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02x01 - Chapter VII: Tiger Pushes Mountain

Posted: 09/13/21 17:49
by bunniefuu
Hell isn't where you go
when you die,

it's what you become

when everything you love
has been taken away.

Only one thing keeps me alive,

the hope of getting back
into the badlands,

and finding her.

Finding them.

Keep it moving!

You there! Eyes forward!


Come on, pick it up!

Move! Faster!

Back straight!

Move! Come on!

Come on! Keep moving.

On your knees, now!

Welcome to the Bordeaux mines.

Now the rules are simple.

Here you will dig,



eat, and then you're gonna die.

'Cause, uh, that is the, uh,

life cycle
of a picker. Huh?

Unshackle them.

I want them deloused

and excavating
by the next shift. Move!

Give me four.

Sir, this one's defective.

Hey, we got you!

You know, there's always one.

There's always one.

You know,
I don't care who you are,

where you come from,
or what you've done.

If your journey
has led you here,

this is where it's gonna end.

Trust me.

No one gets out alive.

Focus this time, M.K.
Ready? Go!

Go again.


I should report you
for making contact.

You've been training six months.

There's no excuse.

You're just mad
I knocked you on your ass.

Of all the novices the master
could have paired me with.

Speaking of the master,
when do I get to see him?

You almost went a whole session

Well, you refuse
to answer my questions.

Maybe he will.


Does the master even exist?

I'll say this one last time,

the master will see you
when you're ready.

And hurry up.



I'll find you.

Both of you, I promise.

Wake up.

Wake up.

- Wake up!
- Come on.

I don't mean to shout.

But I need all the rest
I can get.

B-ship! Get your asses moving.

Hey! Hey! Hey, watch it!

You're not going
to be trouble, are you?

I... I don't like to judge,
but you look like trouble.



Who's, uh... who's veil?

You were talking about her
in your sleep.

Better than the last man
in that shackle.

What a nightmare.


Poor sod,

he shit himself to death.


I'm Bajie.

Don't ask me what it means
or what my mum was drinking.

May the gods
protect her poor drunk soul.

Wait, hey.

You want a little drop?

Yeah, you do.

Here, go on.

Tastes like a dead dog's ass.

Keeps the reality at bay.


A reminder!

Any picker pissing...

Up, up. Up! Up!

In undesignated areas

will be summarily ex*cuted.

Make your quota.

Yeah, they're really
big on that quota thing.

You don't talk much, do you?

Here, we go. Here.

Yeah, the quota
is 40 pound a day.

If you don't make it,

these nice men will whip you.

Not enough so you can't work,

but just enough to make a point.

It's all very civilized.

Before I was in this
miserable boneyard,

I was about to make
the score of a lifetime.

50 pounds of top grade opium.

Make your quota!

I had a buyer lined up,
money had exchanged hands.

Keep moving!

Except it turned out
the opium was shit.

I'm not talking figuratively.
I mean, it was...

It was actual human shit

pressed into
neatly wrapped bricks.

Part of me
was actually impressed

by the ingenuity
of the double cross.

Hey, do you know a way out?

Finally! He speaks.

Do you know a way out or not?

Yeah, you know what, I do.

In the back of a body cart

with your eyes rolled
way in the back of your head.

Very dead. You want my advice?
Start digging, mate.

Put your back into it.

What was that?

Probably just the wind.

There's a lot these abbots
aren't telling us.

I'm not buying that
peace and Harmony crap.

Don't you wanna get out of here?


But I have to learn how to
control my power first.

And it's a relief
to be in a place

where I don't have
to keep it a secret.


My entire clan knew
what I could do.

Treated me like a god.

I'm a nomad.

My clan lives on the edge
of the black desert.

I had my own tent.

Got the best food,
the best girls.

If we had a problem
with another clan

over a clipper patrol,

my chieftain would send me in.

Cut myself, k*lled the lot.

Problem solved.

It didn't bother you?


They were gonna k*ll me.

I heard the more you get cut,
the faster you die.

Who the hell wants
to grow old in this world?

I'd rather go out using my power

than hide up on this mountain
like some coward.

Don't you have anybody
out there you care about?

Hey. Hey, where you going?

Hey, M.K.,

don't let them catch you.


Anybody here?

This compass
belonged to my friend.

What's it doing here?

