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03x07 - Chapter XXIII: Dragonfly's Last Dance

Posted: 09/13/21 18:09
by bunniefuu
We started this w*r to stalemate,

and here we are, no closer to victory.

Quite frankly, we have
outfought Chau at every turn,

but she keeps throwing
more bodies in our path.

I think it's time to withdraw
and consolidate.

Are you two always this optimistic?

Realism is the only thing
that's gonna win this w*r.

That's the weakest point in Chau's line.

Her garrison outside Menstanza.

If we launch a stealth as*ault there
with the bulk of our forces,

we could break through,
overwhelm them in one sweep.

A surge? No. Too risky.

I agree.
If Chau were to get wind of the attack,

your armies would be decimated.

Some risks are worth taking.

If you truly wanna end this w*r,
surprise is our only advantage.

You're playing this exactly
how Chau would.

Just throwing bodies at the front lines.

Let's just take a breath

to think beyond what's
right in front of us.

Waiting is no longer an option.

Ready the fighters for an as*ault.

Gather troops
from the south and west,

rendezvous at the chokepoint
outside Menstanza.

Yes, Baron.

Gaius, a word.

So that's it?

You're gonna march off obediently
on a su1c1de mission?

Listen, no one's committing su1c1de.

We will quell their forces.
It's what I do.

Save the chest-thumping
warrior bravado for your troops.

If you won't reason
with her, I will.

Now look who's full of warrior bravado.

Well, somebody needs
to look out for you.


Let's do this.

Hey! You shouldn't be here. Laundry...

You two, dump her downstairs.

The rest of you, follow me.

If The Widow won't end
this w*r, then we will.

We weren't expecting any supplies.

I brought you something else.



Secure the gate!

GAIUS: I can't believe you kept this.

Reminded me to always find strength
even in the darkest hour.

Thank you for backing my plan.

It's bold. Like you.












Set 'em down, boys.

Sunny is an old friend.

No harm will come to you here.
You have my word.

Your word is worthless.

Then you better k*ll me now because I
won't do this with a knife at my throat.

It's uncivilized.

What you need is here.

That map will lead you straight
to Pilgrim's door.

So you see, Sunny?

I am a man of my word.

This is just a piece of paper.

What I need...

is information.

What do you know about Pilgrim?

Only that he can't be reasoned with.

He's a zealot.

And zealots are dangerous.

You met him?

I tried, but he wouldn't see me.

All he cares about is Azra.

My advice?

Stay the hell away.

Now are we done here?

Not yet.

I need you to tell me about Lily's boat.


LILY: Damn it! (GRUNTS)

- Uh-oh.

BAJIE: It's okay, Henry.

I don't know why you're so miffed.

You're not the one
who got screwed over.

Screw you, Bajie!

I didn't ask you
to come back into my life.

I didn't ask you and your friend
to mess up my boat,

and I didn't ask you to apologize!

- Ahhh!
- Hurricane Bajie all over again.

Leaving me to stumble
through the wreckage!

- You finished?
- Maybe.

All right.

I meant what I said, all right?

Hurting you was the biggest mistake
of my, my...

Hang on, I'm so sorry.
Did you say that the boat is messed up?

I found a machete in the fuel line.

- Among other things.
- Yeah. Good.

Then you have got yourself a deal.

- What?
- I will help you fix the boat,

and then you can take us
to Pilgrim's Fortress.


You're unbelievable.


That was not a no.

SUNNY: Lily said her boat
used to belong to you.

I found this symbol
scratched on the bunk.

What's your interest in this symbol?

I was the one who carved it.

When I was a boy.

Well, I'll be damned.

I guess there was another survivor.

- Survivor?
- That boat was transporting

a routine shipment
when it went missing.

No word, no distress call,

like it disappeared into thin air.

Three days later it drifted out
of the mist like a ghost ship.

The deck still red with blood.

When I boarded, I found a slaughterhouse.

Bodies everywhere.


Do you know who did it?

No idea.

You said there was another survivor.

The Captain.

Found him barely breathing
with an axe in his skull.

All he kept muttering was,
"The devils in black and red."

Where is this Captain now?

Last I heard, he had built himself a hut.

