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02x08 - Humanity

Posted: 09/12/21 07:03
by bunniefuu
[VIOLET] Previously on Freakish.

[ANKA] People hate me,
and Ollie, he left me here.

My brother thinks that I betrayed him.

Anka, Anka I'm so sorry,
but you read me wrong.

I have one goal, Birdie,
to get you to safety.

I wanna find you a normal life.

And, what part of normal will this be?

We're going to my house, so you
can see why I did what I did.

Project Wednesday.

Keller Chemical is
experimenting on people?

[BARRETT] It makes sense they're
trying to protect their secret.

Read the signature line.


Your dad is Norman Henry Jones, yes?

You're saying that's my dad?

No, there's no way that my dad was

in charge of Project Wednesday.

Alright, he would never
experiment on people.

The file came straight from Keller.

Maybe it was altered, falsified somehow.

By who?

No one from Keller knew we accessed

the information, so why
would they change it?

It could've been someone in your group.


I know who accessed it.

How do I know you didn't change it?

I'm supposed to believe that you knew

my dad was in charge
of Project Wednesday,

and you never thought to tell me?

I just gave you concrete proof

of your father's involvement,
and you don't believe me.

So, why would I tell you about it if

we didn't have evidence to back it up?


Besides what, Barrett?

Up until today, I didn't
know you weren't

already aware of your
father's part in it.

Are you kidding me?

You thought all this time I knew?

It seemed unlikely, but I
considered the possibility,

especially after we learned
you hid the retrieval photo.

Yes, because I didn't
know what it meant.

I realize that now.

There's a light on.

[GROVER] They have electricity.

Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have a

natural gas backup generator.

Something doesn't feel right.

I think we should go.

I've known them since I was a kid.

If they're still here,
I have to help them.



Is that one of the Schmidts?

It's Trent, their son.

Let's go.

Get away from my brother.



What're you doing here?



Figures you would've
survived all this time.

Barry is the smartest kid I know.

And the sweetest.

Elise babysat me for years

before she moved to New York.

I don't think I've ever heard

"Barry" and "sweet" used
in the same sentence.

No, no, this is the guy who made

a volcano for my th grade science fair

after I completely bungled my project.

I merely helped you achieve your vision.

He was only , and he saved my grade.

I still remember that
card, do you remember it?

He drew one of those anatomically

correct hearts on it.

I'm sorry about Trent.

He was searching for a way out of town.

When he came back, he was sick.

I had to tase him and tie him up

so that he didn't harm
himself or anyone else.

My God.

Your parents see him?

No, no.

They went looking for
help after it happened.

They never came back, though.

Excuse me.


So, it's just you and Sparky
here with Trent then.

No, no, my parents, they

actually took Sparky with them.

For protection.

He's a Maltese.

I guess people don't always behave

rationally in this kind of situation.



You have to be careful with the lights.

They could attract the
wrong kind of attention.

There's people from
the chemical company.

Dangerous people in blue suits.

They are going around k*lling witnesses.


It's disturbing, but it's true.


I mean, it's pure luck that I

came home for a visit when I did.

At least now I can
protect Trent from them.

Trent doesn't need protection from them.

You do.

You need protection from him.

I can handle my brother until

someone figures out a cure.

No, leave it.

My parents said to keep it on,

so I don't miss any news alerts.


My sister turned freak too,

and so did other people at the school.

I get it.

It's just not safe to keep them around.

Trent is tied up tight.

He can't hurt anyone.

He hasn't eaten
anything since he turned.

I'm trying the meat
really rare this time.


[SADIE] Diesel!

Where you goin', Smurfette?


What happened?


I guess we're not welcome here.

Jake, go get those kids,
would you please?

Thank you very much!


- Diesel, wait...
- Shut the door!


What the hell happened?


They locked up tight?

I love it when a problem fixes itself.


Damn it!

- They're still out there.
- They locked us in.

- I know.
- [SADIE] It hurts so badly.

Okay, look, can somebody tell
me what the hell is going on?

There was a scary guy and girl

that walked in the school
like they owned the place.

I tried to get away, but...

All right, it looks like the knife

didn't hit anything important.

Besides my leg!

An artery at least.

Look, we just gotta bandage it up, okay?

Where's Violet?

And Anka.

I didn't see them.

They don't know that there are
people loose in the school.

[EARL] Easy.

[JAKE] I don't think we're done yet.

[EARL] Can't you be just a little

bit optimistic for once?

Optimistic isn't practical.

We chased at least three of
them into the fallout shelter,

but when I left here
earlier, there were kids.

That leaves a lot unaccounted for.

Maybe the moaners got them.

That works for me.

Let's go raid that
new cafeteria of ours.

No, we shouldn't risk that.

Birdie, do a sweep.

You worry too much.

I'm cautious for good reason.

Shouldn't sweat a bunch of teenagers.

Those teenagers possibly outnumber us

and are more familiar with
the layout of the school.

Okay, you got me there.

So, the next time we encounter

some, we know what to do.

As for now, I'm gonna go
grab something to eat,

perhaps cooked on a stove

at a table under some lights.

Civilized. C'mon Hailey.

I'll need help searching.

Of course you will.

It makes sense.

Go as a team.


Fine, then.



You should come with us.

We're gonna find a way
out of the Valley.

Trent said all the exits were
blocked when he got back.

You can't stay here.

