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05x07 - The Seventh Day

Posted: 09/14/21 07:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Greenleaf...

If you help me
put this together,

the car is yours.

[both chuckle]

Darius and I
may have found a way H&H out

before the wrecking ball swings.

You in or not?

When do you wanna get married?

- Flag Day.
- It's a date.

[Noah] Back when I lived
in the cabin,

I came across a journal
that the caretaker left.

- This caretaker was white?
- [Noah] Yeah.

Just like Ms. Davis.

I don't know
what you're doing here,

but I'm gonna find out.
Your days are numbered.

Bob Whitmore in the
'80s owned a mortgage company

called Edenvale Lending.

Why do you think Bob Whitmore's
going out of his way

to look like a friend
to the black church?

They're targeting
poor black families.

I am trying to do
the right thing.

If I could somehow manage
to see what it is.

Having seen this house,

I am convinced now,
more than ever,

that God wants to do
something good with it.

Until you admit
the role you played

in the death of my father,
nothing you do will stand.

Why would Mrs. Davis
give up her house

and hundreds of acres
to Daryl James?

Until Mac sent you over there
to see her

had you even ever heard
her name?

- Where's Darius?
- Stay out of it.

[Grace] So this is the car
you were driving

when you were high on PCP, huh?

[Darius] And don't forget,
I also resisted arrest.

Went all kung fu on them.

I cannot believe these people.

Fernando, that lying... [sighs]

I can't wait
'till this all comes out.

[Darius] All righty.

Thanks for bailing me out.
I'll pay you back.

Are you kidding?
You are unemployed because

you stuck with the story.
Don't worry about it.

All right. I'll call you
after this meeting.

You're not going home?

You just spent the whole night
in a holding cell.

I haven't sat
with that family yet.

The one that said
they'd talk about Edenvale.


- You wanna come?
- Oh, I have to meet with Aaron.

- What about?
- Well, Jacob said that

when City on a Hill Mergers
and Acquisitions

bought his land, that they
didn't disclose they were H&H.

I thought that might justify
an injunction.

Something to keep them
from tearing the church down,

at least for a few days anyway.

- They haven't started already?
- [Grace] Not until 2:00 p.m.

Bob's treating it like some
big ribbon-cutting ceremony.

His plane hasn't even landed.

Then we better both get going.


- Good luck.
- [engine starts]

¶ Amen ¶

¶ Oh, yeah ¶

¶ Amen ¶

¶ Oh ¶

¶ Ooh ¶

¶ Well ¶

¶ Oh ¶

¶ Ooh ¶

¶ Amen, amen ¶

¶ Ooh ¶

¶ Ooh ¶

Room service!

Have you lost your mind?

I was trying to hold on to it.

I figured we can sit around
and mope all day

about the church going down
or we could celebrate.

Oh, what is there to celebrate,

New church, new life.

What is that?

Now, I know it was your plan

to wait 'til Flag Day
to get married.


But I thought,

the right ring might inspire you
to push the date up.

[Lady Mae]
Is that what I think it is?

[James] Yes.


Where did you find it?

In the safety deposit box.

Now, you said yes the first time
I gave it to you.

- Oh.
- Will that work again?

Uh, a simple yes will suffice.

A nod? Or you could just say,
"I do"

and we can skip the ceremony

- James.
- James wasn't an option.

if we're going to get married,

I want us to be of one accord

and as long as refuse
to even consider

how to handle Tara
and that... That will...

Are you seriously
bringing that up?

Look, now that Rochelle
is involved

and you know
she won't let go of this,

we have to compromise
whether we want to or not.

I won't plant this new church
of mine

in the shadow
of another scandal.

Well, what would you suggest?

I was thinking we could sell
the land north of the road,

ten acres
and give Tara the money.

I think you're suggesting
"hush money".

- No, I am not.
- That doesn't make sense,

because I have done nothing
for anybody to keep quiet about.

We have to offer Tara something,

regardless of how we feel
about Rochelle, we have to.

Mae, how many times
do I have to say this?

