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03x01 - Smoke and Mirrors

Posted: 09/14/21 06:45
by bunniefuu
We can never comprehend this world.

We can only learn that there are dangers.

And there are secrets.

Some secrets bring with
them release, redemption.

But others are best
buried deep in the earth.

Never to be found.

The Lord said...

"I have set before you life and death."

The choice is our own.

Do we make a bargain with God...

or do we trade with the devil?

I'm the king of my own land

Facing tempests of dust

I'll fight until the end

Creatures of my dreams
Raise up and dance with me

Now and forever

I'm your king

Feels good to be home, sir.

That is not what I call it.

Good luck to you, my friend.

Emperor Leopold of Hungary,

archduke of Austria

and leader of the Holy Roman Empire.

I kiss the hand of the victor

and proffer the humble supplication
of my people and my crown.

The king accepts your
wishes with respect.

Welcome to Versailles.

I can't help but ask

why you invited me and
not William of Orange.

I thought perhaps you and I
might speak the same language.

Your Majesty.

You should know your sister bore
her last days with great fortitude.

Please accept our condolences
on your wife's passing.

The king is most kind.

I hope he brings such generosity
to the terms of the treaty.

There is so much to discuss.

You've done all of France proud.

You've made me proud, Brother.

I see you've been busy.

Indeed. And...

I have a surprise to show you.

I built this palace

as a symbol of imagination
and human achievement.

But that wasn't enough.

Every body needs its heart.

Every crown must have its jewel.

Versailles needed a diamond so bright,

you might think it was forged by the
creator of the sun, the moon and the stars.

A beacon to the world
reflecting the power and glory

of God himself.

The Galerie des Glaces, now completed.


Come on. Hand over the money.

Well, about bloody time.

Guillaume, my God!

I thought you'd never come home.

He'! -


Well, you didn't get any
prettier, did you, eh?

Good to see you in one piece, boss.

So did Jeanne look after
you lot while I was away?

Your sister can crack
the whip, all right.

Only when they're slacking,
which is most of the time.

So, how was it?


That's all needs said.


So hurry up and get out of that uniform.

We have got work to do.

Come on, lads! Move it!

The servants must be crisp
and clean as the linen.

The wine perfectly chilled
and the glasses never empty.

And these flowers are flaccid.

I want only blooms bursting with vigor.

The king has decreed

this event should represent the
pinnacle of France's success.

I do not wish to disappoint him. Go.


tell me how much you missed me.

I was somewhat preoccupied
marshaling troops,

defending the empire and dodging death.

I have been rather busy myself.

All that cavorting and carousing
must be quite grueling.

Of course I must hear all about your
derring-do on the field of battle,

but we have a little
surprise for you first.

Say hello to little Philippe.

He just might be a future king of France.

A fighting tiger, like his father.

Make it stop.

You're not holding him correctly.

You need to support his head.

Oh, he's hungry.

And you're not anatomically equipped.

You should've seen the
birth. Utter carnage.


here we are.

The hero returns.

You have a remarkable
sense of timing, Bontemps.

It's a natural talent, sir.

Your presence is required immediately.

I've only just got here.

Not you, Your Highness.
The Chevalier de Lorraine.

The master of festivities.

"There is no peace," says
the Lord, "for the wicked."

How much longer, Uncle?

I can't wait for the festivities.

I want to dance. Patience, child.

You're representing your
country and your family.

To acquire an eminent husband,

you will remain silent and drink no wine.

I thought that this was a palace of fun.

For the French, perhaps.

It remains to be seen how
an Austrian is entertained.

I think Louis seems very generous.

Ha! Louis is never what he seems.

He'll find a way to make us pay, somehow.


Your destiny is there for the taking,

if you choose to seize it.

Your people are waiting.

Who could fail to be impressed, my king?

It's nice to be home.

So is he sleeping with
the ice queen or not?

Moot point. They're
certainly thick as thieves.

Some women simply aren't built for sex.


This is a special day for France.

We might be victorious in battle,

but we greet Emperor Leopold not
as an old enemy, but as a new friend.

I've invited him here not
to debate sanctions,

but to discuss creating a new world

where our empires coexist,

a partnership that can benefit all.

To that end, we welcome him to
Versailles, the beating heart of France.

For all this glitter, you would
not think this country broke.

This is also a time to give
thanks to God, above all.

Without his hand we would not have peace.

And to my brother...

whose strength and valor have
given us this glorious victory.


Excuse me.

This must be hard for you, I imagine.

No, I'm fine. I know how to survive.

We should spend some time together.

We haven't spoken properly in ages.

Well, you're fully occupied, evidently.

Such a shame.

We used to be so close.

But things get in the way.

How is the king these days?

I think he knows himself
better than he used to.

