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02x11 - Defiance

Posted: 09/13/21 14:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

- What did Eddie want with you?
- Mom, please, look at me.

- I need you to go.

- How long?
- 15 years.

- Our daughter...
- I want to see her.

I'm climbing the rungs
with Richard and Felicia,

and when I am ready,
I am going to replace Cal.

- You have to let me go.

- I can't do that.
- You have to.

- I am not cut out
for this, Richard!

I don't want the responsibility
of other people's lives!

I can barely deal with my own!

Cal offered us a house
if I broke up with you?

- Why would Cal do that?

Because he didn't want
to lose you.

I willingly missed restitution.

I need to cleanse.

Can you find a way to get Mary

to sit down with Wendy
this afternoon?

We can have
a life somewhere else.

- And if I don't want to go,
will you go without me?

"I relinquish my guilt
for being with Cal.

"Everything else I've done
that is horrible this year

I'll hold on to."

- Forgive me.

I-I can't see you anymore.

Your father stopped believing.

You are not ascending
anything, Hawk,

because there is no ladder
to ascend.

You need to learn
to channel some of that anger

into the world.

I was just like you as a kid.

I cannot lose you.

I told you,
I can't do this anymore.

He doesn't want to talk to you.

If you say you floated,
you floated.

Are you spending
more time with Cal?

- He can help me.
- Is that what he told you?

He's nothing like you.

And you should see your father.
He loves you.

But I am still
your father, Hawk.

I am still your father, Hawk.

- Tell my dad I want to see him.

- It seems our luck's changing.

They loved us
at the World Faith Conference.

Our energy, our, uh...

our message.

- That's wonderful.

It's complicated, you know,

because of my kids.

You know, Hawk seems
to really be struggling again,


I don't know how much more
he can handle.

- Sarah, I, um...
- You know, I understand...


But, um...

I need you to know that...

I'm in.

I'm all-in.

Hey, great work
on that landscaping, Aaron.

- Thanks, Cal.

- I saw those
new pamphlets, Luis.

They look good.

- Good for you.

- Hey.
- Hi, Cal.



- I know.

Aah! I know
about you and Sarah.

All these years, pining for her,

and you finally got
what you wanted.

- You really gonna do this, hmm?

In my house?

- You're a Denier, Eddie.

I say the word,
there'll be 20 kids in here

to throw you on the street
in a second.

- You're pathetic.

- We never meant to hurt you.

- Are you f*cking serious?

Listen to me.

She may have settled for you,

but she chose me...

just like Steve.

You know, he said
you were a disappointment.

- How did you get that?
- It doesn't belong to you.

- See, that's where...

you're wrong.

I was with Steve when he died,

and he told me

that he put his faith

in the wrong man.

- You... you... you were not
with him.

- Oh, but I was.

And you think
that I can't touch you?

No, you can't touch me, assh*le,

because I am the one.

I say the word, and those
20 kids will throw you out...

because I am
the f*cking chosen son, Cal.


Is there a threat
of danger if you try to leave?

- I don't know anyone
who's tried.

Eddie Lane.

- Eddie Lane didn't leave.

He was kicked out.

Sean's dad and I can...

Want to take care of you.

We can buy you a house,
put it in your names.

We want you both safe

and this child to be born free
of this movement.

- You haven't asked what I want.

- Babe, this is
a second chance for us.


- I don't know
about you being off

with all those
whoo-whoo hippies.

I miss you, man.

My heart chakra's
all janky and shit.

- Oh, please, man.
- I might be back soon.

- You got them on lock?

- Well, four of Sarah Lane's
blackmail victims

are being teed up
to be deposed by Penetti.

There is no way a grand jury
won't indict.

- You're not out of the woods
when you get to a grand jury.

No telling what they'll do.

- Oh, no, we'll get there
with something that sticks.

The press alone
will torpedo The Movement.

Now, one way or another,
Sarah Lane is going to jail.

- Special Agent Gaines?

They're the water results
you asked for.

You mean the water results

you were ordered not to run.

You went against orders.

- The way the top brass shut
this down didn't sit right.

And my mom grew up in that town,

died at 45... cancer.

I always wondered.

Now I know.


- I need you to get a message
to Hawk for me.

Tell him it's time
that we see each other.

I'll be waiting.


- Why aren't you coming?
- The others are on their way.

