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05x04 - The Fourth Day

Posted: 09/14/21 07:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Greenleaf...

I hope one day, we can just
talk like we used to.

I don't see that happening.

Not like we used to.

What did you think
about this ring?

I know you're trying
to make me quit, Judee,

and it's not going to work.

[Darius] I got fired last night.

My editor called me
late last night

and k*lled the whole H&H story.

So Bob Whitmore
k*lled the story.

Your dad, can you tell me
about this relationship

between him
and this Loretta Davis?

Wait, what's all this about?

Are you aware

that Mrs. Davis originally
left this house to Daryl James?

She left it to me
and your mother.

But there's another will.

And in that will, Pop,
it says that the house

is left to Daryl James.

That your lawyer, I assume?
Let her know the deal's off.

Because I definitely want
shared custody.

And your father in jail?

He either belongs there
or he doesn't.

Either way,
I'm about to find out.

He wants to talk to you.

I was r*ped in prison
and one of the b*tches

who did it gave me HIV.

[siren wailing]

Noah and I have discussed it,
and we both decided

that he should come home.

[Dr. Sawh]
Which I completely understand.

But I need you to know
that my entire team

has a strong feeling that AJ
might do better

in a residential facility.

AJ has a lot of issues
around home and family

that he might be able to work
through more quickly on his own.

I made a few calls
and I found a bed for him

at a facility in Cordova.

A few days ago, Doctor,
you said the support of family

would be the key to getting him
through this.

And sometimes,
that support comes in the form

of releasing control.

I'm not trying to hold
onto control.

I'm trying to protect his right

to feel like he has
some control here.

[Dr. Sawh] It's not an argument.

We just have to give you
all the options as we see them.

Again, it's completely
up to him,

but if you two agreed,
it might tip the scale.


They've stuck me full
of so many needles,

I feel like a voodoo doll
and now y'all look like

someone just died,
so I'm freaking out.

We were just discussing
your post-release care options

with Dr. Sawh.

And what's my sentence gonna be?

AJ, that is completely
up to you.

You have at least two options.

You can go to in-patient
therapy for six weeks,

and I've shared
with your parents

my recommendation for a program,
should you choose to do that;

or you can go home today.

You're completely free.

It's... It's...
whatever you want to do.

Then I wanna go home with him.

[dramatic music playing]

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

- ♪ Amen ♪ - ♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Amen, amen, ooh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

What did I ever do?

What did I ever actually do,
not something you heard I did,

but what did I actually do

to make you think
that I was capable of m*rder?

- I don't think you are, Pop.
- Then why?

Why didn't you come to me
in the first place?

Because I knew this is how
you'd get.

- Oh.
- I saw the toll it took on you

when this all got rehashed

the first time around
with Uncle Mac.

I was trying to get you
the truth so I could use it

against Kerissa. Pop, that's it!

- I was trying to protect you.
- And instead what you've done

is you've put a target
on my back.

Tara's not that kind of person.

She's not like Basie
or Rochelle.

Oh, no. We know,
she's a certified saint.

Ma, I didn't say
she was a saint.

Well, you painted her
as one to us

down there on Crump Boulevard
handing out sandwiches

and needles like God's own
Florence Nightingale.

I do think she's doing
good work.

[Lady Mae] Your father and I
have done good work

for forty years
and the testament to it,

this house, which now this
little angel thinks is hers!

She doesn't think it's hers.

[Lady Mae] How do you know
what she thinks Jacob?

Ma, I never even mentioned
the first will.

Did you mentioned
the second one?

Because the second one
implies the first!

I never said anything
about wills!

No. But you went
and you planted this vague

little idea in her head
that something is amiss,

which is even worse.
So I am sure she's over there

thinking all kinds
of heinous things right now.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't bring
this to you guys right away,

but I didn't think
it was gonna be this...

This what? This complicated?

This is... This is Basie
and Rochelle's sister, Son!

I thought... I was hoping
at least,

that she would say something
to the likes of,

"Basie's always been
this crazy,"

and that's that!

And what does Aaron think
about this?

Does the first will
have a claim on the second,

- or undo it? Or...
- I don't know.

He's coming over this morning
to discuss it with me.

I want your father
in that meeting

because I don't trust you
to handle this

after how you've done things
so far.

