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03x10 - Chapter XXVI: Raven's Feather, Phoenix Blood

Posted: 09/13/21 18:13
by bunniefuu
Pilgrim has the gift himself now,

and he's discovered a way
to give it to others.

I'll help you take down Pilgrim,
and when all this is over,

you give me my gift back.

We did not fight this w*r
to become like them.

Pilgrim is planning a w*r

that will k*ll everyone
that we care about.

- If I don't make it back...
- I will see you at the refugee camp.

The man I was certain would
stand by my side

now stands in my way.

My brother is dead.

So, why'd you bring me here?

Giving you what you wanted.

Your gift back.

Your physical skills
are already exceptional.

Why seek more power?

Well, guess that's what it takes
to get by in the real world.

You would know if
you spent any time in it.

So, the only power you trust is
the kind you personally command.

Do you want my help or not?

You shall have what you want.

What's causing this?

Well, it's not one thing.

These machines are linked.

Any repair we make to one
causes problems in another.

You said you'd fix it.

I... I can repair generators,
engines, anything made by man.

This is not just made by man.

It's... God's work.

You're saying your faith
is insufficient to the task?

No, Pilgrim.

We searched for this temple for
years, sacrificed countless lives,

and now our future, our
destiny hangs in the balance,

and you would surrender while
breath still swells your body?


I... I'll fix it, Pilgrim.

I promise.

It will be done.

See that it is.

It's not his fault.

The blame lies with the man
who betrayed you,

as I warned you he would.

And he paid for
that crime with his life.

Are you sure?

Where's Krelle?

He's down searching
the river, last I saw.

He should be back by now.


No sign of Sunny on the eastern bank.

Is everything okay here?

Yes, fine.

Let's keep looking.


Are you okay?

What are you doing out here alone?

I, uh, I... I don't know.

Those men, they just,
they came out of nowhere.

Raven's getting bolder, sending
assassins this close to the sanctuary.


The leader of the rebellion.

You had another blackout, didn't you?

I'm not sure.

You warned me this would happen.

That's why we agreed,

you don't leave the sanctuary
without a guard.

I'm fine. I handled them on my own.

This Raven, who is it?

No one knows.

But his uprising is getting stronger,

and he's not gonna stop
until you're dead.


Come, we need to go.

A scorpion? When did that change?

You chose that insignia before
the w*r with the Baron started.

You said your enemies would feel
your sting for a thousand years.

What is this?

The new shipment of Cogs
from the outlying territories.

I don't trade in Cogs.

These blackouts, forgetting things.

Each time, it gets worse.

Get down.

Argh! No, let me go!

Let me go! Ahhh!

We don't treat people like that.

That's not who we are.

Are you okay?

It's all right. Don't be scared.


One of the men didn't report
back from the search.

Why didn't you say this before?

I thought maybe he ran away.


He's not the first.

They get hungry, cold...

Forget that faith requires sacrifice.

So, in other words, you would
impugn a brother's belief

to cover up your own incompetence.

No, Pilgrim, I would never do that...

The only reason that he didn't return

and you did is because
he found what you didn't find.



I beg forgiveness.

It's too late for that.

Forgive me, I... I forgot myself.

You, go back to the quarry
and contemplate your faith.


Take over the search and this time,
take the harbingers with you.

I am doing this for you, you know.

A bit of gratitude would go
a long way right now.

This is harder than it looks.

Shouldn't it be like changing
the oil on a car but...


Argh! Ugh!

That is nasty.

Sorry. I was just, uh,

just borrowing your goat.

I swear to the gods.

I didn't know
you believed in the gods...

Or anything, Bajie.

How did you do that?

Stop Pilgrim's fist?

Since when have you been able to
access your gift without cutting?

M.K. told me to think of something
that cuts deeper than a knife.

And what is that, dear one?

I picture Pilgrim k*lling Castor.


Whoa. Thank you.

The diet of mush goat's milk
gets pretty old.

Not that this little tyke seems to mind.

So, you don't know
what happened to Sunny?


I mean, if he got out,
and it's a big if,

he said we should meet
at your refugee camp.

Good luck. It's not there anymore.

What happened?

My sister raided it, with
a little help from Pilgrim.

Who's your sister?

Baron Chau.

It's a long story.

So, Baron Chau is your sister, and
now you're helping The Widow.

Poor you. I feel sorry
for you on both counts.