- I'm sorry, but I just found
out that Hawk's not doing well.

I'm on my way to see him now.

What's the meeting about,

- I wanted to tell you
in person.

- Well, what is it, Cal?

- Eddie was here.

He... he knows about us.

- How?

- No... well, I don't...
- I don't know. I don't know yet.

He was... he was
out of his mind, Sarah.

- Oh, my God.
- Of course he was.

I'm sure he's so hurt...

- No, no, no, this was more,
like, delusional...

Shouting about how he was
with Steve when he died.

- He went to Peru...

right before Steve became one
with The Light.

- Wait.

So he talked to Steve
and... and...

what, and you knew?

- No, no, no, all I know
is that he went to Cusco.

That's all he told me.

What... what I want to know

is how he found out about us.

- I don't know yet.

Um, everyone who could make it
is here, so...

Um, we'll talk about this later.

- Oh, my God.

- You've reached Eddie.
- Leave a message.

- Eddie...

please, I need to talk to you.


Oh, my God.

- Eddie Lane,
many of you know well,

breached our security
this morning.

I called you all here
to stress the importance

of such an incident never being
allowed to happen again.

Now... Um...

You know, Carlos, explain to us

how you allowed it to happen
in the first place.

- Look, I can't...

He must've slithered in
when I wasn't...

- I can't really...
- That is unacceptable!

What good are our new protocols,
new identification,

perimeter checks if someone
can easily walk in

and... and compromise our safety,

let alone a Denier
who is dangerous,

imbalanced, and... and desperate
to hurt us?

We must take accountability
for our actions.

If we shirk our duties,
if we disregard our policies,

then we must hold ourselves

We have to look out
for each other.


Keep each other safe.

That is our responsibility.

That is our privilege...

As those blessed by The Light,

as those worthy of The Light.

All right.

- I heard.

Are you all right?

I know this isn't easy.

- I haven't seen anyone
for days.

- By being alone
with your thoughts,

you're better able to focus,

hone in on the root
of your transgression

and figure out how you can tear
that root out.

- What if it doesn't work?

- It takes time.

When you get out,
return to your daily life,

the effects of the meditation
will take hold.

- It didn't work for Dad.

- I read
your unburdening report.

I know that you were
with Ashley.

Is there anything else?

Have you seen your dad lately?


It's one more night.

And you are not
your father, Hawk.


The Light radiates in you.


- Kneel.

The key to mending

is forgiveness
and specificity...


When someone says...

"If I've ever done anything
to hurt you, I'm sorry"...

It's not a mending,
but an equivocation.

- Resentment...

and vagueness...

are what darkness and disease

feed and flourish on.

You only need to open yourself

as wide as the eye of a needle.

That is room enough
for The Light to enter you...

To forgive you...

And mend your wounds.

Threading this needle without
your eyes to guide you...

Is easier than finding your way

to real and lasting forgiveness

of those who have harmed you.

You have done so much harm
to yourself...

more so than anyone else.

8R requires
your rigorous honesty,

your humility,

your patience, your diligence.


- You've reached Eddie.
- Leave a message.

Stay close to The Light,

and The Light will provide you
with everything you need.

Of your own volition,
you can't overcome your fear

when it conspires
with your pride...

or your mute darkness...

or your willful denial.

These obstacles to forgiveness

are harder to overcome.

But to overcome them

is to know
The Light's abiding love.


- You haven't wanted
to talk much today.

May I make an observation?

Something's eating at you.

- I heard about Eddie.

- What did you hear?

- That he stormed
into the center in New York

and threatened Cal.

Why did he do that?

- You know, these sessions are
about you and your child.

How does that question pertain

to your unborn child?

- Did the outside world
make him crazy?

- Are you thinking
about the outside world?

- Sean's parents
want us to leave.

They've offered
to buy us a house,

set us up with a life.

- I see.

Well, what do you want, Mary?

- You've blossomed
into a beautiful woman,

an example others look to.

It's true.

I know it's hard
for you to look at yourself

and see the power in you,

but I see it,

and you're radiant.

But the IS world still has all
the things that you ran from.

So I want you to think hard

about the world
you'd be returning to.

And you have to make
the decision here.

I can't make it for you,

and neither can Sean
or his parents.

You need to make the right
decision for you and your baby.

Is there something else?


Something here?



The person,
the man that you think

might be the father
of your child?