A day's walk down the river.

He's mad as a coot, but you never know,

he might offer you some insight.

The minute I leave here,
you're gonna retake that boat.

Sunny, as you recall,

I was a man of my word.

You're the one who tried to cheat me
bringing me the head of another boy.

We have a deal.

No harm will come to you
or your friends here.


Who did this?

Who got through our checkpoint?

- Was it Chau's people?


And Bowlers.

Heading for the Sanctuary.

You're saying it was an inside job?


WREN: Hello, Mother.

The Sanctuary is now
under our control.

I'd advise you to let me go
before it's too late.

It's already too late.
There's no going back, thanks to you.

Who are you?

Don't you know the faces
of your own fighters?

The ones who die in your name?

Why bother, I guess,
we're all disposable to you.

I'm Wren. He's Arthur.

- We're here to end your w*r.
- You would betray your own Baron?

My Baron betrayed me.
She's the cause of our suffering.

Direct your anger at Chau.

- I'm trying to save you.
- Stop lying.

All you want is more power, more land,

more gold,
just like all the other Barons.

That is not true.
I'm fighting for a better world.


I slipped into this house two weeks ago.

Know what I discovered?

No one's buying your bullshit anymore.

How many innocents lost life and
limb fighting for your empty cause?

- I'm sorry for your sacrifice.
- Oh, save your pity.

Watching you suffer
will be recompense enough.

The penalty for treason is death.
Is that what you want?

ARTHUR: We want an armistice.

An immediate end to the fighting.

You're the only one who can do that.

- ARTHUR: Hey!

- MINERVA: Gaius!

The next one will be through your skull.

Come on.


Castor was more than a fighter.

He was a brother to all of you

and closer than a son to me.

He did not want to die.

But he sacrificed his life

so that we could live.

May his blood be the salve for our souls.



Death is not the end of our journey.

Castor is gone,

but his spirit lives on.


Until we meet again, dear one.




PILGRIM: Long live, Castor!

ACOLYTES: Long live, Castor!

Long live, Castor!

ALL: Long live, Castor!

Long live, Castor!

Dispatch a pigeon
to our friends in the North.

Tell them I've found the one
that they've been looking for,

but they need to hurry.


You must eat something.

The Eye has shown me the marks again.

The Catalyst is getting closer.
I can feel it.


Not "it."

The Catalyst is my kin.

Even kin can be dangerous.

We must be ready and prepare
our dear ones.

- (CHUCKLES) You mean M.K.?
- Nix, too.

They must train together.

Learn to fight as one.
As she did with Castor.


His blood is on your hands.

Saving him was a lost cause.



What were you thinking?

I saw a chance and I took it.

Chances get you k*lled.

You're no good to me dead.


I might start to think
you're worried about me.


- We've written up the terms.

Any armistice will need to be signed
by my hand and bear my seal.

Without the seal
Chau wouldn't accept it.

- Then that's what you'll do.
- The first thing she'll want

is unrestricted rights to trading Cogs.

You'll be giving up your freedom.

GAIUS: The Cog trade
is my family's business.

And that will never change
as long as she remains Baron.

WREN: You'll either sign the document
or we send Chau your head.

I'll let you think about it.

MALE MUTINEER: Get in there! Move it!
Hurry up! Hurry up!

- You too! Come on!

- Where do you think you're going?

Please don't hurt me.

On your knees.

I said on your knees!

Look at that face.


(SOFTLY) Listen to me.

If I pull this blade out,
you'll bleed to death.


The Widow and Gaius,
are they still alive?

Where are they being kept?

Caged room. Upstairs.

Thank you.



MOON: A truckload of turncoats
wiped out a check point.

I'm assuming the Sanctuary
has already fallen.

Didn't know
who else to turn to.

- You sure The Widow's still alive?
- There's only one way to find out.

Round up what's left of your fighters.

If we combine forces
we can take the Sanctuary back.

You don't even know
what's going on inside.

My Baron is in there.

Lydia, too.

Are you in or out?


PILGRIM: Castor spent hours
looking over everything in this place.

Every trinket, every picture.

Sometimes I come here
to feel his presence.

Our grief will never truly leave us,

but we must do what we can to move on.

