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02x08 - berkman > block

Posted: 09/13/21 13:26
by bunniefuu
They ready? As ready as they're ever gonna be.

Slate is clean. Okay?

You owe me nothing.

Are you f*ckin' serious?

This piece that I'm doing for class, it's not a character. It's me. What if I get it wrong?

The whole place is yours.


Hey, guys, since we're all about to die, I have to be honest about something.

I'm nice. Polite.

I'm optometrist by nature.

Guys. Is this about what I said on bus?

Because... I was delegating.

I'm headed up to my cabin.

This private detective approached me.

Barry. Ah.

My name is Gene Cousineau.

I k*lled Detective Janice Moss.

Sit down.

Sit down!

So, you talked to this Goulet character?


And while you were in the woods, you heard the sirens that brought you to the car?


The car that we couldn't find even after scouring the woods for a month?

Is Mr. Cousineau okay?

You know what I thought the first time I met you?

I thought, wow, this Barry guy really cares about his teacher.

You were almost... protective of him.

We're not making this Goulet guy up.

I want to believe you.

Because lying to a police officer during an investigation is a crime.

But... there's no evidence to suggest that anyone was up in the woods with you other than your teacher.

Okay. You're free to go.

Can I see Mr. Cousineau?

Oh, no. We think he k*lled his girlfriend, so he's staying here with us.

Yeah, you've reached Comtel Industries.

Why don't you go ahead and leave a message.


I'm coming for you.

You're a f*cking dead man.

I would like to welcome you guys to your new home!

Which I got for you. You're welcome.

Oh, this place is great, isn't it?

It's like Enter Dragon. Am I right?

Wow, need to get rid of this, though.

I mean, what an eyesore. What is that for even?

Anyway, heroin gets here in T-minus five hours.

So, we're... Guys?

Hey! Know what we need?

Um, table to put the heroin on.

f*ck, that is such a great idea.

I'm going to buy one, put it right here.

Heroin table, that's got to be a thing, right?

So, I'm on your website right now.

Beautiful furniture, by the way.

And I'm seeing dining room tables, I'm seeing coffee tables, but not sure how to look for the table that I need.

No, it's for heroin.

About 30 kilos, give or take.

What I'm thinking is carved wood, stone top.

Marble maybe.

What I'm dealing with is an open floor plan, so it really needs to work on its own merit.

I'm sorry. Can you hang on one minute?

Thank you.

This is NoHo Hank.

It's Batir. I just landed.

Batir, uh... you're here in California?

I've come to replace you, Hank.

You're going home to Chechnya.

Is this open for discussion?

No. I am at Ontario Airport.

I am taking Super Shuttle to monastery.

They promised to drop me first.

They say 30 minutes.

My guys are fortifying this monastery for when Bolivians and Burmese show up to have massive firefight.

I don't even have time to order heroin table, which is a thing on Pinterest but not on Amazon.

And now, Batir is coming.

I mean, he's coming from Ontario, so it'll take him like nine hours...

I can't have this conversation anymore, Hank.

My guys, they'll listen to you.

I need you to tell them that I am to be trusted. I'm losing them!

There is suspiciously low level of eye contact going on.

Uh, tell them I am best leader, you know.

We arm wrestle, maybe...

How was your audition? Oh. Uh, it was fine...

I'm really just asking. I don't need an answer.

Come on, we're in the middle of tech.

Wait. What is this place?

Do you have any idea where Gene is?

No one can get a hold of him.

Oh, he's at his cabin, I think.

He-He'll be here. Whoa.

Okay, actors, if you're not in this scene, just take a seat in the house.

Look at all the seats.

Yeah, Lindsay sold out the whole place.

She told people it was a "diversity showcase," and I think they were afraid not to RSVP.

Okay, everyone, let's take it from the bottom of Jermaine's speech.

Here we go, everyone. Here we go.

Yeah, I know. I'm going to set it there.

Thank you. Shh! Shh!

My dad was my hero, and then he disappeared.

My ma used to tell me that the reason I never saw him again was because he got abducted by aliens.

I actually believed that till the day I saw him strung out, begging for money, outside of a liquor store.

He didn't recognize me.

That's crazy, uh...

Uh, so I gave him some money and never saw him again.

I don't know if he's dead or alive, but I just hope he knows, wherever he is, that he's still my hero.

Not even aliens could take that away from me.

That's beautiful, powerful. Woo!

Great job. Okay, we got that.

Let's move on to Nick.

Sasha, strike that.

Look, Barry, I was nervous too, okay?

But everybody's dropped the competitive grief bullshit, and they're delivering honest and real work.

I mean, look what we inspired!

Nick, your vomit scene is up next.

Jesus, this place has a balcony.

Yes, there's a lot of f*cking seats! Move on!