He can be a hard man to satisfy.

Well, we have an understanding.

A deeper connection.

I don't see you by his
side much in public?

I know my place.

I am not the queen.

Nor am I a harlot who
will sin with impunity.

Your Highness.

Your Majesty.

I was hoping we might meet again.

Unfortunate you had to
lose the w*r to do so.

You are still beautiful, Marie-Thérèse.

I am older.

Well, none of us can escape time.

But as the years pass, one gains more
appreciation for the finer things in life.

Life here is about seeking
pleasure for everyone else,

except the queen.

I would very much like
to spend time with you.

I don't think that would be wise.


Yes, Madame.

I didn't wish to startle you.

I just wanted to check.

I heard that you once worked
at the Château de Villarceaux?

Yes. Yes?

Well, I was wondering,

do you remember any of the
guests that were staying there?

Madame de Maintenon, for instance?

They say that to find out what really
happens behind closed doors,

you just have to ask the chambermaid.

Your victory has given me great honor.

It's my soldiers who should be honored.

Such modesty becomes you, Brother.

I have learned much.

Which is why I want you
by my side in government.

It's entirely against protocol.

The protocol that I dictate.

I'm no longer a child to be humored.

And I am not given to empty gestures.

I would not be your
puppet. You know that.

Besides, Versailles is
complete and the w*r won.

What more could any man ask for?

You can rest, sire.

Enjoy your success.

But I'm not finished yet.


Call the council.

They will assemble early as expected.


It is time to write the next
chapter of our glorious empire.

To stand still is to die,
so we cannot wait. Sit.

We must seize the moment
before us to embrace our destiny

and to create our future.

Our new priorities must be twofold:

to protect our state from the foreign foe

and to consolidate our
overseas territories in tandem.

To that end, I will enlist Vauban to
make our borders unimpeachable

and De Villiers to construct a
valiant fleet for the Americas.

An admirable ambition, sire.

And one we could achieve

if you were to extract costs from Emperor
Leopold as condition of the treaty.

w*r is about territory, not money.

But our resources are depleted, sire.

That's what tax is for, is it not?

This will benefit all of France,
so everyone must pay for it.

The people
will not like it, sire.

My role is not to please the people.

Many are struggling to
pay the tolls already, sire.

Paris is crippled by
hardship and poverty.

Sickness is rife

and the sewage is a curse in itself.

And at night, crime is
widespread and the people frightened.

"And he showed me a
pure river of water of life...

clear as crystal...

proceeding from the throne of God."


They need clean water, don't they?

Then I shall provide fresh drinking
water to slake their thirst.

And of the darkness in the city, I shall
light up the streets to keep them safe.

We are creating a new
France, a new world.

How can my people love me if
I am not a benevolent father?

Thank you for coming, Guillaume.

Not every day the likes of
me gets to come here, sir.

Oh! You might find it's overrated.

You must've had quite a party.

We always do. And you?

Oh. I haven't had the time.

But it feels good to be
back where I belong.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm.

So, what did you want to see
me about, Your Highness?

There's someone I'd like you to meet.

It was an act
of extreme bravery.

The battle was over and the
field was awash with blood.

And I was wading through
the broken bodies alone.

I never felt such relief.

The enemy was playing dead, and
I had walked into the lion's maw.

- Good God. -They were behind our lines.

They knew they would die, so they
att*cked like men possessed.

I k*lled two, but the third
had struck me down hard.

And then this fearless
soldier came from nowhere

and cut them down, one after the other,

as if it was the sole reason
God had put him on this earth.

He risked his life simply to save mine.

You, Guillaume, are the
true heart of France.

How can we ever repay you?

I have no need of payment, sire.

Integrity as well as bravery.

What is your trade?

I'm just a tanner, sire. I make shoes.

My sister and I.

And how fares your business?

All trades struggle to make
ends meet nowadays, sire.

Then that will be your reward.

You shall be exclusive
purveyor to Versailles.

Does that meet with your approval?



I'm in heaven on earth.

I wish I could live here forever.

At this rate it seems we might have to.

Who would have thought defeat
could offer so much pleasure?

William of Orange loses once again.

It amazes me how you could fight alongside
the very leader of the Protestant world.

The craft of w*r often
entails expediency.

Even with the pope's blessing, yours was an
unholy alliance against a true Catholic empire.

Hmm. Yet you entertain many
Protestants in your own court.

Loyal subjects, every one.

One can
barely tell them apart.

And you're happy for
them to live amongst you.

Yet, you're a defender
of the Catholic faith.

Protestant or Catholic,
we are all French here.

We are made, Jeanne.


I met the king. You did what?

You wanna see all the gold. It's the
most beautiful place in the whole world.

And we are to be a part of it.

No, this can't be right. This
doesn't happen to our sort.

