never been better.

I've just been working on my
audition for the new school.

Oh, I just needed
a little surgical zoom help

with the camera,
and I've marked where to zoom.


You're auditioning for what year?

This year.

Look, if my parents
can't keep it together,

I'm not gonna stay
and prove myself to them.

And if there was ever a talent

worth extending
their application deadlines,

it's mine.


Ugh! Can you help me?
This is severely frustrating.

Yeah, sure.



Wh... [SIGHS] Zora, where are you flying?

What do you mean?

Your flight is ready for check-in?

Oh, yeah. New York.
That's where the new school is.

And everything else
that isn't totally divorced.

- When are you going?
- Tomorrow night.

You can't get it either, right?
Come on, let me try.


So, where are you gonna stay?

Uh, I'm leaving that open.

I'll see how I feel
when I get there, you know?

Are you sure you're not

kind of freaking out about the divorce?


Look, this divorce thing

has given me so much clarity, Soph.

That is their life, this is mine.

[SIGHS] I'm ready for my close up.


From what I had been able to gather

right before they stole
all my files is this...

Bob Whitmore in the ' s
owned a mortgage company

called Edenveil Lending.

And anybody with an Internet
connection knows that,

so what else you got?

He sold second mortgages
to people who needed cash.

Then when they couldn't
make the balloon payment,

basically steal our houses.

Yeah, not just folks, though.

Well, all the loans I found
on the county records

were to individuals.

Yeah, but what kind of individuals?

Well, to be honest, I'd just got my hands

on the escrow files of Edenveil clients

right when my room was robbed.

And they deleted her copies.


So you never saw the pattern?

Who are they targeting, Mr. Shabazz?

Who do you think, Einstein?

Why do you think Bob Whitmore
is going out of his way

to look like a friend
to the black church?

They're targeting poor black families.

That's right.

And Phil's mother,

well, she was the friendly black
lady who arrived at the door.

- No.
- She made it sound like Edenveil

was black folks helping
black folks pay their bills

when it was really just
one greedy white man

bleeding everybody dry.

If he plans on running
for senate like y'all say,

it's no wonder he wants
this thing cleaned up.

Did Phil know about any of this?

No. No, this all happened
when he was real little.

Oh, thank God.

And as much as I hate me
some Bob Whitmore,

I never wanted him
to see his mama like that.

Mr. Shabazz, he needs to know.

We've gone this many years
without talking.

I'm not starting now.

Are you sure you don't
want to go on the record?

- It would really be helpful.
- Yeah.

I told you, my legal situation is such,

I'm just deep background.

But if you can come up
with one person on the record

to back me up,

I'll confirm.

- Mr. Shabazz.
- What?


He won't believe it coming just from me.



Alright. Alright.

How much longer are you in town for?

- Eh, a day or two tops.
- I'll be in touch.

These ladies know where to reach me.

- Mm-hmm.

And they never give up.

Oh, well, that's the Greenleaf way.

She's not kidding.

Alright, I'll see you back at the house.

Alright. Ready?

So, where are you off to?

Oh, AJ has a doctor's appointment.

Noah got him to get on his meds.

Well, that's good news anyway.

Yeah. I mean, I'll take what I can get.


Hey, Grace.

Remember what I said
before I left for Vegas

about the future?

Oh. Yeah.

Well, once we get to the bottom of this,

we'll talk about that future.




And then she just showed up.

I thought she was still in Mexico.

I didn't know she had
made a deal with the FBI.

I knew nothing.


I'm telling you the truth.

But you reached out to her

after Jacob came to visit you
the first time.

If that wasn't your plan, Tara,
why would you even do...

Miss Greenleaf, my sister is volatile.


Especially when it comes
to the Bishop and your family.

If she ever found out
that overtures were being made

and I didn't tell her...

She's still my sister.

And this is still my house.

Make no mistake about it, Tara...

I am trying to do the right thing,

if I could somehow manage
just to see what it is.

Miss Greenleaf,

having seen this house,

I am convinced now more than ever

that God wants to do
something good with it.

But if we...

If can't reach that answer peacefully...

Then maybe it's not the answer.

But do you think
Rochelle would settle for that

if that's what it came to?

Oh, I don't see her ever letting this go.

Yeah, you...


You might be right about that.

Now, that,

that is an answer the clarity
of which I can appreciate.

Uh, I asked Maricel to let me know

when you guys got back.

Do you have a second?

Sure, Sophia. What's up?

What can we do for you?

It's not me.

It's Zora.

Alright, there you go.

And how long do we have to get
all these things up to code?

Well, you can take as long as you want.

You're just going to have
folks in here worshipping

- until everything's up...
- WOMAN: Until everything's true.

