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03x04 - Crime and Punishment

Posted: 09/14/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
On the streets of Paris, I
hear you call yourself...


First you steal our money,
then our loved ones.

Yet they did nothing to
harm you, or the king.

So today...

I am justice.

A scar for every day the king
keeps them imprisoned.

Sire, Monsieur Marchal has many enemies.

And many of them would seek
the opportunity to do him harm.

No. He is not the target. I am.

This is a reprisal for the
prisoners taken in Paris.

I have three options.

Execute the prisoners.

Take Paris apart, brick by
brick, until Fabien is located.

Or both.

If I may say, sire, both
options seem excessive.

They almost k*lled you. They have
abducted my head of security.

That is excessive!

Gather some men, start at the
place where we took the prisoners.

Knock on doors. Knock
them down if necessary.

How dare they!

If it weren't for me, they
would be living in squalor.

And where the hell is my brother?

I have no idea, sire.

No! No! No!


Brother, your absence has been noted.

I had important matters to attend to.

More important than a
meeting of counsel?

I saw him. The man in the iron mask.

But before I could speak
to him, I was att*cked.

Who att*cked you?

The men who were guarding him,

but they're not just ordinary guards.

They are ready to k*ll and to die.

Did they know who you were?

There was no time for
formal introductions.

So what are you gonna do?

Perhaps I could help, in
Monsieur Marchal's absence.

I could accompany His Highness to
the place where these events occurred

and help him to unmask the attackers.

- Brother? -I wouldn't want to take
you away from important business.

What could be more important than
ensuring His Highness's peace of mind?

Oh, forget my peace of mind.

I just want to know
who tried to k*ll me.

I'm the king of my own land

Facing tempests of dust

I'll fight until the end

Creatures of my dreams

Raise up and dance with me

Now and forever

I'm your king

It's a long time since anyone
lived here, Your Highness.

Apart from poachers,
perhaps, or vagrants.

I bet a vagrant with an armed guard.

Of course.

And he was where, when you saw him?

Here. Where I am standing now.

I saw him through that window, there.

Shall we search outside?

Excellent idea. Yeah.


I want you to visit all the
houses in the area. Question the inhabitants.

Have they seen anyone suspicious?

Who does this house belong to?

And then report back to
me by the end of the day.

I'm beginning to wonder whether
I imagined the whole thing.

Your Highness, I believe
that you saw someone.

The question is whom.

And I am as determined as you
are to get to the bottom of it.

Thank you.

May I suggest we return to the palace?

Thank you.

Your Majesty?

I thought you were on your way to Spain.

I felt ill and decided to turn back.

Are you recovered?


Then it's not too late.

I shall arrange another carriage

and send word to the emperor
that you are on your way.


Your Majesty, I urge you to leave.

My mind is set. I realize
my duty lies here.

Your Majesty, remaining
here carries its own dangers.

You mean the king?

He shall not find out.

As you wish.

Have you received word from Leopold?


Come on. You have to eat.

Oh, God! My God.

You know who that man is? Of course.

What the hell is he doing here?

I brought him. Well, he took my son.

And you think this will bring him back?


You bloody fool!

The king's musketeers are
already searching the city.

What if they find him here?
He'll more likely get us all k*lled.

And what about Tristan?

I am sorry for you and for him,

but he cannot be my sole concern.

What is your sole concern, huh?
Buying favor with the king perhaps?



My brother is right.

It was a stupid idea.

But our cause is not lost.

We must go straight to the palace

and say that we have found him.

- So you would betray me?
- No.

We refuse to give your name.

We say that we are here on your behalf

to negotiate an exchange of prisoners.



I see Her Majesty is fully recovered.

You seem disappointed.

Only for you.

I know how much you
wanted to see your brother.

What was ailing you?

Just a slight chill.

If so slight, why did you
not continue the journey?

I feared that with the
travel, it would get worse.

I assume you have already made
plans to leave again soon?

No, I decided to stay.

- And your brother?
- Why all these questions?

His Majesty will drive
me back to the sick bed.

Since your brother is not
expected to live long,

I merely assumed you would
be determined to see him.

He no longer needs me.

The visit would have
been for my benefit alone,

and I am well used to denying myself.

Has Madame de Maintenon kept
her silence since her departure?

I have not heard from
her, nor do I wish to.

Losing a close friend, such
as she, can be difficult.

Unless the friend is not as
loyal as you thought they were.

I thank you for accompanying me.

It was a pleasure and an honor.

L-I shall report back to His Highness

as soon as my men have
carried out their investigation.

No, I think we should
call off the investigation.

Your Highness?

I've considered the
matter, and--

I think my brother is right.

