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03x05 - The Beyond

Posted: 09/14/21 06:56
by bunniefuu
Welcome home.



I beg your indulgence, sire.

I know. It's all right.

But His Majesty has needs.

We are together now.

And from this moment,

there will be no one else but you.

And this is my pledge to you.

I will help you fulfill your destiny.

And together we will fight anyone

who stands in your way.


I'd like you to welcome
Madame de Maintenon

as a permanent member of my council.

Now, to business. Louvois?

Well, our scouts tell us that Strasbourg
and Luxembourg have been fortified anew.

So it seems Emperor Leopold
might renege on the deal.

Have my troops loose cannon fire
by the city walls during darkness.

Fill his people with the fear of God.

And keep Leopold distracted from Spain.

Excellent idea, sire.

Marchal, what have we learned
of our uninvited guest?

Our informers tell us

that Monsignor di Marco's record
is entirely without blemish.

So why would the Vatican send him here?

I want you to stay close
to him, Bontemps.

Certainly, sire.

I believe you have good news, Colbert?

A trader has arrived from the east

who promises riches
hitherto beyond our reach.

He is from the Ottoman Empire.


For our economy to blossom,

we must see beyond
religion and identity, sire.


I require an audience with
the king immediately!

You treat your queen with contempt?

Your Majesty,
the council is in session.

To hell with protocol! I wish
to speak with my husband!

I trust this petulant spectacle
comes with adequate explanation.

You may judge that when
you hear what I have to say.

Her Majesty is determined
to test the king's resolve.

I refuse to tolerate your
disdain any longer.

Your worth is purely symbolic now.

You represent a vital link with Spain.

I am your wife, not a
commodity you can trade with.

You have value as collateral.

But your betrayal means that
any relationship is untenable.

You talk to me of betrayal?
This is ill-advised, Majesty--

You have humiliated me in front
of the entire court time and again,

f*cking your whores!

You betrayed me since the day we wed,

yet when I make one mistake
you think you can cut me dead?

Yes, I lay with Leopold,

and it was a sin.

And I came to confess it.

But I did not betray your throne.

That's why I wished to see you.

To tell the truth and
to say that I'm sorry.

I'm the king of my own land

Facing tempests of dust

I'll fight until the end

Creatures of my dreams

Raise up and dance with me

Now and forever

I'm your king

What happened? Are you all right?

They wouldn't tell me anything.

I felt a little dizzy, that's all.

I suspect it's just the
mockery of the moon.

Oh, I'm so relieved.

I overexerted myself,
but I feel strong now.

His Highness wants you to
stay confined to bed, please.

Her Majesty does not need to lose
any more blood. Damned doctors.

Dear Liselotte, I wish everyone
in Versailles were like you.

Then I'd be nothing
special, would I? Hmm.

I hear you had words with the king.

I was, perhaps, too honest.

How did he respond?

No doubt he's laughing at me now.

I don't think he'd do that.

Oh, my dearest, what
would I do without you?

I trust Versailles offers adequate
comfort, Monsignor di Marco?

In my order, we pay no heed
to the needs of the flesh.

Well, if there is anything I
can do for you, please ask.

Cardinal Leto sends his
regards, Monsieur Bontemps.

I don't believe the cardinal
and I are acquainted.

But you and he have a
long-standing arrangement.

Why are you here?
- As a precaution.

You may return to Rome

and tell the cardinal it is not needed.

But you no longer have
the trust of the Vatican.

The duc d'Orléans has become bothersome,

and you have become careless.

The king!

So it's official then.

It would appear so.

Finally, she's learned how to
dress like a king's mistress.

Though I fear the
fabric is poorly judged.

Is this the demise of the modest mouse?

There was always a
she-wolf lurking beneath.

It's in poor taste, parading her
in public when the queen is ill.

He's doing this to humiliate me.

He can't seriously want her.

She's old, plain, and barren.

He wants me in his bed. I know it.

If the king wanted you, he'd have you.

You will have noticed, Bayim Barek,

we have no shortage of
silk and spice in Versailles.

But what I offer His Majesty, more
pertinently, is a trading network.

A commercial infrastructure.

Controlling the routes into all Europe
would bring huge financial gain.

