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02x07 - Rise of the Sorceress

Posted: 09/10/21 09:28
by bunniefuu


- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

- ♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
- ♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

- ♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
- ♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪


♪ Elena of Avalor ♪



Previously on
"Elena of Avalor"...

A shape-shifting potion.

Stay away
from mirrors, dear Carla

and you will fool everyone.

There's a powerful malvago
frozen like a statue

in a palace garden.

A malvago could get us
into the Treasury

to steal that Tiara.

The Royal Wizard,
he has a reversal potion.

Rise of the Sorceress.

And as the legend goes,
an explorer was sent off

by royal decree to explore
unchartered lands.

His heartbroken wife
cried nonstop,

and her tears, filled with love,

seeped into the barren ground.

I know, right?!

But it gets better.

Oh, then please go on!

When the explorer
finally returned,

the ground was covered
with his wife's favorite flower,

the sunflower.

Her undying love gave the
barren land its first spring.

- Aww!
- Ugh!

And that's what The Sunflower
Festival is all about,

celebrating love
and new beginnings.

What a sweet story.

It really tugged
my heartstrings.

My parents loved it so much
that we used to perform a song

inspired by the story
at every Sunflower Festival.

This will be the first
year we've done it without them.

Aww. I'm sorry.

Thanks, Naomi.

Princess Elena!


The palace looks great!

Thanks, Your Highness!

The singers and musicians
will be here

in an hour for practice.


Oh, here, let me take those.

Not now!


- Rita!
- Uh!

Oh! Sorry!


Hey. What's up with your hair?

Oh! The sun makes
my hair darker.

Well, I gotta go! See ya!

Don't forget we're working on

- decorations later!
- Woh, woh, whoa!

I'll be there!

Hmm. I thought hair
turned lighter in the sun.

Ow! Whoa!

You really need to find a more
comfortable meeting place, papá.

And you need...!

And you need to steal the
Maruvian Spell Breaker potion

so we can free that malvago.

Shuriki is losing her patience.

It's already lost.

Shuriki, I need more
shape-shifting potion.

The spell is wearing off.

And whose fault is that,

You've been "Rita" for weeks.

Is it that hard to swipe
a potion from a boy wizard?

I've been trying!

But Elena has me busy

preparing for that
flower festival tomorrow.

She's invited
the entire kingdom.

And if I have to decorate
one more poster...

Wait! She invited
the whole Kingdom?

So the gates will be open
to all visitors?

Uh, yeah.
How else are they going to get in?

Suddenly, I feel...


You? Festive?

You feel?

I have a new plan.

Tomorrow, Victor and I will
attend the festival

with the other partygoers.
And if you haven't stolen

the potion by then,
I will do it myself.

I can do it!

Either way, tomorrow

I will turn that statue
back into Fiero.

And he will steal
the magic jewel I need

to make a new wand.

Then we take over Avalor.

Then I take over Avalor!

And you finally
get to become malvagos.

If you don't mess it all up.

Here, cover your hair
and get back to the castle.

I will get that potion.

See you at the festival.


♪ Come gather 'round
my friends and loves ♪

♪ To see the
sprouting flower buds ♪

♪ Like tears of love
the raindrops fall ♪

♪ The sun grows
seeds of hope... ♪

Uhh, can you give us a minute?

♪ Ooo! ♪

What, what, what?!

you should join the dance.

I'd love that,

but it's kinda hard
to dance on wheels.

Especially a dance
with so many steps.

Then we'll just
have to change them!


Why not change it up this year?

You would do that
for my daughter?

Of course.

Elena and I will plan it tonight

and we can meet in the morning
before the festival

to go over it.

That's perfect!

Isn't that great news, Cristina?

Yeah, can't wait!

The time has finally come...

to put on your festival dresses!

They're beautiful!

Thanks, Elena!

I've got one for Rita, too.
Uh, has anyone seen her?

Not since yesterday.

Huh, and she never showed up

to help me finish
the decorations.

