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04x08 - Surprise!

Posted: 09/14/21 07:41
by bunniefuu

Is that...?
GRACE: Faith. Mm-hmm.

So pretty. So sad. So...

What brings you to town, Judee?

Didn't like Charity's new
arrangement of the welcome song?

She was just trying to make it
more, you know, Calvary.

As if Harmony and Hope
would ever

micromanage things like that.

I'm here because
you met Fernando.

I did. I did meet Fernando.

Mm, is he not the handsomest?

He is. And a good actor too.

I didn't know
he was with H&H,

and now I don't know why H&H
hid from my brother

and from me and Calvary

that they're buying up
all this land.

Boy, you must be fun
to throw a party for.

Stop trying to peek out from

under the blindfold
for a minute.

How about you stop
blindfolding me?

Well, we were going
to surprise you...

and now that I'm going
to let you in on it,

I hope you don't spoil it for
the rest of your congregation

because we hope to roll it out
when Daddy comes

to visit in two weeks.

Roll out what, Judee?

I'm here to make a presentation
to the Deacon Board.

We want to put Calvary
on the map.

Build it into something
like Saddleback, Potter's House.

We want to make this a church
worthy of national respect.

We wanna build
a brand-new community center,

childcare facilities,

more parking,
a state-of-the-art gym

with state-of-the-art trainers
who not only train you,

but they tell you
what to eat and where,

at one of the, maybe,
five new restaurants.

Five restaurants? Mm-hmm.


Why should these soul food
shacks on the highway

be getting
all our believers' Benjamins?

This is what we have been
working so hard

to snatch up all that land for.

We need space to do this.

And if there's enough left
in the budget,

we might just do
the tabernacle too.

And this was supposed
to be a surprise?

That was the plan.


♪ Amen ♪

♪ All right ♪
♪ Amen ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪


♪ Amen, amen ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

I don't like it!

I don't believe it,

and I don't like it.
Not one bit.

What don't you believe, Bishop?

Because they own
all the land now,

the whole circle
around the church.

How could you let that happen?

I didn't know they were H&H!
First Tasha Skanks

and now Kerissa.
Here's the weird part, though...

I hate to speak
against my own sex,

but, son, when are you gonna

stop letting women
lead you around

like a pony on a rope
at some seedy carnival?

Kerissa said she didn't know.
Oh, Kerissa said.

She would sell the water
from that lake

right under my eyes
if she thought

it would give her the money
she needed to get out of here

and into a house. JAMES: Gigi,

did Ms. Whitmore
happen to mention

what H&H was going
to expect in return

for this beneficence?

That's what I was gonna say.

Oddly enough, no.

But she did say that they wanted
no cash from the church.

They're gonna... They're gonna
want something.

Nobody just gives money away.

Not anybody who wants
to run a church, anyway.


I could call Bob.

He's not gonna
tell you the truth.

My guess is no one even
knows the truth but him.

Not Judee, not Phil.

Isn't that the impression
that you get, Gigi?

They didn't seem
well-informed, no.

Oh, speaking of Phil...
All right.

Now, what has that
greasy n*gro done now?

Well, it's not so much him
as Charity.

What? JACOB: Look...

Jacob. Mm-mm.

According to her,
they're in love.


And this has been going on
for months.

I think I'm gonna be sick.
GRACE: Mama?

Really, right now?
You had to say that right now?

Somebody should've told her.

I know that I am not at
the center of the universe,

but your sister's choice in men
always feels like

some kind of precision w*apon
designed solely to remind me

what a bad job
I did as a mother,

and it gets me every time.

Phil groomed her for this, Mama,
this isn't on you.

But if she is available
to be hoodwinked thus, though,

I mean, whose fault is that?

From the moment a child is born,
it picks up signals.

It learns how to seek love,
how to get attention,

and I must've just broke
her instruments

or jammed them early on,

because the girl seeks
unhappiness and disappointment

like she was bred in some lab
to do it. Maybe she was.

I feel the same way about A.J.

I wanna go back in time,
just hold him...