We can supply the finest exotic goods

from Persia and the Far
East, to France and beyond.

And we can export French goods

through the same channels to Asia.

A moment alone?

An Ottoman agent in Versailles.

You show great bravery or stupidity.

My offer is sincere.

Do not play with me, Barek.

Why are you really here?

Sultan Mehmed shares your
antipathy towards Emperor Leopold.

He prays that his enemy's
enemy might become his friend.

He wishes to advance on Vienna.

And he requests your support.

The sultan asks me to support a
Muslim empire against a Christian?

Might I remind His Majesty

that his grandfather had a fruitful
alliance with Sultan Ahmed.

You may continue trade discussions,

but under the strictest confidence.

I will give my answer in good time.

The prison governor has surfaced.

Oh, yes. What did he say?

He was dead. His belly
opened with a single stroke.

Because we spoke with him.

That would seem likely.

He knew the truth.

That's why they k*lled him.

Somebody knows we're getting close.

Someone in the palace is watching us.

If so, I would know about it.

What about Bontemps?

He's the only one here who's
had dealings with the governor.

That hardly makes him the k*ller.

Bontemps hid something in the
hovel to throw me off the scent.

And he's the one who lied about Macquart
in the first place, along with my brother.

Bontemps is not capable of m*rder.

Not even if the king ordered it?

Such requests would tend
to fall within my remit.

Unless Louis has reason
to keep it from you too.

Bontemps would do anything to
protect the king, would he not?

We should discuss this
with them immediately.


This is no longer just an inquiry.

That is precisely my point.

Two men have been k*lled,
and I was nearly the third.

All the more reason to
share it with the king.

But I do not trust the king.

What have you learned about the dagger?

Diabolimors has an
obvious biblical resonance.

Yes, but the insignia...

It's the only evidence we've got.

My dear, Françoise, you've been
hiding your light under a bushel.

Simply trying a new fashion.

And celebrating your elevation?

I am humbled by the king's trust.

And I'm glad, believe me.

In your absence, he's become
somewhat impatient with us.

The nobles of court?
The Protestants in court.

He has imprisoned Augustin de
Puy for no reason whatsoever.

The king always has good
reason. Then the king is wrong.

On some things, one is best advised
to keep one's counsel, Duchesse.

It's me, Françoise. I'm only asking
you to speak up for poor Augustin.

I don't want to trouble the king.

He has all manner of
challenges on his mind.

Then he should stop thinking
he's God Almighty himself.

I should remind you the king is
God's representative on earth.

Then why does he see the
Protestant faith as a threat?

Perhaps that is God's intention.

It is not for me to speak
for either of them.

My God. What has happened to you?

I've become reconciled
with who I once was.

I know exactly who you were.
And who I must be now.

You were one of us.

And it is folly to deny one's history.

The queen's strength returns?
Her Majesty is stable.

The doctor expects her illness
to pass, but she is burdened.

We all have our cross to bear.
And what is yours, madame?

I offer my humble apology, sire.

Surely you can have no
more secrets for me.

No, but I was mistaken.

To enter the kingdom of God,

one must be born again.

Only now do I understand how.

To atone for my trespasses, I
must reject my past utterly.

My sins have been laid bare.

My dark days were during
my life as a Protestant.

And I thank the Lord
for your conversion.

But you were right.

They dare to question your holy status.

Monsieur de Puy simply said
what they were all thinking.

And you know you are chosen by God.

Perhaps the time has come to show them.

Two years ago, one of my
galleons set sail for the Americas.

The vessel appeared robust.

The captain declared it seaworthy.

But he had spotted some woodworm.

Just a little.

A few tiny larvae, presumed
to be innocent stowaways.

The ship crossed the ocean with ease.

But on the return journey,

the sails were raised and
the main mast crumbled.

What was thought to be woodworm
turned out to be the deathwatch beetle,

and the body of the craft was riddled,

eaten from within.

You see, the time to deal with the
menace was before he set sail.

He could have easily
replaced a few timbers.

His mistake was to ignore the threat,

however small it appeared.

It became an infestation.

I want to deal with the Protestant
problem as a matter of priority,

starting with a detailed inventory
of the Protestants under my roof.

