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03x14 - Curse of the Red Rain

Posted: 09/13/21 18:49
by bunniefuu
You have woken in a new world.

I freed you so that together
we can build a new Azra.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Kannin, your sister.

From this moment forward,

you will stand by my side.

- What does Pilgrim want?
- A tribute.

Food and supplies.

He is weak from raising the sleepers.

You need to strike now before
his strength is restored.

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

You have made me come again.

We've complied with your wishes.

The symbol of Azra is on the wall

and every flag post in the damn place.

That's good.

But I do not see my grain.

I told you.

We will meet your demands
to the best of our ability.

And I told you what would happen

if you failed to deliver the tribute

that you owe.

Why don't you tell me.

So you have taken in this viper.

You will pay for your betrayal.

Pilgrim is the one who betrayed us all.

We took you in!

Taught you to use your Gift.

You taught me to k*ll on command.

I make my own choices now.

There's no need for more bloodshed.

We just need more time.


You have two days to deliver
twice the agreed amount.

No deal.

Tell Pilgrim if he wants his witch back,

he can come fetch.

You will regret this.

Time will be my judge.

Oh, shit.


This is where the Master kept the
Novices who wouldn't toe the line.

Kept them how?

She used the needles to drain
their power. It left them...



The Master thought she was the
only one who could wake 'em up.

Turns out she was wrong.

M.K. must've told Pilgrim.


And now he's got his own
platoon of dark ones.

Henry's at the Sanctuary.

We need to get back there now.

Pilgrim isn't our only problem.

Magnus has probably already sent
an assassin squad after us.

Oh, good. Good.

I know a shortcut that leads
back to the Badlands.

- A gorge called Dragon's Tooth.
- Never heard of it.

The Black Lotus spent years

mapping all the ways in and
out of these mountains.

I'll show you the way.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

I don't like it.

She saved my life back at that prison.

And yours, too.

We're going.

Of course we are.

It's been a long time
since I held a baby.

They smell like innocence.

Must be why we feel so
compelled to protect them.

If you're so keen to protect him,

then why goad Pilgrim to attack us?

Sometimes you have to
fight fire with fire,

or it will consume you.

The Master said that raising
the Sleepers weakened Pilgrim.

If we attack now, it might be
our only chance to defeat him.

Weakened or not,

he still has an army of
demons just like M.K.

They're not demons.

Despite the myths, they can be k*lled.

We need to show Pilgrim's followers

that he's no god.

I can see your mind's made up.

It is.

We need to act as one
if we're gonna win.

Do I have your support?

You do.


Hey, now.


That child is probably an orphan by now.

It's my fault his mother died.

And I left his father to
face the Black Lotus alone.

He would always have loving parents.

You and Moon?

Some secrets are hard to keep.

You don't mind?

I'm impressed by anyone

who can balance love and leadership,

especially during a w*r.

Which is why, when this one is over,

I may not be the best person to lead us.

What are you saying?

You kept my people
together when I was gone.

You did the same for the refugees.

And that takes strength.

When this w*r is over

and we're the last ones standing,

I want you to take over.

But first, we're gonna have
to win this fight together.

You let her put a sword
to Cressida's throat?

Prepare the other dark ones.

We march tomorrow at dawn.

- The Widow is baiting you.
- How would you know?

She wants you to attack
while your strength is low.

My strength is enough to crush her!

And now we have your Sleepers.

Our Sleepers are tired.
They need training.

The Gift is all the training they need.

You have something to say, my son?

We followed you because you promised

we'd finally get to
fight for what's right.

You woke the Sleepers. Now
it's time to set us loose.

Spoken like a true believer.

Ready the chosen ones,

or I will find someone who can.

I heard you had something to say to me.

Hope it's more than blusters
and toothless threats.

It is.

Something that may cause
you to re-evaluate

your rash decision to court disaster.

I already know that
Pilgrim has the Gift,

and I know what it's doing to him.

You put on a good show,

but you are the one having doubts

about what you believe and who you are.

It is eating away at your courage.

Unlike your savior,

I conquered this land on the
strength of my own sword.

Yes, you are a great fighter.

It's because you've...