There are things more important than a
wild chase after a man in an iron mask.

As His Highness wishes.

I am sorry this happened.

I do not blame you.

I'm grateful for your care.

How long have you served the king?

All my life.

Does it not bother you to just
do exactly what the king says?

It is an honor to serve His Majesty.

My loyalty is recognized.

And is he loyal to you?

Of course.

But for how long?


He may dress you up in fine clothes...

but at the end of the day, you
are no more than a useful tool.

And as soon as you have
outlived your usefulness,

you will find yourself tossed
into a common grave...

...just like the rest of us.

Do you know what it is to be poor?

To work from dawn till dusk every day?

I have seen poverty...

suffering, horrors beyond
your worst imagining.

And what about injustice?

It's all around you and
you do nothing to stop it.

You're a fool.

You should learn to curb your tongue.

And you should learn to open your eyes.

To what?

The truth.

I have been to Versailles.

I have seen the king and his court--

gorged on wealth and opulence,

fat from wine and food,

idle from gambling and debauchery.

That is the way of things.

We must all learn to accept our lot.

Must we?

You think you can dictate terms to me?

To the king of France?
You dare tell me what to do?

Not I, sire.

The people who took Monsieur Marchal.

Give me their names.

I cannot, sire.

- Why not? -Because I do
not know their names.

You expect me to believe you?

What's going on?

The people who took Marchal want to
exchange him for the prisoners we took.

I want their names. This fool
says he doesn't know them.

You're wasting your time.

I know this man.

If he says he doesn't
know, then it's the truth.

We thank you for your help.

And I thank you for yours.

A straight exchange sounds like
a reasonable solution to me.

You'd have them get away with this?

If it saves Marchal's life, why not?

Because I am in no
mood to be reasonable.

Your vision is blurred, Brother.

Treat the people firmly and
they will treat you with respect.

Treat them with cruelty and excess
and they will turn against you.

All that matters is getting Fabien back.

I shall supervise the exchange myself.

Very well.

But he must be released first.

When I set eyes on him, then
I shall release the prisoners.

Fair enough.



A word before you go.



You should never apologize for winning.

I had sensed you had
your heart set on leaving.

I have now set my heart on staying.

What changed your mind?

Did the king asked you to speak with me?

Why would he do that?

Because it's the sort of thing he does

and because he knows we're close.

I played a spade. You
just played a diamond.


Please confirm what I
already told His Majesty.

I felt ill, I decided to
return to Versailles,

and I shall be staying
here at His Majesty's side.

Are you asking me to lie for you?

Run, everybody! This way.


Come on, this way!


When do we get our men back?

Release him!

No! No! No!

When Monsieur Marchal is
safely in the king's presence,

your men will be freed.

You have the king's word.

You have the king's word.

Fabien. Come to me.

Are you all right?

Thank you, Your Highness.


No! No!

Get back down!



I gave them your word.

I gave them a lesson.

And I'm sure they're grateful for it now
you've slaughtered their fathers and brothers.

I did what was necessary.

Mindless slaughter is never necessary.

Monsieur Marchal. I am
pleased to see you returned.

You must see a doctor immediately.

And the prisoners, sire?

What do you intend for them?

They will be treated with
the respect they deserve.

Yes, sire.

It's all right. We'll
be out of here soon.

Hey, friend.

The lad is sick. He needs a doctor.

If you do nothing, he'll die.
Is that what you want?

May you rot in hell.

You're feeling better?

I am, Your Highness. Thank you.

What did they do to you?

Um, these things are best forgotten.

What can you tell me
about these markings?


I've never seen such a w*apon.


Someone tried to gut me with it.

There is someone who might help us if
you're fit enough to accompany me.

I am.

His Majesty called for me?

What is the queen's mood?

Relieved that illness
prevented her making the trip.

And you believe her?

If I may say so...

His Majesty is unnecessarily suspicious.

No one loves him more than his
wife. She is above suspicion.

Your loyalty does you credit.

Sire, you need a distraction.

What sort of distraction
did you have in mind?

There is an intriguing
visitor to the salons.

A scientist and philosopher.

Monsieur de Puy is an entertainer.

I fear his ideas may not
be to His Majesty's taste.

He's a Huguenot, sire.

An entertaining Protestant?

Let me share with you the
human brain.

God's finest work,
capable of the highest art.

As a theologian, I bow to God's Majesty,

but as a scientist, I must
investigate his creations

for a true understanding of his genius.

René Descartes, himself,
a devout Catholic

showed me that the
seat of the human soul

is located right here,
in the pineal gland.