But they have been compliant

and loyal.

Their faith is private,

between the individual and God.

They dispute the natural order.

They challenge the authority of
priest, pope, and His Majesty

as our God-chosen king.

Every Huguenot is a threat while he
shares faith with William of Orange.


could I urge His Majesty
to remain lenient?

If only for reasons of taxation.

His Majesty should also remember

there is legislation in place

regarding the rights of all faiths.

Why so fearful, gentlemen?

I'm a reasonable man.
I do not wish to be cruel.

The challenge is to help
them realize their mistake

and encourage them to return to the
one true Church. Precisely.

So I want you to identify
all Protestant businesses

and let them know that the king
would look more kindly on them

if they were to recant.

And if they don't?

Their fate is in their own hands.

Now we must accept a woman
as the king's principal adviser?

I see no problem.

I foresee many, if he
continues to reject our input.

Because you may have to work harder?

I strive night and day already. I give
the king my every waking minute.

I concede that with this new
arrangement we must be vigilant.

"Vigilant"? We should be up in arms.

The Edict of Nantes is there to
protect such vulnerable minorities.

If the king tears it up, there's
no telling where it will end.

Do you advocate mutiny?

I ask the council to reject
naked sectarianism.

This is religious bigotry.

The king has his reasons.

It's our job to facilitate him.

It is our job to do what is right.

A moment, Monsieur Bontemps.

I have business to attend to.

I thought you should be
informed of a m*rder.

You've been acquainted with
the governor of the Bastille?

And this concerns me, how?

I wondered if you knew anyone who
might have reason to wish him dead.

In his line of work, I
suspect there are many.

And if you don't mind my reminding you,

your principle priority should
be protecting the royal family.

It always has been.

The queen has fallen ill.

Have you ruled out the
possibility of a poisoner?

Good day, Mr. Marchal.

"The death of the devil."

I read about this in my studies.

So it's in the Bible?

It is suggested, yes.

But the actual story
is in the Apocrypha.

A collection of Holy Scriptures

that the Church deems... troublesome.

But the-- the insignia...

You've seen that before?

In Vatican records. The
symbol of an ancient sect.

The Knights of Damascus.

From the Third Crusade, I believe.

They were a clandestine order,
said to have had just one aim:

to protect the Catholic Church
and dispose of its enemies,

with impunity.

What do you pray for, Monsieur Bontemps?

Deliverance from evil.

I wish to see the prisoner.

I will not speak of that here.

You need not speak at all. Just listen.

No, you listen to me.

I run this palace.

My services are exclusively to the king.

There's a higher authority

that which we both must answer.

And you will take me to the prisoner

at your earliest convenience.

We gather to remember
our good friend, Olivier,

taken from us so cruelly.

We ask you, our Lord, to keep him safe

and to fold his family in
the palm of your hand.



I'm so sorry.

It's from the palace.

A warning of what's to come.

It's not enough to tax us to the
hilt and m*rder our friends.

Now he wants us to give up our
religion. It's an empty threat.

We've seen what he's capable
of. We have to stand up to him.

Jeanne. So what are you gonna do?

Recant just to please the
king? Get back to work.

While we still have it.

I will interview the prisoner alone.

Why is he tethered?

For his own safety.

You may remain outside.

I've protected this man all my life.

I will not see him suffer now.

The king will end my t*rture soon.

The king knows nothing of
this, and thus it will remain.

An uninvited guest? I've
worked out what you're doing.

And you wish to join me at my table?

You invited the Roman cleric
to Versailles, didn't you?

Why on earth would I do that?

Because I think you might be a lot closer
to the Vatican than you're letting on.

Is this more paranoia from
your fevered imagination?

Give me a straight answer.

I appointed you to council
for your newfound maturity.

Don't give me more cause to regret it.

Why is the Vatican holding
the man in the iron mask?

My dear Philippe, since
that bang on the head,

your behavior has been
erratic, at times, alarming.

This madness must stop.

I need you by my side,
not chasing lost causes.

I'm losing you, Brother.

I fear it is I who is
losing you, Brother.

Are we really expected to do nothing?

Accept the world we live in
and paint on a sunny visage.

There's nothing else one can do.