And that wife of yours,

whose bony, little wriggly hand
set this whole Rube Goldberg

device in motion, where is she?

Where is she? Up in that lair
of hers that we pay for?

Yeah, Dante's coming over
so they can discuss

their partnership at Excellence.

Oh, Excellence.

And she makes such a big show
of being all about black people

but the ones she lives with,
the ones who support her,

she connives against
like David Duke

in some kind of head wrap.

Son, I love you,

but I don't even
want to look at you right now,

just get out.

I do not pet the head of a dog
who eats the food

right off my plate, now go.

So, what do you want to do
about tomorrow,

do you want to go?

- Where?
- Calvary.

It's the last Sunday
in the building.

Don't you remember,
we were just talking about...

Yeah, yeah, of course
I remember, yes.

I just put it out of my mind...
And no.

I have no desire to set foot
in that building ever again.

Well, we'll have to do
something here, at home.

Bible study, something.

This is no time
to stop praising God.


Wh... Wh... Where are you off to?

To k*ll Kerissa.

[birds chirping]

[Phil] Thank you everyone,
that will be all.

So, what's the plan
for the offertory?

[Judee] Oh, I was thinking
we could show

the Sunday Best video
about the merger

instead of, you know, a song.

You know,
music is a really big part

- of this church, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Like, some people only come
for the music.

It was just a thought.

- Wowza, bite my head off.
- I was thinking we would do

"I Love to Tell the Story"

Oh, I love that hymn.

But use it to accompany

this little PowerPoint
presentation I did

on the history of Calvary.

Well, considering y'all
are rolling in with bulldozers

Tuesday morning.

- They're your bulldozers, too.
- Thank you!

Unless you don't work here

I just think a nod to the past

would go a long way
with some people.

Which past? I'm just curious.

The one before you were here.

[Judee] Oh, you mean
the past where your father

shot a man in this building?

The past where the FBI
raided the church?

And the past where your charming
uncle touched little girls

on their privates?

For all we know,
it happened right here

where we're standing.

Who wants to remember?

You know you need me here,

For now.

So, you think you're gonna hold
this church together for a year

in that stank-foot gym
without a Greenleaf

leading the way?

I'm the key!

I see you as more
of a necessary evil.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I see you
as a rusty old antique

with a slot in the back
where the money goes plink

and what he's doing with you?
Only God knows.

[Phil] There was a sense
of wanting to start fresh

in the deacon's request
to join the denomination.

- Yeah, fresh didn't mean rude.
- And that hymn will sound

so pretty under the video
of the new campus.

The end.

The end.

I'm just trying to protect you
from yourself, Pastor.

Tomorrow is our last Sunday
in this building.

[Phil] Your parents refused
Connie's invitation.

- If they were coming...
- It doesn't matter

if they're coming or not,
4,000 other people

who have made this church
what it is are.

You've gotta give them
their moment to reflect,

or else,
you risk losing them altogether

when all these white people
start showing up for church

in a gym next week.

We're going with Judee's idea.

You saw that?

I did.

Come on. Follow me.

[music playing]

So, what is this about?

Is Gladys DeMars
Phil DeMars' mother?

Yeah, but she's dead. Why?

Darius and I may have found
a way to get H&H out

before the wrecking ball swings.

Are you in or not?

Charity, I just saw the way
that they both treated you.

Are you in or not?

What did his mother do for Bob?

We don't know.

We just know that every document
about Edenvale Lending

that Darius was able to dig up,

her name is on it
as comptroller, or VP.

And what did
Edenvale Lending do?

[Grace] That's what
we're trying to find out.

Whatever it is,
Bob doesn't want us to find out.

He got Darius fired
just for working on the story.

Bob knows people at the paper?

They're endorsing his upcoming
run in the Senate race.

Cal Weaver is terrified to talk.

It's like we have
this invisible door

and we just can't open it.

So what do you want me to do?

Help us find his father.

We know his name
is Marcus DeMars,

we can't find the contact info.


Charity, what do you know?

I don't know.

Look, I am finally AP.

- Of an H&H church.
- It's more than Daddy

ever gave me.

[Grace] Do you respect Phil?

- Respect?
- I know you love him,

do you respect him,

the way that he lives
in Bob's shadow and likes it?

In Judee's?

I don't know how he does it.

