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02x07 - Providence

Posted: 09/13/21 14:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

- I'm moving into the city.

I don't want to talk about it.
I've already decided.

It's a done thing.

- I would like to invite you
to climb to 2R.

- Are you serious?

- I'd be humbled
to be your guide.

- I just came from the auction.

- What did he buy it for?
- Five.

- $5 million?
- We don't have $5 million.

- I need you to run this

for industrial
pollutants and chemicals, okay?

Bill it to the Meyers case.

- Under what?
- Offset.

- Can you help me
with something?

Cut it off.

- He must have fallen.

This puts the entire
movement in jeopardy.

I want you to think about Eddie.

Let him walk away.

I can only see his back now,

where the lightning hit him.

- He was struck by lightning
in Peru.

- How did you know?

- It was Eddie!

Eddie Lane was
on the mountain with Steve.

Eddie Lane.

- God only knows.





- Summer?

No, I can't.

No. I have to work.

Yeah, well,
it's not all about you.

This is ridiculous.

I have work too, you know.

All right. All right.
You know what? Fine. Fine.

I will pick him up
in an hour, okay?

Yes, I will be there in an hour.

I have to watch Johnny now,

even though it's his week,

and I have to be at this wedding
in the Hamptons tonight, and...

- Another wedding?
- It's just a gig.

It's... it's doing the hair
for the whole bridal party,

and it goes all weekend,
and it's really good money,

and my friend got me the job,

and she's gonna f*cking k*ll me

for having to cancel
at the last minute.

It's just...
f*cking Benson.

- Well, you know,
I... I could watch him.

I mean, why not?

Be fun to get
to know him a little.

- Yeah, that's... that's really,
really sweet, but we...

- What?
- Me and Benson sort of have

this deal worked out

where we have to run
that sort of thing by each other

before we introduce
Johnny to a...

Our new...
anyone new.

- All right. I get that.

But I have actually
already met Johnny,

at the beach, so that rule
doesn't really apply.

- Yeah, but... yeah, okay,
but you weren't

my boyfriend then, technically.

- Well, we don't have
to be boyfriend,

girlfriend for the next
48 hours.

I could just be your sitter.

Come on. I'm CPR certified.

He will be safe...

- Are you really?
- Yes. I am a very good sitter.

- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.

- Thank you so much.
- Of course.

- Thank you.
- Oh, you're so sweet.

Mm! Mm!

You are a lifesaver.
You know that?

- Yeah.
- Thank you. The best.

- How long has this been here?

- I called you as soon
as I saw it.

- What, you didn't see
anybody put it up?

- You should have stopped them.
- I stepped away for a minute.

- Who knows how many people
have seen this.

I was just in the bathroom
and back.


- We need to keep
this between us.

- Is something wrong?

Don't bother
pretending otherwise.

- What have you done?

- What, Sarah? What is it?

- I won't let them seize
the compound.

What? What are you thinking?

- No, no.
- We're not losing the compound.

I'd never let that happen.

- You know,
I can't let them take

Steve's home... the home
that he built for us.

Not for your dream.

- Now, we... we have to sell the...
- The center.

- I don't see another way.

- You know, I used to play
with G.I. Joes too.

Can't believe
they're still around.

Hey, what do you say
we get out of here?

Huh? Go on an adventure
or something.

- Too much traffic and too
many people on a Saturday.

- Ah, come on.
- It's easy to make up excuses.

There's got to be some place
that you want to go.

It better be good.

- Okay.

I need your strength.

Your patience.

Your restraint.

Be The Light.

Righteous and good.

Give me your strength,

your patience.

Righteous and good.

- Hey.

The hell is wrong with you, man?

Are you trying to give me
a heart attack?

- This was your idea.

I'm the one holding
the bag of burgers

in the middle of the woods.

- That's right.
- What if a bear came at me?

- Well, then he would be
doing you a favor.

- There's seriously bears?

I can't believe you had me
out here like that.

Hey, you might want
to slow down there.

I drank the soda on the way.

- Just give me the results
for the water.

- McClusky shut that down.
- What?

- Yeah.
- Why?

- I think Penetti's been
on his ass.

They want these guys
out of commission, pronto.

- That's bullshit.
- What does the water have

to do with your case?
Just get Penetti something

and get the f*ck out of there.

What are you doing, man?
What's going on with you?