- Sean needs to get
away from him.

- Who is that man?

- I can't tell you.

- Can't or won't?


I can't help you
if you don't talk to me, Mary.

That's why we're transparent.

- Yeah, except all of you
believe in it,

but no one really practices it.


- Oh, hey.
- Um, I was just...

I left my shirt here,
my favorite shirt.


I guess I'll see you around.

- S-stay.

I want you to.

- You don't owe me
an explanation.

- I was with my ex.

- The girl we saw that night?
- Yeah.

- It's fine.

I mean, it's not really fine.

You did take me home
to meet your family.

- That usually means something.
- It does.

I get it.

We're bound to mess up
once in a while.

I have a head case of a mom,

and after seeing
what your dad's like,

it's a shocker
we don't mess up more often.

- You saw my dad?

- Yeah, he was here.

I thought
you would've heard already.

He bum-rushed Cal
in his office.

- I...

I don't know what to do.

- Let them hash it out.

- No, I-I just...

In the program, I was thinking
about him a lot, and...

now he really wants to see me.

And it's just...

Meditation's supposed to help
you find clarity, and...

I'm, uh...

Just all messed up again.


Have you heard
anything more about Eddie...

How he might've found out?

- No, I haven't. I'm sorry.

- I've been calling him,

and he keeps sending me
to voice mail, so...

- I guess he doesn't want
to talk to you.

Uh, I just, um...

Talking to him
isn't gonna help anything.

It's about us now and everything
we're gonna build here...


That's a fact he has to work
through in his own way.

Let him do that.

- Mary told me
during session today

that she and Sean are thinking
about leaving.

- Huh.

- I get the feeling that they're
running from someone,

but she won't say who.

- We can't let
someone intimidate her.

- Well, as her guide,

I can't betray her confidence,
but I am concerned.

If someone here is...

Girls like her draw men in

who re-create
their original damage,

men who were once victims before

and have since become...

- Become what?

- If someone here
is possibly exploiting her,

uh, then it is
our responsibility

to root that out.

- Hmm.
- This has to be a safe place.

- Absolutely.

- I'll, uh, make arrangements

for them to spend time
at the retreat center.

- In her condition?

- Severing the trauma bond
between her and the abuser

are the only way
that she might feel comfortable

revealing his identity.

She has to do this
in order to heal.

- I don't know who that is.

- Hello?
- Hi. This is Noa.

- Oh, hey.
- I don't know if this is...

What the right thing
to do here is,

but I'm worried about Hawk.

His dad is trying
to see him and...

- Uh, can you...
- Can you hold on a sec?

This is something at the center.


Hey, Noa.
Uh, you're saying...

Hawk's father contacted him?

- I don't know.
- I guess.

Seeing him at the center gave me
such triggers with my mom

that send me back
to, like, infant state.

And I don't want to betray
his confidence, but I also...

- No, you're doing
the right thing.

Look, it's complicated right now
between Hawk and his father.


- Oh, Jesus.



* Something's gonna k*ll us


* No, nothing's gonna save us


* After the blow


* It will never be so

- Where's Hawk?


Oh, what the f*ck is this?

- Take it easy.

- Jesus Christ.

Get the f*ck off me!

- Deniers need to stay
where they belong...

In the shadows.



- Stay here.

- Wait. Wait. Um...

I told Sarah
we were thinking of leaving.

- What?
- Why would you do that?

- I-I don't...
- Shit.

- I-I don't... don't know.

- I'm sorry.
- Calm down, calm down.

No one's gonna lay a finger
on us, do you understand?

Hi. I know it's late.
I'm sorry.

Mind if I come in for a second?


Sarah told me
you were thinking of leaving.

She's making arrangements
for you to go on retreat.

Most of the time when people
are thinking about leaving,

they return from the retreat
and stay with us.

I wanted to see
if that's what you both want.


This is painful...

to let go of someone you love.

It's excruciating, actually.


you are loved here...

the two of you.

I hope you know that...

and feel that.

You deserve

the best possible life...

with your child.

And if there's anything I can do

to make the transition
as easy as possible,

please don't...
Don't hesitate to ask.

- That's really, um...



I've been rude for long enough.

I'm sorry to have disturbed you.

Get some sleep.


- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- I think they're gonna
let us go.

Don't be afraid.

- I'm not.
- Hey...

