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03x13 - Black Lotus, White Rose

Posted: 09/13/21 18:48
by bunniefuu
I'm here to set you free.

Your Master led you astray.

You weren't born with
the Gift... You stole it.

And now it's fighting against you.

Hello, Juliet.

Let's finish this.

Tell me how to defeat Pilgrim.

There was once a great power inside you.

How do I unlock it?

Only your sister could, and she's dead.

- They've come for us.
- I want Sanzo alive.

Bajie, no!

Take him...

We're heading back to Razor Ridge.

Welcome to Razor Ridge, Sanzo.

I don't know that name.

You're a hard man to find.

But Ankara has never steered me wrong.

You know, she offered to
trade her life for yours

and your friend's.

Where is Bajie?

Oh, last time I saw him,
he was lying in a pool

of his own blood.

Very dead.

- Son of a bitch!
- Hey!

The only reason you're still alive

is because we can help each other.

Ankara told me all
about the Black Lotus.

How you razed Azra and
m*rder*d my sister.

That's not true.

Ankara didn't know the whole story.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Kannin. Your sister.

No, boy. You're not going out like this.


Welcome back, you little prick.

Aah! What did you bring me
back for, you silly old bat?

You always were my favorite.

Just don't tell anyone.

Hey, hey.

Where did those bastards take Sunny?

Razor Ridge.

But he can't be saved.

Oh, get out, while you still can.


My friend, Tate.

Where is he?

I saw you needle him.

Not all the sleepers
survive the process.

All he wanted was to be free.

Patience, dear one.

She will pay for her
transgressions. I promise.

Look into the eyes of the
innocents you incarcerated.

The ones who saw through your hypocrisy

and dared to defy your lies

and empty promises.

I want to welcome our
brothers and sisters

who have been asleep.

You have woken in a new world.

One where you have nothing to fear.

I freed you so that together
we can build a new Azra.

A place where your
Gift won't be shunned.

It will be celebrated.

This man is no liberator!

He wants to use your Gift
to conquer his enemies.

Says the woman who incarcerated you

in an endless nightmare.

Don't believe me, ask your brother, M.K.

After he escaped this prison
I found him at death's door.

I restored his health

and taught him to treasure his Gift.

When he told me of your plight

we embarked on our journey to free you.

I believe you can't change the world

by hiding on a mountain.

You must do it through action.

Together, we can wipe the Badlands clean

and usher in the dawn of a new age.

A golden age.

One where you will walk the Earth

like gods among men.


Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

You okay?

When I was younger,

my father said I
wouldn't live to see 25.

He said I was too weak
to survive the Badlands.

Here I am, last one standing.

Well, the dead don't
decide the future, we do.

Now more than ever.

Take this to White Bone,

show your sister's head to her troops

and tell them one w*r has ended

but another is about to begin.

Sure you don't want to
bring this yourself?

I'll be back soon.

Nix will ride with you.

Send her to the Sanctuary,

if Pilgrim tries anything,

Lydia will need all
the help she can get.

Looks like someone could
use her mother right now.

I'm coming to get you, Sunny.

Unshackle him.

What are you doing?

Giving you a chance to escape.

There are 25 guards on this level,

another 50 below.

If you get past them,

there's still the matter
of a dozen steel doors.

Do you want to make a run for it?

Or learn who you really are?

I know my sister and I were
hunted by the Black Lotus

and then she sacrificed herself

so that I could escape.

That's true. Except,
they didn't k*ll me.

They saved me.

You're not my sister.

She died so that I could live.

I'm standing right in
front of you, Sanzo.

Stop playing mind games with
me and tell me what you want.

I want you to remember who you are.

Where are we?

Inside your memory.

I've had enough.

- Pick it up.
- I yield, brother.

- We go again!
- Sanzo, stop!

You okay, Taurin?

Why are you so hard on him?

You know how much he looks
up to you like a brother.

Are you worried about
the ceremony tomorrow?

As certain as the sun
sets and the moon rises,

I'll be by your side, Sanzo.


Come on, I'll race you home.

Do you believe me now?

I know what you're thinking, Sanzo,

but k*lling me isn't gonna
help you get what you want.

And what's that?

Pilgrim dead.

I want the same thing.

Until a few weeks ago,

I'd never even heard of the Black Lotus.

Well, that would be the ambition

of a secret brotherhood, would it not?

To remain secret.

We've been around for
more than 500 years.