You've never truly
fought for anyone else.

But that will change now.

What are you talking about?

I can smell it on your every breath.

A new life has taken root inside of you.

You are with child.

Your Gift is for k*lling.
Mine is for seeing.

What has happened, what will happen.

Give up this fight

or your unborn child will die.

Even if you survive.

Is that a sacrifice
that you can live with?

We'll be ready on time.

If you say so.

I don't remember you
getting this worked up

before the battle with Chau.

I've fought and won so many
battles, I can't even count.

But never against dark ones.

Hell, we don't even know how
many Pilgrim's bringing.

I know, but I think The Widow's right.

This could be our only
chance to beat him.


What's really bothering you?


I've always fought with
the readiness to die,

but now I guess I'm not so ready.

It's strange.

I joined The Widow for revenge
when all I had was my honor.

But now,


It's frightening, isn't it?

To realize you've more to
lose than you thought.

But more to hope for.

For a warrior, hope is
a double-edged sword.

Then try not to cut yourself.

And put this in your hope chest.

I had a conversation with The Widow.

If we win this, we may get
everything we dreamed of.

Ruling together.

Well, I guess this leaves us no choice.

Let's win.

Your clippers may have pledged
their loyalty to you,

but will they fight for me?

They'll follow their baron,
and I will follow you.

I need to speak to my daughter, alone.

As you wish.

I need to send you out again.

- Where?
- To track Pilgrim.

I need to know exactly where he is,

how many fighters he's bringing.

And I want you to take Nix.

I don't need a chaperone
on a scouting mission.

You're still getting over your injuries.

I'm fine, and you might need Nix here.

Nix goes with you.

Just because we mended fences

doesn't mean you get to
question my every order.

As you wish, Baron.

Wait, Tilda. I know you
can handle yourself.

- It's just with Nix, it's...
- It's all right.

I'll take her.

Come back to me in one piece.

I will.

Are we nearly there yet?

Are you a small child?

I've never been a small anything.

Well then stop asking how much longer

and start walking faster.

Hey. Nice woman, your sister, isn't she?

Really nice and warm.

Glad to see you're gettin' along.

Is that... Is that a joke?

Oh, it's a joke. It's very good.

Very good. I need to get
you into a card game.

You got the face for it.

Hey, this is, uh,

a nice place for an ambush, innit?

Do you really think she's
leading us into a trap?

I don't know where she's leadin' us,

but it feels like we've come
this way before, you know?

Hey. Hey. Wait.

I stole this map from our mate Magnus.


Nowhere on this map

does it mention Dragon's Tooth gorge.

We're in a gorge, aren't we?


So you're being paranoid.

Maybe you're not being paranoid enough.

"Or maybe you're being paranoid.

"Don't need to rat, Bajie."

The preparations are nearly finished.

- Good.
- We'll be ready for Pilgrim.

How are your clippers
getting along with mine?

Few bruised knuckles,
no fatalities, yet.

I'm glad to see that
you find this amusing.

I've fought right by your
side and you know that.

- Why are you being so cold?
- Cold?

Ever since I got back, you
barely said a word to me

that wasn't an order.

Minerva, what's wrong?

Whatever it is, you can tell me.

You know what they say
about a red sky at night?

Well, maybe the gods are smiling on us.

Back to work!

I don't have time to indulge
in your personal concerns.

This was your doing, wasn't it?

- Blood falling from the sky.
- Ah.

Red rain.

An entirely natural phenomenon.


This was a warning.

No one else needs to die.

And I suppose you would tell Pilgrim

to call off his dark eyed ones?

I would tell him that in you we
have found a kindred spirit.

One with whom we can forge
an everlasting peace.

Even if I believed you,

that decision is not up to me.

You have put your trust in a fraud.

Pilgrim will be merciful.

The Widow will k*ll us all.

Was it merciful to slaughter
all of the abbots?

Or to k*ll a child

who looked up to him as a father?

I have no time

for the kind of mercy you peddle.

Enough. This is your time to choose.

Well, I'm afraid I've
had a better offer.

Lock her in the brig.

Rest of the convoy must
be stuck in the snow.

This storm will pass.