I, uh...

I came here looking
for a new life,

and I found it with you.

- I found it with you.

- Yeah.


Are you gonna clue me in

or treat me
like I'm some bullshit?

- The brother
of Penetti's chief of staff

sits on the board
of DeKaan's company.

- Hmm?
- So?

- So they set me up.

They sent me back in there

because The Movement was causing
trouble for DeKaan...

Penetti's biggest
campaign donor.

The blackmail victims
that I have lined up for Penetti

are pieces of shit...

but none of them are a DeKaan...

Poisoning and k*lling
entire towns for a buck.

They're playing me, man.

- Are you kidding me?
- Really?

Name me one person
who isn't being played.

- Come on, I'm supposed
to be playing for the good guys.

- Oh, come on, man,
you're supposed to be playing

for the team who's paying you.

Just get me a date.

Don't make me come out
to bumblefuck again.

- What happened to you?

I was set up by Cal.

- Cal wouldn't do that.
- Uh, yes...

yes, he would, and he did.

And I think that maybe...

maybe my own kid
had something to do with it.

- Hawk? No.

He's... he wouldn't...

Why did you come into the center
in New York like that?

You're asking for trouble.

- Ask your daughter.

- What is that supposed to mean?
- Just tell me!

- Is... is Hawk still
in a program?

- He's back at the center.

This is get... I...
It's too...

- I don't like this.
- Look, I know, I know.

That's why I need you
to do something...

- Eddie...
- For me.

- Eddie...

- Look, I know that Gaby
works in the office, okay?

I-I just need the files

for every disgruntled Meyerist
who has ever left...

Every person
who's been labeled a Denier.

- They're watching
everybody right now.

- Just find a way.

- What does Richard say?

- It doesn't matter
what Richard says.

I'm the one.

You saw it, right?

How I bled.

- I don't think
I'm the man to do this.

- Yes, you are.
- No.

- You went behind
your wife's back for years

so you could see
your daughter...

- Mm-hmm.

- Because you knew
that it was right.

- It is time to pick sides.
- I don't want to pick sides.

You're asking me
to betray my daughter.

- No, I'm asking you
to pick you, okay?

- What you believe in.
- No.

I can't do it, Eddie.

- Hank!

What kind of man are you?

* *

- Hey.
- Hey. Um...

what are you doing here?

- Well, we've been dealing
with so much lately,

I just wanted to come by
and... and check that you're okay.

- Um, why don't you stay
for dinner?

What is this about?

- Uh, honey, uh, one more.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Good to see everyone.
- Yeah.

- Especially good to see you.

How are you feeling?

I know isolated meditation
can be hard.

- I'm fine.

- I think we're ready
to sit down.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, please.

- I ran into that Novice
after the security meeting.

You really gave him a scare.

- Uh, Carlos?
- How do you mean?

- Well, Cal put the fear of God
into him.

- Well, sometimes people
need to be reminded

what's expected of them.

- It seemed excessive.

- Dad, why are you being
so combative?

- You weren't there, Sarah.
- What'd the guy do?

- Uh, he didn't do his job.
- That's all.

- Oh, I apologize if I seemed
overly, uh, zealous.

I-I had just been att*cked.

- This is not the place.
- Why did he attack you?

- We don't know, honey.

- Really? Or do you just not
want me to know?


- What are you guys
talking about?

- No, I have no problem
with you knowing.

- Except this is not the time
or the place.

- Knowing what?
- It's adult stuff, sweetie.

- Because of the two of you?

- You know, Hawk,
we'll talk about this later,

when it's appropriate.

- What's "appropriate"?

- You can't treat me
like an adult

merely when it serves
your own interests.

- No, Sarah.

- Sarah, what's happening here?

- Hawk, wait.


- A lot's been going on.
- Yeah, seems like it.

- Yeah, look, um...

your mother and I
have grown close.

Now, we weren't trying to keep
it a secret from you.

- No?
- Just 'cause we're older,

you know, doesn't mean
we have stuff figured out.

- Apparently.

- And... and it's...
- It's gonna be hard.

As complicated as your
relationship is with your dad,

it's still hard
to accept a new man

in your life.

Look, um...

I know you missed restitution
to be with Ashley,

and I'm sure she told you
that I offered her family

a place to live last year
when they were homeless.

- I didn't want to believe her.