I need to get this baby to Lydia's.

We're on our way to the viceroy now.

Do you mind if we tag along?


Oh, yeah. Yeah, he does that a lot.

You wanna have a go at changing him?


I don't want to either.

I know what you're thinking.

Okay, you want me
to say it? I'll say it.

Never should have trusted Pilgrim.

No, that's a lie.

I knew what he was.

I just didn't care.

I thought that if he could help my
son, if there was even a chance...

I know you always warned me
about caring for other people,

letting them get under my skin.

But for Henry, I'd do it again.

Right, Waldo?

What do you think of that, old man?

Nothing, huh?

You always were an assh*le.

All right, listen up.

Sunny is still one of the best
fighters in the Badlands.

Don't think your gift
makes you invulnerable.


Sounds like you still respect him.

I respect his abilities, Nix.

I know what he's capable of.

What about his son?

What about his son?

He can grow up without a father,

the same way I grew up without a mother.

And how many mothers and fathers
do you think Castor and I k*lled?

That's different.

You're actually fighting for a cause.

We're not fighting for a cause,
M.K., we're fighting for a man.

And when we stop being useful
weapons, he'll get rid of us,

just like Castor.

Raven's fighters hit our
supply lines here, here and here.

It's clear they're gaining strength.



It's just, the Cogs and the
brutality, doesn't seem real.

You said this would happen.

After your last episode.

The doubts, questioning
what you've accomplished.

You have to remember that when
the barons fell, it was chaos.

We had to adapt.


It turns out people do better
when they live in fear.

I don't accept that.

Well, at least there's
peace, thanks to you.

Until this Raven.

Barons and all their Clippers
were no match for your gift.

And this Raven...

won't be any different.

I hope you haven't forgotten everything.

You're pushing yourself too hard.

You need to rest.

Why don't you let me take
care of things for a while?

No, I'm fine.

Find the Cog from this morning.

Bring her to my chambers.

If you want a plaything, I can
bring you one of the dolls.

Just do it.


Welcome back.

The viceroy's in her office.


No fond hello for me?

What the hell is he doin' here?

He has information
the viceroy should hear.

Am I wrong or have you got
a certain glow about you?

I can feel your tension.

What troubles you?

What doesn't?

I know we have had some setbacks,

but you have also accomplished so much.

Have I?

You have amassed
thousands of new followers,

unearthed the temple of Azra,

and through it all,

claimed the power
that is your birthright.

Then why do I feel so frustrated?

So impotent.

You are anything but impotent.

The path was clear.

I finally found the means
to build a new Azra.

But then my own brother

betrays me and destroys
the meridian chamber...

It will be repaired.

All the great prophets have
suffered challenges to their faith.

You must hold onto yours,

for all our sakes.

That is not the only thing
that is troubling you, is it?

I used my gift in, in anger.

Had Nix not stopped me...

Yes, that is a concern, but not
for the reasons that you believe.

Did you see how she stopped you?

She no longer has to cut herself.

And her loyalty is in question.

Why do you say that?

Let's just say...

She should be watched.

There we go, baby Henry.

A nice soft bed for a change.

You look like you're standing guard.

You're afraid I'm gonna
steal the towels?

You still don't trust me, do you?

Is that a serious question, Bajie?


Ah, this was my son's crib.

I never thought it would get used again.

So you don't mind lookin'
after him for a while?

You're leaving?

Well, I said to Sunny
I'd get the baby to you.

So, mission accomplished.

There's a w*r on.

You might try helping rather than
dumping your problems on us.

I'm not dumping my problems on you.

I'm just askin' if you
can babysit for a bit.

It's very easy. You put food in one end

- and clean up what comes out the other.
- I've raised babies.

I don't need instructions
from a grown-up one.

Okay. Sorry. I apologize.

The w*r you need to be concerned
about is the one that's coming.

You mean Pilgrim?

Yes, I mean Pilgrim.

Even if Sunny managed
to blow that machine up,

Pilgrim has enough dark ones that
it will tear through any army.

We'll be ready.

No, you won't.

I think I might know
someone who can help us,

if she doesn't
skin me first. It's a big if.

There's one more thing I need.

Don't worry, I'll bring
her back in one piece.


You must be hungry.

Won't you sit down?

Do I frighten you?

They say you have magic powers.

It's not magic.

How did you know my name?

I'm not sure.

I felt like we met in a past life.