Get some cups.

Hold up, everyone. Hold your work.

Good news for all of us.

The king has granted us a contract

to provide our wares to
the nobles of Versailles.

We'll have to work harder, of course.

Maybe get a bigger place, more suppliers.

God knows how big this could be.

- Please, everyone, gather around.
- Yeah, let's go.

- The king!
- . To the king!

To the king!

You were always an
expert in tittle-tattle.

You're not interested in the
chitchat from the salon?

You mistake me for a common gossip.

No, merely someone who
enjoys fulsome entertainment.

I take no pleasure in
misfortune of others.

So you don't want to hear about
the king's pious favorite then?

Apparently, she has a
very shady past indeed.


Well, I've heard from a reliable source

that she spent a long summer
at the Château de Villarceaux.


Well, she had the express purpose

of gaining favor and
access with the nobility...

by selling her body.


Her arse is tight enough
to uncork a wine bottle.

How many Protestants do you
suppose we might have at court?

Difficult to say, sire. In
the hundreds, I imagine.

This causes you concern?

Simple curiosity. It's
hard to tell these days.

I didn't realize they were a threat.

Some Huguenots plotted
against me in the Fronde.

Along with Catholic noblemen,

if this old man remembers correctly.

While French Protestants fought
with you against William of Orange.

It's not that I have anything
against them, per se.

His Majesty will recall his grandfather's
wisdom and magnanimity.

The Edict of Nantes was decreed to
accommodate French people of all faiths.

You're right.



A furrowed brow doesn't
suit you, my dear.

I'm vexed, sire.

Some of us were born Protestant
through no fault of our own.

Yes, but then you saw the light.

I see it every day.

Forgive me, sire.

I fear I am not made this way.

Anyone might think you
were toying with me.

But we are forbidden that type of love,

as you are married before God.

It's the water and the street lighting

that are pushing us towards crisis.

The combined costs will
take us at least percent

over the anticipated budget.

I must urge His Majesty to reconsider.

I think it's a great idea.

The people of Paris live in squalor.

It's the least we can do for them.

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to
our newest member of the council,

bringing with him fresh
insight and a challenge.

- Now, where were we?
- Deeply in debt, sire.

Then we must increase taxation
to address the shortfall.

I'm providing employment for
thousands. They will be grateful.

Of course, sire.

If I may draw His Majesty's attention

to a fresh conundrum in the Americas,

it seems our first
settlers were unsuitable.

Those that survived the voyage

were then confronted with
disease and savage natives.

So we need men of firm constitution.

They must be strong yet dispensable.

Why not send our troops?
No, that's hardly fair.

They've risked their lives
and limbs fighting for us.

Quite. But we must dispatch someone.

Why not convicted criminals?

The jails are overflowing
and cost a fortune.

It would k*ll two birds rather deftly,

don't you think?

The logic is undeniable.

But the emigrants would have
to be reliable to some degree.

So the Duc d'Orléans should select
the suitable candidates himself,

paying particular attention
to the poisoners.

With pleasure.

I am pleased you accepted my offer.

This can't be true. Tell
me it's a wicked rumor.

My dear Delphine, you have me at a loss.

Word has it the king is
less than happy with us.

It's absurd. What could he possibly
have against Protestants?

I saw the way he looked at us.

I can assure you, the king is
thinking only of his people.

Yes, but which people?

We're all equal before God.

If you could arrange an
audience, I'd like to remind him

that our faith simply
offers freedom of thought.

There is no need. The king
has no issue with you.

It's not much
to ask, Françoise.

You have the king's ear. And
possibly other parts of him too.

The king and I have an understanding.

We connect through heart and soul.

You do make life hard for yourself.

One is permitted to have fun

once in a while.

Well, God frowns upon wanton indulgence.

Was that what they said in
the Château of Villarceaux?

I'm sorry?

Are you all right?

The heat of debate has made me flush.

If you will excuse me, I need some air.

When was the last time you
threw your head back and laughed aloud?

My sister was
the one known for her laughter.


That was one of the
things I liked about her.

But as the years went by,
I heard it less and less.

That's because she hated you.

Isn't that the fate of all marriages?

I love my husband.

Yet he's a Bourbon.

Even surrounded by all this,

he still doesn't know how
to appreciate true beauty.

Don't take me for a fool, Leopold.

What do you want?

I want to talk to the king,
but he's making me wait.

I can't say I blame him. I'd do the same.

You want me to persuade
him to see you, is that all?


I asked for all prison records, Bontemps.

Bring me everything there is.

That would be a veritable
mountain of paperwork.

Then I shall scale it.

A good job is worth doing properly.

Thank you.

Oh, come on, Françoise.

Not every woman is a threat.

What is the point of friendship

if we are not honest with each other?