Seriously, your wife
is living with her mom?

Just focus and finish the job.

Get your promotion,

deal with your real life.

- Tell McClusky
I got this, okay?

I got this.

- It doesn't look great, I know.

We were in the process
of converting

some of the apartments.

- Though it's unfinished,
the more open floor plan

should appeal
to savvy investors.

- It really affords
new possibilities on the space.

- Maybe a nonprofit
would be interested.

They could continue
some of the relationships

we've already established
with the community.

- We'd be more than happy
to help with the transition.

- Yeah, there's no easy way
to say this.

If you sell now, you're gonna
take a hit... a substantial one.

- We understand why you would
advise us against that.

- Wait three years and you might
get what you paid for it.

Unfortunately, we're not
in a position to wait.

Let us show you the roof garden.

- Actually, Sarah,
could you go on without me?

There's a call I need to make.

- Of course.
- The views alone

up there will sell the building.

- This way.

- f*ck! Ah! f*ck! f*ck!

- This will work fine.

- This place is insane.

- You like this stuff?
- Yeah.

My kids were never
really into w*r stuff,

so I've never been here.

- Me either. My dad works.

But we do other fun stuff.

Oh, I don't doubt it.

Butkiss was a fun guy.

- You know my dad?
- I do.

Well, I did.

Smart dude.

Curious, just like you.

He wouldn't like you.

He wouldn't like me?

Why do you say that?

You're not just the babysitter.

Dad wants to get back together,
but I know they're not.

- Hey, all that matters is that
they both love you very much.

- Yeah.
- I just always miss someone.

- Yeah.

Want to go
check out the special exhibit?

- Yeah.
- Come on.

Good choice, bud.


- Sorry, I didn't realize
you were in here.

- Oh, no. Sorry.

- What happened?
- Oh, it's nothing.

It's fine. It's fine.

It was an accident.

- You don't have to tell me.


I f*cked up, Mary.

We're gonna lose everything.

This was supposed to be...

- You won't let that happen.

Look at what you've already
given us.

What you've given me.


I never had that.

A husband, Sean, who loves me.

A father for my baby...
You gave that.

You... you give it.

You'll never let us down.

You see us.

- I see you.

Oh, no.


No, no.

Sorry, sorry.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Consider this offering
an act of solidarity.

We're with you.
We are you.

The Light says that no man
is better or worse

than any other man,

even though the circumstances
of their birth

may try to say otherwise.

The Light said,

"To be closer to me,
you must humble yourself."

And so we kneel before those
we assume we are better than,

and we wash each other's feet
as a reminder

that we are all the same.

No more, no less.

Why don't you get us
some fresh towels?

I'll take over for you.


I'm sorry.

You should come inside after.

We have some boots
that might fit you better.

- I have boots.
- That's fine.

You can take them both.
Whatever you want.

I'm Hawk.

- Daniel.

It's good to meet you, sir.


- I didn't
recognize you at first.

- Uh, yeah.
- It's different. I know.

- Looks good on you.

All this does.

May I help?

- Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.

- Could you take these?


You cut your hair.

- Yeah. Yeah, I wanted a change.

- You were looking for me?
- Yes. Yes.

I heard what you did...

Your interpretation of the rung,

your ability to recognize

how you could
best serve those around you.

It's exemplary.

- Thanks.
- Everyone isn't so insightful.

I see you, Hawk.

You're a leader in the making.

That's why I want to get
a jump on our next session.

- Right now?
- Yeah. Walk with me.

Mastering Servant is not
only understanding

how you can be of service,

but identifying the potential
in others.

- Uh-huh.
- Steve saw the same gift

of insight in me
when I was doing 2R.

Did you ever meet Jeremiah?

He and Richard were together
for a long time.

- Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
- Jeremiah was this guy...

Really wanted to help
whenever he could.

We'd go on these
disaster missions,

but the guy had allergies,

and we'd end up having
to take care of him.

So one day I said to Steve,

"Jeremiah's a great lawyer.
That's what he should be doing."

Instead of having
an asthma attack in the field,

"he should go back to work and
help us fund the work we do."

- Was he upset?
- Uh, for a moment,

but, you know, once he wrote
the first check,

he got that high that you can
only get from truly serving.

The joy in exercising
what you have to give.

- Where's Jeremiah now?

- That's another story
for another time.

