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03x11 - Chapter XXVII: The Boar and the Butterfly

Posted: 09/13/21 18:45
by bunniefuu
You shall have what you want...

your gift back.

Baron Chau is your sister,

and now, you're helping The Widow?

I need to find a woman... Ankara.

She told me about Pilgrim.

She may know how to stop him.

You are the darkness...

and I am the light within you.

The w*r you need to be concerned
about is the one that's coming.

- You mean Pilgrim?
- Pilgrim has enough Dark Ones

that he will tear through any army.

Her loyalty is in question.
She should be watched.



Supplies for a few days.

- Should be enough to get me up north.
- The Wasteland?

That's where I'll find Ankara.

NIX: Who's Ankara?

SUNNY: A witch. If anyone will know
how to stop Pilgrim, it's her.

Let's get you out of here.

I should've known you'd lead me to him.

Let him go, M.K.

I'm gonna let Pilgrim deal with you later.

For now, get out of my way.

He's right. This isn't your fight.

I don't want to hurt you.

You can't.




You betrayed our family.





Can he go dark again?

Not for a while.

You should k*ll me while you can.

Pilgrim will find you and I'll be there.

You know you can't go back now.

I'm sorry M.K.


Did you manipulate what I
saw in the mirror chamber?

It was your vision.

Don't play games with me.

You think I turned on you,

is that it?

Just like Bajie and the girl,


Always looking for enemies.

When the real enemy is
the darkness within you.

The darkness that would consume you if
you were ever to get your Gift back.

The vision you just
survived proves that.

Does this mean that I can
never get my Gift back?

Is that the only reason
you would fight Pilgrim?


You must learn to work
for a larger good, Minerva.

Not merely your own.

So, what now?

Now, you are ready to begin.

We've been walking for hours.

You need to rest your leg.

Here, drink.

I'm fine.


Pilgrim, I'm sorry
for what he did to you.

It's not your fault.

Yes, it is.

Castor tried to warn me.

It hurts, doesn't it?

Waking up.

I used to k*ll for my Baron,
same as you did for Pilgrim.

It was so easy letting someone
else choose my life for me.

I remember.

At least now we get to choose
how to set things right.

Nix no longer matters.
You have other Dear Ones now.

Half of whom we have already lost.

Have faith. The Chamber
will soon be restored.

Faith is for mortals.

A god has only himself to believe in.

All this power inside me. I can feel it,

coursing through my blood like fire.

Begging to be unleashed, to conquer
this world in the name of Azra.

But what good is a conqueror
without an army?

- Leave us.
- No, stay.

Your failure allowed Sanzo to escape.

I told you it was Nix.

How do I know you didn't help her?

How do I know you're not
the next to betray me?

Because you need a dark-eyed army,

and I know where to find you one.

The Monastery is here,
hidden in the mountains.

They capture people with The Gift
and bring them there for training.

But if anyone defies them
or tries to escape,

The Master uses these needles
to put them to sleep.


It's more like a coma.

You've known of this place.

Why are you only telling us now?

Because I was afraid of going back.

The Master is the most powerful
person I've ever seen.

Until me.

Oh! (CHUCKLES) Hello, boys.

I need to have a quick
word with The Master.

You think she could...

You think she could
squeeze me in? For me?

(EXCLAIMS) You're pinching me.

All right.


You look good.

Lost a bit of weight?

Thanks, ladies.

It was only a matter of time
before you showed up,

begging for forgiveness.

I have never begged for
anything in my life.

But on occasion, I do grovel. So...

So at the end, I'd like to say,

I'm sorry for jeopardizing
the entire world. All right?

In my defense, I only
took Sunny to see Ankara

'cause I thought she could
help his dying son.

I didn't realize he'd be
some kind of catalyst.


But it turns out Sunny and Pilgrim
are long lost brothers of Azra.

Ankara used to tell stories
about lost children of Azra.

I thought these were the
ravings of a mad woman.

Yeah, well, it turns out those
ravings were completely true.

The fault is mine.
I should have needled her,

not forced her into exile.

(SCOFFS) That's your answer
to everything, isn't it?

Hey, neither of us
can change what you did

but I'm here because I want to fix it.

You're gonna help me or not?


You are going to help us.

Oh, shit.




How can you be sure Ankara
will know how to stop Pilgrim?

She's the one who
set this all in motion.

Sent me to Pilgrim to start the Chamber.

She's the only chance we have.

What sort of person
lives out here all alone?

A dangerous one.

Black Lotus.