Through learning, we
question, we marvel, we seek,

we come ever closer to finding answers

to the greatest
questions of mortal life.

While God created the universe,

it is science that can uncover
its secrets and mysteries.

It's a great honor, sire.

A fascinating discourse.
My congratulations.

Lock him up.

What is the meaning of
this? I am a scientist.

I advise against it. It would be unwise.

I call it cowardly.

Leave it with me. I shall
speak with the king.

I'll see what I can do
to ensure his release.

Thank you.

You lied to me.

I have no idea what Your
Highness is talking about.

The man with the mask
of iron-- He's still alive.

I am governor of this prison. I know
every guard, every prisoner, every rat.

If there was a prisoner wearing an
iron mask, I would know about it.

Who is he?

How can I know who someone
is, if they don't exist?

I still don't know.

What about this?

What about it?

The markings. What do they mean?

I have no idea. I have
never seen such a knife.

You k*lled Macquart, didn't you?

He k*lled himself.

On whose orders was he k*lled?

The only person who
gives orders in here is me.

And since I didn't give
the order to k*ll him,

he must have taken his own life.

I wondered whether I might
speak with His Majesty.

It concerns the scientist,
Monsieur de Puy.

A friend of yours?


But I believe he has been
a victim of injustice.

Locking someone away for simply stating
his opinions seems to me excessive.

And this is what you wish
to say to His Majesty?

I do.

Oh, I admit

I did not expect to hear such
words coming from your mouth.

Well, I shall take that as a compliment.

However, I warn you that
the king is in poor humor.

I strongly advise you to make your
case once the clouds have lifted.


I believe His Majesty has gone
beyond the bounds of decency

in his treatment of
the scientist de Puy.

I agree.


Tristan! Tristan.



Where is Olivier? I don't know.

Let him go.

No, no, no!


Find your power.

A one-armed beggar could do the
job better. Get out of my sight!


News from our spies in Spain, sire.


It concerns the cavalcade
of Austrian nobles spotted

crossing the border a few weeks ago.

It appears they have arrived in Madrid
and had been welcomed by King Charles.

I understood the king to
be sick and dying in bed.

No. It seems he is in reasonable health

and fully expected to last the winter.

It would seem that
the marriage is going ahead.

Arrange for Princess Eleanor
to meet me in the gardens.

I have some good news.

Oh, good.

The king has promised
to consider the matter.

In the meantime, your
dear Monsieur de Puy

will have to endure
his cell a while longer.

I hope they don't mistreat him.

A man that fascinating, he'll
have no trouble making friends.


I know the king.

If he truly meant your friend
harm, he would be dead by now.

I am grateful for your
efforts to help him.

I didn't do it for him.

I know.

Are you enjoying
your time at Versailles?

Very much.

You must miss home.

Not yet.

But you must be sad not to
have gone to Spain, as planned.

For the marriage.


I know of your uncle's plan.
You need hide nothing from me.

As you wish.

Your uncle will be disappointed.

I'm sure he will enjoy Spain without me.

What is it that pleases you the
most at Versailles? The gardens?

No. I prefer people to flowers.

Anyone in particular?

There is one.

I'm throwing a party this evening.

I hope to see you there.

I would like nothing more.


Tell the queen I wish to
see her immediately.

I wanted your advice.

Of course.

On what subject?

The subject of treachery.

I see.

I have recently discovered that someone
very close to me has plotted behind my back.

Not just to destroy me

but to destroy my empire.

The question is what to do with them.

What would you do?

I don't know the circumstances.


But you do know the person involved.

- Did you really think I would not find out?
- What are you talking about?

You conspired with him to marry
Eleanor to Charles, didn't you?

With whom?

With dear cousin Leopold.

- I knew of no such treachery.
- That's why you were going to Spain, isn't it?

No. I wished to my visit my brother.

As you know, he has a
very weak constitution--

Not that weak.

I've received confirmation that
far from being at death's door,

your brother is in fine health.

If that is the case, then
God has been merciful.

Explain to me the coincidence that my
wife and her cousin, both Habsburgs,

left Versailles within a few days of
each other, both heading to Spain.

Explain it.

Oh, my God.

You slept with him, didn't you?

Why did you come back?

I realized my place was by your side.

You mean you couldn't
go through with it.

You doubt my words,

but I beg you to trust my actions.

I came back.

Yes, you did.

The queen shall be
confined to the palace.

That's what we do to little
birds that try to fly away.

Mother Superior.

Please sit.

This is a great honor.

I came to ask whether
you are happy here.

Of course. I came here
to seek redemption.

It is my wish to spend the rest of
my days in prayer and devotion.

Do not lie to me.