...look him in his little eyes
and say, "I love you."

I am so sorry.

And unfortunately,
because what your father and I

went through with Faith,
I know exactly how you feel.

Thank you for saying so.

Now, Grace. Mm.

We have to have a meeting
with the deacons

to create some bulwark against
this wave before it hits.

Definitely before they vote.

I can't set that meeting, Mama.

I have to be the good cop here.

Well, maybe if
we throw some kind of

impromptu engagement party

to celebrate my
and your father's intention

to remarry,

certainly the board
would show up for that.

All but Connie, probably, yeah.

And I don't see why a few
cautionary words about this

might be dripped
into willing ears

amidst the tinkle of flutes

and the roll of conversation,
do you?

As long as it seems
like I have no idea

you're gonna do it, yeah.

And as far as Connie,

the way to ensure
her presence here

is to not invite her.

Oh, the poor thing can't resist
a chance to be rude.

She thinks
it makes her interesting.

And I daresay,
it very nearly does.

Mama, who is gonna talk like you
when you're gone?

No one.

How'd it go down?

Uh, you know, better than usual.

You okay?

Yeah, I... I do have a question.

All right. Hit me.

Well, I just got off
the phone with Nadine,

we didn't get the house.
They took a cash offer.

Oh. I'm sorry. Yeah, me too.

But it made me wonder,
who would get this house

when your parents die?
Do you know?

You wanna see if they're
gonna leave it to us?

I would not say no to that, no,

but if it's gonna be
left to you,

Grace, and Charity,
which it probably is,

maybe they could buy us out.

I don't know their plan.

Would you ask?

I don't really want to.

[SIGHS] Great.

Thanks for your help.

I got a question for you.


What were you doing at
Fernando Amable's office

the other day?

Getting you cufflinks.

Cufflinks? Yeah.

You remember he had those
cufflinks that you liked.

I stopped by there to see

if he could tell me
where I could get some.

I was there for you.

Why did you think I was there?

Uh, I don't know.

Yeah. I couldn't imagine.

Oh, you could.

[SCOFFS] You could and you did.

But who are you,
Officer Greenleaf,

son of iniquity,
Jezebel's favorite fool,

who are you to question me

as if I was some whore
on the street

flagging down cars?

I never... After all...

all of the pain
that you put me through.

Where were you?


The dozens of nights

that I spent alone in our bed?


Okay. So my aunts
and their friend, Rebecca,

used to sing together
in this group called Mystique.


Looking like Destiny's Child.


The version
after Michelle joined,

but before Bey told Farrah
they would send her luggage.


Hey, what are you guys doing?

Grandma just asked us
to put together,

you know, a slide show,

have something running
while the party happens.

She didn't mention it to me.

Maybe she thought
you were busy with A.J.

NIKKI: Who's A.J.?
ZORA: Her brother.

What's his deal? No... Nothing.

It would have been nice
to think about something else

for a minute, actually,
but whatever.

Feel free to join if you want.


Oh, have you seen the one
with Lady Mae and Bishop

at the pie-eating contest?

[BOTH GIGGLE] Show her.


She was looking at him like,
"Boy, it's time to go."

Okay. But, wait,
look at the guy in the back too.


What do you think of the plan?

I think I would have appreciated

if I heard it before Grace.

Maybe even before it happened.
Look, do I matter?

Phil, don't let this
cloud your thinking.

Whatever agreement
you have made with Daddy,

I'm sure he has every intention
of honoring.


Is there anything else
I don't know?

Any plans for the church

or for Calvary's pulpit
you can share?

Just that things
are going to keep progressing,

and you are appreciated.

But you know that, don't you?

If you don't, you should.




Why are you slithering
around behind our backs

with Phil DeMars?

Gigi told you?

I knew she would.

Your brother and sister both
have expressed a worry

that perhaps you're being...

taken for a ride.

I pray it's not so.

Okay, so I can't preach,
I can't date.

Why have you kept it a secret?

It's like y'all
just want me to sit

on some couch cushions and rot!
Why have you kept it a secret?

Because I knew
you would be this way!