In the old fashioned sense.

Exactly. We just want folks safe.

Yes, we'll, uh...

We'll get right on it.

Okay, well, give me
a call when it's done.

- Mm.
- Bishop.



What do you want, Rochelle?

I heard from Tara that you and me

are starting a new church here.

You do know this is an old bar, right?

We do, yes.

Gonna take a lot of work.

Might be easier to just burn
the place down with me in it.

It is the old Greenleaf way, isn't it?

When are you gonna get it
through your head

that I have nothing...
When are you gonna get it

through your heart
that you need to tell the truth?

God knows it. He knows.

Which is why he told Jacob
to tell Tara about the will,

which is why he told Mae
to give us the house.

Your lies are grieving the spirit, James.

You need to tell the truth.

I had nothing to do with that fire.

Well, why are things
going so badly for you

and so well for me?

Success is the evidence of holy favor,

and you look highly out of favor.

Oh Bishop, getting tossed
out of your church,

evicted from your house,

building a church in a stinky bar.

You've got to ask yourself,

or even wonder,

is this what a Saint's life looks like?

Get out.

Oh, I'm leaving.

Lord knows I don't feel safe alone

with the likes of you.

But Bishop, beware.

Until you admit the role you played

in the death of my father,

nothing you do will stand.

And I mean nothing.

When is it gonna end, Rochelle,

this delusion that you're laboring under?

You're sick. You need help.


Basie should have k*lled you
when he had the chance.



Oh, so, I found that book in the cabin,

the one that you were telling me about.

And whoever Mrs. Davis' caretaker was,

he certainly was fixated on
that n*gro's comings and goings.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, I know, right?

And without really speaking
to him, if he's even alive,

there's no way of knowing
if that n*gro was Darryl James.

And if it was, why was he even there?

You know, I can ask the neighbors,

maybe get the guy's name,
if that will help.

Oh, please.

I would hate to see
my parents give the house away

in the name of some giant
misconception, you know?

I'll get on it right after this.


How did you get AJ to say
yes to seeing this doctor?

I thought for sure he would
throw that number in the trash

right when he got home, but...

Who knows why.

And I think the offer
that the Bishop made...

Oh, right. The car.

Yeah, that made an impression.

I mean, he was showing my mom pictures

of GTOs online last night.

He found a place in town
that rents space, tools.

I just asked him, and he said "yes."

And that's good, right?

Of course. I mean, it's ideal.
You're his father.

I just...



I'm just glad he's getting treated.

It's all for the best.

Ooh, look at you two! I could see it.

You see what?

How I happened.

You know, you two, me.


How did it go?

They got me on this new stuff, Devado.

You only got to take one pill.

It's, like, much simpler.

Oh, I'm glad it all worked out.

They say they got it in the
pharmacy on the first floor,

but I don't have insurance, so...

I'll meet you by the elevator in a sec.

I just need to finish...

Oh, yeah, yeah, take your time.

- Okay.
- Ooh, ooh!


Boys will be boys.

Even at , huh?

- What's up?

I just wanted you to know

that I found a place for AJ and I

down the road from my mom's.

- That's great. Good.
- Yeah.

Look, I know we're not this,

but if your parents do give up the house

and you need a place to stay,

you've got a place with us.

Platonic, no strings. I'm just saying.

And I'll let you know when I find out

about the old caretaker.


Noah, thank you.



Z, you in here, baby?

Uh, dad? Yeah, hold on a sec.

Watch your temper.

Look, ain't no thing. I'm good, kid.

I assume Sophia told you.

Yes, she did.

Well, New York has a long tradition

of welcoming young, independent
women into its bosom.

I'll fit right in.

You're not going to New York.

Well, I'm not a kid anymore.

- Excuse me?
- Okay.

We know you're not a kid, Z, okay?

But even though you've grown a lot,

you've still got a lot
of growing up to do.

We know we can't control you.

We don't want to keep you
from pursuing your dreams,

no matter what they are.

We just want you to be safe.

Okay, well, then help me
get my own place.

Oh, so you're just gonna
hold yourself hostage?

If we don't get you a place,

you're gonna end up
sleeping on the streets?

Okay, how about this?

Is your ticket still refundable?

Please tell me it is.


- Yeah, of course it is.
- Okay.

Then we'll get you a new ticket.

Just give your mother and I
a day or two to talk.

There's a lot going on
right now, obviously.

But maybe we can give
your cousin Camilla a call

and see if she's got room.

We'll call your cousin Camilla,

and maybe you can stay there
until school starts.

Okay, but doesn't she live in Hoboken?

That's not New York.

Zora, your father is only trying to help.


So just give it a beat, okay?