Doors open in two hours, I think we should start rehearsing.

Louder, Nick, louder.

Okay, okay. Sorry, sorry.

We can't find this guy.

But we have a recording of a 911 call where you confess to Moss's m*rder and thr*aten su1c1de.

It wasn't me.

But the call came from your phone, and it sounds like you.

Mr. Cousineau, can you look at me?

Mm. You're in a bad place.

The guilt and remorse is weighing on you.

I get it.

You know what I think?

I think you called your student, Barry, to talk you out of it.

'Cause you didn't want to go through with it.

Barry spoke to him.

I don't want to hear about this Goulet guy.

He doesn't exist.

What happened?

Gene, it's okay.

It's okay.

Did you fight?

Did she thr*aten to leave you and you couldn't handle the rejection?

She was the love of my life.

Mr. Cousineau, please stand up.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Janice Moss.

We'll arrange for a transport for you back to Los Angeles.

You'll be taken to a holding cell, and you'll be given one phone call.

Stand up, please.


Looks like you got yourself an army.


And I need an army.

San Bernardino Sheriff's Department.

Deputy Wilson speaking.

Hi. Yeah, this is, uh, Barry Berkman.

Yeah? Uh, you said I could call you, uh, with any updates on Mr. Cousineau.

I said I'd call you with any updates.

Okay, guys, this show starts in two minutes.

Well, how's he doing? They just booked him.

You can try to see him in LA County tomorrow.

They are moving him tonight. They... they booked him?


Well, is-is, uh... is he okay?

See him tomorrow, Berkman.

Copy that. We'll get on it.

Yeah, I think "fraught" is maybe the word I'm looking for.

Yeah, that's not what I'm trying... Oh!

Just, I got to... Yeah. Oh, please.

Hey, bud! f*ck you!

You know... you could save your little acting teacher. You know that, right?

I'm going to f*cking k*ll you, Fuches.

All you have to do is turn yourself in.

Give it all up for him.


Not so altruistic now, are you, m*therf*cker?

Now who's out of moves? Buh-bye.

Hey, everybody, bring it in. Bring it in.



Go... Cousineau!

All right, places everyone. Places, places.

Showtime! Hey. Hi! Hi.

Showtime. Yeah. You feelin' good?

Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. Good. Yeah.

So everyone showed. The audience is packed.

Everyone is here. Oh, the Mikes are here.

Oh, so they got on board with the whole showcase idea?

Oh, yeah, they're in, but...

They don't know. They're...

They're as on board as they'll ever be.

Which is pretty on board.

I'm not... I mean, you know... No pressure.

No pressure, exactly. It's going to be...

So, um...

You feel good that we're doing this, though, right?

Oh, me?

I feel great that we're doing this!

I feel so good, because, at the end of the day, you are telling your story.

You're the artist. I'm supporting the artist.

I brought all these people here because this is what you want to do.

And you're going to be great, and I believe in you.

Which is why we started this whole frickin' thing.

So, I'm excited. You're excited.

You're going to be great, and break a frickin' leg, Sally.

Okay, see you later.

Nick, Nick, you're up, let's go.

This is not what her contract was supposed to say.

These aren't the right details.

Sally's is last, so you guys are going to have to be patient.

But... Oh, great.

Shh! Shh! Shh!

You know what was in the toilet?

It wasn't the vomit, or the three-day old pizza I poured bleach on and still ate, or even my made-up stomach issue.

It was me.

It was me!




I was the youngest of four gotten.


Four got ten, nine, eight, seven, six!

Was the age when I was left at a garage sale.

I mean, Jesus, Hank. They're all headed here now?


What I need more than anything right now is Barry.

He is like crazy Chechen goon-whisperer.

That might be a bit tricky, Hank.

We had a minor falling out.

Oh, come on, you guys are like Fleetwood Mac.

You break up, you get back together again, and then you go out and make a great album, like The Best of Fleetwood Mac.

This may be more final than that.

Which is why I need your guys to get my back, yes?

Yeah, well, day late and ruble short, I'm afraid.

They won't listen to me, man.

But they will listen to Barry.

Barry? Come on. I'm the guy that made Barry!

They'll listen to me.

Hey, fellas! Come back here.

Guys. Guys!


Also, I was thinking that...


Okay, guys, we're going to be in a w*r now.

I'm so excited for you guys! Hello!

You know, seems like you brought a lot of people and g*ns for a talk with friends.

Who is this?

Viejito loco.

Yes. Muy triste.

Is... Is he talking to us?

No, maybe... No, he's on the Bluetooth.

I can't... Is he on the Bluetooth?

Cristobal, buddy, wow!

Oh. Okay. I hear my name. He is talking to us.

I can't watch.

