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03x07 - A Public Inconvenience

Posted: 09/13/21 13:48
by bunniefuu
We can't go on like this.

It's time we made a life

How would we do that?

Look at this necklace,

This should do

until... I make my fortune.

There are goldmines
in California.


As far away from Monmouth

and Mr. Penge as possible.

It's perfect!

Look, even the veins
on the leaf.

It is remarkable.

This looks like a bronze
by Cellini,

but if you lift it up...It's light as a feather!

That's because inside
it's plaster of Paris.

We dip it in the t*nk,
and just like the rose,

it's covered in a thin film
of metal.

And yet it looks exactly
like the real thing!

This electroplating
is a chance

for great work to be within
the reach of the common man.

Dukes and dustmen can both
be surrounded by works of art!

Ah, Victoria, please.

I do not think
you have met Mr. Cole--

he is my colleague

from the Royal Society
of Arts and Commerce.

Your Majesty.

I've never met a man
with quite so much


If you want steam,
get Cole!

We have just been discussing

the Society's
forthcoming exhibition.


Gold-plated roses.

So this is what
you are planning to show?

Amongst other wonders, ma'am.

If you had seen how the
electroplating bath works,

it is truly remarkable.


Would you like me to give you
a demonstration, ma'am?

Oh, don't worry.

I don't want to interrupt
your work.

Besides, I have my boxes
to attend to.


Don Pacifico,
a British citizen in Athens,

was att*cked by a mob.

Because he is a Jew.

The police didn't simply
watch it happen...

they joined in.

We must restore the dignity
of Her Majesty's subject.

I agree with what you said
in there, Lord Palmerston,

but how do you propose
to avenge one man's dignity?

Send in the Duke
of Wellington?

If it comes to that.

Good morning, Mama.

Yes, good morning.

Is that me
when I was a baby?

I hope I grow up
and live happily ever after.

Like you and Papa.

Do I need to remind you, Joseph,
that I expect footmen

to be respectfully dressed
at all times?

My appearance has always
upset you, Mr. Penge.

Why should today

be any different?


I know you're upset,
but promise me you won't

give Mr. Penge
any more reason to hate you!

There are plenty of reasons
to hate me.

But be careful.

In my experience,
when people are in love,

they forget to keep
their wits about them.

Why didn't the police intervene?

They were too busy
throwing rocks

at the poor man and his family
along with the rabble.

I thought,
as somebody who can't abide

religious intolerance,

that you may have
an opinion on the matter.


We should take action.

I intend to, ma'am,
with your blessing.

Whatever is necessary.

I thought it would be best
if I explain the situation

to Your Majesty
and the prince in person.

The prince is too busy,
with Mr. Cole.


I'm surprised he has the time.

He's always so busy
designing teapots.

He and the prince
are thick as thieves.


His Royal Highness
has a proposition

to make to the committee.

I think that our annual
exhibition is too...


So, I propose that

this year we invite
other nations,

to send their finest products.

A fair to show
the whole world's ingenuity.

With all due respect, Cole,
there's a reason

we don't invite foreigners.

I don't think Manchester cottons
want to be displayed

next to French silks.

But we have nothing
to be afraid of!

What of worth
has ever been achieved

which did not inspire fear?

Imagine if the Egyptians
had given into their doubts

before they began
the Great Pyramid of Giza,

or the Greeks
the Lighthouse of Alexandria?

For an exhibition
on the scale you imagine

we'd have to build a new hall,

and that would cost money
we don't have, I'm afraid.

There will be some
practicalities to overcome,

that I, I cannot deny.





Thank you, Your Grace.


I believe my wife's
having relations

with one of your footmen.


I have my suspicions
about who it might be.

The man will go to any length

to get ahead.

Well, the trouble is,
I need evidence.

I can't follow her
around the palace myself,

so I need somebody...

to do it on my behalf.

Indeed, Your Grace.

May one ask... what you intend
to do with such evidence?

