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02x10 - Restitution

Posted: 09/13/21 14:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

I blackmailed them.

All of them.
The donors.

- What do you want?
- I've done enough.

- They blackmailed you too,
didn't they?

Your mom, she passed.
They said she went peacefully.

- I married your sister, Sarah.

Don't you wanna just scream
in your family's face,

"I exist"?

- Of course I do, but you can't
change other people.

- I'm doing 8R.

I'm climbing the rungs
with Richard and Felicia.

- Hi.
- Ashley, hi.

- How's Hawk?
- He's living in the city.

- Everything I said up there
was about you.

Excuse me.

Are you serving breakfast yet?

It's just that I'm starving.

Not until 6:00.

Do you know what, hon?

They're setting up the buffet.

Why don't you help yourself
to something off there?

- Oh, that's great.
- Thank you.

What are you doing here?

- Hey, this is
a funny coincidence.

I deliver meat to this place.

- But your meat is...

- Poisoned?

- I'm sorry
we couldn't help you.

At sundown, we start our
three-day process of Restitution

and you'll be in my prayers.

- Little late for that now.

Be sure and try the bacon.

- I don't eat meat.

- Well, but it's my meat.

It'd mean a lot to me
if you did.

- I suppose if I try it,
I can atone for it later.

- You keep my secret,
I'll keep yours.




Sarah Lane outright blackmailed

at least 15
current and former Meyerists.

Now each one of these people
that wrote a check

are hiding a secret.

They have that secret on tape.

If I can get a few of them
to come forward,

we can shut
this whole thing down.

- This is great.

- Yeah.

- What?

- A bunch of immoral,
reprehensible people

get to walk away scot-free.

Secrets intact.

- Must be hard.

Be undercover like you are.

Probably lose track
of up from down.

- You just hope
you're fighting the good fight.

Putting Sarah Lane behind bars

so she can't take advantage
of people's trust?

Sounds like a good fight to me.


- That's so cool.
- You're at NYU.

- Yeah, I mean, it's just
a summer writing program.

- Still.

- I have to work, like,
four jobs for it, but...

- But next year, you'll get in
for real, though, right?

- Yeah, if I get a boatload
of financial aid.

- You'll get it.

- So that girl from the bus
last night...

Is she your girlfriend?

- No, no, she's... just a friend.

Do you have a boyfriend?

- Nope.

Did you tell her who I am?

How did you find me?

- Um, your dad came
into the diner where I work

and I asked where you were.

- What was he doing there?

- Just having coffee.

- I haven't talked to him
in a while.

- Yeah, he said that.

- What else did he say?

- Just that he misses you.

- Um...

I don't have a lot of time

but... would you...

wanna get breakfast
with me or something?

- Yeah, I'd love to.

- It's a cute place.

I don't know about that.

- For a guy
who just got out of a cult.

- Well, thank you,
then, I guess.

- So my dad thinks
you're some kind of messiah now.


- You know, crazy people get
what they think is stigmata.

It's totally psychosomatic.

I mean, when I was growing up
in The Movement,

people left their bodies,

they had all sorts of other
religious experiences.

Even I did, but obviously,
it wasn't real.

- No.

I don't know
what happened to my back.

You know, it could have
just been the wound.

I don't know.

- You know,
I've been thinking a lot

about what you were saying,
and I think it's outrageous

that no one in my family
has looked at me

except for my dad
in over 20 years.

- It is.
- I don't...

How can you reject your kids
like that?

- I don't know,
but imagine if 20 of us,

ten of us, even,
walk onto that compound

and say, we exist,

we are not invisible,
we did not disappear.

We are living, breathing
human beings

with all the pain
they have caused

to their sons,
daughters, mothers...

- Ex-husbands.
- Yes, ex-husbands.

But at least with me,
Sarah was willing

to let me see the kids
after I left.

You know, she will have our back
once we force the change.

- You can't.
- You can't force the change.

- Sarah can.
- She's co-guardian of The Light.

- What? Really? Sarah?

- Yeah, Sarah's the most devout
person that I know.

- Really?

- Yes, and she will be
the best thing

that has happened
to The Movement

once she gets out
from under Cal's influence.

- Wow, Mom must love that.
- Her own daughter.

They don't know anything,
you know.

No one in my family has a clue
how two-faced they all are.