Cristobal. Esther. Nice to meet you.

You know, in America Esther's a woman's name.

Who the f*ck are you?

Fuches. Monroe Fuches.

I'm, uh, Hank's representative.

Let's get to it.

You came here to k*ll us.

Okay. m*rder.

I used to think people like you were the shit, man.

Bad-asses like yourself always fascinated me.

But-But doing it, you know, actually pulling the trigger, ending a life...

Well, that takes someone with no soul.

Hank tried to criss-cross me.

You and Hank, you're in a... transitional phase, that's all.

You know, people meet and sometimes... they lock into each other like two long-sought-after pieces of a puzzle.

Now, as time goes on, these pieces, they morph and they-they grow.

And they can grow together and become stronger.

Or... they can become two completely different shapes that... they don't have any room for each other, they don't fit anymore.

If there's one thing I've learned in my life, you can't control what other people are going to do.

No. No.

They need their own space to... become whatever weird-ass shape they're going to change into.

It's nature. You can't control it, but... you can accept it.

And I think, you know, you and Hank, that's still a fit, man.

I'm so sorry, man. Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me? I tried to screw you over, man.

No, you only tried to k*ll Esther because you cared about me.

Look, I love you, okay?

Can we just say that once and for all?

Look, I love you, man.

And I just think, with the heroin shipment coming in and everything, you know...

...we're sitting on a gold mine!

Te amo, mi corazón. My little papita.

Jesus Christ, easy, easy.

You guys are like my cats.

I have to pour water on you.

Come on! Let's celebrate.

We can send somebody to Ralph's, get sandwiches.

And, you know, case of Rolling Rock, let's do it up!

Ugh, I'm sweating.

All right, you guys clearly don't get this so, to recap:

This... was walking down this... and it was seen by her.

Not... not actually her. This is not a photo of me.

I don't have any photos of myself from my childhood because my uncle burnt down my house when my mum was still inside, but that's... that is not relevant to this story, is it?

Okay, Lindsay seems really nervous.

What if the scene doesn't work?

Telling the truth is the right thing to do, right?


Telling the truth is the right thing to do, right?


Oh, my God, are you okay?

Okay, it's time, guys.

Break legs.


Hey, Barry, are you okay?

Come on. Are you okay?


Barry, it's a good idea we're doing this, right?


I am Jermaine. You don't think this is a mistake?

Give me that back.

Just try to breathe.

It's not horses.

It's just that I love their magical...

Hey, where are you at right now?

I need you present. I am present.

No, come on. Come on. Focus.

Come on, focus. Look at me.

Let's just, let's practice the choke, ready?

What? The choke. Ready? One... one, two, three.

Come on, Barry, sell it! I am selling it.

Stay in that place.

Thank you.

Oh, wait, I'm going to take that. I'm going to take that.

I'm going to take that for my house. Love that!

Oh, k*lled it.

It was...

It was a typical November night.

It was cold outside.

And he had been drinking.

Who was that guy you were dancing with tonight?


Well, he's just a friend, Sam.

I didn't like it. It was embarrassing.

You looked like a f*ckin' whore.

Come on, Sam.

Don't... Don't be an idiot.

Don't f*cking call me an idiot!

I'll call you a f*cking idiot!

Yeah, and you know what else?

I'll talk to who I please, when I please. You don't own me, you f*cking prick!

And from now on, I'm going to speak my mind.

I'll say what I want to say, starting with this:

My name is Sally Jane Reed, and, as of today, we are f*cking done, you son of a bitch!


And that's our show...

Sally. Hey. Hey, hey! Where you going?

What's going on? I got to get out of here.

It's fine! No. Tell me... tell me what happened.

I just, I don't know. I saw all those people, and I just... I kind of panicked.

So, I got up there and I... I lied.

I actually lied. I'm not an artist.

You should go in there. You should be...

That's a different kind of truth.

I was kind of forcing you to expose in front of everyone.

Sally, I just really want to apologize, because I feel very bad about this situation. No, no...

And I should not have put you in that position.

You should never have had to do something so incredibly vulnerable in front of so many people with so little time. That's not fair. Sally. So that was not at all what I thought you were going to do.

And now we know why you hated Aaron Ryan's story so much.

His story was dark and gritty and, frankly, kind of a bummer about women who get trapped in a hopeless existence.

But yours was full of hope and redemption about a woman taking charge of her life.

Really inspiring.

And not like those other stories which were a bummer.

I liked the one about the horse.

And the way you did that speech.

It was like... Braveheart.

Braveheart, exactly. Look this is exactly the kind of f*cking shit I...

Excuse me, Ms. Reed?

My husband and I thought you were amazing.

There she is. That was breathtaking.

I have a friend who went through a similar situation.

She did not have the courage to do what you just did.