I intend to prosecute
the footman for interfering

with my property.

And you will need to give
evidence in court.

Well, perhaps this will help you
overcome any scruples?

I had no idea
you played so well.

Oh, I've fallen
out of practice.

My husband is not so fond
of music.

It seems to me your husband
is not a man of taste.


When we were first married,

Albert used to spend hours
watching me at the piano.

I'm sure he would now,

if he had more time, ma'am.

I'm not so sure.

Ever since Feodora came,

...never smiles at me anymore.

I always used to be able
to make him laugh,

I used to be his...

...friend, his companion.

Now I feel I'm just his wife.

True love, in... in whatever
form it finds itself,

is just as hard to lose
as it is to find.

Please, play some more.

The Greek government,

led by that German princeling
King Otto,

has refused to make reparation

for the insult inflicted upon
one of our citizens--

Don Pacifico.

We must show

that we will not tolerate
this flagrant abuse

of all international standards
of decency.

I have discussed the matter
with Her Majesty

and she agrees with me.

But what do you propose, sir?


Prime Minister!

Have you heard about
Palmerston's latest outrage?

He is proposing a naval blockade
of Athens.

Did he mention

any of this to you,
when you spoke with him?

He told me about the plight
of Don Pacifico

and we agreed
that something must be done.

He is a British subject.

Palmerston is...

so persuasive.

You probably didn't understand
the implications, Drina.

Victoria, I implore you,

stop this man,
before his recklessness

turns this whole situation
into a w*r.

Do you believe if Palmerston
carries out this plan

that w*r is inevitable?

I cannot say
what Palmerston

and his gunboat diplomacy will
mean to this country, ma'am.

And I'm afraid I am not the best
person to advise you anymore.

But you're the
commander-in-chief of the army.

Not for much longer, ma'am.

Duke, does that mean...

It has been an honor

to serve you, ma'am...

but my time has come.

Duke, this country needs you,
now more than ever.

You need a younger man,

someone who can keep
Lord Palmerston in check.

So you do believe he's putting
this country in danger?

That is not for me to say.

You are, however, in safe hands
with the prince, ma'am.

I am certain that he
will give you very good advice.

I believe you have
the knave of hearts, Sophie.

How did you know?

Oh, I have played
many card games in my time.

You need to be careful,

for his sake
as well as your own.

I wonder if you know
what happened

to Caroline Norton.

She was accused of having
a criminal conversation

with Lord Melbourne.

She never saw her fortune
or her children again.

Melbourne was lucky to spend
his last days in Brocket Hall

and not Newgate Prison.

Had he been an ordinary man...

I very much doubt the jury
would have been so lenient.

No question.

It must be in the capital.

Brunel has predicted

15 million bricks
for the building.

Yes, well, we are expecting
thousands of visitors each day.

We're going to need
an open space

around the size of...
Hyde Park!

That, Mr. Cole,

is a brilliant suggestion!

The nation's greatest park

to be destroyed by a huge

masonry edifice

and polluted
by the detritus of society.

We shall have to find a design
that is temporary.

But strong enough to house
the entire contents

of the world's manufacturing?

It shall be a feat
of engineering

such as the world
has never seen.

I wonder if the prince has
considered where the drunkards

shall relieve themselves?

Look at these designs

for what we might call
public conveniences.

Trees that have stood there
for centuries

will have to be cut down!

Surely we can find a design
to incorporate them?

I think we better open

to every architect
in the country.

This one looks like a cake.

I think it's a Coburg loaf.

Aren't I right, Papa?

I thought the children
might like to see some designs

for Albert's exhibition.

Perhaps you might also care
to take a look, Drina?

There you are.

Show it to your mother.

Look, Mama.

I thought the intention

was to celebrate Britain's

not to make it
look ridiculous.

Yes, well, Palmerston
has already seen to that.

He's gone ahead,

he's ignored Parliament

and sent the gunboats already.

Yes, well, I am due to speak
with him in a moment.

It's too late.