And we can see
what we can do to help you.

Alright? Cool?




We are not giving this house
to those con artists.

No way. Full stop.

Why? What happened now?

Rochelle just stopped by the club,

and she threatened me with all
the subtlety of a g*ng enforcer.

Well, I had a fairly reasonable
conversation with Tara,

who holds few illusions about her sister.

And for that piece of wisdom,
she's deserving of our house?

Do you really think I want
to give her our home, James?

Are you mad?

Well, you seem predisposed.

Nothing would please me less.

Mrs. Davis gave us this house.

After Darryl James was...

After Darryl James was what?

After Darryl James
was unable to receive it,

which... troubles me.

Oh. You're talking about that first will,

the all-knowing first will.

Yes. [SIGHS]

We don't even...
We don't even know it's real.

Well, Aaron seemed to think that it was.

Oh, whatever.

Rochelle made up a website.

I'm sure that she could fake a will.

Oh, and did she make
the bright Blue skies

and the stars and the heavens, too?

I mean, do I have to
deny the reality in everything

to be on your side?

Why would Mrs. Loretta Davis,
a white woman,

proud daughter
of the American revolution,

why would she give up her house

and hundreds of acres to Darryl James?

It's crazy.

Why would she leave it to us?

She never came to our church.

Until Mac sent you over there to see her,

had you even ever heard her name?

You see, it's all unclear,

and I am trying to find
a holy way through this,

aren't you?

You want to talk to me about holy?

- Mm.


Yes, come in.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

Your father's lucky that you did.


Well, Kerissa and Winkie

are going to be leaving soon
to stay with her parents.

I was hoping we could all come downstairs

and say goodbye, you know,
make it a little normal.

Marry someone you love
next time and be faithful.

You won't have to worry so much
about all this normalcy.

We'll be down in a moment.


Would you please reschedule the physical?

I wasn't finished.

Oh, well, go ahead. Please finish.

You want to talk to me about holiness?

Try confessing your own sins.

Every mistake I made

has been broadcast from a blimp
all over this town.

You've lived a lie for years.

And you're still living it...

Telling that boy how to live?!

Keep your holy admonitions to yourself.


These are the cleanest documents
I have ever seen.


Why do you say it like that?

Like what?

"Impeccable." it was her job.

I know, but she, hmm, you know.

She always had those earbuds in.

I don't know. It just seemed
like she was...

Careful. Everything you say
in the darkness

shall be heard in the light of day.

Hi, Phil.

We know. You snuck in last night.

What are you doing here, Charity?

I brought someone to see you.

You need to hand over your keys.

Who is this? Your new boyfriend?

I'm Philip's father.

Oh. I'm his fiancée.

What the hell do you want?

Hey, um, mind if this stays here

so it'll be here next time he visits?

Of course.

Forget something?

What's the matter?

[SCOFFS] What's the matter?

I'm sorry. I mean, obviously...

Yeah, what's the matter?

I'm just standing here thinking
about how you said "we."

"We"? When?

When you were talking to Zora about us,

you kept saying, "we,"

and I was just standing here
thinking about how sad it is

that we had to break up in order for you

to finally become the husband
I thought you'd be when we met.

Maybe meeting me was the problem.

If I would have never met you,

we'd never have a Zora or Winkie
for me to say "we" to.

And that might have been better for them.

To never have been born?


By that measure, we should
all have stayed in heaven

with the angels.

I'm glad we met, Kerissa.


You can have shared custody.


Bob used her, Philip.
Hell, she used herself.

Don't make that same mistake, son.

At least stop making it today.

None of that's true, Phil. None of it.

This is all just Satan.

PHIL: I don't know who it is.

I just know what I'm going
to do about it.

Who are you calling? Daddy?

No. I'm calling the police.

I'm sure the statute
of limitation has run out

on most of the things
you did back in the day, but...

- Don't you dare do that.
- You stay out of this.

- This man is trying

to help you, Phil.

Why can't you see that?

Charity, I don't know
what he's talking about.

Predatory lending, targeting black folks.

As if! Daddy loves black people.

All I remember is my mother
working long hours

while he did the crossword

and bad-mouthed western civilization

with a mouthful of food she paid for!

He's not here to help me.

No, he's here to piss
all over the one thing

I was able to count on
when he walked out the door.


I don't want to ever
see your face again, Yusef.

I'm gonna pray for you.

Most people say that
as an insult or a warning,

but right now, it's just a fact.

I'm gonna pray for you,

'cause only God can help you now.

Boy, I cannot wait until
this building comes down.

They're like pigeons, these people.

They just keep coming back, making noise.

Alright, love you, man.

[SIGHS] So...

- Should we hug?