More are on the way. We must hurry.

You're not going anywhere.

Until you tell me how to stop Pilgrim.

You wanted to heal your son.

I told you there would be
a price to pay.


If you won't help me,

there's no reason why I shouldn't
leave you here to die.

(SHUDDERING) Get me to Black Wind alive

and I'll tell you what you need to know.


Her Clippers aren't quitting.

What's more, they're
coordinating their att*cks.

What does that tell us?

Chau's alive and she's
directing them from hiding.


I'm thinking we should
k*ll two birds with one stone.

One of them literally.

The one person who will know
about The Widow is Chau.

Find her and we can get some answers.

- And then?
- We'll bring back her head.

Once we parade that around,

it'll take the fight
out of her Lieutenants.

So, how do we find Chau?

I know someone who can point
us in the right direction.

All those years in prison,
my mother never visited.

Well, maybe it's time I visited her.

All the Harbingers
will be ready to depart

for the Monastery by nightfall.


We're gonna leave
the Fortress undefended?

The Barons are too busy fighting
each other to be any threat.

Don't underestimate The Widow.

If the rumors from
the b*ttlefield are true,

she may already be dead.

The boy is right. We can't
leave our home unprotected.

Then you should stay, watch the flock.

Give me two Harbingers,

I will make certain no one defies you.

It's time to put the fear of the gods

into the Badlands.

NIX: We're not going to
get very far like this.

SUNNY: Those Black Lotus
didn't get here on foot.

There's their truck. Let's go.

Master. Hey, we don't have time for this

and I definitely don't have
time for her.

We should be taking the Abbots
and we should be marching

on Pilgrim's Fortress now.

Pilgrim will just shut them down.

I've seen him do it with my eyes.

All right. So, you knew he was a threat

and you've done nothing to stop him?

MINERVA: I'm not the one
who sent the signal.

Typical Bajie, always blaming
everyone else for your mistakes

No, no. You don't get to judge me.

You're no better than Pilgrim.

- I'm fighting for a just cause.
- Really?

Is that what you tell Veil, when
you pinched her out to Quinn.

THE MASTER: Enough. Both of you.

Follow me.

- Go on.
- Yeah, fine.


What are these for?
The chopstick challenge?

THE MASTER: You were once a great team.

So much so that Bajie
sacrificed his Gift for you.

Oh, really? He never mentions it.

THE MASTER: And I've not
forgotten, Bajie,

that you told me Minerva was the
best novice you ever trained.

I don't know
if I used those exact words.

But yeah, pretty good.

Seems the two of you
have a lot to work out.

MINERVA: This is ridiculous.

I'm not going to fight him.
Where are you going?


As if she's going to tell you.

Don't you ever shut up?

Why don't you make me?


Maybe you're not the best
novice I ever taught, huh?




(CHUCKLES) I did not expect that.


NIX: Sunny, she's waking up.

SUNNY: What's in Black Wind?

Some kind of healer?

We're not going anywhere until you
tell me what's in Black Wind.

A healer won't do any good

once the Black Lotus
have marked you for death.

My only hope is to find a ship and
get out of the Badlands for good.

They've come after me, too.

Then you're as damned as me.

The Black Lotus are an ancient cult.

A secret order whose sole mission

is to eradicate the Dark Gift
from the face of the world.

Pilgrim says they're the ones
who destroyed Azra.


They see The Gift as a
perversion of the natural order.

They train in special techniques
to hunt and k*ll Dark Ones.

They won't stop until
every one of us is dead.

That includes you, Sanzo.


- What is it?

I can feel her eyes. Searching for me.






- She's with the Catalyst.
- Sunny's alive?

Not for long if the Black
Lotus have their way.

What do they got to do with this?

Just take on of the Abbots' trucks

and find Ankara before they do.

She's heading toward Black Wind.

Why us? Neither of us
have our Gift anymore.

Which means, with any luck, they
won't be able to track you.

You were Ankara's disciple.

You have the best chance of
convincing her to help us.

Well, I mean, sure, I can be
persuasive with the ladies,

but she is no lady.
She's a horrible old bag.

She's desperate, which
means she'll try anything.

You must bring her to me
so I can find the truth

about how to stop Pilgrim.

Here. In case your powers
of persuasion fail.



The Master...

She used her Gift to probe my mind.

The Gift can do that?

In the hands of a Master, there's
almost no limit to what it can do.

She's probably dispatching
her Abbots as we speak.

SUNNY: Why are you so afraid of her?

At heart, she's just another
tyrant seeking power and control.