Truly inspiring.

She was crying. I was crying. I was really crying.

Your ride back to LA is here.

You'll meet your lawyer and be arraigned in Los Angeles.

Hold on.

Mae, you need to come in here.

Excuse me.

Okay, Mr. Cousineau.

Mr. Cousineau?

You're free to go.

He's free to go.

This is Officer Chad Wilson of the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department...




Uh, is Mr. Cousineau there?

Uh, who is this?

Uh, this is Barry Block.

Who's this?

I'm... I'm Leo.

I'm his... his son.

Hi, um, is he okay?

Have they taken him to LA yet?

No, actually, they're letting him go.

I just got here, so...

They're letting him go? What happened?

I... I guess they found this thing in Janice's trunk.

It's a Chechen pin.

So this translates to "The debt has been paid"?

That's what our guy is telling us.

They must have left it there as a message for when we found her.

Chechens did this.

Oh, good, uh...

Can you keep in contact with me?

Just to let me know he's okay?

Uh, sure, I...

Barry Block? Is that what you said?

It's Berkman.

My name's Barry Berkman.

Okay, yeah, I'll let you know.

Well, and... and can you tell your dad something for me?

Uh, sure.

Can you tell him that he's going to be okay and that, uh... and that he was right?

I'm pretty sure that people can change.

Okay. Will do.

White boy. Lululemon track suit.



Fuches! No!

¡Mátalo, mátalo! ¡Mátenlo, mátenlo!


Oh, shit! Shit!

Aw, f*ck!

Guys! Let me in!

Ow! Yes!

Help me!

Oh! You, you.

Hide me, he's trying to k*ll me. He's trying to k*ll me!

I'll tell you what, I'll give you anything you want!

Just get me the f*ck out of here!

Vlad, Barry's mentor. Get me the f*ck out of here.

His mentor? Get me out. Get me out.

Barry's mentor!

Hey! Hide him in there?

Is he in there? Is he in there? Hey!

Motherfuck... Motherfuckin' door!


Where is he? Where is he!


Fuches, you f*ck!




Hey, Batir!

Hey, man!

You, um, you want some tea, Dad?


Barry Berkman did this.

Oh, my God!

Hey, bud. f*ck you.

You could save your little acting teacher. You know that, right?

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you, Fuches.

Give it all up for him.

Not so altruistic now, are you, m*therf*cker?

Now who's out of moves? Buh-bye.

The culmination of like everything that happened this season is kinda paying off, and Barry has that moment where he gets there, and he... you know, does he chase Fuches, or does he help Cousineau?

He chooses to help Cousineau, but his anger is at Fuches is so real.

I'm coming for you.

That's this kind of anger that he talks about all season.

Can he control this demon, or is it just who he is?

We wanted to get this feeling of Cousineau, he's gonna go to jail for her m*rder.

Can I see Mr. Cousineau?

Oh, no, we think he k*lled his girlfriend, so he's staying here with us.

The class is celebrating this thing of truth, and then, their leader is gonna go to jail because of Barry, so it's just good to be just ratcheting that tension up for Barry and the shame and the guilt and the anger, and just getting that all... just him wound as tight as possible.


I think that Sarah Goldberg does a great job in this episode.

I love the scene at the end of this episode with her and Jessie Hodges in the lobby when people are coming around them.

Sally realizing that, like, "I've wanted to be an artist and I couldn't be an artist," and that the industry and the Mikes and these people she's trying to impress, they go, "No, that's not what we want."

Well, and that'll be a question, I think, going forward, right? Yeah.

Like how much is she gonna just give in to the success and much is she gonna fight it?

That was breathtaking.

We also love Henry in this episode.

And then, him and Leo coming back together.

He's trying to keep it together.

Cousineau being with his real son, and I love that Leo and Barry talk to each other at the end, I think, is really nice.

Can you... Can you tell your dad something for me?

Uh, sure.

Can you tell him he's gonna be okay, and that, um, he was right.

I'm pretty sure that people can change.

Barry's whole question this season is, "Am I evil?"

You feel like this is the purest expression of the show.

They're setting up this rage that he has, and when it goes off, it would be good if it went off towards somebody.

The Chechen b*llet is this kind of device where in show one, Hank gets the b*llet from the Chechens and in show two, Hank gives the b*llet to Barry, and says, "I want you to use this b*llet."

So whoever gets it, it's gonna mean something, and the fact that it's Esther, the person it was supposed to go to, that was all kind of mapped out.

The thing I like about this episode is if you remember in 201, the first time we see Barry, he comes out darkness, and this episode ends with him going back into darkness.

I really love the ending of this episode.

It's very stark and real.

Kinda similar to one of our... our season ender last year, where it just kind of poses a question and we'll see what happens next.