I dislike my name being on a list.

But it's my nephew that concerns me.

His entire future could be in jeopardy

with the stroke of a Catholic pen,

along with all other decent
Protestant businessmen.

And on that subject,

I had been considering recanting myself
so we might have more in common.

You would become a Protestant?

Well, not the way things
are now, obviously.

But clearly the sensible thing to do
now is for you to become a Catholic.

You don't know me at all, do you?

I know you most intimately.

We had sex. Don't imagine that
gives you access to my heart.

But if... we were to
marry, as Catholics,

that would secure
your position in court.

I need no man.

And I wouldn't marry you if you were
the last specimen on this earth.


The famous shoemaker
alone in the palace.

Have you lost your way?

No. Actually, I was hoping
to talk to the duc d'Orléans.

Perhaps I can help you.

Well, I'm a loyal Frenchman, sir.

I've served the palace as best I can.

But I'm afraid that I may lose business

because I'm a Protestant.

You're in luck, my boy.


I wish to commission boots
for my entire infantry.

Yes, sir. I'd be delighted, sir.

The contract is yours. In perpetuity.

On condition that you recant.

Did you talk to the duc d'Orléans?

There's no point.

This can only end one way.

Well, so be it. We can cope.

I've been offered a
contract from the military.

It'd secure the business for decades.



You'd recant your faith?

Just hear me out. I don't believe it.

It's just saying a few words.

A few words before God.

It's about being practical
in the face of adversity.

You'd be rejecting everything
our father stood for.

Our father was a businessman.

He understood how
these things work. Yeah.

And he knew that principles were
more important than money.

I wouldn't be doing it for me.
I'm thinking of the lads.

They've been loyal
through all the bad times.

This is a chance to save their
jobs. They'd be grateful.

You don't care about them.

This is about you.

You wanna be rich, huh?

Just so long as you can
be a part of Versailles.

Well, I won't give in to
the king's blackmail.

If you've got any heart
left, then neither will you.

So what earth-shattering challenge
are we wrestling with today?

Matters of the heart.
You wouldn't understand.

The Chevalier de Lorraine
has fallen in love.

He's purloined a new mirror? No.

The duchesse d' Angers.


With a woman?

They lack stamina, but they offer
one or two more options than men.

I am here, you know.

The queen requests
your presence, madame.

Don't discuss any juicy
matters without me.

Do you have somewhere to be?

Somewhere else.

I'm not trying to seduce you.

I just... hoped we could still talk
to each other without rancor.


how have you been?



After a fashion.

How's your love life?



The true love that
never lets a man down.

Are you really in love with that woman?

I don't know.

I can't remember what it feels like.

Oh, that makes me feel
marvelous, thank you.

I remember it was good.

I know that much.

Like having a real reason to
get out of bed in the morning.

Or staying in it.

So what's the problem?

She's proving quite a challenge.

Don't know what to say to convince her.

Don't say anything.

Find a way to show her.

How delightful to see you, my dear.

I feel fabulous.

Like a new woman.

You wished to see me, Your Majesty?

Yes. I have the appetite of an army.

Won't you join me in a feast?

I'd be delighted.

I can't help but feel I've been missing
out on the pleasures of Versailles.

Today I shall drink wine.
Lots and lots of wine.

If Her Majesty so wishes.


But first, Her Majesty wants a
bath of scented rose petals.

My dear. What on earth are you doing?

Having some fun.

A facet of life I have
resisted for too long.

Won't you take me for
a ride in the forest?

Perhaps the doctor
should have a say in that.

Won't you take me for a ride?

Touch me again and I'll tell Mother.

She's calling me.

Can't you hear her?

I am coming to you.

I'll embrace you, my heavenly angel.

You need some rest, Your High--

Unhand me, you f*cking
dog! I'm not your prisoner!

I can hear you whispering.

I can see you sneering.
I know what you're doing.

Tying me up, crushing the life from me.

What's happening to me?

What's happening to me?

Tell me. Tell me.

What's happening to me? Hmm?

What's happening to me?

What's happening to me?
What's happening to me?

She's possessed by a demon.

- Get off!
- Hold her legs.

I have inspected the queen.

