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02x01 - The Jewel of Maru

Posted: 09/10/21 09:37
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom
old and grand ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ A princess bravely
rules the land ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ With her family
by her side ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild
and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Myth and mystery
everywhere ♪

♪ Loyal friends
are always there ♪

♪ Loyal friends
always there ♪

♪ Magic shines
from deep within ♪

♪ Magic shines
from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

- Ready?
-I think so.

I've got my lucky tamborita,

freshly ironed robe,
I conjured Zuzo--

You're ready.
We'll go on three.

- Three!
-What happened to one and two?

And there they go!

Off to battle a maze
of magical mayhem!


Nice shot!

Ooh, a triple dose
of duendes!


Here they come
down the stretch!

It's looking like
they could go all the--!




Well, I'm sure
you'll get 'em next round!

Maybe tomorrow.

I'm done for today.

We have to keep
practicing, Elena.

The oracle said
you have a big test coming!

And if you don't pass,
you won't become queen.

Trust me, I know,
but he didn't say

what the test was
or when it's even coming.

And then Victor and Carla
are still on the loose,

and it's just all...
a lot to deal with.

I guess that's why I froze up
when I saw their images.

Hey, hey, hey!

As a wise chanul once said,

you cannot worry
all your worries away.

Who said that?

I did. Just now.

Princess Elena,
we need your help!

We're making
sugar skull cookies

for tomorrow's
Día de los Muertos celebration,

but your abuelo is eating them
faster than we can make them!

I had to wrestle him
for this one.

I'll be right there.

Thank you!

Oh, that reminds me!

I need to go pick out
a tamborita

for my grandfather's altar.

I just wish I knew
which one was his favorite!

Well, if you really
want to know,

just have Elena ask him!

She has the power
to see ghosts.

You do?

Only on the Day
of the Dead.

That's still pretty amazing.

Now, if you only had
the power to stop worrying,

then you'd be all set!

All right, I'm gonna get
on back to the spirit world--

you know, try to beat
the holiday traffic.

See you next conjuring, Mateo!

High five!

Too alive!

Mateo, I'm decorating
my parents' altar
early tomorrow,

if you want to meet up.

I never got a chance
to talk to them last year,

and I could really
use their advice
about this test.

Whatever this test is,

there's nothing out there
you can't handle.

Here it is, Shuriki.

The magic in this jewel
will surely be enough

to forge a new wand.

Ha! We'll see
about that!

Magic from the great beyond,

turn this stone
into a wand.

Ha! Worthless!

Just like the rest.

Well, we got the jewel
you asked for,

so it's time to keep
your end of the deal.

Make us malvagos.


I cannot make you
dark wizards without a wand!

So if you want
to be malvagos,

bring me a jewel
with real power!

But we've already searched
all of Avalor, Shuriki.

You haven't searched
Tepet Muul,

the pyramid city of Maru.

But, Shuriki, legend
has it that those pyramids
are haunted.

Legend also has it
that hidden

in a secret chamber
in the largest pyramid

is the Jewel of Maru,

the most powerful jewel
in all of Avalor!

Is there perhaps
a second-most-powerful jewel
we could search for?

This is the jewel
I need!

Get it for me
and I will make you malvagos.

Then we will take over
Avalor together.

Let's go, Papa!