Huh. She's usually
so dependable.

I'm sure she's around
the castle somewhere.

I'll find her!


Anyone in there?

Come on!


Ah! There you are!

Mmm, looking for Mateo?

Uh, yeah.

I wanted to surprise him
with chilaquiles.

I know how much
he loves them.

That's great, but...

where are they?


I... I must have
left them in the kitchen!

Whoa. The sun is really
doing a number on your hair.

Sure is.

Anyway! What a pretty dress
you have there.

It's for you.

And just so you know, if the
painting is shut, Mateo's not home.

C'mon, let's go get ready
for the festival.

We're in.

Now let's go find Carla.



Okay. Let's try it again.


- Ay!
- Oh!

Oop! Sorry!

I'm okay.

- Ahh!
- Sorry!

What's wrong?

I'm just getting in the way.

And I know how important
this dance is to your family.

Cristina, you're not in the way.

And we have plenty more time
to practice

before the festival starts.

The festival's starting!

Or not. But you know
all the moves.

You'll be fine.


Oh! Elena!

Wow! The dress looks
great on you.

- Did you find Rita?
- Yeah.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Um, why don't you all
go on ahead?

I'll be right out.

Okay! We'll see you there.

What's up?

I caught Rita poking around
by Mateo's workshop,

acting all weird.

Not this again.

Naomi, the last time you thought
she was acting weird,

it turned out to be nothing.

But this time, it's different.

- How?
- I'm not sure.

I just have a gut feeling
she's up to something.

You've gotta trust me.

I do, but you have to
give me more to go on

than just a gut feeling.

Okay, fine.
I'll get you proof.

Or, you can remember that
this is a festival of new beginnings

and you can give your friendship
with Rita a fresh start.

Hmm. I like my plan better.


- Oh!
- Ugh!


You got my name right!

Let's dance!

Uh, okay!

But I should warn you,
I have two left feet.


And I have two right feet,
so we're a perfect match.



I was looking for you earlier,

but I couldn't figure out
how to open the painting.

What do you have to do?
Say "open sesame",

"ábrete sésamo" or something?

No, you just need the key.
It used to take three keys,

but the door got blown up.
It's a long story.

You'll have to tell me sometime.


- Ow!
- Whoops!


Sorry about that!

Ah, don't be! I was the one
who dropped you.

Anyway, thanks for the dance!


But the song isn't over yet.

Oh! Ha, thanks, Naomi.

Where's Rita?

Oh! She's right...

Uh, where'd she go?


I just need to find the keyhole.

Is that...?

Now, where are the potions?

Ugh! Which one is it?!

That, no, no, no, no.

"Enlarging potion". No.

"Ensmalling potion". Nope.

"Disappearing potion".


Maruvian Spell Breaker! Finally!

What are you up to?


Is that Mateo's potion?

Excuse me!

Uh, excuse me! Can you...


Ugh. I've gotta find Mateo.


I just saw Rita with one
of your potion vials.

That's impossible.

My potions are all locked up
in my workshop,

and I'm the only one
with the key.

It's... it's gone.

I knew she was up to something
while you two were dancing.

Wow! You danced with Rita?

Why, yes. I did.

Guys, focus!

I saw her give the potion
to a man and a woman,

but then I lost 'em.

I'll check my workshop
to see if anything's missing.

I'll check
the rest of the palace.

And I'll tell Elena!

The malvago's statue
is over here.

Well done, Carla.

I never thought
I'd hear you say that.

Neither did I.


Calm down, Fiero.


Your battle with
the royal wizard is over.

The bad news is you lost

and the boy turned you to stone.

And the good news?

I just freed you.

So now you owe me.

I owe you nothing.

You banished
me from Avalor years ago.

Join the club.

That's all in the past now

and if I were in your robe,

I'd start thinking
about your future.

Now, I need you to get me
into the Royal Treasury.

I will help you
on one condition.

The royal wizard has
a book of magic spells

called the Codex Maru.

I want it.