Moving in the shadows.

Passing on our knowledge from
generation to generation.

This outpost is just one of many.

Do you really think those
black-eyed scum exist

only in the Badlands?

Why do you hate them so much?

They were responsible for
the fall of the old world.

Our founders tried to warn the people

that the "Gifted" ones would
lead to their destruction.

But their warnings went
unheeded until it was too late.

Then, we learnt that a
new city was being built

in the rubble of Azra.

The haven for the dark ones.

We could not let history repeat itself.

You were the one who betrayed Ankara.

We stopped them before
they destroyed us all.

But it seems the old woman
had the last laugh.

She used you to create a monster.

Pilgrim isn't the only monster here.

Get him fed.

Give him time.

I can unlock his Gift.

You've shown your loyalty to me,

and for that reason I shall indulge you.

But never forget,

you will always be just a
filthy little dark-eyed one.

You remember this old relic?

A souvenir from Azra.

You have until the sand
runs out to unlock him.

Why don't I remember anything about you?

Locking away your
memories was the only way

I could keep you safe.

So, how is it that you're working for

the people that tried to k*ll us?

Magnus took me in.

He became a father to me.
He showed me the truth.

We are the ones who pose
a threat to the world.

Pilgrim confirms that.

If you have a trained
army, why do you need me?

Your Gift is special. It's powerful.

Didn't you ever wonder why your
fighting skills were superior?

Pilgrim can't be both
dark-eyed and shut you down.

He'll have to choose, and
that's how you can beat him.

Use one enemy to defeat another.

You're not my enemy,
Sanzo. You're my brother.

Ankara said you are the only
that can unlock my Gift.

Is that true?

Yes, but you've been locked
for such a long time.

If we go too fast,

the shock will k*ll you.

I need you to free your
mind and remember.

I remember this place. It's
the great hall in Azra.

We must now look to a
future beyond these walls.

Of the future in which we
bring Azra's enlightenment

to the entire world.

This is my pendant ceremony.

And no one was prouder than our father.

Sanzo and Taurin are the
guardians of that future.


Why are you showing me this?

Because this was the day
your innocence ended.

Sanzo, come with me.

Who are you?

How did you sneak through
the city's defenses?

I ask again.

Where did you get this?

You have until the sand
runs out to confess

or you will die like your friends.

Death is always hard to watch.

But no one can know of our existence.

But why, Father?

People are afraid of what
they don't understand.

We must protect them from themselves.

When the sand runs out,

it will be your duty to
end the young man's life.

No, I can't.

k*lling is your destiny, Sanzo.

There can be no turning back.

It is who you are.

I'm sorry.

Every paradise has its price.

Even Azra.

Now, I have your sacred knowledge

and the loyalty of your former pupils.

You have a bunch of scrolls
and some misguided children.

For someone so enlightened,

how can you be so blind
to your own hubris?

You speak of hubris?

Yours is bleeding from your eyes.

Absolute power is an illusion.

It fades away just when
you need it the most.

True power hides until
it is ready to strike.

You treat the Gift like it is
a w*apon that you can wield.

It is not.

From this moment forward,

you will stand by my side

as my most trusted warrior

and my one true son.

Oh, fantastic. I was just thinking,

I hope there's an
impregnable stone fortress

I have to break into.

'Cause I never get tired of that.

When you get to the
Sanctuary, ask for Lydia.

Tell her The Widow sent you.

Why would she believe me?

Show her this. It's Baron Chau's.

Thank you, for looking
out for my mother.

She's a warrior.

I've never met anyone quite like her.

You know, Minerva said the
same thing about you.

Why do I get a feeling you don't approve

of our relationship.

I just need to know that you're serious.

It is for me.

If you break her heart,
I'll cut yours out.

Magnus told me about the
tattoos on your back.

I wiped you clean.

Gave you a new start.

You could have been anything
and you still became a k*ller.

I also broke free, found love.

Had a wife.

What happened to her?

People like us aren't worthy of love.

That's what the Gift does.
It destroys all it touches.

That's Magnus talking.

He showed me the beauty
of the old world.

And how it was destroyed by our kind.

You think the Black Lotus
are some kind of saviors?

They're doing what must to secure peace.

That's exactly how my Baron
justified the things I did

in his name.

But there has to be another way.

This is the fate we deserve.

Because that's what
Magnus told you to think?

He didn't save you, he broke you.

He took me in.

He gave me a family when I had none.