The way I'm being has
more to do with the fact

that you've kept it a secret

than it has to do
with Phil DeMars.

What can you possibly see
in this man?

Daddy, he is not what you think.

Oh, really?

Then what is he?

He's a lot like me.
We have the same values.

He's kind, hardworking.


He knows what it's like
to be on a team

and never ever asked to bat.

[CHUCKLES] In what respect?

Can you keep a secret?

Oh, my God.

I should say no.

Daddy, Phil writes
every single word

that Bob Whitmore says,
from preaching, his sermons,

his books, it's Phil.

What am I to make of that?


It sounds like he's not just
woefully ambitious, he's dumb.


You know what? I'm gonna go.

I just don't wanna see you hurt.

Then start
by not hurting me, Daddy.

Start by maybe asking me
about the man that...

That I...


I know it's fast,
Daddy, but I do.

Oh, Charity, come on, now, love?

Just ask to meet him!

Ask like you care more about me
than you do about being right.


Invite him to the party.

Tell him I'll give him a chance.

But no more than any man...

with eyes on my daughter's
likely to get.

I'll make sure he's terrified.

Oh, you do that.

I just spoke
with Misty Williams,

am I to understand there's
a party tonight at the mansion?

An engagement party, yes, ma'am.

I assume my invitation
was treated as junk.

Can you resend?

Or I could put you
down as coming?

Hmm, that'd be simpler.

I'll put you down as coming.

Thank you.

Thank you for catching it.


To the minute.

Bishop, may I bother you
for a second?

You may not. It's not possible.


Well, you know that Zora's
doing this, um, presentation

for the party,
a romantic montage.

She's raided my photo album

and everybody else's, I think.

What does she want now,
my blood type?

No, your marriage license.

She asked me for it,
but I have no idea

where you and Mae keep
those important papers.

Deeds and wills.

It must be upstairs
in the safe in my closet.

I just hope I remember
the combination.

You can...
You can wait right here.

Oh, no, that's okay.
I'm not busy.




So you keep everything in there?

Since Mac died, yes.

We used to have
a safety deposit box in town,

but since they forced me
to retire,

I have too little reason
to go there.

You and Jacob could keep your
papers in here if you'd like.

Oh, I will talk to Jacob
about that.

Thank you so much for offering.

Of course. We're family.

And I'd hate to see anything
lost by flood, fire,

or act of God.


There it is!



A steel trap.
In what sense, Bishop?

Well, my mind. I still got it.


Hmm, okay.
So your will is in that mess?

It is.

I don't like to give things
like this too much respect.

We guard them with lock and key
our whole lives

and most of them
mean almost nothing

within five minutes
after we're dead. Here it is.

Ah, would you look at it.
Thank you.


Oh, anything else?


No. Not right now, thanks.

Uh, one thing, you handle
that relic with care.

I may be philosophical,

but you know how Mae
gets about these things.

Oh, yes, I certainly do.

So, what were the two of you
doing in here?

Oh, uh, Kerissa wanted
our marriage license

for Zora's little
audio-visual extravaganza.

Oh, she did, did she?

I know you and Kerissa
have had your differences,

but it's more apparent to me
than usual that, um...


Family is everything.

Oh, it is, isn't it?
You can't escape it.

Oh, and, well,
how would you feel

about having lunch with me
downstairs, beloved?

I'll be right there.


What's going on?

Mama and Daddy
are having a party tonight,

and they want you to come.

As what?

As someone I like very much

and whom I've explained...

So they know now, about us?

They do.

And how have they taken it?

They're willing to let you
come to the house.

To their engagement party, Phil.
It's something.

What, you don't wanna come?

Charity, you know how I feel.

But do you know how I feel?

Do you know that I am trying
to make this work?

For you.

Meanwhile, I'm forbidden
from using the recording

you gave me of Grace.

Judee is giving me
the run-around.

About what?


I'm worried that all I'm gonna
end up with at the end of this

is a girlfriend and...

Oh, if I'm not enough
of a finish line for you,

cut me loose. Oh, no.