I believe she is indeed possessed

of a sinister spirit.

She's sick. it is
her own spirit that ails.

And there is no question of poison?

The doctor has dismissed it.

You must go to her,
sire. She is heartsore.

I must advise against that.

Such spirits can only be
treated with exorcism.

Only the power of God

can cast it out and save her soul.

It can be traumatic for
the unfortunate victim,

but it is the only option.

Do you know who saw the queen
on the day before she fell ill?

I want the name of every servant
who was with her this past week.

We are in the dark, Louvois.

Can it be true our queen is
possessed by an evil demon?

You know as well as I there is not a
more godly person in the palace.

Why are you so anxious? Oh!

We're all anxious.

You startled me.

Perhaps that was my intention.

When did you last see the queen?

I have just come from her.

The poor soul is suffering terribly.

And before she fell ill?

I met her in the salon. Why?

Her lady-in-waiting claims you were
near her quarters the previous night.

Yes. Yes, of course.
That slipped my mind.

What were you doing there?

She was looking for me.

I get lost in this place all the time.

The duchesse came to my aid.

Yes. I showed the princess to
her rooms, then retired to bed.


Such vexation does
not suit you, Duchesse.

Well, aren't you going to tell me?

I don't know what you're talking about.

What were you doing
near the queen's rooms?

I wanted a word with her, that's all.

So why did you let me lie for you?

It seemed convenient.
I don't believe you.

I'm going to tell Monsieur Marchal.

You will do what I tell you.

You don't scare me.

Maybe not, but Leopold does.

You work for my uncle?

Where is the
king? Where is the king?

His hands are the claws of a
craven beast!

His tongue is a snake of poison!

His hands are the claws
of a craven beast!

His eyes are the pits of hell

in which all mortals will perish,

to tumble through purgatory

for all eternity!

She is suffering terribly, sire.

You must go to her. She needs you.

But what can I do for her?

Show her godliness.

What have you done to me? I beg you!

Let me go!

Be gone. You lie to me!

My flesh is on fire.

I beg you, give me peace!

Be still.

Peace be upon you.

Return to me.

Thank you.

The king... has
cast out the demon.

It is a miracle.

The queen remains gravely ill,

but her soul has been saved.

The king has performed a miracle.

Such wonderful news.

Word has it he saved
her with his own hands.

I witnessed it myself.

Our Lord moves within him. Excellent.

So perhaps now might be an apt moment

to approach him with a modest request.

You see, I was wondering about
the Protestant arrangement.

We all agree it's a
good idea, naturally.

However, I was hoping His Majesty
might indulge certain individuals.

The duchesse d' Angers, for instance.

Her nephew has got a very
bright future in stained glass.


As a Catholic.

I was praying you might
find it in your heart

to help an old friend.


your services as master of
ceremony are no longer required.

But... the king appointed me.

The king has total faith in my judgment.

His Majesty should be pleased.

So many prominent
Protestants have seen the light.

I bless you for your wisdom and humility

and welcome you back
to the one true Church.

Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi.


I know who you are.

Knight of Damascus.

Who is the man in the iron mask?

The king is not chosen by God.

I can't see your face.

More candles.

It is daylight, my queen.

So be it.

Will you be by my side?

I am with you.

I thought I would be afraid.

But not now, with the
darkness approaching.

Perhaps because I know
God will embrace me.

I admire your strength.

My faith has been tested often.

Yours is constant.

And I never made you happy.

Our life is not meant to be so,

but that doesn't mean I don't love you.

You hold no regrets?

Just one.

I wish I could see the sunrise
in Madrid once more.

To feel the warmth of home on my face.

Can you ever forgive me?

I should be asking that of you.

Of course I do.

We're all sinners.

We do not choose this life.
We do our best within it.

You are a man, like any other.

Do you recall when we first met?

Of course.

You smiled.

I was so frightened.

All those cold eyes staring.

My hands were shaking.
I thought I would die.

But you smiled.

Just a little.

And I knew you were a good man.

You should smile more often, dear Louis.

How can I thank you?

Let's pray together as one.

Even for a moment.

Remember your heart.

I ask just one thing, Lord.

For my wife.

I beg you to give her peace.

Sire, the queen...