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02x03 - Chapter IX: Red Sun, Silver Moon

Posted: 09/13/21 17:53
by bunniefuu
You better get used to this.

In the territories everything's
barren and windswept.

Barren and windswept beaches,

barren and windswept mountains,

barren and windswept... You
know, if you talked less,

maybe you could walk faster.

Where are we anyway?


We're, uh...

You have no idea, do you?


Yeah, I have an idea.

What happened to, "I know
where I'm going, sunny."

"You don't need a map, sunny.
I am the map, sunny."

I know exactly where we are.

Oh, not exactly.

But I know where we're going.

You said you knew a shortcut
through the wall. I did, yeah.

Well, what I meant was
I know a smuggler

who knows a shortcut
through the wall.

A smuggler!
That's reassuring.

Yeah, he's a friend
of mine. Named nos.

He's got his own secret tunnels.

Now, the problem is, we're
gonna need something to trade,

and right now we've got
a whole lot of nothin'.

But you know what, hey!

It'll be fine.

Something will turn up.

It always does. I'm
resourceful that way.

Come on, keep up.

It's a lovely day, isn't it?

I call this fishing weather.

Catch anything?
No! Not yet.

But, hey, I'm hopeful.

Look, we don't want any trouble.

Then you shouldn't have
brought them with you.

There's a hefty bounty
on your heads

ever since you escaped
the mines.

Every stalker with
a rusty blade is after you.

Including these
low-life mongrels.

They're not with you?

Hell, no.
I don't run with a pack.

Oh, sorry.

There'll be more.

Come with me.

Live or die.
It's your choice.

Hey, wait for me!



We gotta ditch this guy.

He just saved our asses.

Yeah, so he can gain our trust.

And why would he do that?

So he can lop off our heads
and collect the bounty.

Ah, shit!

He's a clipper.

Maybe even a better clipper than
you judging by all them k*ll tats.

But then, you knew
that already, right?

That's why you trust him.

What if his baron has
sent him to get you?

All the way out here?

The only baron who'd care is mine
and I k*lled him already, remember?


Still, I don't like him.

Let's move.


Is anybody here?

You should be in the mess hall.

I need to know
what happened to my mother.

You won't be returning to the
mirror chamber anytime soon.

But why? You just... Because
last time you lost control.

First you must learn
to stop fighting yourself.

The consequences
could be deadly.

And not just for you.

It's a long road, M.K.,

don't look for shortcuts.

Ryder called the conclave,

and as the "aggrieved
party," he gets to host it.


He should be thankful
he's alive.


Still, it's a hell of
a smart play.

And we have to walk into
this lion's den unarmed.

Rules are each baron brings
one second and no weapons.

Ryder's clippers are there
strictly to patrol the perimeter

just in case
a nomad feels ambitious.

So, six barons.

Means I need
at least two to back me.

It means you need to start winning some
hearts and minds at the reception.

On your side.

Ryder maybe running this show,

but odds are not everybody's happy about
him scarfing up Jacobee's territory.

And on his side?

They all hate you.
Face it.

"The widow." Not exactly
a term of endearment.

Have you made the other
preparations that we discussed?

Everything's in place.

I'm glad I'll be there with you.

Can you leave us, please?

I'm taking Waldo
to the conclave.

I want you to stay
and guard the sanctuary.

As regent, it's... It's
my duty to protect you.

I can't stay behind.

Look, you got a few kills
under your belt, but so what?

How many battles
have you been in?

How many barons have you met?

No, no, madame butterfly here,

she needs more than a fighter at
her side during the conclave.

She needs a strategist.

Now, I know all the players,
and I know how to play.

Also, I know
how to follow orders.


If these are mother's wishes
then, of course, I'll obey them.

If anything happens to her,

I'm holding you responsible.

Well, no need
for threats, tinker bell.

If things go south,
hell, I'll be dead, too.

I couldn't have gotten
this far without you.

Together we have
a lot further to go.

I want you to hold on
to these for me.

I can't bring them.

You're in charge until I return.

And if I don't,

blow up the oilfields before
they fall into enemy hands.

Do all you can
to keep our girls safe.

"And the old man said,
'three more guesses.'"

and the Princess replied,
'is your name Henry?'

'no, ' answered he.

'Is your name Jack?'

'no, ' answered he.

"'Then perhaps your name
is Rumpelstiltskin.'"

Are you ready to do
your X-ray?

It's time.






That should do it.


Why do I always feel like asking
you to take a little off the top?

You'd trust me with scissors?

I already trust you
with my life.

But you're right, a good haircut
is a riskier proposition.

Lydia always insisted
on cutting mine herself.


For turning her out with nothing
but the clothes on her back?

I was duped into thinking she tried
to k*ll my lovely young bride

who has since taken up
with my son.

I should've seen Jade
for the opportunist she was.

Sorry. I didn't know.


is such a delicate thing, veil,

so easily clouded
by love, or hate.

I was wondering, um...

All this training.

What, what is it that
your men are preparing for?

Let's just say

we all pay for
our sins, eventually.