Well, you're the one
who's planning

to humiliate the nation

with this
giant gingerbread house!


The exhibition will bring
together the finest

in the arts...

Come along, children.

Was that really necessary?

I think it's time
Feodora went home

to her own family!

Victoria, I can tolerate Bertie

not wishing to share with Alfred
because he is a child.

You are a 30-year-old women,
who has still not learned

how to play nicely.

I am not a child, Albert!

Well, stop behaving like one.

Your Majesty.

I suppose I do not
have to explain to you,

why I summoned you here.

These curious
bloomer suits

that the American ladies
are wearing?

Well, I give you my word

that none shall reach
these shores

while I am foreign secretary.

Women in pantaloons indeed!

Lord Palmerston,

I did not give you my blessing
to order a naval blockade.

But we did agree,

we needed to find justice
for Don Pacifico.

Yes, I assumed

you would find
a peaceful solution.

I didn't think
you would send in the navy

for the sake of one man.

I do not wish to alarm you,

but Greece is getting ideas
above its station,

and is support by Russia,
whose armed forces

are set to eclipse ours
by Christmas.

Then do you think it sensible
to provoke Russia like this?

It's an overreaction,
it will surprise her.

Yes, but the king of Greece
is Albert's cousin.

Family are not always friends,


Lord Palmerston...

May I ask you a question?Certainly, ma'am.

If force is not an option

with which to surprise
your enemy,

what other choices are there?

You're the Queen of England,

and you can't get rid
of your enemy by force?

To do so would only damage
the alliance I want back.

In that case, it might help to
turn the enemy into your ally.

What's making you smile,

It's from William.

He's arriving
at the end of the week.

Be careful not to get
too excited, my dear.

You've seemed rather...
frenzied of late.

I do hope that your duties
to the queen aren't proving

too much for your nerves.

You summoned me?

Is someone joining you?


Would you be so kind?

I know relations between us
have been... trying.

But we are sisters
after all.

I think it's time
we put the past behind us.

You believe it's that simple?

Perhaps I've not been
as generous

as I ought to have been.

Our lives are very unequal,
after all.

Is there something
I can offer you,

a token of my goodwill?



I want my daughter.

Now she's 16, I believe
it's time she came to court.

Your daughter?


I don't suppose
you remember her name.

He knows.

He doesn't frighten me.

You don't know
what he's capable of.

He could destroy you, Joseph.

I know that were he
to find out about us,

he wouldn't want
anyone to know.

That's why the
Duke at Chatsworth paid me off.

For what?

Let me explain.

I understand.Sophie.

I should have been
protecting myself, not you.


Why are the newspapers
so shortsighted?

Can they not see the benefits
the exhibition will bring?

People are scared
of anything ambitious.

And, of course,
it is a very costly enterprise.

The costs,
they shall be recouped,

a thousand times over.

Only if the exhibition's
a success, sir.

Which, of course, it will be.

Has any suitable designs
come in?

None yet that suit
our financial situation, sir.


You've seen what
they're saying in papers.

Finally we have
an opportunity to...

Sir Charles!


I wonder what matters of trade

you have to discuss
with the prime minister

that do not concern
the foreign secretary.

Is it so difficult
to believe we've matters

to discuss that
don't involve you?

I thought lying
was a basic skill

for any prime minister.

And I always thought
diplomacy was a basic skill

for a foreign secretary, and yet
your handling of this affair

in Greece has provoked

from both France and Russia.

Good day.

Good day.


Emma, you are old friends
with Palmerston, are you not?

Do you really believe
he will survive this?

I believe he is a man who enjoys
flying too close to the sun.

That's true.

He is resilient.

I wish I could say the same
of the prince.

He's working so hard
on this exhibition.

He will prove his critics wrong
I am sure.


I hope so.

I wish I could be sure
he was doing the right thing.

I couldn't bear for all that
effort to go to waste.

No man likes to be told
he is wrong, ma'am.

But you could distract him.