He took a scared girl and fed you lies

until that's the only
truth you could see.

I know because my Baron
did the same thing to me.

He called me his son,
but I was just a dog.

Kannin, what happened
to us isn't your fault.

I know.

It's yours.


He woke the sleepers.

Now they are marching on the Badlands.

What about Sunny and Bajie?

They had Ankara and were heading here.

They never arrived.

The Mirror chamber.

Take me there.

Will you journey with me?

Where are we?

The last place I ever
felt true happiness.

The time before the Gift.

When I wasn't the Master.

I was simply... Ada.

My brother's.

I was ten.

We were out picking blackberries

like we did every solstice.

I remember we were laughing

and then I pricked my finger on a thorn.

As I looked at the blood
the world went black.

The day your Gift first appeared.

When I woke, I was standing
over my brother's body.

His neck was broken.

At first I wasn't sure what had happened

until I saw the terror
in my parents' eyes.

The way my mother looked at me,

such fear...

Such shame.

I thought the Monastery was an oasis

where we could be safe from
the cruelty of the world

and the world could be safe from us.

But it was a prison,

and I was the warden.

No better than the people I was trying

to protect us from.

And now my hypocrisy has
come back to k*ll me.

I always admired you.

And now you're here at the
moment of my passing.

You are my final lesson.

I've made mistakes. So many.

Stop looking to a greater
authority for answers.

You need to find them inside you.

Create a world

where there are no more masters.

My time on this earth is over.


There must be something you can tell me

about defeating Pilgrim.

He is weak from raising the sleepers.

You need to strike now

before his strength is restored.

Thank you... Ada.

Yeah, lovely.


Hello, assh*le. You remember me?

I was the one with the
bad case of heartburn.

I'm feeling a lot better,
thank you very much.

What is this?

Oh, a nice little souvenir.

Yeah, so we don't run into
anymore of you assholes.

Let's go. Get up!


Bajie? I thought you were dead.

It's a long story.

But I am still ticking my friend.

Let's go.

I can't leave without my sister.

Your sister?

She's alive.

Fine, we'll get her on the way out.

Let Magnus go.

You better back off, bitch.

That's my sister.


Kannin, Bajie's a friend.

This is our chance we can
all get out of here now.

She doesn't belong to
you. She belongs to me.

Show them you're a true believer.

See, only too willing to sacrifice

her life for our cause.

Don't do this.

Bajie, let him go.

- What?
- Just do it.

You're unbelievable.

Get him.

Take them to the chain room.

Not only did I rise from the dead,

I found this secret prison,

I snuck in,

I took out three guards

and I had a plan for
us to get us out here.

Only for you to do a shit of defeat

out of the anus of victory.

You're going to wish that witch

had never brought you back to life.

You know, I has this
rig built for Kannin.

Needed something she couldn't
use her Gift to escape from.

And hanging here in these chains,

she came to realize that
I was her only way out.

It wasn't long

before she went from
this dungeon to my bed.

That's more like the Sanzo I remember.

Last time we met, I was your prisoner.

Your father plans to use you as a w*apon

He's going to harness your Gift

to cleanse the world of all those

who don't believe in Azra.

Help free me and I can
take you away from here,

to a place where your
father will never find you.

When the sand runs out,

it will be your duty to
end the young man's life.


Stay back!

You remember me now, don't you?

You helped me once, Sanzo.

Thanks to you, your father's
dream was destroyed,

along with his city and
everyone you ever loved.

Now I'm going to use your special Gift

to destroy Pilgrim and
all his followers.

I will not be your w*apon.

You don't have a choice.

Once Kannin unlocks you,
you'll be under her control.

That's what she was trained to do.

You're lying.

Ask her.

It's time for you and your sister

to fulfill your destinies.

What about me?

Once Sanzo goes dark eyed,

I'll make sure he kills you first.

I'm sorry?

Time's up.

You can't let her take your
Gift. Do you hear me?

Don't do this.

We can find another way to stop Pilgrim.

I need you.

My son needs you. Sanzo needs you.

Ignore him. Do it now!

This is not love.

This is control.

Remember what he put you through.

How he locked you in these chains.

Forced you into his bed!


Sound the alarm!


I just wanna say, I think we probably

got off on the wrong foot.

No hard feelings, then.

You never were a k*ller.

We should leave.

Follow me.

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim!

Pilgrim! Pilgrim! Pilgrim...