I prepared his body.

There were bruises on his neck.

No one ever gets
that close to him in battle,

and they weren't there
when The Widow returned him.

What are you asking, dear one?

How did Castor die?

He was sick

and he passed peacefully in my arms.

Peace doesn't leave marks.

Do you doubt what I'm telling you?

I simply want the truth.

Disquiet is the pestilence

that poisons the harvest of our faith.

And I need yours, Nix.

Our work

is more urgent now

than ever.

We need each other.

There's no way to do this,

except together.




SUNNY: You're a hard man to find.

Are you here to k*ll me?

The River King sent me. I'm here to talk.

Suit yourself.

More for me, then.

The River King says you were
the only survivor of a m*ssacre.

Well, there goes my buzz.

What's it to you?

I was also on that boat.


You were the boy.

You were the one they were after.

- Who?
- Beats the hell out of me.

But... they wore red and black armor.

And they left a souvenir in my head.

We were out at sea, a day, two maybe,

when a boat came up on us
in the dead of night.

It was so quiet.

Then they boarded us and moved in
as silent as death itself,

and att*cked with a ferocity
I'd never seen before or since.

But the girl, your sister,

she put up a hell of a fight.

My sister? What was her name?

Didn't ask, she didn't offer.

But that night,
she was your guardian angel.

- What happened to her?
- Damned if I know.

I didn't see much after...


I can't even remember her face.

Then ask the River King.

That creep keeps ledgers
of every Cog and passenger

who ever stepped foot
on one of his boats.

Likes to look through them. (CHUCKLES)

Like they're his g*dd*mn family albums.



Round up anyone else loyal to The Widow
and throw them in the brig.


- We can't find the seal anywhere.
- We need it now.

I want to send Chau
the terms within the hour.

It's in the Conservatory. Of course,
the seal alone won't help you, but I can.

- Who are you? (SNAPS FINGERS)
- Uh, she's a Viceroy.

I've overheard the arguments
she's had with The Widow.

She isn't happy with the way
the w*r's been going.

Won't hurt to hear
what she has to offer first.

Ah, this w*r's destroyed
far too many lives.

But Chau will never believe in
the authenticity of any document

from The Widow without the seal
or without me.

You? Oh, how convenient.

Chau and her people know that
I've pledged my loyalty to The Widow.

The only way they can trust
this armistice is if I deliver it myself.

You can't do this without me.

- Lydia, what are you doing?
- LYDIA: What you couldn't.

I'm ending this w*r.

The first Chau checkpoint
is an hour away.

Deliver this to her lieutenants
and be back before sunset,

or we start k*lling hostages.

- LYDIA: I understand.
- GAIUS: I don't.

- Betrayal is not the answer.
- You broke faith with your Baron.

You turned your back on your own blood.

Don't lecture me about treachery.

And tell Chau's people

we expect an answer
by this time tomorrow.

Or I k*ll The Widow.

And her pet.


If you want to avoid Chau's sn*pers,
take the high road trail.

Remember that.


Oh. Who's k*lling your uncle Bajie? Huh?

You are.

Uh, you are.

Maybe you two could
take the party outside?

- Aw, I tried that. I've tried everything.
- Then try being useful

and pass me the three-eight spanner.


- Oh! Bloody hell!

Oh, you like that,
you sadistic little shit.

Kid's got the right idea.

You're not too bad
with him, you know?

Piss off. I'm doing my best.

- I can tell.

- Imagine if we'd had one of these?
- A little shit machine?

But he would been our little shit machine.

What are you doing?

BAJIE: Oh, I'm sorry.
Are you sure you wanna do this?

- LILY: Shut up.


- Yes! You hear that?
- Yeah.

- We fixed it.
- Yay.

Okay. We're good to go.


Frontal as*ault is not an option.


- Who is it?



The next one's for you.

I know what this looks like,
but I didn't betray The Widow.

I convinced them they needed me
to send a peace offer to Chau.

A peace offer?

We need to act quick
if we're gonna save her.

Where's Moon?

I've never heard of this high road trail
she's talking about.

I have.

Butterflies used to sneak out of the
Sanctuary at night to visit Wall Street.