Except for those of us who are still
pure, ain't that right, Henry?

Well, this will take
a little while to develop.

I'll bring you the results.

I'll wait here this time,

if you don't mind.


Your mother saved my life.


Once from a sword wound
right here,

and the other from
a malady in my head.

She makes me drink
these foul concoctions,

but they have banished
my headaches.

How are we doing in there?

Almost done.



No change from last month.

Oh! You're a worker
of wonders.

I swear, I feel
ten years younger.

Let's keep it that way.

Yeah, you see
what I mean, Henry?


Yeah. You stick to milk.

This is my recommendation.

I'll see you at dinner?


Your friend doesn't talk much.


He prefers punching people,

when he's not slicing
and dicing them up.


Is that true?

You prefer fighting to talking?

My mentor once told me
of a legendary clipper,

a regent who left the badlands,
never to be heard of again.

His name was Nathaniel.

Nathaniel moon.

Seems I heard that name.

Yeah, me too.

They call him "silver moon."

They say he prowls the territories,
hunting for fugitives.

Don't believe the whispers,
my friend.

Sure, I bring in
the odd runner now and then.

But I'm not out here
for your bounties.

See, back in the badlands, we would
k*ll each other for our barons.

But out here, out here
I like to think of us as, uh,

brothers, not enemies.

Why'd you leave?

What were you looking for?

Peace, I guess.

Doesn't matter
how brutal the world is,

if you k*ll enough,
it hollows you out.

I guess, I wanted to see if I
could make myself whole again,

even find some kind
of redemption.

And did you?

I met her out here.

A w*rlord's daughter.

I won her in battle...

and then she won me.

We had a son.

But because of them,
I was happy.

I mean, the kind
you can feel in your gut.

It's like a warm fire
going on in there.

That's how I felt every moment.

Just looking at them.

I should've known
it couldn't last.

I used to think it would be
my baron to come after me.

Instead, it was the brother of a
nomad scum that I clipped for him.

Took him years to track me down.

Only, instead of finding me,
he found my wife and my son.

I came home,

and found their heads
on the kitchen table.

Their eyes reproaching me
like I was late for dinner.

Yeah, sure, I found it.

After that I, uh, I slipped
back into my old ways.

I needed something to focus on,
so I started collecting bounties.

Tell you what, sunny.

You can run.

Far, far away.

But there's no escaping
what they turned us into.

You had a family back there?

There's, uh...

A woman waiting for me.

She was, uh,
pregnant when I left.

She'd have had the baby by now.

Yeah, well, if you care
for them, don't go back.

That's the greatest gift
you can give them.

Hey, doc, it's Edgar.
You in there?


Could you take
a look at my hand?

I guess I'll need some
stitches, huh? Yeah.

You're gonna need a whole bunch.

You know what,
Henry is sleeping.

I'll stitch you up outside.

We were on patrol, and...

I tripped.

Cut myself on my own sword.

Accidents happen.

Now Declan says I can't go.

Go where?

Gabriel, what happened?


He got caught trying to escape
through the south tunnel.

What's Quinn gonna do to him?

Probably clip him as
an example to the others.

I wanted to be outside, on my
own, just for a little while.

Being down here day after
day, it's too much.

Gabriel, how can we hold a conversation
if you won't admit the truth?

You were running away,
weren't you?

Yes, baron.

I know why you ran.


It's the strongest human emotion
bred into us for one purpose,

to keep us alive.

But it can also k*ll us,
if we let it, hmm?

This was given to me when I was a
Colt on the Eve of my first mission.

I had to sneak in, clip a
regent while he slept.

But after I climbed through
that man's window,

I was paralyzed with fear.

My fear was so potent,

it felt like an invisible hand had
thrust a stake down through my body,

nailing me to the ground.

That regent woke up, he saw me,
and reached for his sword.

In that split second I
realized, I have a choice,

I can die a forgotten coward,

or I can live to be
celebrated and remembered.

Before that regent even touched
his sword, I slit his throat.

Four of his bodyguards stormed
into the room, I clipped them all.

To this day,
before every battle,

fear visits me,

but now I embrace it
as a friend.

It's what makes you faster,
stronger, smarter.

As long as you control it

instead of letting it
control you.

You understand me?

Yes, baron.

I have faith in you, Gabriel.

Indeed, I sense
a kindred spirit,

a young man who has the potential
to grow into a great clipper.

Maybe the greatest clipper
the badlands ever known.

I'm gonna give you this
as a token of my faith.

If you can pass this test.

Prove yourself by cutting me.

Baron, I don't think...
Stop your thinking, hmm?

Use that fear pumping through
your heart and cut me.

Cut me.


Well, that's entirely up
to you, Gabriel.

Don't be a disappointment,
I've had too many in my life.

Go on. Cut me! Hmm?

I won't wait here forever.

Are you a clipper or a coward?

Show me!

How dare you?

Well done.

Well done.


Can't sleep, huh?

Maybe it's the surroundings.

Or maybe it's the dreams.

When I can't sleep I train.