That's you in ten years, honey.

Ten months.

Or maybe even today.

I would love to work here
without Judee in the mix,

- that's for sure.
- Then let's find a way

to get her out.


The reason you can't find
Marcus DeMars

is he doesn't exist.

What does that mean?

He used to be a Black Panther
back in the day

and he had to change his name.

What, to keep himself
out of jail?

I really don't know.
He and Phil are not close.

- So what, is there an alias or...
- Yusef Shabazz.

He lives in New Orleans.
In the French Quarter.

And the only reason I know that

is because he disapproves
of jazz.


Phil disapproves...

I get it.

Honey, I get it.

Thank you.

[dramatic music playing]

[knocking at door]

Come in.

[door slams shut]

- My grandson isn't here, is he?
- No, he's at chess club.

Good, because what I have
to say isn't fit for young ears.

It wasn't fit for mine, either,
but oh well.

Mae, I don't have time to get
into it with you today.

Dante Saunders
is on his way over here

and we have a very important

I want you out of the house.

- What did Jacob tell you?
- Oh, everything.

Starting and ending
with the fact

that you are blackmailing
this whole family to get, what,

a few extra hundred dollars
in a divorce settlement?

Mae, I don't even want
a divorce.

Then why in the hell
are you getting one?

How did this mess even start,

That's between me and Jacob.

Okay, fine. Well then,
you can tell him, in private,

how I threw you out.
That can be between you too.

I had an affair...

and he won't forgive me.

That's why we're divorcing.
It's his idea.

After all the times
I forgave him, Mae,

for Alexa, Tasha, Melisse.

Melisse? My Melisse?

The Melisse who was our cook
before Maricel came on?

[Kerissa] Yes.

- [Lady Mae] Oh, my Lord.
- And in the laundry room.

- No.
- Yes.

Yet he's the one
that wants a divorce.

I only wanted to use that will
to convince him to relent.

I never thought it would go
this far.

Oh, and far is where
it has gone.

[knocking at door]

Come in.

Mrs. Kerissa,
Millard just called,

Mr. Saunders is here to see you.

Thank you, Maricel.

Thank you.

[door closes]

If you can get him
to forgive me and move on,

I'll let it go.


if he wants to play rough,

game on.

[dramatic music playing]

From a purely legal standpoint,
Bishop, the house is yours,

the second will
erases the first.

But a jury wouldn't see it
that way,

is that what you're saying?

I'm less concerned
about the jury

than I am about the court
of public opinion.

It could look, to some people,
as if Daryl James was k*lled

in that church fire
in order to pave the way

- for the second will.
- But that's not what happened.

I've been trying to tell that
to my son.

Pop, it doesn't matter
what happened.

All right, Daryl James is dead,
Uncle Mac is dead, Basie's dead.

The case will never be
about the facts.

It would be about perception
and the public's idea

- of justice.
- All right. And right now,

you and Mom are trying to launch
this new church. I mean...

What do you suggest we do?

I guess I would make peace.

May I have a word with you

- Yes, ma'am.
- [Lady Mae] Privately.

Aaron has recommended that we...

Yes, I heard.
So what are you gonna say?

Whatever the Spirit tells me.

Well, just don't assume
that Tara's any better

than Rochelle or Basie Skanks.
I'm losing my church tomorrow

and I can't take
losing my house, too.

I talked Basie out of k*lling me

with a b*llet in the chamber,

This can't be much harder
than that.

Famous last words.

Shall we?

Aren't you glad
you're not related?

I'm, uh,
pleased to be of service.


Hi. I'm calling for
a Mr. Yusef Shabazz?

Is this Mr. Shabazz?

Well, I was gonna hang up,

but you get points
for pronouncing it right.

Who is this?

Mr. Shabazz,
my name is Grace Greenleaf

and I was hoping you could
answer a few questions from me.

Are you a cop?

[Grace] No.

- A reporter?
- [Grace] Until recently,

I was a pastor.

Okay. That's strike one.

Sir, your wife previously
worked for a company

called Edenvale Lending.

Ex-wife, yeah,
that's gonna be strike two.

And she's been dead
for twenty years.

- But your son, Phil...
- [Yusef] That's strike three.

You're out.

[dramatic music playing]

Ma, you don't want to hear
what Aaron had to say

- about the wills?
- Perhaps in a moment,

shut the door.