♪ These were mami's favorite ♪

♪ Hope she looks down
and savors it ♪

♪ To bake with her
was always so much fun ♪

♪ For papi,
fresh-cut marigolds ♪

♪ A bowl of cherries,
nice and cold ♪

♪ If he were here,
we'd fight for the last one ♪

♪ It's been so long
since I've seen them ♪

♪ Since we sang
favorite songs ♪

♪ Or just talked ♪

♪ Through the night ♪

♪ When they called me
their Elenita ♪

♪ I would know in my heart ♪

♪ I would know
I was their shining light ♪

♪ I hope I make them proud ♪

♪ As a daughter,
as a ruler ♪

♪ Hope I make them proud ♪

♪ And be all they
would have wanted me to be ♪

♪ I've often dreamt
for their advice ♪

♪ On when to go
or stop and think twice ♪

♪ It's hard to know
when you're just ♪

♪ I'll soon be tested,
don't know how ♪

♪ Wish they could guide me
here and now ♪

♪ To help me get through this
and become queen ♪

♪ It's been so long
since I've seen them ♪

♪ Since we sang
favorite songs ♪

♪ Or just talked ♪

♪ Through the night ♪

♪ When they called me
their Elenita ♪

♪ I would know in my heart ♪

♪ I would know
I was their shining light ♪

♪ I hope I make them proud ♪

♪ As a daughter,
as a ruler ♪

♪ Hope I make them proud ♪

♪ And be all ♪

♪ They would have
wanted me ♪

♪ To be ♪

♪ As a ruler ♪

♪ As a daughter ♪

♪ I want to make them proud ♪

Morning, Elena!

Wow! Your altar
looks great!

- Thanks!
-Princess Elena!

Big news!

One of our scouts
spotted Victor and Carla.

Finally! We can't let them
get away this time.

You're going? But what about
seeing your parents?

I... want to see them,
but Victor and Carla...

Catching them
could be my big test!

Your test
could be anything!

This is too important!
I have to go.

All right.
I'll go with you.

] Where were Victor
and Carla last seen?

Not too far from here,
near Tepet Muul.

Isn't that the place
with the haunted pyramids?

Hold up!
Did you say haunted?

'Cause I don't do haunted!

We'll be fine!
I can see ghosts.

Can you see that doesn't make me
feel any better?

Behold, Carla,
Tepet Muul,

the capital
of ancient Maru!


Does anyone see them?

No, all clear here.

Okay, keep looking.

There they are!

Walking right
into the haunted pyramid!

Boo. We can let
the ghosts catch 'em.

We're gonna catch 'em.


We will not fit
through there.

Guess it's just
you and me, Mateo.

Yes! I mean, it's good
because it's important

that we stand guard
out here.

Or maybe way over there.

Victor and Carla
could be anywhere.

Which tunnel
do we take?

I don't know!


I don't see them!

The scepter is
sapping your energy.

You have to stop!

Let's just start
with that tunnel.

Ugh! Dead end!

What is that?

This pyramid
is haunted!

We have to get
out of here, Carla!

Get ahold
of yourself, Papa!

Papa, stop!

We can't leave without it!

But this place
is haunted!

I hear them!
But I can't tell where
the sound is coming from.

- We have to split up!
-No way!

We'll have a better chance
of finding them.

Oh, all right.

What? It's an illusion?


What's wrong with her?

These masks are scary.

Run, girl, run!

Why aren't you
running away?

Because I can see you.

You can see ghosts?

Yes, uh, but only
on Día de los Muertos.

Uh, who are you?

What are you doing
with the Scepter of Light?

Oh, um,
it's my royal scepter.

I'm Crown Princess Elena
of Avalor.

Oh, so that is what
this land is called now.

My name is Amaláy.

I was the last
royal wizard of Maru,

and it was I
who made that scepter.

You made it?

Wait, I-I thought
the Maruvians
disappeared years ago.

We did! Ghost.

Oh, right.

So, why are you haunting
this pyramid?

I must keep watch
over the Jewel of Maru,

a gem that is both
powerful and dangerous.

Many years ago,
the shadows of the night

broke through
from their world

and tried to destroy ours.

We only had one defense
powerful enough
to drive them back,

the Jewel of Maru.

The jewel's powers swept away
the forces of darkness,

but its power was so great
that it also sent

all of the Maruvians
to the spiriworld.

The Kingdom of Maru
was no more.

So that's what happened
to the Maruvians!

And it can happen
to Avalor if the Jewel of Maru
falls into the wrong hands.

That is why I must frighten off
all who enter the pyramid.

If only
I had the chance

to seal up the jewel
while I was still alive.

Hold on. There's a way
to seal up the jewel?