That's not what I meant.

It's just...


What time should I be there?

Seven. Great.

Looking forward to it. Mm-hmm.



Oh, howdy, Pastor!

More surprises? You tell me.

I was just in your cute
little media office

checking out the projector
for the Deacon Board meeting,

and I was told to be sure
and have it back before 4

because someone
is having a party tonight.

Yeah. That'd be my parents.
What kind of party, pray tell?

An engagement party.
As in "rules of engagement"?

As in re-engagement,
actually, why?

Did you tell your parents
about our talk,

our plans for Calvary?

I did.
And you don't think this party

is just a chance for them
to spew venom about it

in front of the deacons?
I think it's just a party.

Then invite me.


You can be my plus one.


It'll be my pleasure.


That makes one of us.

Yeah. This place is great.

Yeah, man.
It's coming together.

Oh. Yeah.

Nikki ain't got no sense,
but she has her some taste,

that's for sure. [LAUGHS]

So, what you wanna talk
to me about?

Well, I know we're no longer
officially in business.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

No problem, but I got
a little idea that, uh,

I think will be good for you.

I think it'll get you around
this whole apology thing

I hear the team's
been asking from you.

[CHUCKLES] All right.


So remember when LeBron
started that school

back in, uh, you know,
his hometown, I Promise?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He got mad love for that.

So how about you do something
like that here?

Okay. Except...

for a school that's already
in operation.

Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What school? Any school.

Or Excellence.

Excellence. Right.

That's your wife's school.
It... It is. Excellence Academy.

So you want me
to give them money?

Whoa. I want you to
get yourself off that bench

without sacrificing your values.

Is that why
you called me here today?

That's the favor
you wanna do for me?

Well, I mean, you know,

if it's... If it makes sense.

Yeah. I thought
you were different, man.

What do you mean "different"?
Hold on.

Dante, hold up, man.
What are you talking about?

For what, man? Why?

Hold up for what?

Look, I'm sorry, all right.

I was just trying to get myself

out of trouble
with me and the wife.

I thought this could be
a good idea.

Yeah, be good
for everybody, right?

Nah. There's no such thing.

You see, man,
you're just like Nikki,

and Cameron, and all of 'em.

All I see are hands, man.

I was gonna sit down there
and pray with you too.

[SCOFFS] Damn.

Come on, Dante.

So your church family
can be incorporated

into every avenue.

And there she blows!


Any questions?

How will all of this
be funded?

Not with cash from Calvary. No.

Daddy made sure before
we started down this path

that there would be
no cash exchange.

Harmony and Hope is prepared
to pay for the entire project.

All we want are
a few seats on the board,

and a chance to be part
of the convo.

How many seats are we talking?
Fifty percent.

Who among us
is supposed to quit?

JUDEE: Nobody!

Did you not look
at this picture?

This church is gonna grow.

We want 12 new seats as we grow.

So 12 and 12,
half and half, 50 percent.

Thanks for taking the time,

Of course.
And y'all take yours too.

You know,
within reason, obviously.

When do you need an answer?

Daddy's coming in two weeks.

We would love
to announce it then.

Or not, whatever you decide.

Got it.

We'll confer. Thank you.

Thank you.

We'll, um, let you folks talk.


I would love
to find a way to do this.

So how do we think that went?

Fifty percent
is a lot to ask, Judee.

For what we'll
actually spend, Grace,

they should give us
complete control.

They will never go for that.

Are you sure?

I'm sure I won't let them.

Whose side are you on, Grace?

I'm on God's, I hope, Judee.

Us too.

I'll see you at the party. Hmm?



Clara! Ha-ha-ha! You made it.

You were at our first engagement
party, if I recall correctly.

I was. Karine.

And this better be the last.

Oh, you know it.

Will you all excuse me a second?


Mr. DeMars,

I understand
you and I might have a...

reason to settle
our little feud.

Oh, I never felt it was a feud

as much as a friendly

Well, we won't argue
about that, now, will we?

Let's, uh, get you
a little something.

Look at that.
They almost look friendly.