And the high road is what we called
the passage leading out of the cellar.

A secret entrance?

We thought she had no idea
what we were up to.

Guess we were wrong.

Good, 'cause that's our way in.

All right.

We move at nightfall.
Get your fighters ready.

- LYDIA: Are you sure you want to do this?
- MOON: There are no other options.

There's one, no action at all.

Let the coup run its course.

Then, when it's over, we can restore
order by uniting the remaining forces.

I've seen this before, Nathaniel.

When there's dissent,
it doesn't just go away.

And we need to think about the future.

The future means nothing to me
without my honor.

I knew you'd say that.

All right.

M.K.: You've been avoiding me.

Is it because of the lies
The Widow told Castor?

- Castor was no fool.
- No.

But he was sick and scared.

She poisoned his mind.

You have to believe me.

I don't know who to believe anymore.

Pilgrim promised he would save Castor,
and then he...

There were bruises on Castor's neck.

Like he was choked.

And you think Pilgrim did it?

He was the last one with him.

I would never try to replace Castor,

but I do wanna help you.

When you abuse the Gift,
it att*cks your body from the inside.

Destroys it.

I can teach you how to control it.

So that you never have to
cut yourself again.

The least I can do
is make you stronger.

(GAIUS GROANS) Lydia's not here.

The hostages are out of time.

MINERVA: We have to stem the bleeding.


Keep the pressure on.

You know, I shouldn't be surprised
that Lydia betrayed us.

I heard stories about her treachery
when she was a Baroness.

Even my mother feared her.

And she was afraid of no one.

I'm gonna choose to believe that
she hasn't abandoned the cause.


You know, I built this room
to keep a boy prisoner.

Use him against his will.

Told myself it was
for the greater good.

But what if it wasn't?

Wren could be right about me.

What if I've become the monster I swore
to defend them from?


Your Viceroy failed.

- Wren told you there'd be consequences.
- Give her more time.

- Unlike you...
- WREN: Ready...

...Wren is a woman of her word.

- WREN: Aim...
- (g*ns COCKING)

WREN: Fire!

Their blood is on your hands.

Hurts, doesn't it?

To see it up close?

He's just trying to get to you.

- It worked.


Get the keys.


Good-bye, Mother.






You find the answers
you were looking for, Clipper?

The ledger for that voyage, where is it?

Second ladder, third shelf, eighth row.

- August 28th, I believe.
- Where are your men?

I gave you my word.

None of my men will harm you
as long as you're here.

Of course, I never said anything
about someone else's men.


It's funny how our paths
keep crossing, Sunny.

Yet I never knew
how important you were.

These men have been looking for you
for a very long time.

If only I'd known your picture was here
all these years.










Who are you?

I said, who are you?


Oye, oye, oye. Look who I found.

Where do you think you're going?

Who are they?

Call themselves Black Lotus.

Now they know you're alive,
they won't stop hunting you.

Of course, I can get you
out of this mess for a price.



You and I are done.

No walls.

I can take you as far as the delta,
and then you are on your own.

It shouldn't take more than
one day's walk to Pilgrim's Fortress.

Why are you giving me that look?

- Hmm?

I just wanna have a word.

Give us a sec, will ya? Sort of personal.

- Just my wife.
- Ex-wife.

Yeah, all right, ex-wife.

If you think you're
getting a good-bye shag,

I'm afraid that boat has already sailed,
crashed, and sunk.

Why don't you come with us?

- What?
- Well, we were good together once.

I think we could be good together again.


I love a reunion just as much
as the next gal.

But some things
just aren't meant to be.


Get some sleep.

- You look like a cat's assh*le.

You smell like one too.

- What will you do?
- Oh, the River King is dead.

Long live the River Queen.

- Stop it.
- Good.

I'll be off. (CLEARS THROAT)

MINERVA: Thank you for your help.

For a minute there,
I wasn't sure where you stood.

I always stand where I'm most useful.

And right now that's by your side.

This gives me no pleasure.

I knew how this could end.

Shed no tears for me.


Do you have a final request?


Be the leader that you promised to be.

End this w*r, once and for all.

You have my word.

- On your command, Regent.
- Archers ready.


- Fire.