As dangerous as the Black
Lotus, if not more.

And now thanks to you,
they're both after us.

All the more reason for us to hurry.

I'm no good to you dead.


We'll rest here.

Go tell the Harbingers.


- CASTOR: Beautiful, isn't it?


I've missed you so much.

I love it out here.

It's so peaceful.

Do you remember what you used to tell us

when Nix and I were children?

You must take time

to find the divine in even
the smallest aspects of nature.

I miss those days.

Did Nix tell you that I was out here?

She's always worried about me.

I forgot.

- She abandoned you.
- She betrayed me.

You betrayed us both.
Pretended you loved us.

No... You were my Dear Ones.

When I was no longer useful,

you put me down like a savage dog.

You lied to Nix,

but deep down, you knew

she could see right through you.

Now you have M.K.

Does he know you'll sacrifice him, too?

You're not real.

This is the Dark Gift
that's infecting my mind.

All that power flowing through your body

and you can't even control it.

Because you were never
supposed to have it!

You're not a savior. You're no God.

- You're a monster.


- Pilgrim? Pilgrim?

Where's Castor?


He was... He was right here.

(SIGHS) Pilgrim, I think we should
just rest here for the night.


We don't have time. We must keep moving.



This is your mother's summer home?

My mother has a taste for two things.

Luxury and cruelty.

Keep your guard up.

I used to sneak around here as a kid.

Stay close to me.

- Daegan.
- Gaius?

This is my half-brother.
He wouldn't hurt a fly. (CHUCKLES)


- It's good to see you.
- And you.

Where's Mother?


Daegan, how could you let them
into my house?

GAIUS: Surprised to see me?

Not really.

You always were
a duplicitous little brat.

You could have had the decency to
leave your filthy Cog outside.

Watch your mouth, or I'll carve
another hole in your neck.

Oh, it speaks.

Enough. Where's my sister?

No idea.

And even if I did, I couldn't tell you.

For the same reason I
couldn't let her execute you.

You are family.

I want nothing to do with this family.

You and your daughter
are responsible for the deaths

of thousands of innocent lives.

I shed no tears.
The weak deserve to perish.

GAIUS: The world you know
is dying, Mother.

You can cling to your ways
and die along with it.

Or you can tell me where my sister is.

I should've let your sister
slit your throat.

Tell me.

I taught my children never
to unsheathe their blade

unless they intend to use it.

Go on, then.



You always were a coward.

Now take your ugly little pet

and leave my house.

Your son might not do it, but I will.

Daegan. Do you know
where Juliet is hiding?

Don't you dare!

Iron Fan.

Iron Fan...

I know where it is.

You ungrateful runt.

I am going to cut out your
tongue and feed it to the pigs.

Juliet will know you're
coming, I'll make sure of it.

Don't worry.

You're free now.

So am I.

Don't you turn your back on me.

Bye, Mother.



MINERVA: We shouldn't
have stopped driving.

The only thing more foolish than
taking on Ankara with no sleep,

would be doing it on an empty stomach.

Your favorite. Rabbit stew.

I hate rabbit stew.

- You do not.
- How do you know?

Uh, fine, all right. Many years ago,

The Master sent me on a
supply-run to Stable Town.

Now you stood in front of me

in your little Novice uniform,
pleading with me,

"Please let me come."

'Cause you wanted to see the horses.

And I looked at you
and I said, "No, Flea."

You remember what you did next?

I hid in the backseat, under the tarp,

and then after an hour, I came
out, screaming like a banshee.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, I was so shocked.

I swerved that truck into
that massive tree. (LAUGHS)

We were stuck overnight
in the middle of nowhere.

And then you made rabbit stew.

Yeah, and I sat and I watched you
wolf down three bowls of the stuff.

Why are you being so nice?

I think... (CLEARS THROAT)

(SNIFFLES) You probably got a
lot of reasons to hate me.

But, whatever I did,
it was never about you.

So, then why did you leave me?


I could give you
a hundred bullshit excuses,

but the truth...

is that when I lost my Gift,

I became a weak, powerless,

selfish little man.

And for the first time in a long time,

I knew what it was

to be afraid.

And what I did to you,
it was... It was terrible.

And I am so, so sorry.

(SNIFFLES) Come on, I'll try some.

That's even worse than I remember.


You little liar.

- Little boy. Hey, hey, my boy.

I just got back from the front.
We're holding our own.



Ever since the birth of my son,

I love the way babies smile.

You have a son?



I'm sorry.