- Tessa, slow down...
- You know, you're right.

I'm gonna go in there.
I should go in there.

And I should force them to look

at the pain and the hurt
and the suffering.

I should force them
to take a look at themselves.

Guardian of the f*cking Light!

- You're right, you're right,
you're right.

- But this needs to be done right.
- No.

- We need to find others.

We are more powerful as a group

because this is about all of us,
the future of Meyerism.

We need more time.

- f*ck time.
- Okay?

f*ck me.

- Sarah?

I'll be right there

- We were amazing last night.

On stage, I mean.

But... the audience liked us,
I think.

I felt...

the doors opening.

The people that will be
drawn to us

as we leave some of the more...

religious aspects
of Meyerism behind,

focus more on individual growth.

How are you?

- Tired.


I feel good about this.



- We should go.

- It's so god to have her back.

- It sure is.

- Okay, Mom,
please stop petting me.

- Ha.
- I missed you.

I'm allowed to miss you.

- Hey, kiddo!


How'd it go?

- It was good.

- Mm-hmm?
- Mm-hmm.

- Mommy!
- I missed you.

- Oh!
- How was the conference?

- Great.
- Did they like you guys?

- How could they not?

Your mom is an inspiration.

- I want details.
- I'll tell you later.

- Where's your brother?
- I don't know.

- Hey, Noa, where's Hawk?

- He said he had to do something
in the city.

He'll be here by sundown.

I painted this for you.

- Oh!
- For your Transgress.

- Beautiful.
- Thank you.

- Can you paint mine?
- Yeah.

- Me too.

- I hear the two of you were
on fire at the Faith Conference.

- It was okay.
- Oh, it was more than okay.

I think the audience
really responded.

- Well, that's good to hear.

We need to get our message
out there.

How lovely.

- Summer painted it.

- She's very talented.



Fresh pine.

It's too bad we burn them.


No one owns you.

You own you.

- I know.
- I know.

- Are you allowed to talk
to people on the outside?

- Yeah, of course.

We talk to people
on the outside all the time.

- So they wouldn't have
a problem

that your mom is in town

- A lot of Meyerists choose
to cut off

from their families, okay?

I have not chosen to do that.

- So why are you so worried?
- I'm not.

You keep looking out the window.

- Yeah, 'cause
we're talking about me leaving.

- Are you not allowed to leave?

- I can do whatever I want.

- Is that so?

- Yeah, I'm concerned
about Mary, okay?

She doesn't know
I'm talking about all this.

Your dad and I want
both of you to come home.

We'll help in every way we can

to take care of
Mary and our grandchild.

- Yes, but this is about you,

What you want.

You can't make
another person do something.

Same way that the Meyerists
can't make you stay.

No one has that power
over another human being.

- Can you find a way to get Mary

to sit down with Wendy
this afternoon?

- No, we have to be
at the compound by sundown.

- Why? What will happen
if you're not there by sundown?


So then when
he's about to take the poison

that transforms him
into a beast,

she breaks up with him.

- Why?

- So he doesn't have to
live as a beast.

She knows that
being a beast sucks

and he'd probably be happier

living in the world he was
born into, in the human world.

- That's sad.

- Well, yeah, the assignment
was to write a tragedy.

- It's kind of like
the story of us.

Except you're not a beast.

- You kinda saw me as one.

- And you didn't
break up with me

to save me from
the wild world of beastdom.

- No.
- Why did you?


- I don't know.
- Things were really hard.


God, this view is incredible.



Um, I... God, this always happens
when I'm with you.

- What?
- I lose track of time.

I'm supposed to be
at the compound by sundown.

- I-I have to go.
- I mean, you're not gonna

make it now.
Wait, am I gonna see you again?


You know what?

I just watched my mom on stage

at the World Faith Conference

say all these things

about self-love, and...

they had nothing to do
with Meyerism.

- Okay...

I don't know what that means.


Wait, are you sure?

- Yeah.


The most important
three days of our calendar year.

We reflect,

we re-act,

and we relinquish.

Cleansing our spirits
and our consciences

for the contemplative months
of fall and winter ahead.

- As we go into
the dark of night,

we meditate
on our Transgressions.

We locate
our transgressive actions

for the past year that haunt us.

We locate those we have hurt.

We leave these vessels,
our bodies,

and take the vessel
of the one we have caused pain.