I am not.

That look of piety may fool many,

but it does not fool me.

You question my belief in God?

No. I question your belief in yourself.

I don't understand.

What will you do if the
king comes to find you?

I don't know.

I think you do, but you're
too scared to say it.

- You want the king, don't you?
- Yes.

And what else?

- That is all.
- No, it isn't.

- Tell me the truth.
- I am.

You are not.

You are lying to yourself,
to me, and to God.

Stop attacking me.

It's not me that is attacking you.

It is the shadow of doubt.

What do you really desire?

Say the word. Please stop.

Not until you say the word. I cannot.

- Say it!
- Power.

I want power.

Dominion. Joy.


I want to crush my enemies.

I want to feel the fire
of our Lord inside me.

Welcome home, Bossuet.

I trust your travels were fruitful?

I bring greetings and good wishes

from Cardinal Leto in the Vatican.

And a visitor, I see.

Monsignor Di Marco.

The Cardinal was kind enough to provide
me with a companion for the journey.

Please provide our esteemed
guest with rooms and a meal.

When you say companion,
in truth you mean spy.

The Cardinal insisted
that he accompany me.

So, is Spain mine or not?

While the Cardinal acknowledges His
Majesty's claim to Spain and its territories--


He also recognizes the
strength of Leopold's claim.

So you failed completely to
win him round to our side?

I fear His Majesty underestimates
the authority of the Vatican.

They will not be dictated to.

They take their own
course in such matters.

You failed!

It is not I that failed, sire.

I made your case as best I could.

The fact is your position is weak.

ls there no one I
can count on in this court?

Ever since she left, he's been
walking around like a corpse.

He misses her. I don't.

Neither do I.

Congratulations on the entertainment.

I serve to please.

Good evening. You look... exquisite.

Thank you, sire.

It must be wonderful being king.

How so?

All that you desire is yours.

They are many things I
desire which are not mine.

Perhaps His Majesty
needs to try a little harder.

That depends on the reward.

What the hell are you doing here?

I told you not to contact me.

I had no choice. The Duc
d'Orleans came to see me.

He knows too much.

I have no wish to continue with this.

You are here to serve the king.

You should consider the consequences if
he finds out that you have doubted him.

Does the king even know
what we are doing?

The king knows everything.

Then I wish to speak with him in person.

I need reassurances.

That will not be necessary. As I
said, His Majesty knows everything.

I think you're lying.

Unfortunately, you're
never going to find out.

Where are we going?

Somewhere private.


Don't be ridiculous.

Tell me.

What is it you like about me?

No doubt you assume I was
first attracted by your...


Yes. But I have since come to know you.

And I find you beautiful,

intelligent, witty.

Have you been intimate
with a woman before?

Of course. Many times.

Well, once. Sort of.

What normally happens at this
point when you're with a man?


One of us kneels down.

It is your first time, isn't it?

Is it so obvious?

Obvious, but utterly charming.

Let me see you.

Monsieur Marchal.

I heard about your terrible treatment.

I am fine. The doctors stitched me.

Maybe you should
consider a change in job.

Either that or find
somebody to look after you.

I don't like this game.

I am not playing any games.

Come here.


May I ask a question?

Promise not to laugh.

What is it?

Do you love me?

Did I say something wrong?

Uh, no. The wrong is mine.

Get dressed.

I am not to His Majesty's taste?

It's not your fault. Go
back to your rooms.

You're just a child.

But you can teach me.

Someone else shall have that honor.

I'm sorry.

Are you all right? What happened?

You went with the king, didn't you?

What happened?

He said I was a child.

And I realize now he was right.

I'm just a child
pretending to be an adult.

What were you doing?

Come on.

Let's get you to your rooms.

You cannot sleep, sire?

My body is tired, but
my mind is restless.

Can I fetch His Majesty anything?

Your companionship is
all I care for right now.

- May I speak my mind?
- Yes.

The young girls whose company you share.

What of them?

I fear they may not be the answer, sire.

Perhaps the problem is another woman.

Not the ones you have,
the one you have not.

She left of her own volition.

You said I was right to let her go.

We were both wrong.

If I go to her, does that
not show weakness?

On the contrary.

Holy Mary, mother
of God, pray for our sins

now at the hour of our death, Amen.

Holy Mary, mother of
God, pray for our sins

now at the hour of our death, Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

You told me I needed to change...

and I accept that now.

Without you, I am incomplete.

I sought solace in other
women, in indulgence,

but it was all empty ashes.

My judgment has been poor.

I need your counsel.

I want you back.

I don't care about who you once were.

- I love you...

...for who you are now.

You will never kneel before me again.