You're a miracle worker.

Hmm, don't buddy up to me.

Charity, the mission
was to get back the church

from Harmony and Hope.

You are literally
in bed with them.

But we are not like that.

And if anything
is gonna undo the mission,

it's the way you mishandled
that son of yours.

If anybody knew
what you've done,

we'd already be out
on our asses.

Okay, just so I'm clear,
what exactly have I done?

Oh! "What exactly have I done?"

You lied to the police
to give him an alibi.

But am I screaming that
from the rooftops?

No. But do I get
any credit for that? No.

All I get is snitched on
for doing the one thing

that ain't got nothing
to do with any of this:

falling in love.

You're something else,
Grace. Really.

You are... Heh... something else.


They slowly take control
of the church.

But we still have
half the seats.

Yes, but if they get
those 12 seats,

who will those
12 people be anyhow?

All they need is
to wrangle one more vote

out of some fool like Connie,

and then they could do
whatever they want.

Hmm. Well, that's not good.
Oh, you think?

Connie is wrong
about these people,

and she has been from the start.

Don't let the news
fool you, Ms. Clara.

Dante was doing God's work.

Yeah. And you know
they're always trying to paint

the black man as the aggressor.

Look, we have to stand
for something

or we'll fall for anything.

My man Malcolm X said that.

Oh, um, well,
I know who said that.

I knew who said that
before you were even born.


Hi, Ms. Jackson! How are you?

I'm well, thank you.
And you are?

That's Sophia. Grace's daughter.

Oh, my goodness!
You are Sophia, aren't you?

I thought you were Sophia!

Oh, no.

I was wondering how
you kept this romance going

while you were away at school.
Now it all makes sense.




So, what are your intentions?

At this point?
To keep on getting

to know her
and see where it goes.

You have no ulterior motives.

Bishop, my antipathy
for your family and the havoc

it's wreaked on Calvary
is a well-known fact.

Well, that's hardly why I asked.

So your daughter

must really be something special

to knock me off my horse,
and risk

becoming part of your family,
wouldn't you say?




Pastor DeMars,

might I have a moment
alone with my fiancé?

Fiancé. Ooh, I like
the sound of that.

Hmm. Of course.

Uh, Bishop, if you have
any more questions...

I'll find you. Amen? Amen.

So, what is the verdict?

Well, he's either insincere
and unconvincing,

or sincere
and utterly unfeeling.


Either way,
I'd never give my blessing.

He didn't say the one thing
that would have worked.

I know, offered to quit his job.

As far as I'm concerned,

anything short of that
in this situation

is insufficient.

And so unfortunate.

How did it go with Daddy?

As well as it could.
I saw you arguing with Grace.

What was that about? You and me?

Who cares? She thinks
she's judge and jury.

It never occurs to her
that she's the accused.

Ready to let me
send the recorder?

No. I still worry
about the effect

it'll have
on that poor son of hers.

But I do need more champagne.
Would you be so kind

as to accompany me
to the beverage station, sir?

Well, let me see
how Judee's doing.

I know she is Grace's guest,

but she's looking
a little deserted to me.


But don't be long.


Fraternizing with the locals?

It's different with her.

Like it was with me?
Oh, that's right.

We don't talk about that.
I forgot.


JAMES: Gather round, everybody.

Oh, would you accompany me?

JAMES: Attention, everybody.

Now, first, I wanna...
I wanna thank you all

for joining us
on this very momentous evening.

CROWD: Hear, hear!

In years past, now,
I might have gone on at length,

worrying a beloved theme,
turning it

and turning it on the lathe
of my own sweet voice...

MAN: Go, Bishop!

...but, listen, there are...
There are...

There are other voices
that need to be heard,

that deserve to be heard,

so I'm gonna turn it over
to my very wonderful

and wise wife-to-be,
Pastor Mae Greenleaf.

CROWD: Amen!

Do you know
what she's gonna say?

Does anyone ever?

I want to just say
a few words about partnership.

Godly partnership.

I'll be right back.

Oh, where are you going?

To call
Fernando Amable.