If we have 30 countries

We will need an area
of at least...

500,00 square feet.

And the problem that we have
is it will take years

to build something
of this scale

with all of the stone and brick
that has being proposed.


It is imperative we find
a design with light material.

So if the building

is to begin there and
would reach beyond those trees.

Indeed, sir.

Way beyond the trees.

Good afternoon,
Your Royal Highness.

Lord Palmerston.

May I ask what you're doing,

Ah, marking out the perimeter
of the exhibition.


I admire your tenacity.

Yes, well, I have learned
not to pay too much heed

to public opinion.

Spoken by a man
who has never had to rely on it

to keep his position.

Well, you don't seem worried
about yours, Lord Palmerston,

considering the circumstances.

Well, perhaps I should become
a novelist instead.

Both professions
are just telling stories.

The difference is,

novelists are writing fiction,


telling lies.

And the similarity is that
people will believe any story

if it's told well enough.

Good day, sir.

Good day.

Although they are
very big shoes,

or should I say
boots, to fill,

I was wondering
if you had any thoughts

as to your successor.

Mm... not an easy role
to fill.

Need someone rational,

responsible, considered.

It seems to me, Albert has all
of those qualities in abundance.

I think it would be a great
use of his talents,

and perhaps better than
the exhibition.

Ah, yes.

In battle,
we call that feinting.

Feinting?Distracting the attacker

so that they do not enter
the fray at a point

that could be catastrophic.

If you mean do I want
to protect Albert from harm,

then yes.

Your Grace.

Why do you call me
"Your Grace"?

Old habits.

Of going after duchesses?

I am not proud
of what I've done.

If we run away together,

I will get nothing.

We will be penniless.

Caroline Norton's husband
took everything away from her

when she tried to divorce him.

Perhaps the prospect
is no longer so enticing.


I will be a rich man

with you by my side.

At Chatsworth

I pretended to love someone.

I wanted to make something
of myself.

But all I want...

is to wake up

beside you every morning...

And not feel as though
I am committing a crime.



I have something important
to tell you.

Wellington wants you to succeed
him as commander-in-chief.

And I agree.



Finally a chance, Albert,

to show your country
you're worthy

of their respect.

Well, the exhibition

will show them that,
will it not?

Nothing like this
has ever been done before.

Because the crown and commerce
are not natural allies,

if it is not successful...

Albert, you know what
the papers are saying.

Victoria, this, this is
my chance to prove myself.

Do you really think
I have the time

to be commander-in-chief?

Just wanted to do something
for you.

Good evening,
Your Majesty.

If you have summoned me here
to berate me,

you needn't have bothered.

I've had quite enough
of that today.


Seems you've lost your knack
at pleasing the public.

It'll take more
than a few unfriendly headlines

to get rid of me, ma'am.

I hope so.



I find that, despite everything,

I value your advice.

I am honored.

Did you succeed in turning
an opponent into an ally?

Let us say that
I've made an advance.

Where have you been?

Why are you awake?

I spoke to Feodora today.

She's going to bring
Heidi over.


Her daughter.

I just wanted to do something
for my sister.



I'm so looking forward
to meeting my niece.

Adelheid, you mean.

Yes, Adelheid.

I hope to help Adelheid
in any way I can.

Though I don't seem to be

good at helping anyone
at the moment.

What's she like, Feodora?

She's hopeful...



Just like I was at that age;

before Mama banished me
to Langenburg.

Well, if it's any consolation,
Mama always made me feel

like she would rather be
somewhere else

than in my company.

And yet still
she made you feel guilty

for not showing her
enough affection.

Albert thinks I should put
my childhood behind me.

Perhaps we both can.

You would think that by now
we would have found a design

that represented
what we are trying to do,

this looks like a mausoleum.

We want to celebrate
the union of art and industry,

not bury it.

If we don't start building now,
we won't be ready in time.

Well, then perhaps our failure
to come up with the right design

is a sign, Mr. Cole.