It is the king.

He treats you only with respect?


But he has become impatient.

How can that be?

You grant his every wish.

Not every wish.

You haven't shared his bed?


For fear that I might lose him.

Well, you will definitely
lose him if you don't.

But that would be the
beginning of the end.

Louis has destroyed every
woman that he has slept with.


But heart and soul will
only see you so far.

You cannot deny our nature.

Every man has his needs,

and every woman knows
how to satisfy them.

And who knows? You
might actually enjoy it.



I believe His Majesty
would like some company.

You have done the king a service.

But you must never return here...

and you must never approach him.

Is that understood?

But, madame, you told me--

You will never meet his gaze again.

Is that understood?

Yes, madame.

You missed a splendid
soiree in the salon.

And here we are...


at last.

Are you just going to
keep stating the obvious?

Not when I have a much better idea.


I said no.

So we're going to take
this seriously or not?

I don't know.

Perhaps you're more interested
in shoemakers now?

Guillaume was just a friend.

So why won't you let me touch you?

You're like a complete stranger.

You're like this every
time you come home.

You've got a bug in your britches.

Says the cuckoo in the nest.

It might have escaped your notice,

but things have moved on
since you've been away.

I can't disagree with you there.

So we're wasting our
time then, aren't we?


I was looking forward to seeing you.

But then I--

I just--

I'll bid you good night then.

...full of grace, God is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women.

Blessed is the fruit...

I thought I might find you here.

I was confessing my sins.

His Majesty is content?

He is.

How much longer does the king
wish me to stay as his guest?

Until we become friends.

Only then will we find a
way we can work together.

You have my attention.

You are vulnerable to attack from
the Muslim Ottoman Empire.

I will guarantee my total support.

I'll even send the troops
to defend Vienna.

And in exchange?

You will allow me to
reclaim the territories

of Strasbourg and Luxembourg.

I knew it couldn't be that simple.

This is a time for big
ideas and brave leaders.

Those territories belong to the Vatican.
I've been entrusted with them.

Then you should discuss it with the pope.

I imagine he would welcome my
Catholic backing against a Muslim foe.

I'll give your offer the
consideration it deserves.

Too thin.

Too old.



The Marquis de Chevret.

Poisoned his wife so he could
marry his cousin for money.

Your Lordship,

how would you like to meet the
cannibal savages of the Americas?


Now, the Duc de Sullun.

Hell, no.

Where is he?

He was moved years ago.

Where is he now?

I don't know. We never got near him.

We weren't even allowed to see his face.

But will he relinquish
Strasbourg and Luxembourg?

He'll have no choice. We've won the w*r.

Now to win the peace.

I've made an extensive short list of
rogues for export to the Americas.

But there's one prisoner
I cannot pinpoint.

Who is the Duc de Sullun?

I do not know that name.

Nor me, sire.

That's what I thought. How can there
be a duc that no one's heard of?

He's a noble. He must
have some significance.

Yet, there's no record of his
crime, his family or his sentence.

It's like he doesn't exist.

Find the wretched creature
and send him to the Americas.

I will.

So how fares our city of water and light?

Well, the engineers are digging a ring
sewer for the right bank of the Seine.

They plan to reroute to
the river Bièvre on the left.

- Good. -But our principle drawback
remains the cash flow, sire.

The collection of taxes
is increasingly fraught.

Then we must find an efficient solution.

You a carpenter?
All right, that'll do.

Able-bodied shall report for work.

And for those hungry for work,
the king offers opportunities.

There are sewers to be dug.

Lightings to be installed

and taxes to be paid.

Come on.

There's no justice in this city.

I am justice.

And you will pay your dues.

I thought the prisoner was
unaccounted for. Not anymore.

The real record had been buried, as
though someone didn't want me to find it.

Is this really wise, Your Highness?

How dull life would be if
we were always so wise.

But this is no ordinary prison.

The Bastille holds the most
dangerous prisoners and madmen.

There's something underhand going on.

I want to see the Duc
de Sullun for myself.

At least wait until tomorrow.

And bring Musketeers!

From the emperor, Leopold.

"God looked down and saw
the earth was without form...

and void.

And darkness was upon
the face of the deep.

And the spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters."

You may take off your blindfolds.

And God said, "Let there be light."

And there was light.

How can I thank
you, my Lord and Savior?

Now I have might over my enemies.

--I have the
adoration of my people.

I am alive to your wishes.

I can feel you in my veins.

I pledge my life to do
your will on earth,

to show love and to show mercy,

to celebrate the virtuous
and to punish the sinners.

For all your bounty, I give you thanks.

How could I ever have doubted you?

You have given me the
wealth of King David

and power beyond my greatest desires.

And there is nothing can
take that away from me.