Oh! Is that all?

Then we have a deal.

Welcome to
the Sunflower Festival.

I'm happy to bring back
this tradition

which reminds us
that every Spring

brings a new beginning.

And so,
I dedicate this new dance

to the memory of my parents.

Everybody ready?

No. I can't do it.

I'm sorry.

Cristina, the last time
Isa and I did this dance,

it was with our parents.

I know, that's why
I can't do it.

It's too important
and I'm gonna mess it up.

I'm gonna let you in on
a little secret.

I didn't get the steps down

the first time I performed
the dance either.

You didn't?


But my father was
proud of me for trying.

Just like your father
is proud of you now.

Okay, I'll do it.


All right, we're ready.


♪ Come gather 'round
my friends and loves ♪

♪ To see the
sprouting flower buds ♪

♪ Like tears of love
the raindrops fall ♪

♪ The sun grows
seeds of hope in all ♪

♪ The flowers of the sun
shall bloom ♪

♪ And bring an end to
dark and gloom ♪

♪ A chance for us to
start anew ♪

♪ For dreams to blossom
and come true ♪

♪ In the fields
the flowers sway ♪

♪ To face the light
of each new ray ♪

♪ For all we lost
is back to stay ♪

♪ Behold the dawn
of this new day ♪


♪ The journey
took so many years ♪

♪ So many sorrows,
doubts, and fears ♪

♪ But once again
we proudly rise ♪

♪ To face greet the sun
with wondrous eyes ♪

♪ In the fields
the flowers sway ♪

♪ To face the light
of each new ray ♪

♪ For all we lost
is back to stay ♪

♪ Behold the dawn
of this new day ♪

♪ As all or troubles melt away ♪

♪ Behold the dawn ♪

♪ Of this new day ♪

♪ Day ♪

Great job, Cristina!


You wanted more than
a gut feeling.

Well, I've got it.


What happened?





Fiero, you have
the Codex Maru. Let's go.

Yeah, maybe you
can read that later.



- Ahh!

How do you know
it was a vial of potion?

Because I saw it
with my own two eyes.





- Elena!
- Ahh!

Fiero, Victor,

and Carla?!

You were Rita?

And you were clueless.


Come out, come out
wherever you are, Elena.

I have to
get my scepter.

Let's focus on
not getting blasted first.


Ahh! Oof!

There's no amulet
to protect you this time.





- Nice shot!
- Thanks.

How did
the scepter do that?







My wand!

Drop the wand, Fiero.

That scepter is
too powerful, Shuriki.

We must go.

Put it down!

I would rather put it up!



I cannot let her get away.

Elena, wait!

How did she do that?!

The Royal Scepter couldn't
do anything magical before.

Don't worry. These pages will
lead us to something

even more powerful.

Those pages are blank!

Or are they? QUITTIZ!

What does it say?

How we can defeat
Princess Elena.

But, before I tell you,

I want something in return.

What is that?

What I have always wanted.

To be the Royal Malvago.

- Ugh! What about us?
- Yeah?

I will make you malvagos
once you have earned it.

But Fiero will be
my Royal Malvago!

Then we better move quickly.
We have much to do.

Whoa, Canela!

I can't tell
which way they went.

Don't worry. I'll assemble
the Royal Guard.

We'll track them down.

There's no time to wait.

We'll have to split up.

Ah, no way.

It's not safe for you
out there alone.

And there's no trace of them.

We'd just be searching blindly.

We should head back
to the festival.

People will start wondering
where you are.

But, You're right.

Gabe, assemble the guard.


I should've listened
to you about Rita.

Ugh, I mean Carla.

I'm sorry.

You don't need to apologize.

The Sunflower Festival
is all about new beginnings,

- right?
- Right.

Then maybe we can
begin again, too.

And this time,
you'll trust me more?

You have my word.

The sunbird oracle said
darkness was coming.

And here it is.

This must be the big test
Quita Moz spoke of.

I have to stop Shuriki.

Once and forever.