Offering Tara anything,

is like admitting that I've done
something wrong, which I didn't.

Then this will have to wait
until Flag Day.

You are astounding.

But I wasn't saying no, James,
I was just...

I know exactly
what you were saying.

[Zora clears throat] Hey!
Have you talked to Mom yet?

Hey, when'd you walk in here?

About 10 seconds ago.

I didn't even hear you come in.

I know.
It's like one of my superpowers.

I also don't forget...

because I can't forget,
won't forget, forget.

Why are you doing that?

'cause I'm going to New York.

- Oh.
- Yeah. Oh.

Did you and Mom talked to Camila
about her guest room in Hoboken?

A phrase I cannot say
without dissolving into a pool

of steamy grey un-coolness.

your mother just left yesterday.

Yeah, but my flight
is still tonight.

Then cancel your flight
or I will.


[Jacob] Your mother will call
Camila today, okay?

Okay. Okay. Fine.
But if that doesn't work out,

I found a studio apartment
in Bushwick.

It's, uh, about the size
of an iPhone box,

which I thought you'd like,

because there's no room in it
for a boy.

Look, I know it's not a picture

of Winkie sitting
in his own poop,

but could you just
look at it, please?

I will.

I promise.

Okay. I need to pay
the fee today.

Nothing's happening today.

Did you not hear, my...
My flight is...

Zora, cancel your flight.

We'll buy you another ticket,
now, back off.


I'm trying to be nice to you,
but you gotta be patient.

It's a two-way street.

AJ! What have you decided?

Yeah, how you doin', Bishop?
You all right?

Why wouldn't I be?

Isn't today, like, the day?

Today is the day the Lord
hath made

and I don't care what
Bob Whitmore, Connie Sykes,

or that lunatic wife
of mine does,

I'm gonna rejoice
and be glad in it.

I assume you're here
about, um...

You're here about the car.

Unpacking it, anyhow, yeah.

Very excited.

I'll meet you down there
in a half an hour.

- Deal?
- Deal.

Good. Oh!

I'm glad you're here.

[birds chirping]

Can we at least destroy

Thank you.

Said they were gonna be using
expl*sives too.

It's kind of exciting.

Your father made it clear
he wants us to wait

- until he gets here.
- Did he say why?

Apparently, there's some sort of
announcement he wants to make.

[Judee] Oh, yeah, that.

[Phil] Did you know about this?

Oh, look. See?

Here we go. Told ya.

You're gonna have to
cease and desist

- until further notice.
- [Aaron] We have a temporary

injunction in place
while the judge reviews

our claims of real estate fraud.

It's nice to see you again.

Thanks for setting up my friend
last night and threatening me.

- Real Christian.
- Claims against who exactly?

Well, the main claim
is against City on a Hill

for failure to disclose
their status

as a subsidiary of H&H

when they bought Jacob
and Kerissa's land.

- They knew we were part of H&H.
- [Grace] Really?

My brother is willing to testify
under oath

that they didn't know that
that was the case.

What about his wife?

Because if I recall, she not
only knew I was a part H&H,

she was quite comfortable
with the fact.

Enjoyed it, even.

Yeah, she enjoyed it immensely.

[Judee] Uh, can we talk?

Let's call Jacob.

So you don't think Kerissa knew?

[Jacob] She never told me
she did.

Could you verify that with her
because we have a judge

looking at our claim
right this minute,

it's so important.

I'll give her a call right now.

Great, thank you.

Hey, something going on with AJ?

I found the caretaker
of Mrs. Davis' estate.

[Tara] Did Bishop sign off
on this?

Is he willing to part
with that land?

Well, it's not his preference,
of course.

But if this is an offer
that Rochelle might consider,

- I thought maybe...
- She won't, though.

It's not even worth a try?

I've suggested asking for money,
Ms. Greenleaf.


I don't want to throw you
out this house,

but Rochelle, she wants
the Bishop to admit he did it.

Set the fire? He didn't.

She wants him brought low.

We want peace.

Rochelle, she wants victory.