Here, now, I want you to keep
an eye on your peers,

identify their
individual potential,

and... and, uh,
you know, help them see it.

Help them realize it.

Like your friend, Noa.

How bad is it?


It took us years to rebuild

Steve's family farm
into the place.

- Then what about our homes?
- They're on the compound.

Does that mean
they take our homes too?

If we sell the New York
City building,

we can pay back the taxes.

- What do you mean "if"?
- You can't be wavering.

- When. When we sell...

- Will selling it
even be enough money?

- We all know he overpaid.
- And what about the garden?

What if this is where the garden
is meant to be and we lose it?

The Light has a plan.

We just need to open
ourselves to it.

- But you own your house.

- We have five kids... five kids.
- Nicole...

- What else do we know
how to do?

You don't know
how to do anything.

What are you gonna do?
Bag groceries?

- How did this happen?
- Well, it's not my fault, Dad.

- I wasn't blaming you.
- You were looking at me

- when you said that.
- I wasn't blaming you.

- Sarah's in charge,
and I get blamed.

- Your dad's going
through something.

- What does that mean?
- Stop it. Stop.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing, honey.

It's okay.
Everything's fine.

You can go back and play.

Everything will be okay.
I promise.

And I take responsibility.

I do. But I need your support.

You know, if this gets out,
people will panic,

and I need everybody
to remain calm

while we get through this, okay?

The Light has a plan.
If we open ourselves to it...

We become part of its map.

Our fates intertwined
with its providence,

so no matter which
direction we walk in,

The Light will point us home.

Whoa. How cool is this?

- Did you know this ship
also fought

in World w*r II
and against Russia?

I did not.
How'd you know that?

Uh, I live in the world.

- Easy, wiseass.
- Hey, check this one out.

- Wow. Great.

- What happened?

Why are they running like that?

We shall fight the battle
for social construction,

and throughout the world..

- Let's, uh, let's go this way.

Hey, are you okay?

- Yeah, no, I'm fine.

We shall fight
the battle against aggression

in Vietnam.

And we shall prevail.

- Hey. Got your text.

Um, hey, I lost my phone.

Is there any way
that I can use yours?


Hey, Mom.

Yeah, yeah, hi.

Oh, I know.
I know, it's, um...

It's been a while.

Yeah, no, everything's great.

Mary is great.

No. No, no, no.
I'm... I'm fine.

I just... you know, really.

Yeah, I miss you too.

Ah, you know,
I got to go in a minute.

I just, um, I, uh,

I wanted to let you know
that we're having a baby.


Yeah, and I don't know...

I'm a little scared, you know,

'cause I don't know
how it's gonna be,

and, um... no.

No, Mom, I'm not... that's...

No, that's not what
I'm saying, I'm...

No, Mom, that's... no, please.

Don't come, okay?
Just don't come. I'm fine.

I just... I wanted...

I wanted just
to tell you, you know?

Okay. Just don't come, okay?

Fill this space with light.

Let it be healed.


And we may find

always the truth in The Light...

Where's Eddie?

- It wasn't the right time.
- But we need him!

We're so close to knowing
what happened.

- It wasn't right!

It's taken me years
to feel clean...

To accept The Light's

I nearly forfeited
that for this.

I've been acting out
of anger, rage.

- You've been acting out
of loyalty to Steve.

Don't lose sight of that.

- Following Eddie led me
back there.

To the w*r.

The men whose lives I took.

That was no coincidence.

I was made to see that.

I am no longer the man
who committed those atrocities.

- It was Steve who
helped you see that.

- There was a child with him.

A little boy.

- It wasn't the right time.

I trust in your judgment,
just as Steve did.

We need to try again.

- I don't know if I can.

- We owe it to Steve.

He'll see us through this.

- You space out a lot.

- Uh, no, I, um...

is this all right?

- I hate bananas.
- You hate bananas?

Look, I just got
to make some more.

Look... Johnny, you know I'm not

trying to be your dad, right?

Because, you know,
if anyone was trying

to do that with my kids,

I would not be okay with it.

- But you like my mom.
- Yes, I do.

- Then my dad will never like
you, so I can't like you.

Maybe stop trying
to make me like you.

- Fair enough.

- What happened to the kids
in that picture?

- Picture?

Oh, from the, um, the exhibit?

Ah, well, it was in a w*r,
and they were very scared.

- Did they die?