I could ask the same of you.

I'm here to see the master.

Where is he?

Hold my broom.

And I'll go find him.

How did you do that?

A lot of practice.

You're the master.

Have a seat.

I've made you some food.

You knew I was coming.

Well, I have prepared
some rice every night

since you arrived.

I can't believe
I wasted all this time.

If you think your time
here has been wasted,

you've a lot to learn.

Show me how to control my power.

There's people who need my help.

Sunny and Tilda.

And you're all going
to Azra together.

Is that right?

This is your home now.

It is our mission
to control your gift.


That's not what I'd call it.

I didn't ask to be here.

So, if it were up to me,
I'd leave right now.

Very well.

If you can get past this bird
without unleashing your gift,

you're free to go.

You're kidding, right?

You still have many miles to go.

Now get some sleep.

How did a clipper end up
in a sh*thole like this?

If you choke me out,

I won't be able to tell you
a damn thing.


What baron
did you belong to, huh?

Hassan? Jacobee?



I knew it.

Crazy armadillo himself.

Well, you are full of surprises.

Could fetch quite a price
around here.

Well, it's a good job
you're shackled to me then.

You can trust me.

That's what I call
an epic run of bad luck.

'Course, uh, k*ll
as many people as you have,

and the universe is bound
to repay the favor,

sooner or later.

Your secret's safe
with me, yeah.

What about the badlands?


Yeah, well,

been there a couple of times.

Opium fetches a pretty good
price this part of the world.

Quinn's territory,
what have you heard?

What's in it for me, huh?

How about
I don't snap your neck?

Let's not do this, huh?
Do what?

Well, I just...

The thing
where every time I talk,

you thr*aten to k*ll me.

It's just,
it's boring, you know.

I've heard there was a battle.

Quinn went missing in action.

Right now, the badlands
are in a glorious mess.

Barons scrambling for power.

Nomads running wild.

It's a great situation for me.

Chaos leads
to new opportunities.

And I'm all about
new opportunities.

Are you gonna eat that?

I'll have it, yeah.

Good evening.

I'm pleased to report

that last month

was our largest haul to date.

So, for all you ass-busting
quota makers,

it's time for your
weekly entertainment.

It's fight night!

Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight!

Those "volunteers,"

they're pickers
who never made their quota.

The overseers bet on how long
they'll last before the big guy...

Ironically named mouse,
kills them.

No one's ever made it out alive.

Come on!

You said you can get things
in here, right?

Yeah, sure, sure.

I'm gonna need something.
A map.

Yeah, sure.



Your old rocking horse.
What was his name again?


Ahab here,
was my only companion.

I spent so many hours alone
in this room.

What are you doing back here?

We shuttered this place

so you could put the past
behind you.

I thought if we moved
to Jacobee's mansion,

I would erase
the memory of my father,

but he's still here.

Still taunting me.

No. No, he's gone.

And he's never coming back.

You are the baron now.

That night changed everything.

Did it?

Everybody thinks Quinn died
by your hand,

and Jacobee, too.

Now you control
three territories.

You have the respect
of your clippers,

and all the other barons.

And you made
a believer out of me.

I couldn't have done
any of this without you.

I know.

Sir, you're needed
at the oil refinery.

Uh, thank you, Cormac.

Bring the car around.

The baroness will be joining me.

30%? How are we down
that much?

I promise we're working
around the clock, baron.

The badlands runs on oil.

The only reason we've been able

to hold on to these territories

is because that supply
has not been compromised.

The second that goes,

we're gonna have a real problem.

We simply don't have the cogs.

And the ones that we do have

are deserting in record numbers.

These runaway cogs,

where are they going?

There are rumors that

the widow
is giving them sanctuary.

The widow?

She's been quiet for months.

With baron Chau for fresh cogs.

Until then,

cut back the hours,

and up the rations for the ones

who have stayed loyal.

Make it happen.

I'm gonna stay
and go over the schedules.


Jade! No!

No, no! Get help!

Jade! No!

Get off me!

Get the baron to safety.

Get him out of here.

Find Jade.
Find her! Find her!



Where's Ryder?
Where's Ryder?

Ryder's safe. Take this.
Come with me.

Let's go!

Come on!



I want you to deliver
a message to your baron.

I've reclaimed my oil fields.