Well, you never get over losing a child.

But new life makes the grief
more bearable,

even if it's just for a moment.

Here's a good boy.

I used to dream about this.

You holding our boy in your arms.

I know he's not ours but still,

it's a nice dream just to be
with you like this, Lydia.

I'm sorry that I wasn't brave enough

to be with you all those years ago.

I know I can't get back
the time we lost,

but I know now that I want to
spend my life with you.

I want us to be together.




Apologies for interrupting...


Viceroy. You have visitors.


What a pleasure to see you again.

And you.

I was expecting The Widow.

I'm afraid she is at the frontlines,
leading the w*r effort.

I am authorized to conduct
any business in her absence.

If this is true, then why are her
fighters flocking to Pilgrim

with stories that she has
disappeared, or perhaps even dead?

Lies. Spread by Chau to
strengthen her own forces.

You of all people can understand
the power of propaganda.

I might ask why Pilgrim
is not here himself.

A new era has dawned.

The Age of Azra.

All of this belongs to Pilgrim now.

Any resistance will be
dealt with harshly.

We have honored our
agreement with Pilgrim,

and we wish to continue in peace.

But this is The Widow's territory.

And The Widow bows to no one.

She will.

If Pilgrim wants our territory,

he should have the balls
to come and take from me.


That can be arranged. (SNAPS FINGERS)


What does Pilgrim want?

- A tribute.
- What kind of tribute?

Food and supplies.
A sign of your fealty.

LYDIA: Everything we have is
rationed for the w*r effort,

but I will get word to The Widow

and we will meet your demands
to the best of our ability.

Give me till the end of the week.

The Widow is very fortunate
to have someone

of your wisdom.

Oh, one more thing,

these, these banners,
replace them with Pilgrim's

and the butterfly symbols on the wall.

A show of your loyalty.



He's here.

SUNNY: We got you here as promised.

Now tell me how to stop Pilgrim.

Not until you've secured me
safe passage.

Go to the tavern and
ask for a man named Finn.

Bring him to me. (BREATH SHUDDERING)

That wasn't the deal.

How do I know you won't leave me
to die the minute I tell you?

How do I know this isn't a trap?

Time is slipping away.
I've lost too much blood already.

If I die now,

then neither of us gets what we need.

I'll watch her. Go.

Don't let her out of your sight.




This thing is going nuts.

Ankara is definitely close.

Let's split up. Let's cover
both ends, all right?

We can't afford to let Loopy
McBloody Bonkers escape this time.

You know, if Sunny's with her,
he's gonna want to k*ll me.

(CHUCKLES) I wouldn't
take it personally.

I think he feels that way
about a lot of people.

I will fix it. I will fix it. Okay?

We are all on the same side now.

And what if your
sweet-talking doesn't work?

Well, then I am going to be
ringside, uh, cracking pie.

Yeah? Let's do it. Come on.

Hey, handsome. Hey.

Not today. Thanks.


Do you still cut yourself, child?

Not anymore.

I've learned to control
my Gift with my mind.


Not all Dark Ones are so lucky.


The Gift only brings pain and death.

That is how some see it.

But it can also do so much more.

Like what?

Let me show you.



Sorry, kiddo.


Sunny, wait.

I promise I am not your enemy.

Tell that to Veil.


Show yourself!

MINERVA: I'm here with Bajie.

The Monastery sent us to
bring you and Ankara back.

Why should I believe you?

You sold Veil out to Quinn
first chance you got.

Your word means nothing.

Please, we both want the same thing now.

To stop Pilgrim.





BAJIE: How hard did you bang your head?

'Cause last time I checked,
you were working for Pilgrim.

I'm the one who helped Sunny escape.

If Sunny's here, then where is he?





I was wrong to trade Veil.

It betrayed everything that I stood for.

I know that it can't bring her back,

but I want you to know that I'm sorry.

Oh, I see you two have
sorted everything out.

Which is, uh, which is good.

What are you doing with her?

Well, end of the world, isn't it?

Makes for strange bed fellows.

- Henry? Is he safe?
- Yeah, he's fine.

He's with Lydia. So, he's as safe
as he can be, for now.

Well, no one's safe
until we stop Pilgrim.

Yeah, about that.
There's been a little hiccup.


BAJIE: Ankara...

It's the end of the line, love.

It's time for you to help
finish what you started.

Get out of my way.

Ankara, please don't do this.
I believed in you.

I know. You always were a fool.


It doesn't matter. It's too late.

You're all too late.

We're here.