We live in the pain
that we have inflicted.

We suffer as the sufferer does.


- My family.

- Yes.

- With my doubt.

- Yes.


Take that on.

* *




- Rest.

Tomorrow we act.



* *

- Mrs. Small, I'm sorry
to barge in on you like this.

- It's all right.

- I tried to reach Marshall
on the phone.

There was a service message.
It was disconnected.

- He passed.

Two weeks ago.

Felt like he was sick forever,

but then, when it came...


It came so quick.

* *

* Amazing grace

* How sweet the sound

* That saved a wretch

* Like me

* I once was lost

- Sorry to keep you waiting,
Mr. Roberts.

* But now am found

* Was blind

- First, please allow me
to express

my deepest condolences
for the loss of your mother.

the state requires us

to fill out certain forms.

I'll need your signature
in those places

and I'll need to see
a form of ID.

Driver's license is fine.

It's purely a formality.

Thank you, sir.

* *

* Was grace

* That taught

* My heart to fear

* Grace

* My fears relieved


* How precious

* Did that grace

* Grace appear

* The hour

* I first believed


- Daddy!

- Hey, kiddo!

Oh, wow, you're so big.

- I lost two molars.
- What?

- I swallowed one of them.
- Let me see.

Oh, wow, that is disgusting.

- I hope you didn't look for it.
- I didn't.


Want to talk to you, Summer.

Just wanna say that I'm sorry.

For not being there
every morning, every night,

every tooth.

I want you know that
I think about you all the time.

- What do you think about?

- How much I miss you.

How much I love you.

- Fiercely and forever?

Fiercely and forever.


- When are we gonna be
a family again?

- I don't know.

I don't know.

How's your roommate?

She's not gonna walk in on us,
is she?

No, she's never here.

Parents have some big apartment

and she always goes
to the Hamptons.

- Why does she have
all those... dolls?

- Um, she's a puppetry major.

Everybody here is so rich.

God, this city.

- Not the part I see.

- Yeah, but you're, like,
a saint, right?

- We just see
so much need everywhere.

In my 2R work, just the lack
of access to just basic...

- Wait, 2R?

- Yeah, I'm...

climbing the second rung.

Cal's my guide.

- Oh.

You know,
you kinda look like him now.

Is that part of it?

Was it your initiation
or something?

- No.

I just... I was ready
for a change.

Do you miss it?

- Your hair?


I like it.
I can see you better.

How mad do you think
your mom would be right now...

- I-I don't...

Sorry, I don't wanna talk
about my mom right now.

- Sorry.

- It's just she's not...

in charge of me anymore.

- Yeah, but Cal is.

* *

We should go explore the city
together or something.


* La-la-la-la *

* La-la-la-la-la-la

* La-la-la-la-la

* La-la-la


* You're my heart

* Baby, spread your wings
and fly *

* You're my heart

* I'll be right here

- Oh.
- Hawk is sick.

- Stomach virus.
- Oh, no.

- He must be devastated.

This will be the first
break fast without him.

- And without Steve.

- And without Daddy.


- Honey, I know how hard it is
when things change.

What's going on?

- Can I got to my room?

- But you love break fast.

Are you not feeling well?

Was she all right today?

- Yeah, we had a fun time
at the park, right, kiddo?

We played a lot at the park.

Maybe she's tired.
Are you tired?

- What else can I help with?

- Bring in the rest of the salad
and we should be ready.

- Everything okay?

- Hawk's sick.

- Oh, no.

I'll call over to the center,

get someone to look in on him.


- I'll wait
until you're ready to tell me.

- Honey, you wanna help me
light the candles?


- You and Cal aren't...

* La-la-la-la-la

* La-la-la-la-la

* La-la-la


What's going on, Mom?

- What?

- You seem... weird.

Doesn't she seem weird, Dad?

- Are you weird, babe?

- No.
- Just hungry.

Low blood sugar.

Dinner's on the table.

- Dinner.
- Come on, kids, time to eat.

- Is that knocking?

Joy, do you mind grabbing that?

- Hello?


Who is it?

- Hello, Sarah.
- What are you doing here, Tess?

- Restitution, right, Dad?

Thought I'd stop by and remind
you all that I still exist.

Well, isn't anyone
gonna say hello?

* *

- Hello, Tessa.

- Hello, Cal.