If he tries to take them back,
there will be blood,

and most of it will be his.

Work harder!



You asked for a map
of this place.

Bajie always delivers.

You sure this is accurate?

Who knows? I got it from
the oldest picker in here.

He's been over every inch
of these mines.

Your guess is as good as mine.


Oy, hey!


What are you doing?

Why did you give him
your basket?

Not making my quota.

You seriously want to get
thrown in the mouse trap?

You're making a break
for it, ain't you?

What about me? Huh?

You're gonna need me.

In the ass crack
of the outlying territory.

No way
you're making it out alone.

There's no way I'm taking you.

Yeah, no.

Yeah, of course.

Whoo! Whoo!
Look what I found!

Let me see it.
Show me that. Let me see it.

Look what I found!

Let me see it!

Come here!

I need to see the engineer!
I found a ring!

I found a ring.

Look! Look at that.

Come on, unshackle me.
Unshackle me.

Like I said, sunny,

I'm all about new opportunities.

I got a ring!
Look, I found a ring. Look!

Yeah, it's a good one.


you've won yourself
a 24-hour reprieve,

uh, from mining duties.

That's it?

That's the grand prize?

I get to sit on my ass
for the rest of the day?

Well, if you'd prefer
to go back to the mine,

that, uh, that works too.

Oh, look!

As much as I enjoy digging up
ancient crap,

I wanted to talk to you
about a greater prize.

One that's right
underneath your nose.


Do you know what a clipper is?


Do you know what a clipper is?

A clipper!

I'm still waiting on casualty
numbers from the refinery

but between
the oil workers we saved,

and the number of refugee cogs
coming over our borders,

our numbers are swelling.

With the storm that is coming,

I hope that
I'm worthy of all the faith

that these people
have placed in me.

I thought you'd be happy.

I am.

But each victory
brings new challenges.

I've always been a fighter

but I realized that
as our ranks grow,

that I need to be
more than that,

I need to be a leader.

You give
these people hope, mother.

You give me hope.

I can't think of anyone better
to lead us into this storm.

Why don't you come out
to one of the food stations

and meet some of them?

You'll see for yourself.

I'm glad that we found
our way back to each other.

'Cause for a while there,
I wasn't sure that we would.

I couldn't ask
for a better agent.

If I gain the world
and lost you,

that would be the real tragedy.


Mother, I'd like you
to meet Odessa.

She was kept as a doll
at the oil refinery.

We all were.

Tilda saved us.

Actually, Odessa took down
one of the clippers herself.

A warrior. Good.

We need as many as we can get
for the battles to come.

I hope you'll decide to stay
and join our movement.



You mean
you're not gonna force us?

You don't belong to me.

Everyone here is free and equal.

My dream is that one day,
there will be no cog,

clipper, doll, or baron.

Only free women and men

deciding the course
of their own future.

What happens if we don't buy
into your big dream?

You'd rather
be a sl*ve in a system

that doesn't give a damn
about you?

The system's treated me
well enough.

And it's only a matter of time

until the other barons
crush you.

They are welcome to try.

Does that mean
we are free to leave?

Go, if you wish.
No one will stop you.

Out of my way.

You finally saw the master,

I thought you'd be happy.

Let me guess,

she didn't give you
the answers you wanted.

Have you been reporting
on me this whole time?

All of our conversations?

She wanted to know
about your progress.

It's my job.
I'm your Abbot.

I trusted you, Ava.

I told you things that
I've never told to anybody.

Thank you for your service, Ava,

but I'll be
personally overseeing

this novice's training
from now on.

As you wish, master.

Are you ready?

For what?

The hard part.

Very important.

How about you? What?

Let me handle this.

Your baron said
we were free to go.

What you and your men
did to those dolls.

The widow didn't send you,

did she?

This is payback.

Is everybody here?

Turns out, we had a picker

who didn't make his quota.

In fact, his haul weighed
less than zero.

I had no idea that we, uh,

we had such a celebrated
k*ller in our midst.

I heard they called you
something in the badlands?

What, what, what's the word?

"Clipper," boss.

You son of a bitch.

Your friend told me
that you were planning

to leave our, uh,
happy little family.

And he thought that, uh,
he would trade your freedom

for his.

Saw an opportunity.

I don't want to die
in here either.

Get out of here, move!


It's a boy.