- It was a very long
time ago, Johnny.

- Can that happen here?
- No.

- But if it did,
what would you do?

- It's not gonna happen here.
- But if it did.

- I would go home as fast
as I could

and try to protect my family.

- You'd leave me?
- No. If you...

If you were with me, I would...

I would take you with me.

- That's not that the man said.

- The man?

- The one who was following us.

- There was a man following us?

Where? At the museum?

- He asked if I knew
how to get home,

because he wanted you
to go with him.

- I've been looking over
our finances.

And praying.

We're f*cked no matter
what we do.

We owe hundreds of thousands
of dollars in taxes.

You know, I own my own home,
but I'm one of the few.

You know, Eddie wanted us
to own something...

Something that was just ours.

I'm gonna try to take a second
mortgage out on the house.

It won't be everything
that we need,

but it could show
a sign of good faith

while we ask others
to sacrifice.

- What about this place?
- We try to keep it.

- Sarah, why?
- For the movement.

For the future.

And for my son.

- You seen Noa?

Thank you.

I was looking for you.

- Found me.

Hey, check it out.

Have you ever thought about
how much has to come together

for anything to grow?

Or live, even.

- Smoked out since junior high,

so I've probably thought
about it once or twice.

- Right.
- It's just... it's crazy how

if something doesn't
do its thing,

doesn't do everything it can do,

we lose out on just
how good it can all be.

- Okay. Guess that's true.

That's why you were
looking for me?

- No. Yeah.

In a way.

I don't think you're living up
to your full potential.

- What?
- I don't think

you're doing everything
you can for the movement.

I know you and your mom don't
have the easiest relationship,

- but I think if you...
- Stop. Stop it.

- I mean, denying where you come
from and who you are

and all the good that money
could do for so many people.

- Don't do this, Hawk.

- But you say you want
to help people.

This is how you can make
the greatest impact.

- Did your mom ever
leave you stranded

at a friend's birthday party
for hours

after everyone else
had gone home?

Your friends' parents
just staring at you,

not knowing what to do with you

except never invite you
back, obviously.

When she finally did show up,
she'd be stoned,

just completely out of her mind,
and she's say

how sorry she was
and that she'd make it up to me,

and I let her.

I let her buy my forgiveness,

buy me, over and over.

How f*cked up is that?

- It's, uh... it's f*cked up.

She is. She's...

- That woman's been
on so many pills for so long,

I'm shocked she doesn't just

disintegrate in the rain.

- I don't think it rains
much in L.A.

- I'm never asking her
for anything ever again, Hawk.

She's toxic.

Are these all of
your housing costs?

Utilities, property taxes...

Yes. All accounted for.

- I see you bring
in $20,000 a year, Mr. Lane.

- Oh, no, sorry.
- I'm not Mr. Lane.

- He's my business partner.

- Cal Roberts.

- Where's Mr. Lane?

He is the co-owner of the house.

- We're in the process of him
signing it over to me.

We're estranged.

- Your earnings...
- They appear

to fluctuate
every quarter or so?

- The movement pays my salary,

and since our primary
income is based on donations,

my take-home can vary.

- But you'll see
in that earnings report

that most of our followers

are part of the monthly
giving program,

so that's a steady stream...

- Which they can quit
at any time?

- They won't do that.

- There's no stable cash flow
for monthly repayments.

There's never been any problem.

I've always made
my mortgage payments on time.

- While you were
a two-income household.

Is your home's last appraiser

considered a disciple
of your religion?

What... what does the faith
of the appraiser

have to do with anything?

- Maybe a conflict of interest,

given your urgent need
for this loan.

But it is extraneous.

The truth is, trying to add debt

on top of accumulating losses

is a step toward bankruptcy.

- She hates surprises.
- That's all I'm saying.

- Here, put this in
the car for me.

Hey, Eddie, is everything okay?

- Better than...
- We're, uh...

We're coming to see you.

What? Eddie, no.

The wedding's in a couple hours,

and I'm coming right home
after that.

Yeah, well, you know,
we thought it'd be fun...

Hang out at the beach all day...

Until you're done.

Then we can road trip
back together.

Eddie, are you sure
that everything's okay?

Eddie, I'm sorry,
I just... this is so sweet of you,

and I'm just really tired

and these girls
are really insane,

and I just... look,

I can't thank you enough
for what you're doing for me,

and now this, and I just love...

what you're doing for me,
and, um,

it really means a lot to me.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- And I can't wait to see you.