Look, even if I wanted to go,

I am not gonna leave my
brother to starve to death.

Trent's not a person anymore.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

What's going on with him?

He's digesting some upsetting news.


Oh, nothing.

I just remember when you used to cry

because all the kids were mean to you.

You'd say you just wanted one friend.

I'm stronger now.

I'm sure you are.

But, it's nice you finally
found that friend.

You should go check on him.

I'm gonna take Trent his dinner.

This fantasy that somebody's gonna come

here and cure Trent is
gonna get her k*lled.

Only a few days ago,

you wouldn't let me do
experiments on Mary,

because you believed
there was still hope for her.

Well, I was wrong.

Clearly, right?

I mean, that's what you want.

You want me to believe that my dad

is responsible for turning
people into monsters, right?

That he did this to Trent.

And Mary.

What I want is irrelevant.

It's just a fact.

Your father led the program.

You didn't have to tell me this.

Just like in school, you could've

just gone on not telling me.

I guess I told you because I thought

it was something you needed to know.

I don't wanna keep
secrets from a friend.


Eat, Trent, eat please.

Trent, Trent c'mon.



- What the hell, Violet?
- Shh, keep it down.

There are people in the school.

- Are they from Keller?
- I don't think so.

I mean, they don't have to right look.

Two of them are our age, girls.

One of the guys is way older,

and the other one is
built like a machine.

Great, fantastic.
What're we supposed to do?

- Where are the others?
- I heard one of them say he chased

three people into the fallout shelter.

And Zane was chilling there earlier.

It's just me and you.

Do you still have your g*n?

Yeah, but I'm completely out of b*ll*ts.

We've gotta get out of here now.

And, what about everybody else?

They're not my problem.

You're seriously not gonna
help me get our friends out?

I'm not gonna risk my life

for a bunch of people
that can't stand me.

What about Zane?

Since you two are so close now.

I can't believe you're so eager to

save the guy that cheated on you.

You really are the most
selfish person on Earth.

No wonder your brother ghosted you.

Go to hell, Violet.

I'm getting out of
here while I still can.

Oh, hey.

I'm getting better at the
sneaking around thing.

I heard you seconds ago.

We haven't found anyone hiding, so

maybe we can slip into a
classroom for a little bit?

You still need to work
on your survivor skills.

Next time I don't wanna hear you at all.

Challenge accepted.

Well, let's see.

[ZOE] That doesn't look so great.

It'll be fine, it's not bleeding much.

She needs antibiotics.

It's okay. LASHAWN seemed fine too!

She's not LASHAWN.

She's not a diabetic,
she doesn't have a broken leg.

Well, at least we got
supplies to get us alive.

Yeah, for now.

He tore his favorite
jacket when he came at me.

Luckily it's on a seam, so I can fix it.

You have to let go of Trent.

He's gone, Elise.

He is my little brother!

I can't just leave him here
like this, he's all I have.

We need to go.

He's right.

Would you just check to see if

Trent ate his dinner before you leave?

He won't eat steak.

Just do her the favor.


Yeah, sure.

There are very few people

I actually care about.

You are one of them.

Please come with us.

I can't.


[ANNOUNCER] The following is a report

of the emergency notification system.

This is not a test.

Authorities have declared
a state of emergency

for Kent County and
the surrounding valley.

The air will cause extreme harm

if breathed without a filtration device.

Survivors can receive aid

at the East Bridge Pass.

This has been a report of the

emergency notification system.

This is not a test.

They're helping people at the Pass.

This could possibly be over soon.

Sparky's collar?

I thought you said he
was with your parents.

Trent needed to eat something,

and he wouldn't touch
anything in this house.

Oh my God.

He wouldn't even look at the dog

when I put him in the
room, and, I don't know, I

thought that maybe he
would like the fresh meat,

but he wouldn't eat that either.

He's gonna die if he
doesn't eat something.

I'm sorry.








No, no!

- No, stop!

- No, no!
- You have to let him go!

I can't.




Come on! Go, go!



Oh, c'mon.

Piece of shit!

Diesel, what's wrong?

Check out this wall.

You see how it's two different colors?

You think there's
something behind there?

I don't know, maybe it's a way out.



I thought you left.

What I did was save your ass.

I'll take that thank you now.

Oh, I'm supposed to be grateful

because you realized you can't

make it out of here on your own?

Yeah, I know why you came back.

It wasn't to save me.


I kissed Zane.

- Not this again.
- No, listen to me.

I kissed him, he didn't kiss me.

He pulled away.

Probably 'cause he's like
into you, or whatever.


Look, I'm sorry, all right?

Whatever I do just seems to
make you guys hate me more.

Wonder why.

You've done some pretty terrible things.

Yeah, and I probably will again.

But, I'm here now.

Are we gonna help them get out, or what?


- You okay?
- I don't know.



My dad turned Trent into a monster,

and I got Elise k*lled, so

yeah, I guess that makes
us quite the pair, huh?

Elise had completely
lost touch with reality.

Yeah, thanks to what my father did.

You can't hold yourself accountable

for your father's actions.

This is gonna sound really crazy to you,

but he's a really great dad.

He used to go to every single
one of Mary's concerts.

He would take me to the
natural history museum

every weekend for four months,

because he knew that I loved dinosaurs.

How does a guy like that
experiment on people?



[ZANE] Gimme that.