Nothing can stop Pilgrim now.

Can you believe this?

It's finally happening.

The Widow's never faced
an army like this.

No one has.

You know, she used to be like us.

She had the Gift?

It's M.K.

Her Master put her to sleep.

Makes me almost feel
bad about k*lling her.


What are you doing?

Correcting a mistake.


M.K.'s Pilgrim's now.

If you're thinking about saving
him, you can just forget it.

If we lose the element of surprise,

we lose the battle.

You're not with Pilgrim anymore.

And you're not on your own.

You're with us.

Start acting like it.

So what was it like k*lling the Master?

I looked her in the eyes.

I wanted her to know

that I was the one to take her life.

Gonna get some shut-eye.

Rest up.

You'll need it.


Does that look like the Badlands to you?

Kannin, where are we?

Where we need to be.

What did I say to you?

She's been leadin' us right back
to 'em from the very start.

Why are you doing this?

Why help free us just to lead us here?

Those are the boats that
Magnus used to sack Azra.

We can use one to escape.

- Escape where?
- Escape from them.

From the Badlands.

To a place where you'll be safe.

Hey, unless we can defeat Pilgrim,

there is nowhere that is safe.

And I'm not going
anywhere without Henry.

Your son and your allies
are probably already dead.

My son is alive. I can feel it.

Now stop your bullshit
and unlock my Gift.

Sorry, but that can never happen.

She was holdin' out on us
from the very beginning.

I've had enough.

Oi, goodbye.

What are you saying?

You told me you can unlock my Gift.

I didn't show you everything
you need to know.

I can awaken your Gift, but If I do,

the only one who can
turn it off is Pilgrim.

And when he does, you'll both die.

I don't care what happens to me anymore,

just as long as I can save my son.

My mission to protect you, and
I'm not gonna fail again.

That's not your choice to make.

I'm afraid it is, brother.

Either way I'm dead,

because the only way
you'll get me on that boat

is by k*lling me.

Bajie, wait. I said wait.

Yeah, I heard what you said.

Let me ask you something.

You ever hear anything I say?


- I know you're mad...
- No, no, no, no.

You know shit, my friend.

Listen, I don't work for you.

I do this 'cause I enjoy it, and
it keeps me out of trouble.

But trying to get you
to listen to anything

but that angry little
voice inside your head,

my friend, that shit is getting old.

She's my sister. I thought
I could trust her.

Yeah. Like you thought
you could trust, hmm,

Quinn? Uh, Pilgrim?

- Even M.K.
- All right, I get it.

No, you don't get it.

You blunder blindly from
one drama to the next,

trying to find answers,

when in fact, you have no
idea what the question is.

I am doing this for Henry.

You know what? When Henry's old enough

and he asks me about you,

you know what I'm gonna say?

I'm gonna say "You dad
was a good, brave man.

"But he died because
he wouldn't listen."

What do you want me to say?

Okay, for starters,

"I'm sorry, Bajie" would be nice.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Everybody out! Let's go to w*r!

Come on! Come on!

Move! Move! Move!

Maybe they ran.

Cressida awaits.

Let's move!

Return my Priestess!


And I will be merciful.

The blood of your people
will be on your hands!

Guess you're too much of a mama's boy

to take me on without your Gift.


Vengeance! Vengeance!

Thank the gods.

The Widow's mine.

k*ll everybody else.

Sound the alarm!

Go get Henry.

k*ll the witch.

- I'll take care of Pilgrim.
- No.

The people need a leader.

You have to survive no matter what.

He's right.

We'll keep 'em busy while
you get everyone out.

Stay alive.

It's time for you to die.

You may have k*lled,

but you are not a k*ller.

I am today.

You can do it on your
knees or on your feet.

May you be welcomed onto Azra.

The witch?

Okay. Stay with me. I need to
get you to a healer. Come on.

- It's too late. It's too late.
- No, no, no, I can't lose you.

Stop. Listen to me.

Listen to me.

I was wrong. About everything.

Everything but you.

Throw your sword in the ocean.

Get out of the Badlands
and live a life of peace.

Oh, my beautiful Nathaniel.

Carry this with you.

Know that you were loved by me.