Now, you know, we partner
with God on some things.

Not all, Lord knows, not all.


MAE: Some things,

but it is not
a fifty-fifty arrangement.

WOMAN: Right.



Since God is the Lord
of all things...

CROWD: Hear, hear.

...then space
has to be left for God

in all human partnerships, amen?

CROWD: Amen!
MAN: Preach, sister!

I don't care if
you're considering marriage,

as I am, or some
business arrangement.

When you make a deal
with a human being,

if you form a platform,
you had better leave space

at that table for God!

CROWD: Amen!

Because how many of us know

there's no such thing
as fifty-fifty?

Because where is there any room
for God in that?

How is he gonna squeeze
through that death-trap?

No, this marriage
is not gonna be fifty-fifty,

it is going to be
whatever my God wants it to be.

CROWD: Yeah! Yeah!

And that is how
it's going to work!

Oh! Make us small, oh, Lord,
as small as you want us to be.

Yes! Make us nothing!

CROWD: Amen. And if anyone

offers you fifty-fifty
on anything,

you just say no!

Because we have
to leave room for God!


MAN: Amen.

WOMAN: Hallelujah!

We have to do it. Amen.


That was wonderful, dear.

Aw... Well done, Mama.









You wanna bring that inside?

Oh, my bad.


Just dropping off
the rest of Nikki's things.

Thought you'd still be up
at that party.

It's okay. She's not here.


you're Dante Saunders?

I was. I'm currently benched.

You have any more boxes?

No. No, uh...

I should probably, uh,
head out, then.

So you two are really done, huh?

Who? Me and Nik?

Yeah. Yeah, seems like it.

So who are you?

Well, I was the only daughter
of the prodigal preacher,

Grace Greenleaf.
Now I don't know who I am.


Well, uh...

let's start with your name.


It's nice to meet you, Sophia.

Nice to meet you too.

You wanna go for a ride?

Where? Wherever.

Cool just to drive
sometimes, you know?


Yeah, sure, why not?


What a freakin' mess.

If I had been let in on
what you and Bob were up to,

I could have cleared a path
for this thing.

He just told me three days ago.


Ken filed papers to divorce me.

You're happy with this woman?

Worst party ever.

Hey. Are you okay to drive?

What do you care?

Yes, I'm okay to drive.


Good night.



Somehow, I don't feel applauded.

First, that little performance
for the Sisters of Tamar.


Excuse me? I heard all about it.

"My father did this,
my father did that."

And he's not here
to contradict you,

so who's to know what's true?

And now this?

You are a regular one-woman
repertory theater. Bravo!

Are you honestly suggesting
that I fabricated a story

about being sexually abused
by my own father?

And glorifying
an impending wedding

that's no more than a ploy
to win back this church.



Wonderful party, though.

Thank you so much
for my invitation.

Go with God.

MAN: Good night, Mae.



Oh, come in,
I just put Nathan down.

Uh, may I?

Oh. Of course, Daddy.


So? He is great, right?

I mean, when you put aside
everything else.


But your mother and I
can't put everything aside.

Not at this point in time.

So you want me
to break up with him?

No. No, no, no.

But we would like you to...

put things on hold

until Grace becomes
permanent Head Pastor.

That was the plan.


Grace first...

then me.


if this is the great love
that God has for you,

it'll keep.

You pray on it.


I'm sure you'll see the wisdom
in the morning.


So I was right about the party.

Judee, you may understand
this better than anyone.

My parents
do not ask my permission.


We need the deacons
to vote for this plan.

We need those seats on the board

to make it make sense.

I know that's how you see it.

If you need a reason to see it
a little more my way,

I'll give you one.

But I beg your discretion,

because even Phil
doesn't know this.

This new campus
that we're proposing,

this national landmark...

it's going to be run by you.


Not interim.

Permanent. Daddy has said.

But it's only going to happen

if you get us
those seats on the board.



You are full of surprises.

Use it.

Send Bob the recording.
Write the e-mail.

Whatever. Just do it.


It's time
that sister of mine paid.