Signs are for
the superstitious, sir.



Let me begin by asking:

what does it mean to be a
citizen of this great nation?

What does it mean
to be an Englishman?

Is it a question of birth?


By none of these criteria
could Don Pacifico

be called an Englishman,

but I believe,

that to be a subject
of Her Majesty the Queen

means so much more

than any of these things.

The builders have increased
their estimate

by £10,000.

Which we do not have.

We could make
the building smaller,

cut down the number
of countries?

Then the whole point
of the project would be lost.

It is meant to be
a greatexhibition.

I think it still
will be great, sir,

just on a smaller scale.

I think the only thing that is
going to be great, Cole...

will be my humiliation.

The British citizen,
like the Roman, in days of old,

held himself free
from indignity,

when he could also say,

"Civis Romanus sum;"

so also the British subject,
shall feel confident

that the watchful eye
and the strong arm

of England,

shall protect him
from injustice and wrong,

in whatever land he may be.

Papa! Papa!
We have something to show you.


Here it says,

sh-- sh-- sh--

It says shame about
your exhibition, Papa.


Leave your father in peace.


What is it you wanted
to talk to me about?

I have been offered
the position

of commander-in-chief.


Well, there is no one
who would do better.

Well, I think there are many
people who could

command the army
with distinction,

but I, I, I am the only man

who could bring the exhibition
to life.

The exhibition

is a dream, a marvelous one,

Do you think it is time that I,

woke up?

Perhaps I should.

So he refused the position

of commander-in-chief?

That's extraordinary.

I thought he would have leapt
at the chance

of reorganizing the army.

No, he thought the exhibition
more important.

Rather like you putting
the defense of Don Pacifico

before your career.

Pam! Pam!Pam, sir!

I think you overestimate
my integrity, ma'am.

not even a naval blockade,

comes between
me and the people.

I knew they'd come round
to my way of thinking.

Oh, and besides, we did get to
teach the Russians a lesson

without even firing a shot.

God save you, Your Majesty.

How did you know
they would come round?

Every paper was predicting
your downfall.

I tend not put too much stock
in what the papers say, ma'am.

Your Majesty.

Mr. Cole.

Is something the matter?

I came because there was
still one architect

I wanted the prince to meet.

But he has informed me that he
will be too busy with his duties

as commander-in-chief
to carry on with the exhibition.

But he turned it down.

That was when he still had faith
in the exhibition, ma'am.

But he no longer believes
he can win over the public.

It seems to me the public
are won over by resolve.

If you believe in something
firmly enough,

they will too.

I feel responsible, ma'am.

If the prince has been
discouraged, Mr. Cole,

youare not to blame.

Excuse me.

I believe ma'am,
that the prince,

has taken a stroll
around the gardens.

Thank you.

William has come home early.

Will you send
for my carriage?

Remember, Sophie,

what I said about America,

I meant it.

Of course.

But first I need to see my son.

It's been too long.


Albert, wait!


I never should have offered you
that stupid position.

You were right.

No, Albert!

I married a dreamer,

not a soldier.

What if you married a failure?

Then I would be proud

to have a husband
who was brave enough

to fail at something
he believed in.




William! Hello darling.

Where are you taking him?


What are you doing?

My instructions,



Come along.Mama!

I'd like to introduce you
to Dr. Shepard and Dr. Payne

from the Sussex Lunatic Asylum.

They're here to examine
and certify you as a lunatic.

What other possible explanation
could there be

for your behavior?

Get off!

Get off me!

Get your hands off me!
What are you doing?

Get off me!
How dare you!

You have no right!

You have no right to do this!

You are mistaken, my dear.

It is my sad duty
to protect you from yourself.

Get off!

Your Majesty,
Your Royal Highness,

this is Mr. Paxton,

who works for
the Duke of Devonshire

as head gardener.

The queen felt
that given his background,

we'd do better meeting
in the open air.

What an honor to be here,
Your Majesty,

Your Royal Highness.