All right.
What happened, what's going on?

"When you stand praying,
if you hold anything

against anyone,
you forgive them,

so that your Father in heaven
may forgive you your sins."

- Mark 11:25, what about it?
- "For all have sinned

and fallen short
of the glory of God."

Romans 3:23.
What is this Ma, pop quiz?

"He who is without sin,
let him first

cast the stone at her."

Oh, why am I not surprised.
John 8:07.

- Okay, you talked to Kerissa.
- [Lady Mae] I did.

- Melisse? Jacob, honestly.
- Ma, that was a one-time thing.

Well, you're gonna be
a one-time thing

in about half a minute,
young man.

- Did she tell you what she did?
- [Lady Mae] I don't care

if she did it with the man
who broke the bank

in Monte Carlo.

That woman has endured years
of your antics.

And she messes up one time,

and you can't forgive her?

So you're taking her side
on this?

As much
as it pains me to do so, yes.

And believe me,
I don't take any pleasure

in finding that my own son
is to blame for a problem

that I'd far more happily
would place at the foot

of his wife. But when you
declined to do the right thing,

you bought us all tickets
to the poorhouse.

Who do you think you are?
Where is your fear of the Lord?

You go and you forgive
that woman!

Ma, that won't solve Tara James.

I am trying to solve you!

You do know what she did, right?

Jacob, this is about you
and what you think of women,

which is what you think of me!

You never did anything
like this.

But what if I had?
What if I did?

You know,
I am so mad at you right now,

you just go in there right now
and you forgive her and move on.

Yes, ma'am.

- [Charity] Ms. Connie.
- Pastor.

Ms. Connie,
do you have a minute?

I'm already running late
for an appointment I have

- with Phil and Judee.
- [Charity] Oh, perfect.

I put together
this PowerPoint presentation

of Calvary's history
that I would like

to show tomorrow.

And you're telling me, how come?

Pastor DeMars and Judee said no.

And now I'm saying it, too.
I can't think of anything worse.

[dramatic music playing]

[distant siren wailing]

[dumpster clatters]

Lord, we need you now.

He's been missing
for quite a while.

Bishop Greenleaf?

Sister James?

This is the second day in a row
that a Greenleaf

has paid me a visit.

It's enough to make a girl
feel special.

I just wanna set things
straight, once and for all.




Good to be outta there, huh?

Yeah. I'm gonna go get my stuff.


- What's this?
- He's a doctor

at Baptist Memorial,
he specializes in treating HIV.

This is why
I'm not staying here.

I told you I didn't want
to talk about it again,

and it's all you want to do.

Just shut up about it.

You're gonna have to get him in
to see someone.

- He needs medicine.
- I know.

Have you even thought
about this?

- I haven't, but I'll call him.
- He's not asymptomatic, Noah.

If we don't get him
on a protocol...

I just said I'll call him.

- I swear, if you do not...
- Noah.

It's so good to see you.

Would you like to join me
for some tea?

That sounds perfect, thank you.


I'll take care of it. Relax.

[dramatic music playing]

[Bishop] That wasn't me
who called your house

the night your father died.

When I found out
your father's body was found

in that church, after the fire,
I was the first to ask

what the hell
was he doing there.

[Tara] So who made the call?

[Bishop] Mac, possibly.
He was the one who arranged

to have that fire
set at the church.

[Tara] What a thing to do.

Yes. The ultimate sacrilege.

[Tara] But why would he
have called,

and why would he have wanted
Daddy dead?

Mrs. Davis originally
meant to leave that house

to your father.

There's a will
that attests to it.

After your father died,
she amended the will

to leave it to us.

A will drafted by Mac.

So why are you telling me this?

Because I want you
to know everything.

Because I want you to know
that we're in this together,

both of us looking back
sadly to a place

where there's no going back to.

Because I want peace.

I hope you know
that I don't look upon riches

as something to be coveted,

but to be feared, actually.

I see your walk here,

and it is clearly
the walk of a Christian.

But I can't lie

and say that it doesn't sit
strangely with me

to think once more of my father

waking up in that hell...
that hell he didn't deserve.

- Not one bit.
- And with no way out.

That hurts.

Is there any way
that we can get past this?

Both of us,

once and for all?