Tilda, there's gonna be some changes.

There won't be Cogs anymore.

You can help make that happen.


I'll train you to fight,
to protect yourself and others.

Well, what about my family?

They can stay here.

No, they can't.

- Why not?
- Because you k*lled them!


What have I done?


I, I just wanted to help her.

Take it away.

Come here. It's okay.

I warned you about people like her.

They're not like us.

They don't respond to love.

Look at me. You need to stop this.

Your people need a leader.

You are the scorpion.
You tamed the Badlands.

You need to remember who you are.

You marked your kills?

They were supposed
to be a badge of honor.

I'd erase them if I could.

Mine are on the inside.

Harder to rub off.

Is that why you're helping me?

Pilgrim isn't what he claims to be.

He's the same as all the barons.

They only care about power.

Promise me you'll find your
son and get away from here.

He needs a safe place to grow up

and there won't be one if
I don't set things right.

You're not thinking about going back?

No, not yet.

I need to find a woman...


She told me about Pilgrim.

She may know how to stop him.

Come with me.

He'll track me down,
just like I did with M.K.

You'd be in danger.

I'll take that chance.

I won't.

But I'll help you
get past the searchers.

Stay here.

I'll be back soon.


Knock before entering.

I thought you'd want to know, we
caught one of Raven's lieutenants.

Take charge of the interrogation

and report back to me.

He said he was an old friend of yours.

He called you "Flea."

I can hear the familiar
pitter-patter of stiletto heels.

I guess, it must be, uh...

What are you calling
yourself these days?

Not Flea.


How about just Baron?

Same old Bajie.

You know him?

I knew him.

Leave us.

Well, well, well.

I must say that certainly is your color.

I guess also it cuts down
on visible blood splatter.

So what happened to you?

You know, you promised to stick by me.

And then one day
I wake up and you're gone.

No, no, no, no, no.

The deal was I got you
out of the monastery,

and in return you'd use
your gift for good.

Well, sometimes dreams have
to be tempered by reality.

Where's Raven?

Closer than you think.

Who is it?

Now, I don't wanna spoil the surprise.

But you'll know soon enough.

Well then, I have no reason
to keep you alive, do I?

Why should I be any different

to anyone else who believed in you?

You either drove 'em off or k*lled them.

Always afraid that they
were plottin' behind your back.

Your own people hate you.

Any power you might have,
it comes from fear, not strength.

You know who's not afraid?


Goodbye, Bajie.

Goodbye, Flea.

You always were your own worst enemy.


Where're you going?

I went back for supplies.

Figured we might
be out here for a while.

Where's Avon and Zarin?

I sent them north after they
finished searching the river.

Here, eat something.

We've covered every inch of this forest.

And still no sign of Sunny.

Why don't you search with me?

No, we'll cover more ground on our own.


Good luck.

Where were you?

Sending a message to our troops
to focus on the western sector.

Why're you ordering
the troops further out?

Bajie said Raven was
closer than we thought.

If you want me to bring
our units in, say the word.

But it would look like
Raven's beating us back.

Yeah. Maybe you're right.

You look tired.

When's the last time you slept?

I can't even remember.

Well, my offer still stands.

To take over while I rest?

That's very kind of you,

but I think I'm better off
with my eyes open.

How do you explain these?

What are they?

Well, they look like coded messages.

I found them in your room.

Well hidden, so don't blame
yourself for that.

Whatever these are,
someone planted them.

Raven must have
another spy in the sanctuary.

I never said they were from Raven.

Who else?

Raven's trying to divide us.

I know.

I know that's... It's so foolish.

If I can't trust you,
then who can I trust?

That's what makes this so hard.

I may be many things, but one
thing I'm not is a fool.


Hard to find
good help these days, isn't it?

Who are you?

Bajie told you I was close, didn't he?


I'm sorry about your regent.

But I needed him out of the way.

And you made it so easy.

You're so lost you couldn't
even trust the one

person who loved you the most.

You planted those notes.

If you are the scorpion,
then I am the sting.

And who does a scorpion sting
when she runs out of victims?


Power has made you predictable.

I remember when you used
to fight for something more.

That won't work with me.

Guess you'll have to fight fair.

Like Bajie said,
you're your own worst enemy.

You are the darkness.

And I am the light within you.

For years, you tried to snuff me out,

afraid to be exposed
to what you really are.

A tyrant.