You want to hug?


Zora... I know. I know.

What do you think you know?

- Everything.

Well, you are your father's daughter.

I love you.





Am I allowed in the house yet?

I have something to say.

As we enter this season
of new beginnings,

it's important we don't
drag our past behind us.

Your father helped me
see that truth, afresh...

Mae, I did not mean for you...

...this afternoon.
Oh, I know what you meant.

But I won't be beaten
with that stick of mine.

Not by you or myself ever again.

Mama, what's this about?

You actually know.

Right now? You're gonna do this
right now?


Why are all y'all standing out here?

What did I miss?

Well, Charity, just be quiet,

and whole a lifetime of missed moment

is about to be erased after one sentence.

Okay. What's the news, mama?

Grace is the product of an affair

between Lionel Jeffries and myself.

Grace has known it for a while,

so has your father,
for whom it changes nothing.

We are family.

Dinner will be served at : .


That might be...

The quietest dinner
that table has ever seen.

I mean, what else is there to say?


Did you know she was gonna do that?

Oh, not until right before she did it.

I mean, if y'all knew
what mama has put me through

because of me cheating on Kerissa.

What about the hell she's put
me through since I was born?

Like it was my fault I existed?


It's just a plane crash.

- What are you talking about?
- This.

It's like we're born into it,

and we look around, and there's
this big house and money

and then we think, "well,
this is where I come from,

so I'd better be good.

I'd better live up to it,

to... to that... that...
That pretty perfect perfection."


But it ain't nothing but a plane crash.

It's like we crawled out of
a plane [LAUGHING] that crashed

'cause the pilots were drunk.

You're drunk.

Yes, but... [LAUGHS]

...we're survivors.

We don't have to live up to all this.

At least we're survivors.

Yeah, I guess.

You alright over there, Jacob?

I'm just thinking about Winkie,

how he's going to feel
the same way about me.

- No. No.
- No.

You know, sorry if I'm not,
you know, trippin' enough

about this whole Lionel thing,
but I really don't care.

You're my sister, Gigi.

- That's right.
- Alright?

- That's right.
- Always have been,

always will be, end of story.

Well, I am glad to know

where you got
that light skin from, though.

Good point.

- Uh-huh. [LAUGHS]
- Yeah.

I'm saying, mama's light,
but she ain't that light.

Faith was light.

Faith was light, but...

- Not Jeffrey's light.
- Mnh-mnh.

It's a different kind of light.

- Jeff...

Excuse me!

Does Aaron know?


And Kevin?

Shit, Gigi! Really?!

- Wow.
- Kevin knows, and I don't? Oh!

But that was mama's secret, Charity.

Yeah, well, now I'm mad all over again.


Oh. Wait.

Hold on. This is Darius.
I got to take this.

Dari... okay.

[MOCKINGLY] "I got to
take this. It's Darius."

You do you. The two of us
are just gonna sit over here

and figure out how to cut you
out of everything.

- Cut me out of what?

Everything... breakfast, wills, spades.

- Pancakes.
- Please!

Hey, stranger.

DARIUS: We got him.

Who? Bob?

One of the names
Yusef gave us panned out.

They're willing to go on record

about how Edenveil took their house away.

I'm on my way back to the house.

Can I see you?

I'll be right over.



There's a word for people like you.

- Cousin?
- No.

- Sister-cousin?

- Snitch.
- Loose-lipped trout.

Thanks to you, my escape plans

are now in a major holding pattern,

and it could involve hoboken.

Very uncool.

I thought Hoboken was cool now.


It's fine.

Pretty weird about Grandma, though.

Yeah. I feel bad for her.

I was actually just reading this stuff

about adultery in the Bible.

I thought you were over the Bible.

I am.

But she's not.

I always knew Grandma was freaky.



Just the idea of grandma freaky. Ugh.

- Everyone's freaky.
- I guess.


Wait, how come you're not more mad at me?

Oh, I was, I was. But I got it out.


I told your mom about your pics.


- You did not.
- Oh, yes, I did.


Tell me you're joking.

Tell me you're joking.

I told her that I was concerned
that your embarrassment

about a certain set
of mildly revealing pictures

was giving you second thoughts
about going back to Hampton.

You are not the only one around here

with deeply sympathetic fears

that just have to be shared with adults.

Okay. I guess that's fair.







Darius Nash is not available.

Please leave a message after the tone.


Hey, I-I'm here. Where are you?




Hey, Grace.

Where's Darius?

You know, it's the funniest thing.

Where is he?

Come on. I'll take you.

Don't touch me.

Where is he?

You'd better be careful, Grace.

No one cares anymore about journalists.

No one likes a squeaky wheel.

Stay out of it.