I am trying to make this work.

I am trying too, Ms. Greenleaf,
but it's our father who died,

it's our father whose name
was on that first will.

Now, I'm trying to meet you
halfway here,

but we are not in this together.

Then I don't see how this ends.

Neither do I.

[kids laughing]

[Kerissa] Woo. [laughs]

That looked like fun.

[cell phone ringing]

- Hello?
- K, it's me,

- um, quick question.
- [Kerissa] Is it about Zora,

because she e-mailed me about
getting some apartment.

Yeah, um, we'll talk about that.

Uh, but first things first.

- H&H.
- Harmony and Hope?

[Jacob] Yeah,
when we sold the land,

you didn't know they were H&H,
did you?

- Why?
- [Jacob] Well, Aaron's got

an injunction to delay
the demolition,

but it kinda depend on us
not knowing

we were selling to H&H.

So you didn't know, right?

Fernando didn't tell you that.


I'm sorry, Jacob.


So, you knew.

Good to know. Thank you.

This is about as far
as I got, too.

I was just about to get started.

- Don't lie to me, young sir.
- [AJ chuckles]

No one knows the daunting power

of the cube of car
better than I.

It's not that I'm not grateful.

Should we pray for strength,
the both of us?

Like I said,
it's been over forty years,

and I still haven't found
the nerve to open it up.

I'm not...

Don't tell me
you're like your sister.

Two doubters in the same family?

I'm not that, I'm just...

[James] Hmm.

You, um...

You didn't go to church
growing up?

Not much.

And you didn't get saved
in jail?

Would you like to be saved?
It could happen right now.

Jesus could slide your soul
onto to the do not destroy pile

in the warehouse of Heaven
right now, just like that.

Not that God destroys souls.

We're the ones who do that,

but Jesus can keep you from it,
if you want Him to.

What do you have to, like, do?

Just say one simple prayer.

I don't think so. Not today.

It's perfectly fine with me.
No pressure.

But can I tell you something
to remember

if and when you ever do decide
to give it a shot?

- Sure.
- There is a God, AJ.

A world like this
doesn't just happen.

You know that, right?

And the God
that made this world,

he sees you,

and loves you.

And, boy,
I hope I get to be there

when you do ask Him
into your life,

because the smile that I'm
gonna see on this face,

this face has never smiled
like that before.

That smile's gonna be equal
in beauty

to ten Grand Canyons,
and a hundred sunsets.

Ooh! I can't wait.

Well, I guess someday
I'll give it a shot.

Like I said, no rush.

It's easier than building a car.

Let's assume that that is true.


[Grace] I'm amazed
you found the caretaker.

[Noah] It wasn't easy.

I can't wait to hear a story.

Oh, they were all the time

yelling and carrying on,
both of 'em.

I used to wonder
how a poor n*gro man

could think he could talk
to a rich white lady that way.

But she let him.
She let him walk all over her.

What did they argue about?

Oh, everything.

I remember once she told him
not to come around no more

if he couldn't be
more respectful.

But he come around anyway.
All hours.

She'd always let him in.

Sometimes, when the fighting
would get real bad,

I'd go over there and, you know,
knock on the door

and pretend like I had business,

just so, you know,
he didn't hit her.

I'd say, "Ms. Davis,
are you all right?"

She'd go, "Yes, Otis."

But I knew it wasn't true.

Do you think they were lovers?


- You mean sexual?
- Yes, sir. Were they...

Oh, I hope not.

Why do you say it
in that way, sir?

Is it because he was black?

They were not lovers.

What was their connection?

Do you not know?

No, I know,
it's just that, um...

Well, I guess it
won't hurt nothing

now that she's dead and gone.

Who was Daryl to Mrs. Davis?

He was her son.

But early this morning,

representatives from Whitmore's
office reached out by saying,

"Mr. Whitmore will be
announcing his candidacy

for the Senate at the
church later today,"

so for now, Lacy,
the bulldozers are silent.

So it's not enough that he's
tearing down our church,

he wants to make it into some
kind of celebration of him?