Why'd you do it?

- For you.

I did it for you, Hawk.

If I hadn't,
would you have chosen to stay

and... and walk in The Light

and help this commu...
Help lead this community?

- So you thought you'd make
that decision for me?

- Man-to-man?

- Yes. Please.

- She chose a house over you.

The girl chose a house...

over your love.

Testing people... it's the only
way to know who they truly are.


you asked about me and your mom,

and you deserve
a straight answer.

I love your mom

with every fiber of my being.

I pray she feels the same.

- Hawk.


You look so different.

And you're, uh...

you're driving.

When did you get your license?

- Dad...

- Look...

I just...

Did you get my message?

- Yeah.

- So...

did you?

- What?

- Do this to me?

- Did I... What?

- Did you tell someone
that I wanted to see you and...

- That's impossible.

- Think about it, Hawk.

- Look, Dad, you got to stop.
- You got to get out of here.

You got to get
your life together.

I mean...

Look at you.

- Hawk, this is because of them.

- I didn't do this.
- You... you did.

You went in there
ranting and raving,

and this is what happens.

- Okay, that was for a reason.

- Yeah.

Cal and Mom.

- Wait. You know?

- He loves her, Dad.
- We have to accept that.

- Right, but what about her?

What about your mom?

Does she love him, too?

Tell me.

- You have to let her go, Dad,
and you have to let me go.

You can't stalk me.
Don't send Ashley to me.

- I didn't send her
to you, okay?

I bump into her,
and she asked...

- She chose a house over me.


Just like Mom
chose Cal over you.

We have to accept these things.

- Jesus f*cking Christ.
- Sorry.

I've been trying...

- Are you all right?

- No, I'm not f*cking all right.

- What happened to you?

- Just go, Sarah.
- Go before I...

- No, I...

I want to make things right.

- Things will never be right
with us.

- How did you find out
about me and Cal?

- Is that why you're here?

Trying to figure out
who betrayed you?

- No, that's not...

- Not to explain yourself,

not to apologize, not to...

- I don't owe you an apology.

- Oh, that's right.

We don't owe each other
anything anymore.

- We moved on...

both of us.

- You promised me.

You laid in my bed,
and you promised me!

A lot has happened.

- Oh, yeah, it seems so.

You know, you could relinquish
your guilt for Cal,

but why don't you tell me
the rest of the horrible things

you've done this past year?

I am done trying to protect you!

Take responsibility, Sarah,

for the horrible shit
you have done.


Oh, f*ck.

- It's Richard.

Leave me a message,
and I will return your call.

Thank you.

- Richard, call me back.
- Uh...

Look, I messed up.

I told Sarah.

She might come to you.

- Mary, get in the car.
- Mary.

- Sean, no.

- Drive.

What are you hiding, Richard?


- Oh, damn it.




Eddie, stop!
It's me!

- Sam, what are you doing here?

You went back?

- I moved on to the compound.

- Ah, Jesus.

What, did Cal send you here?

You know what? Tell that assh*le
I'm not backing down!

- Listen, you tell him yourself.

I am done talking out
of two sides of my mouth, okay?

- Why'd you go back?

Did your baby not make it?


She did.

She healed overnight.

She didn't even need
the operation,

just like you prayed
to The Light for.

- Man, I didn't want
to believe it.

Shit, I still don't want
to believe it.

Why are you here?

- I'm just not clear
on anything anymore.

But still, besides my wife
and my kids...

you praying for my baby
the way that you did

was the only moment of goodness

that I've had
in a hell of a long time.

- Everything else
has been a charade.

But I want to feel more moments
like that again.


My name isn't Sam.

What are you doing to me?

- Painting flowers
on your walls of doom.

Your necklace...

where is it?

- Oh, I gave it
to the worthy one.

- I earned the necklace!

I earned it!

- * Hush, little baby,
don't say a word *

* Papa's gonna buy you
a mockingbird *

* And if that mockingbird
won't sing *

* Papa's gonna buy you
a diamond ring *

* If that diamond ring
turns brass *

* Papa's gonna buy you
a looking glass *

* If that looking glass

* Gets broke

* Papa's gonna buy you
a billy goat *

* If that billy goat
won't pull *

* Papa's gonna buy you
a cart and bull *

* If that cart and bull
fall down *

* Well, you'll still be

* The sweetest little baby
in town *