Did you talk to Connie Sykes
about tomorrow?

Just admit it, you did.

I did, and she said no.

[Judee] Yeah,
but if she'd said yes,

well, we can't have you

every move we make, can we?

You're fired!

You can't fire me!

Why? Because I'm not a pastor?

I'm Bob Whitmore's daughter...


...and soon to be First Lady.

The only person with more power
than me here is God.


[dramatic music playing]

Judee just fired me.

She told me.

And you're just
gonna let it happen?

Is there any crime
against common decency

that you won't
let her perpetrate anything

that she can do
that you won't just accept?

- What you did was unproductive.
- Talking to Connie?

Phil, I have known her
since I was born.

I can talk to her
whenever about whatever I want.

Both Judee and I
had made our feelings

about the service tomorrow

We can't run this church
having to double back

every time we talk
to make sure you're truly,

- madly, deeply on board.
- "Truly, madly, deeply"?

It's Judee's favorite movie.

You wanna know what mine is?

It's a little film
that I am writing,

directing and starring
in today called,

You Can't Fire My Black Ass,
I Quit.

Charity, I spoke to Judee
and she's not going to press it,

- so...
- So, why don't you press

your face into those tiny
little titties of hers

and see if you get anything
like what you couldn't get

enough of a couple weeks ago.

Because you'll never
see these again or this.

And you know, if this crazy
Oreo church you think you two

are gonna sit on
like a bicycle built for two

makes it past Tuesday,
which it won't,

you can bet you'll be hearing
from my lawyer

God, how I wish you were the man

I thought you were.


Him, I loved.

But this person,
I can't even hate,

it'd be like hating a sponge.

Just some passive, porous thing.

What a waste.

[birds chirping]

[car horn honks]

You look like you're leaving.

Do I?

I have to hide that better.

I picked up some barbecue.

I got some ribs, chicken,
hot links. Come on, hop in.

You are in a strangely
good mood.

Oh, I am. How's AJ settling in?

He's not.
He's, uh, collecting his things,

he's gonna stay with Noah.

Ah. Now I understand.

- I just feel like...
- Listen,

don't indulge that feeling.

You don't even know what it is.

You feel like everything
you broke

when you let that child go

will never be
put back together, not ever.

He doesn't want to stay here.

And when I think about the role
that I had to play in his life,

I cannot blame him. And I...

I hate that.

Gigi, it's gonna take
more than you.

His father's here.

And you saved his life.

That may be the extent
of the work that you can do now.

Leave some room for God to move.

And come on, get in the car.
I'm hungry.

I'll be up in a minute.

You came back.
Don't forget that.

Twenty years and you came home.

No one saw that coming.


[dramatic music playing]

[Grace sighs]

So, how'd it go with Dante?


Your mother came and saw me.

I know. She came for me next.

Is there anything
you want to say?

You really can't do it?

Here's all you have to say.

Jacob, just say this and we can
keep this family together.

"Kerissa, I am so, so sorry
that I left you so alone

in this marriage that you felt
the need to defile yourself

with another man
just to feel something,

not just to even feel love,
to feel something.

I'm sorry, and I forgive you,

just like you've forgiven me
a hundred times for worse.

I'm sorry."

[dramatic music playing]


I'll lay off the will

because I know now
that Mae knows that I'm right

and she will make sure
that you do the right thing

because you don't know how.

But we're done.

I know.

[dramatic music playing]

- Move.
- [Sophia] Not happening.

[Zora] Uh-uh, what you
reaching for there, buddy?

Y'all quit playing.

Oh, don't make me drop you
on this good Saturday, cuzzo.

Resistance is futile.


[AJ sighs]

- Why don't you just stay?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

For what?

[knocking at door]

Hey, I didn't know
you all were in here.

AJ, can I talk to you
for a second?

Just a second, before you go?

Yeah, I guess.

He's staying.

- I'm not. They're just playing.
- [Grace] I know.

[clears throat]


Have you got everything
you need?

I think so, yeah.

Then you're gonna go see
the doctor that I...

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Do you know
you always can come back?

I know.


You're welcome.

[suitcase clatters]

[dramatic music playing]

[birds chirping]

It's for the best.

You are going to need
all your focus and energy

to keep that church going
during construction.

Daddy's counting on you.
On me, too.