- It's textbook Bob Whitmore.
- [groans]

What fresh hell is this?

Bob Whitmore's
running for Senate.

How does he intend
to run a church

and run for office
at the same time?

How does he intend
to run a church?

The man is pure,
unmitigated evil.

Oh, James. No one is pure
unmitigated evil.

- Now you're defending this man?
- No. I am defending the God

that made us all free

and free to change if and when
the Spirit move us.

I think I'm with Daddy
on this one, Mama.

- All right.
- Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Oh, Bob Whitmore's announcing...
- I know, I heard on the radio.

We got to talk.

- What?
- What now?

Daryl James is Mrs. Davis's son.

- Who told you that?
- Mrs. Davis's caretaker.

Who heard the story directly
from her.

- I thought she wasn't married.
- [Grace] She wasn't.

That's why
it was such a big secret.

I should have known.

Oh, James.
How would you have known?

That does it,
I'm going down to the church,

- I can't sit here anymore...
- Wait. What are you going to do?

Grace, I don't know, but if
we're about to lose this house,

I'm not giving that church up
without one last fight.


I'm so sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry for,
not if it's the truth.

Call Rochelle and Tara

and tell them both
to come over here right now.

Are you insane?

I will not ever let Rochelle
into this house...

Mae, just do it, please.

Please. Just trust me.

Just ask your mom for the money.

She has, like, a ton of it left
from Lionel, doesn't she?

Well, why can't you
just wait for

your mom and dad
to figure it out?

Why can't you just ask your mom?

Well, first of all,

you told her about my pictures,
thanks a lot.

Okay. So, that's why
you're being like this?

- Like how, like sane?
- Like a soggy, wet blanket.

one minute you're telling me

I have to go back to Hampton.

Now you want me to live with you
in New York,

but just to pay for things.

Okay. That's not why I asked.

Okay, it's part why I asked.

I need to think about it.

Okay. Well, you better think
fast because my dad thinks

I'm canceling my ticket,
but I'm not.

And look, me, you, Brooklyn?

It could be a TV show.

What's this all this about?

It's come to our attention
over the past few hours,

just to be painfully clear,

that Mrs. Davis may have been...

This would all have to be proved
with blood tests and exhumation

so that we all feel
fully sanguine.

Oh, just say it, for God's sake.

It appears that...

Mrs. Davis was your grandmother.

At least that's what
the caretaker

who managed the property

during her tenure
on the property thinks.

And we've forced to admit
that it's the only story

that makes sense
of the first will.

We're forced? We?

Does this admission
include the Bishop?

Once it's proven, yes.

And does this caretaker know
who the father was,

- or have any idea?
- No, he doesn't.

But if this is proven...

we are ready to concede
that your blood ties

to this property
preceded our legal ones.

And so, given the manner
in which your father...

- Was m*rder*d?
- Enough!

- Just stop!
- James, please. Please.


Look, Rochelle,
they're giving us the house.

That is what you're saying,
isn't it?

You're giving us the house?

- The house ain't what I want.
- You can't have what you want!

All I want is what anyone
would receive

in a court of law.

The truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth

so help me God.
That's all I want.


Hey. Sorry to interrupt.

But Charity just wrote an e-mail
to the whole congregation,

saying if they wanted
to hear the truth

about Bob Whitmore
and Edenvale Lending,

then come meet at the church
right now.

- Has anyone responded?
- Well, Grace just called me

and told me there's already,
like, 100 people showing up

in the sanctuary and more
pouring in every minute.

You want the truth?

You come to the church with us
right now.

You'll get it.

The whole God-blessed thing.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Sorry I couldn't
get here sooner.

- It's all right. How'd it go?
- Great.

They told me Edenvale
promised 'em this, that,

and then the minute
they missed one payment,

they called in the fine print
and bam,

the house got taken away.

- Was Gladys DeMars the agent?
- They don't remember that name,

but it is her name
on the contract.

- Mm-hmm.
- And Yusef,

he just told me he'll confirm.