- Who is she?

- Tessa.

- Wow, Russel.
- You know my name.

You got old.

- It's really not a good time,

Why don't we do this
when the kids aren't around?

- Your ex said
you'd have my back.

- Eddie?

- Yeah, we were having coffee
the other day.

Why did you get
in touch with Eddie?

He got in touch with me.

- You know my dad?

Hey, come on upstairs, Summer.

Let's... let's all go upstairs.
Come one.


- What did Eddie want with you?

- I don't know.
- Guess he's sad and mad

'cause he's not used to
how f*cked up

this whole situation is.

- Why don't we step outside,

- I'm sorry, Cal.
- Are you part of this family now?

Because I'm trying
to talk to my family.

- Hello, Mom.
- Hey, let me walk you...

- Leave me alone.
- You're worse than all of them.

Mom, please, look at me.

Look at me, Mom.
Look at me.

- I need you to go.
- Now.


We can talk later privately.

And I would like that very much,
to talk to you,

but this is not the way
to do it.

- Do they know
you were gonna come with me?

Did they? Did you guys all know
your great Guardian of the Light

had her f*cking bags packed?
Did you?

I waited for you in
Grand Central for three hours,

but you didn't come.

- I was a kid.

- Do you know the things
I had to do to get by?

- Look at me, do you?
- I was a kid.

- But I did them.
- I did them, and I got out.

And I have a great life now.

I have a great life.

Do you hear me?
I have a great life.


Your ex said if we forced you
to see us, you would.

He was wrong.
He was wrong.



I wonder what
my parents would do

if I walked into their house.

- You okay, Mom?

- Gab...
- No.

How long?

- How long what?

- 15 years.

- I...

I need to be alone.

- What? What's going on?
- What's 15 years?

Dad, what's 15 years?

- God, Russel.

He's been seeing your sister
for 15 years.

- She's my daughter.

- Let's get the kids.
- Go home.

- You'd do the same
if one of yours took off.

- Maybe.

But I wouldn't lie about it.

Come on, let's go!

I don't wanna go!

Well, too bad.

Get in the car!


- I love you.


- You had your bags packed?

- I was a kid.

And I wanted to be free.

We would stay up all night

planning our escape.

But I couldn't do it.

And then as I got older,

I was grateful I stayed.

I started to believe
that The Light saved me

from walking out of my life.

I just don't understand
why Eddie would do this.

- He's angry.

He's acting viciously.

He was probably hoping
Hawk would be here

and Hawk would find out
that you tried to leave

the same age that he was
when he tried to leave.

- You know, I deserve

what just happened in there.

- No...
- No, I deserve it.

- No, no, you don't, Sarah.

- Marshall Small died.

- From Clarksville?

I'm so sorry to hear that.

- And there's nothing.

There's no action that
I can take to make things right.

- Mm.

You will find a way

to do something for Marshal,
you will.

But as long as you hold on
to guilt about Eddie,

you'll never be free
to live the life,

to have the love
that you deserve.

- I need to put Summer to bed.

- Relinquish it tomorrow, Sarah.

I-I don't want to be your sin.

* Last night I tried
to find my demon *

* He was gone

* My hand stretched out
to hold him *

* And he slipped
right through my fingers *

* Never in my life


- I've been living a double life
for too long.

It's exhausting.

You start to lose sight
of everything.

Who you are, what you want.

And now that
they're blackmailing me,

making it worse,

I think this is the moment

that you blow it up,
and come clean.

- We'd lose everything.
- Everyone.

- Not necessarily.

You know, maybe we can
get the Feds to cut us a deal,

help us keep it quiet.

- I don't know.


- Well, you have to decide
for yourself.

But me,

I'm not about to start letting
these people control me,

judge me,
tell me how to live my life.

I'm putting a stop
to these m*therf*ckers

who promised me I could unburden
without any repercussions.



- Hey, you know the woman

who gave you
"The Wizard of Oz" book?

She wasn't a friend
of my mom's from college.

- Who was she?

- She's a counselor.

My parents, they hired her
to get me back home.

- And you knew who she was

when you asked me
to go to the baby shower?

You lied to me.


- Because I'm thinking
of going home.

And I want you to come with me.

Look, just talk to Wendy
one more time, okay?

She can help you see.

We can have a life
somewhere else,

a life we make together.