Well, thank you for coming,
Mr. Paxton,

but unless you
came with a plan

for a building
that is temporary,

will not k*ll the trees,

and can be built within
a couple of months,

then I really feel
we will be wasting your time.

What the prince means,
Mr. Paxton,

is it is a challenge.

But Mr. Cole assures me that
if there is any man for the job,

it is you.Thank you, Your Majesty.

Because I rather attribute
my own success to yourself.

Or, to be more specific,

the Victoria Amazonia lily.

You see,

when the duke entrusted me
to cultivate the seeds

of this exotic flower,
it grew so large

that I was able to balance
my own little girl on it.

Weren't you scared she'd drown?

Oh, I assure you
it was quite safe.

The plants
are surprisingly strong.

Like these lilies,
the secret is in the rigidity

provided by the
radiating ribs

connecting with
flexible cross-ribs.

The Victoria Amazonia lily
grew so large,

that I had to design a new
greenhouse on a grand scale

to fit it;
my design was inspired

by structure of the leaves

Was it expensive?

Not now that the tax
on glass has gone.

And was it easy to build?

Ah, it didn't take more
than a couple of months.

And can it be taken down?

I haven't tried it yet,

but, uh... it should be easy.

What about the trees?

Would they be able
to survive inside of it?

Oh, Papa,

it's a conservatory,
it's what it's designed for!

Ah, well, in that case,
Mr. Paxton,

I, I think these lilies
may provide further assistance

to your career.

Would you be able to build
your, your conservatory

on an even larger scale,
big enough to house

the entire contents
of the world's manufacturing?

A greenhouse to the gods.

A Crystal Palace.

I remember how ready I felt
for my coronation.

Now I see
how unprepared I was.

I never doubted you
for a moment, ma'am.

I was fortunate to have
wise minds

who believed in me

when I could not.

I never had a daughter,

but if I had,
I like to think

she would have been
something like you.

I never had a father.

But I...

think I know what it feels
to lose one.

Stick to your g*ns, ma'am.

When you reach my age,
you will realize

there's no point getting
sentimental about endings.

Hop, hop, hop, skotch, hop.

Oh, Mama!


this is your cousin

Welcome to Buckingham Palace,
cousin Adelheid.

Oh, please call me Heidi.

Come, Heidi.

It's your turn.


This morning I received
yet another report

that every anarchist in Europe

is intending to come

to the Great Exhibition.

And you believe this

to be true, Prime Minister?

On this particular matter,

I agree with
the foreign secretary.

We were one of the only nations
to prevent revolution.

And you now decide,
quite literally,

to invite it in.

Shall I begin the process

of disinvitation,

if such a word exists.

No, I don't think so.

You see, Lord Palmerston,

you are not the only man
with a vision for this country.

But my husband has vision
for a country that leads by...

curiosity rather than

rather than conflict.

A vision that trusts in the
very best part of human nature,

not the worst.

You put it so well, ma'am,

but the public do not see the
exhibition in the same light.

Well, as you know from recent
experience, Lord Palmerston,

the public can change their mind
in an afternoon.

Sounds as if your mind
is made up.

It is.

on your victory in Parliament,

Lord Palmerston.

Your Serene Highness,
how kind of you.

You know, I could almost believe
we were friends.

But your type
don't have friends,

only allies.

Can an ally
ask for assistance?

I have a daughter

who is now
of a marriageable age.

And you think I may know
some eligible young men?

Oh, tell me,

it wasn't by any chance
the queen's idea

to invite your daughter?

She has been
most encouraging.


Thank you.

Only you could have known
what to say.

You know me better
than anyone.

You know me better
than anyone.

That's why
you've had enough.


I've done everything I can
to make you love me again.

I can't turn back time.

What if...

I loved you
in a different way?

What kind of different way?

Well, it is ten years

since we were married.

We have changed.

Perhaps our love
has changed.

But of course I love you.

Well, I should think so.



Albert, give that back!


I was reading that!