So someone will print
this story now, right?

Yeah. Actually
CBS just called me back.

They said they'll run
a segment on it.

- CBS? Darius, that's great!
- Where is Bob, by the way?

In there running damage control.

There's no controlling this.

Oh, my Lord.
They dug up a bunch of old news

that's so old
you can't refute it

and they're using it
to frighten you all

into pulling back

just when you're all ready
to move forward.

So I got this e-mail
Charity sent out.

What did Edenvale Lending do?

- Can I have your name, ma'am?
- Darlene Evans.

Oh, Darlene,
it's a great question.

Edenvale did something
anyone here at Calvary

would be proud to be a part of.

We offered low interest
cash loans to people with homes

so they could pay their bills

and get back on top
of that monthly beast.

To say what this misguided
young lady said

in her e-mail today,

that Edenvale was somehow
"targeting" black people,

that's paranoia.

It's paranoia and it's nonsense.

Then why was almost 100 percent
of your clients black?

[Bob] Ms. Greenleaf...

Answer the question, Bob.

Oh, Grace.

Ma'am, where did you come up
with that number,

100 percent?

From a list of two hundred
and forty-four Edenvale loans.

All of which were defaulted on.

[Darius] Yeah.

Resulting in the forfeiture
of those homes to Edenvale

for pennies on the dollar.

- [woman] What?
- [crowd groaning]

Bob, who was Gladys DeMars?

Why were you using a black woman

to make all the sales calls
for Edenvale?

And be the signatory
for every loan?

If you weren't targeting
black customers,

gosh, Bob, what were you doing?

She signed every single loan.

Well, if this Ms. DeMars
was targeting black families,

I certainly never approved
a strategy like that,

I never would have.

So, you're blaming Ms. DeMars?
His mother?


You know, a lot of you folks
don't know me...

No, but I do.

Oh, I was wondering
when this young man

was gonna come to my defense.

Gladys DeMars was my mother.

I never really knew what she did
for a living when I was little,

but when she died,
I was alone with her at the end.

When she died, she seemed
very concerned that...

God couldn't forgive her.

I asked her, "For what?
What can't God forgive?"

[indistinct chatter]

But she wouldn't say.

I think I know now
what she meant.

You don't know, son.

I'm not your son.

- Give me that ring, Judee.
- Phil, wait a minute.

Give me my mother's ring. Now.


Take it.

Stupid ring.

[Bob chuckles] Let's get back
on the subject here,

because, as some of you know,

I've got a little
press conference.

My point is, let's stop focusing
on the past and talk future.

You... Some of you right here
in this room,

Deacon Sykes, for instance,
you invited us,

because you had a vision
of a future

where you could be free

from the tyrannical grip
of a family

that was running this church
into the ground.

James Greenleaf
took advantage of you.

[James] Yes, I did!

I took advantage
of your faith in me.

I took advantage of your hopes
for yourselves...

and I got fat and happy
in the process...

and it was wrong.

It was sin.

And it was all my fault.
Just mine.

The only reason this building,

which will not
be torn down today...

the only reason it exists
is because I was given a house

by a Mrs. Loretta Davis.

She left it to me in a will.

And with that house
for collateral,

I was able to get a loan
from the bank

to build this church
that we're in right now.

Prior to my being left
the house, though...

it was going to go...

to Daryl James.

I didn't know that at the time.

Our family lawyer, Mac, told me,
"Go, go see Mrs. Davis,

she's childless

and she's looking for something
good to do with her house."

I saw that house
landing in my lap

and this whole church springing
forth from a horn of plenty.

It wasn't until Mrs. Davis
mentioned that awful...

That awful fire that...

k*lled Daryl,
and the gift of this house

that it even occurred to me
to wonder

if these two things
were connected.

But it was like I saw them

in a mist.

And I looked away.

I was too enchanted
with what I had to gain

to consider the cost...

and who had paid it.

In the flames with his life.

I should have known.

I know...

that's not what you
want to hear, Rochelle...

but it's true.

Well, there you have it.

I'm not finished yet.