- And if I don't wanna go,
will you go without me?

- The only thing
that's keeping me here is you.


You asked
why I broke up with you?

- I know things were difficult
with your family

and everything.

- Yeah,
but it was more than that.

Cal offered us a house
if I broke up with you.

- What?

- My family needed it.

And I...

I couldn't...

I wish I had the strength
to say no to him, but...

- That doesn't make any sense.

Why would Cal do that?

- Because he didn't want
to lose you.

He and your mom.

He's not the amazing man
that you think he is.

You dad, he would have
never that to you, Hawk.

- You don't know a f*cking thing
about my dad

or Cal or any of it.

- I have hated myself
for what I did to you.

- And I'm telling you now...
- You should have told me then.

- Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry.

- This is... this is...
- Look, I really, really

wanted to tell you,
but I didn't know how.

- Great.




* Stranded by this

* Open window

* All my debts unfold

- Sarah.
- Why?

Are you trying to hurt me?
My family?

- Sarah.
- Tessa.

She comes over to the house.

Summer is there,
and she's shouting at me.

She's shouting at my mother.

- I didn't know
she was gonna do that.

- Why are you even
talking to her?

- Look, I can talk to people,

I can reach out.
This is my experience too.

I'm just trying
to figure things out.

- No, no.
- But you made it about us.

You made it about hurting
my mother, my dad, my brother.

- That, I apologize...
- No, and you hurt me.

Will you let me go, please?

You have to let me go.

- I can't do that.
- You have to.


* As I let them go

* Water cries from my soul

- Sarah.


* Stripping me down
to the bone *

* *

* Stripping me down
to the bone *


* Stripping me down
to the bone *


I am not a leader.

- Eddie.
- No, I f*cked up.

I hurt people.

- You can't mend
a 20-year practice on a whim.

- It wasn't a whim, Felicia.

- Faith requires sacrifice.
- Steve knew that.

He knew we must let go of those
who didn't stand with us.

Otherwise the temptation
was too great.

- Well, I can't be a part
of that, all right?

- I won't.
- Maybe it could be changed.

But it has to be done carefully,

once you're ensconced
as The Guardian

and the people feel safe.

- Look, I am not cut out
for this, Richard.

I don't want the responsibility
of other people's lives.

I can barely deal with my own,

I don't want to bring
any more pain.

- But you have to replace her.

Sarah is not
the rightful Guardian.

- I won't do that.

I can't.

* *

- We can't lose him!

- It's not for us to choose.

It's for The Light.

If he's meant to be the one,
then he will be it.


- * For all those who aspire

* To climb up even higher

* From the muck of desire

* Look to the Eye of Meyer

* For those
that don't break even *

* When they heard the word
of Steven *

* From the saints
down to the heathens *

* With every breath
he's breathing *

* To take shelter
from the wrath *

* For unto you he hath

* Already done the math

* And put you on the path

* There's a serpent
and an adder *

* There's a wind that fails
to scatter *

* All the things
that make up matter *

* It's high up on the ladder

* And he reaches up a hand

* Each rung reveals a plan

* To the only one who can

* Seal up the fate of man

* And his hands
they don't burn *

* As he climbs
from stem from stern *

* And the truth
for which we earn *

* He'll come back to return

* So take shelter
'neath the lath *

* For unto you he hath

* Already done the math

* And you put on the path


On the final day of Restitution,

we relinquish.

We relinquish.

We cleanse our Transgress

so we can burn the sins
of last year.

So we can go into the fall

free of our ill actions.



You leaving?

- Oh, I'll be back soon.

I, uh...

I need more than this
for my restitution.


- I'll talk to her.

The counselor.


- Hey.

How you feeling?


- I wasn't sick.

- What's going on?

- I willingly missed

I need to cleanse.


Let's blow it up.

End this charade.


- I want to see her.

Our daughter.

I want to see her.





* You stay dumb,
won't you save it on my heart *

* You say that I'm negative

* But you know
it's all made up *

* You know that
a song is a sign *

* Let it be soft

* Thank God that I find

* To think at all

* You know that I

* I lie

- Forgive me.

* You know that I

* I lie

* With high girls in motion

* They're light

* And they're bright

"I relinquish my guilt
for being with Cal.

"Everything else I've done
that is horrible this year,

I'll hold onto."

* Eager in my den