There is,
but only a living person--

Wait! You are alive.

Yeah! Last time I checked.

You have the scepter.

You can do it,
you could seal up the jewel!

Okay, first,
you must hold the jewel.

Then, recite the incantation
on that wall.

Uh, there's nothing there?

Ah, I see you have
not mastered all of
the scepter's powers yet.

If you want to reveal
that which is hidden,

say "Illuminate!"


Wait. Is that Maruvian?

I can't read Maruvian!

Does this thing have
a translation power?

but I know Maruvian.

I can teach you the words.

Take hold of the jewel.

Repeat after me.

Welty louwilly...

--That's Mateo!

I've gotta go.

But the incantation
isn't finished yet,

and you can only
see me today!

If we don't do this now,

what happened to Maru
could happen to Avalor.

My friend is in trouble.

I need to go,
but I'll come back!

Princess Elena!

Get the tamborita!

Where are they?



Never get in the way
of the Delgados!

Now, let's get out
of here, Carla.

I'm not leaving
without that jewel!

Are you okay?

Don't worry about me.

Victor and Carla
ran up those stairs!

Got it!

They took my tamborita!
Be careful!

What? All the tunnels
lead to the same place!

--Not the masks again!


No! Wait, Papa!


The wall was an illusion!

Papa! Look!

- It's the jewel!



is going to stop me!


Stop right there!

Not a chance!



--See ya, Princess.

Oh! The jewel!





You're-- you're here!

What happened?
Who did this to you?

I did this.

I think I just failed my test.

What test?

An oracle saw a vision
of my future.

If I don't pass a big test,
I won't become queen.

And how do you know
this was your test?

I just let Avalor's
worst criminals get away

with a very powerful
and dangerous jewel.

That is...
a rather large mistake.

Yes, but you still don't know
for certain this was the test.

Maybe it wasn't, but then again,
maybe it was!

I just don't know!

That's why I'm so worried
all the time.

Mija, when I was king
I faced many problems,

each and every day.

I could not worry about
which was more important.

I just did what I thought
was best for the kingdom.

And so should you.

You're right!

But I can't do anything
stuck in here!

So what?
You're giving up?

I have never
seen you give up.

Not even when
you were trapped

in that amulet
all those years.

I won't give up.

That is my Elenita.

Wait! Don't go.

Keep us close
to your heart,

and we will never be far.

We love you so much,

I love you, too.




Victor and Carla couldn't
have gotten too far.

Let's go.

getting away!

Wait! That's Mateo's

He and the princessa
must be in trouble.

What if they're hurt?

Look out, haunted pyramid,
here I come!

Uh, Skylar, I'm gonna need
a little nudge.

Come on, stop fooling
around and push!

I'm trying!
You're just too--!

Don't even go there.

Luna, what are you doing?

Uh, saving you?

Come on, Mateo,
help me push her out.

Jump on, Princessa!
I know which way they went.

They're coming!


The jewel!

Aah! Ooh!

I'll get it!

Forget the jewel.
Go, Carla, go!

Go after the jewel!

But they're getting away!

I need to return the jewel
to the pyramid

before Día
de los Muertos ends.

Aah! It's falling!

Hold on!

They're gone.

I know, but this is what's
best for the kingdom.

You got the jewel!

We don't have much time.

Teach me the incantation.


Waili telitsli.

La wheli.

La wheli.

Y cawea.


Senyowoh tonamit!

Thank you, Elena.

You protected your kingdom
more than you know.

Now that
the Jewel of Maru is safe,

I am relieved
of my obligation.

I can finally pass forth
to the spirit world.

You'll finally
see your friends

and family again!

I have waited so long.

I know the feeling.

Until we meet again,

and I hope we do,

may the scepter
serve you well.

Looks like we're too late.

Everyone's gone.

How 'bout the ghosts?
Are they gone?

They're gone, too.

Día de los Muertos
is over.


See you next year.

I'm sorry you
missed them, Elena.

I didn't.