I've got a few more sins
I need to repent of here.

Because every day after that,

it was just more of the same.

I let little sins go unremarked
and unrepented every day

so I could keep on succeeding!

But it...

It wasn't success. It was...

It was more like a...
Like a succubus...

a demon of wealth and power,
seducing me...

and I...

I fell for it.

I lost...

I lost my way.

And you...

you paid the price.

And my family...

My family paid the price.

And I'm...

I'm so, so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I let you be dragged
into captivity by this...

This monster.



All I ever wanted...

was to show you
what is possible with God.

But I'm afraid that
all I ever showed you

is what is inevitable
without Him.

You showed us
a lot more than that, Bishop.

A lot more than that.


[all] Amen.


I think you better leave.


- let's go.
- Bob.

I told you,
your days are numbered.

¶ Amazing Grace ¶

¶ How sweet the sound ¶

¶ That saved ¶

¶ A wretch like me ¶

[all] ¶ I once was lost ¶

¶ But now am found ¶

¶ Was blind but now I see ¶

Let's get out of here.

¶ Through many dangers ¶

¶ Toils and snares ¶

¶ We have ¶

¶ Already come ¶

¶ 'Twas grace that brought us ¶

¶ Safe thus far ¶

¶ And grace ¶

¶ Will lead us home ¶

[Grace] Rochelle.

Are we done?

Are you happy now?



Sounds like
the house'll be yours.

I never wanted the house.

All I wanted...

All I wanted
was what I got today.

The truth.

Now that I've got it, I can go.

Oh, uh, by the way,

thank you.

For what?


I assume that you meant
to mess with me

by giving him Noah's number.

I did.

I just wanted you to know
that there's someone out there

that knows that you ain't
better than anybody else.

Worse if you ask me.
Turning away your son like that.

Message received.
Loud and clear.

- Good.
- But it was also a blessing.


you know,
God can use anybody, right?

Even a mean, old sinner like me.


Hey! Can you hold up a sec?

- Thanks.
- What's going on?

You think maybe I can, you know,
see you tomorrow?

What for?

I just wanted to talk.

Okay. Um...

Charity, you're right.

You didn't deserve
any of that from me.

I love you.


no one...

not even the father of my son,

has broken my heart
the way that you have.

I would never trust you
with it again.

Thank you for
what you did in there.

That was good.

I knew there was good in you.

But no.




Bob's scandal is public.

He's stepping down from H&H.

How ya feelin'?

Pretty good, I guess.

I still can't believe it...



Thank you.

You got it.

- We could just go to my place.
- [laughs]

Sophia said she needed to talk
to me about something.


Maybe tomorrow?

I look forward to it.



- Hey. How's it going?
- Good.

- Way to go with the church.
- Oh, yeah, thank you.

So, what are you gonna do now?

Is that what you wanted
to talk to me about?


I just wanted to say,

I know sending those pictures
to Dante was wrong

and I'll never do anything
that stupid again, okay?

What pictures?




Oh, James. My darling.

Let's get married tomorrow.


Don't be coy.

I just said no this morning
for my own silly reasons,

but obviously it's time.

I am not waiting until Flag Day.

I thought...


What's the matter?

Oh, my God.
Something's happened.

Can you talk?

You can't talk?
All right. I'm calling 911.


Okay. What do you want me to do?
What do you want?

Pen? Pen. Okay.
All right. All right.

I'll get you a pen, I will.

Just wait one second. My God.

We going to get this
all together.


I need an ambulance right now

to 14356 Holtville Road, please.

Right now. Hurry! Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Here it is. All right.

Here's a pen.
You take the... Yes.

And you write whatever you want.


"I do".

You do what, darling?


"I do"?

I do, too, my love.

I do too.

you stay right here with me

and I am right here with you.

Do you hear me, all right?

Yes. Look at me. Look at me.

I'm right here with you, baby.

James? James, listen.

I love you.

I love you so much.

Oh, God. No. Not now, not now.
What are you doing? No. No.

James, please.

Listen. I love...