And she was never gonna be
part of the team, not really.

After what she said today,
I'm tempted to agree with you.

What did she say?

Was it about me?

No, it was something about H&H
won't make it at Calvary

past Tuesday.

Wishful thinking.

The way she said it, it was...

it was like something
was in the works.

Don't let her get in your head.


I'm trying not to.



and relax.


No, don't.

[zipper unfastens]

Judee, I said don't.

When are you going to let me...

Let us get back to how we were?

Is it because I'm not legally
divorced yet?

I'm never going back to Ken,
you know that.

Come on.

Come on.


[Bishop] Call her yourself
if you don't believe me.

It's over. Finished!

Why aren't you pleased
with this?

Well, I just find it hard
to believe that a member

of that awful family is finally
doing the right thing.

James, are you sure
that she was being sincere?


we prayed about it together.

We cried. The Spirit
descended on the two of us,

and I thought I was gonna
speak in tongues.

- So maybe you're right.
- Hmm.

Maybe this is all settled,
but I just can't shake

the feeling that somehow,
this is not quite over.

It's over.

Agnes, do you have any
of that sauce

that Mae concocted
in the freezer?

Because this here, spicy,
it doesn't even come close.

You know, I want to get myself
an ice-cold ginger ale.

You know, I always think
to have that with ribs

but I never just get up
and get it.

This is the day I take back
my joy.

- Hey, Ma.
- Hey.

Will Kerissa be joining us?

I don't think so.

Ma, I, uh...

I just couldn't do it.

I know what you said,
and I tried to say it, but...

But what?

You just couldn't get down
off your mile-high horse?

It didn't have anything to do
with forgiveness.

I knew if I said it,
I would just go right back

into that thing. Us.

Well, apparently,
your father has settled things

with Tara James, so maybe
this is just how it all ends.

What happened?

He'll tell you.

He's very proud of himself,
but Jacob, I just have to say,

you need to take a look
at AJ and Grace,

- a good long look.
- Meaning what?

If the two of you do divorce,
don't you let Winkie grow

one inch away from you.
You are his one and only father.

I hear that, Mama, I do.

[Bishop] Does everybody know
that we're having church

- tomorrow morning here?
- What time?

Because I'm available.

- What?
- Hey!

- What about Calvary?
- What about it?

- She quit.
- You quit?

[Charity] I quit, Mama!
I couldn't take it anymore.

Free at last, free at last.

that gets my unqualified Amen!

- [Lady Mae laughs]
- And what did Pastor DeMars say?

Oh, he tried to keep me around,
but I wasn't having it.

He wants that sour cream puff,
he can have her.

- I guess we should call Karine.
- [Charity] No, let her come.

I want to see what she's got.
I hate singing alone.

I assume AJ and Noah left?

Yeah, he didn't
wanna make a big thing.

I would've felt the same way.

He knows how to look after

that's a sign of life
right there.

I hope you're right.

[Zora] Is this from Lola's,

It certainly is.

[Zora] I knew it.
I told Sophia I smelled it.

[Sophia] Too bad AJ isn't here.

Or maybe it's just fine.

He seemed happy
to be with his dad.

[Bishop] Now look,
I just wanna say a few words,

if I may, before we dig in here.

Now, as I said,
tomorrow morning,

we're gonna have church here
at the house,

with just the family.
Now, I'm only speaking tonight

because I expect your mother
to lead us in the morning,

and every Sunday from now on.

All I want to say is

- that I'm...
- [cellphone rings]

So sorry about this.

[cellphone ringing]

[Lady Mae] Who is it?

- Tara.
- Who's Tara?

Tara James, thanks to you.

Tara James? As in Daryl James?

[Lady Mae] Answer.
Just answer the call, James.


Would someone please explain
to me what...

You, of all people,
are owed no explanation,

- just be quiet!
- [Bishop] Oh, yes. Yeah.

Yes, I understand.
I'm sorry to hear that,

but I do understand.

Thank you.

What's the matter, Grandpa?


Just say it, James.

It's the truth we'll have
to live with, whatever it is.

Just say it.

That was Tara James,
the daughter of Daryl James

and Rochelle's sister.

She's thought it over,
prayed about it, apparently,

and she, um...

she wants to talk again,
as soon as possible,

about the house.

[dramatic music playing]