Okay. You too.

- Bye.

Come on. Get in the car.

- I tried.

I know.

- We can't save it.

We're supposed to be leaders

and protectors of this movement.

- Co-guardians of The Light.

- And we are really
f*cking this up.

I mean...

Oh, God.

- Sarah...
- You moved me.

Since I was a kid,
I grew up with everything,

and you were this boy
who came from hell

and could find The Light
and still bring it to others.

You were exceptional.

I also knew there were things
that you weren't capable of.

But that was the sacrifice,
the choice you had to make,

so you could bring
the word to others.

I know that you're
acting in contrition

for what you did...

But we need to start over.

We need to do things right.

I need you to be
exceptional again.

- Ah.

Damn it!

- Hey.

- Hey.
- You all right?

- Yeah, I'm just being
clumsy today.

That's all.

- My oven's on the fritz.

Frankly, I needed to
get away from them.

- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

- Nicole, come on, what is it?

What's going on?

- Between us?

- Yeah, of course.

- Cal and Sarah
got us in serious debt.

Bank put a lien on the compound.

- This compound? Oh.

- Oh, god, now
I've got you freaked out too.

I can never keep
my big mouth shut.

- No. No, no, no. Listen.

Are you sure it's that serious?

- Hey.
- I didn't mean...

I didn't want to worry you.

- Hey.

They can repossess
this compound,

but they can't repossess
our faith, right?

- Be well, Sam.

- I tried.

With Noa, to get her to see,

but she wasn't ready to hear it.

She won't ask her mom for money.

- It's okay.

We all fail sometimes.

Sorry, was there something else?

- Noa told me about her... about
how she'd abandoned her

as a kid, leave her to fend
for herself all the time.

Once she told me
how awful she was, I knew.

We don't need to help
Noa live up to her potential.

We need to help her mother.

She needs The Light.

- No, I don't need a ride,
thank you.

What? What are you doing here?

- I need you get
in the car, sweetheart.

- No, Mom, look, I...

Mom, I can't do that, okay?

- Sean, listen to your mother.

- Sean, my name
is Wendy Kennair.

She's gonna help you, Sean.

You, Mary, and our grandchild.

You're getting out.

I got it.

Can I come in?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

We're just about to have lunch.

Hey. Look who it is.

Hey, Cal.
What are you doing here?

I, uh, I wanted to
apologize to all of you

for buying that building
with funds we didn't have.

I know it's not been easy
with Steve gone.

He was... he was our father,

and our leader, our friend,

and I wanted to bring the same

and more,

and I failed.


I would like to try again.

I'm gonna do everything
I can to fix this,

to get us out of debt,

and you will not suffer.

I promise you that.

- Thanks, Cal.

And whatever you need,
you know, we're here for you.

Join us. Sit.
Sit, sit, sit.

- Yeah. Come on.
- Here, sweetie. Here.

- You sure?
- Okay, come on, kids!

Food's on.

- You're welcome.

- Hey.

- This has been
a difficult time.

There's no denying that.
It could be better.

But it could be worse.

- Not your most
uplifting speech.

- Have a little faith, Nicole.

If not for your sake, then ours.

There's no room for doubt.

- We're grateful for this day,

for its blessings,

and for the hardships
testing our resolve,

hardships that will prove us
to be worthy recipients

and messengers of The Light.

We ask for the strength

to see us through bouts
of uncertainty,

to forgive our transgressions,

and those of others.

If we live in The Light,
it will always show us the way.

The Light will provide.

- You tired, bud?
- Yeah.

- Why don't you take a nap?

We still have at least an hour
till we get there.

- Okay.

- Hey, you stay here.
- I'll be right back, all right?

Hey, you all right?
You need a jump?

I've got some cables in the car.

Hey, what are you...

I lost control.

I didn't mean to hit her,
but she just wouldn't stop.

He made me touch him.
I didn't want to.

Losing him... I'm going
through the unimaginable.

No one would believe me.

That's what he told me.

He just kept saying it over
and over again.

First time, I thought
I was gonna die,

but the time after that, it felt
like... like I came to life.

I had these tactics

I would use.

First money, then candy.

When that stopped working,

alcohol and dr*gs.

- The Light provides.



Where'd you go?