Nine hundred
and ninety-nine k*ll tats.

In case you were wondering.

What's your tally?

Four hundred and four.

That's how they manipulate you.

The barons.

They make it a game
out of taking men's lives.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine
seems like an odd number.

One short of a goal that
I realized was pure vanity.

Plus, I was running out of skin.

The truth is,

we've k*lled more men in single combat
than most barons have in their wars.

That's not an easy burden
to deal with.

How do you deal with it?

By realizing I'm a poor
k*ller by comparison.

By comparison to what?

The gods, if they exist.

They're the greatest K*llers
of all.

But by k*lling
they do us a mercy,

because it's the end of life,
not its beginning,

that defines
what it means to be alive.

I made my peace by choosing
to live in those moments,

by making the taking of a life

the highest expression
of my skill.

There's honor in it that way.

Not for me,

not anymore.

Maybe all I've known is k*lling,

but I know
that's not all there is.

That's because you still believe
you can have an ordinary life.

Which means

you're headed for
an ugly reckoning, too.

So that's it?

Just keep k*lling?

Until I run into someone
good enough to k*ll me.

Or someone good enough to be
worth that thousandth tattoo.

Maybe that's your decision.

But I'm not willing to give up
my chance of a better life.


Do you think
the gods get to retire?

We k*ll because in the end

that's what we're meant to do.


Get some rest.

That's a melancholy little tune.

My mother used to sing that
to me when I was a kid.

Her entire life was
a melancholy little tune.

Our escort to the conclave is waiting.
You ready?


Why are you doing this?

I already told you.

I know the players, their strengths,
their weak... You backed me over Quinn.

But you never asked
for anything.

Not even the regency.


Being regent...

It's not just what I did.

It's who I was.

When Quinn retired me,

I was one sorry bastard.

You bet I'm grateful
to be back in the game.

I'll tell you something,

life looks different
from down here.

From this chair.

Back when I was standing tall

I never bothered to notice all the
people living on their knees,

all the people whose lives
are melancholy little tunes.

Those are the ones
I'm fighting for.

That's why I'm here.

Is it?

You questioning my sincerity?

Power is a pricey doll.

You get a taste for it,
you keep coming back for more.

Somewhere along that road,

good intentions, they get lost.

You would do well
to keep that in mind.

Did you speak to Quinn this way?



It's time.


You ready to face the music?

And make them dance to my tune.


I won't run away again.

I'll be good, I promise.

I know you will.

What are you gonna do to me?

We're gonna take away
the cause of your pain.

Don't make a sound.

Why the hell were
they torturing him?

Because Tate was a problem.

He refused to follow the rules.

He didn't wanna be here.

That's his choice, isn't it?

We're all a threat
outside these walls.

That's why sometimes a novice's
gift has to be cleansed.


It's the only way
to suppress the gift.

I have to figure out
what happened to my mom.

And then I'm getting
the hell out of here.

You don't wanna go
against the master.

Or what, Ava?

What, will I be cleansed, too?

They'll catch you.

Not if you come with me.

Master is a liar.

She's just afraid of us.

You should come with me.

I can't.

You mean you won't.


Hey, you shaved your beard off.
Time to get going.

You wanted to leave, didn't you?

I think your mate
might have spiked my booze.

Where is he anyway?

We've already said our goodbyes.

Let's go.
Uh, okay.


Oh, shit.

If I don't make it back to
the badlands, find veil,

I can't say for sure
where she is now.

But when you track her down,

tell her I love her.
Yeah, sure.

You wanna tell me
what's going on?

Well, in return for giving
you two shelter, Bajie.

I must now ask something
from your friend.

He wants our heads after all.

Come on, then let's do it. No.

This is between us.

I'm not after a bounty,

but something that means
a lot more to me than gold.

A worthy opponent.

I thought you said out here,
men like us were brothers.

I did, yes.

See it's been much too long since I met
someone whose skill matched my own.

I want that challenge, sunny,

and honestly that thrill,

even if it's just one last time.

I have no quarrel
with you, Nathaniel,

and no wish to spill your blood.

Who the hell said anything
about spilling my blood?

See, the moment I saw you fight,

I knew you were that
one-thousandth tattoo.

It looks like I'm the one
that gets to say thanks.

I guess this is what
I've been searching for.

An honorable death.

I'm not gonna be
your executioner.

I earned this death
and you deny me?

No, no, k*ll me, now!

I couldn't let him
do it, partner.

You've got a promise to keep.

Sorry it had to be this way,

but nothing's gonna stop me
from getting to my family.

And that may be sooner
than you think.

This blade is
our ticket out of here.

I can't wait to see nos's face.

You'd take my sword?

Yeah, yeah I would.

You'll leave a trail of bodies

before you make it
back to your family.

And theirs will be
the last ones.

Theirs will be
the last ones, sunny!

Appears we're the last
to arrive.

Good, I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Minerva, welcome.



We weren't sure
you would make it.

The other barons
are already inside.

I hope we didn't
keep them waiting.

Not at all.

The party is just
getting started.

Then let the fun begin.