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03x24 - Día de las Madres

Posted: 09/10/21 08:57
by bunniefuu
[theme song playing]

? In a kingdom old and grand ?

? Elena ?

? A princess bravely
rules the land ?

? Elena ?

? With her family by her side ?

? Elena ?

? It's a wild and daring ride ?

? Elena ?

? Elena of Avalor ?

? Myth and mystery everywhere ?

? Myth and mystery everywhere ?

? Loyal friends
are always there ?

? Loyal friends always there ?

? Magic shines
from deep within ?

? Magic shines from within ?

? Let her royal reign begin ?

? Elena, Elena ?

? Elena of Avalor ?

[Elena] Previously,
on Elena of Avalor.

Chancellor Esteban.

You have been brought
before this council

to answer
for the terrible crimes

you have committed
against Avalor.

After I lost my parents,

I felt like I no longer
had a place in the palace.

I felt like an outcast.

You are no longer familia.

My abuelos were the finest
chocolate-makers in Avalor.

La Vida Dulce
is open for business!

[Elena] "D?a de las Madres."

[door latch clanks]

[gasp] She's coming!
She's coming!


Uno, dos, tres...

? On this day we get the chance
to sing your many praises ?

Oh, thank you!

I'm so touched.

We thought you were abuela.

Right. I knew that.

We wrote her a special song
for D?a de las Madres.

[gasp] Today is Mother's Day?!

I didn't forget you, Mam?!

He forgot.

[woman humming tune]

[gasp] That sounds like abuela.

It's coming
from behind this door.

[woman humming]

Uno... dos... tres!

? On this day we get the chance
to sing your many praises ?

? It seems there's
nothing you can't do ?

? Your mothering skill amazes ?

- Again?
- [gasp]

Thank you for noticing!

Oh! Feliz D?a de las Madres!

Yeah! Happy Mother's Day,
Se?ora Torres!

Oh, aren't you sweet!


Let's make sure it's abuela

before we start
singing next time.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yup!

Yup, yup. Oh, yeah.

[happy humming]

[mariachi music]

? On this day we get the chance
to sing your many praises ?

? It seems there's
nothing you can't do ?

? Your mothering skill amazes ?

? You can cook a meal
fit for a king ?

? And plan
the world's best birthdays ?

? So today we honor you ?

? For it's D?a de las Madres ?

? On D?a de las Madres ?

? We give our thanks
for all you do ?

? For sus hijas ?

? Y los padres ?

? We sing this song to say
how much we love you ?

? Although in truth
you're our abuela ?

? You've been
like our own mamita ?

? You're a mom to me as well'a ?

? Much less furry
but oh so sweetahhhh ?

? On D?a de las Madres ?

? We give our thanks
for all you do ?

- ? For sus hijas ?
- ? Y los padres ?

? We sing this song to say
how much we love you ?

? On this and every day
we always love you ?

? On D?a de las Madres ?

? How we love ?

? You! ?

That was lovely.

We wanted to surprise you.

Armando and Se?ora Torres

told me you were coming.

But the song
was still beautiful.

As are you, mi amor.

And that is why
we each got you a gift
for D?a de las Madres.

[gasp] We did?

[whispering] I thought
the song was the gift.

[whispering] Me too.

[whispering] It's all right,
don't worry about it.

Everything okay?

Uh, of course, abuela.

I'll just be right back.

With my gift. [chuckles]

That I definitely
already have. Heh heh.

Yeah, I'll help her find one.

I mean, go get it.

A lovely gift
for my lovely wife.


Gracias, mi amor!

And for
my D?a de las Madres present,

I give you the gift of memories.

I'm gonna use
Truesight to show you

a sweet memory from the past.

Show us my abuela's
favorite D?a de las Madres.

It's your chocolate shop!

- [happy humming]
- [babbling]

Ay no, Isabel.
Hands out of the chocolate.

And off of your abuelita.


Did she get any on me?

Just a little something
right here.

There, you got it.


Ay, cari?o!

I'll get it, Mam?.

Aww, look at Mami and Papi.

They're just
like I remember them.

Your pap? was always a joker.

[Young Esteban] Tag, you're it!

[Luisa] There you are.

[Elena] And is that... Esteban?!

- Why was he there?
- [Luisa] Don't you remember?

This was the year Esteban's
parents were lost at sea.

That's right.
He had just moved in with us.

You two did everything together.

You looked up to him
like a big brother.

Oh, yeah.

[Young Esteban] Peek-a-boo!

- [giggling]
- Peek-a-boo!




I forgot Isa
was ever that little.

Speaking of Isabel,
what's taking her so long?

Gotta make a gift!

[panting] I'm coming, Mam?!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

You coulda asked
for one of his gifts.

It has to be from me, Flo.

It woulda been
when you handed it to her,

but whatever.


Mm, come on! Ugh...

Oh! Oh! Wait a minute!

Aah! Yikes!

Oh, what can I make for abuela?

[frustrated groan]

I know!

I'll invent something

to help abuela
with her gardening!

Yes, gardening! Perfect.

[Isabel] Come on, Flo!

Uh, right behind you!

- [groans]
- [door closes]


Is Papi trying to help
in the kitchen?

That never ends well.

I added the sugar for you.

That was salt.

Oh. Then I believe
we need to make a fresh batch.


We just made
the yummiest batch ever.

I saved you a spoonful.


You are welcome.

Blech! This is awful!

This is true. [laughing]





[gasp] Ha! Missed me.


Got you!


[laughing] Got you back!

- [gasp]
- Huh!


I'm so sorry.

So am I.
For what Elena just did.

We'll clean everything up.

The whole chocolate shop.



- Aaah!
- Aaah!

[both laughing]

Got you both! [laughs]


Chiquitita, what are you doing?


- [all groan]
- [giggling]

[all laughing]

Was that Isabel's
first invention?

Yes, but certainly not her last.

I just don't understand.

When we found out
Esteban betrayed us,

he said he never felt
like a part of the family.

But just look at these memories!

We treated him like our own son.

I know, mi amor.

Well, why don't you show us
another happy memory, Elena.

Good idea, abuelo.

Show us my favorite part
of that day.

Children! It's time.


- What's happening?
- It's our family tradition.

Every D?a de las Madres,

we hand out chocolates
to other children

so they can give them
to their moms.

Here you go, Marcus!

There's plenty for everyone!

Thanks, Princess Elena!

Mam?! Mam?! I got you something!

Now that you're living with us,

it's your tradition, too.

H-here you go. For your mam?!

I mean, could we be
any more welcoming?

I made this special
for your mother, Manuel,

because she
likes milk chocolate.

And remember, Trudy,
that's for your mam?.

Don't eat it all before...

Oh, just take another box.

For you, Mam?.
I love you so much.

And I love you, mi ni?o lindo.

[somber music]


Are you all right, mijo?

I... I'm not crying.

I just got some chocolate
in my eye, is all.

Let the others
give out the rest.

I have something special
to show you.

He went through so much
at such a young age.

I never knew how tough
it was for Esteban back then,

losing both his parents.

Now I get it.


I wish he would've
told me how he felt.

He did not like
to talk about it.

He needed a friend,
and you were there for him.

[loud] What are you
doing with those plants?

[whispering] Shh! Not so loud.

[loud] What's that?

I can't hear you.

It's for abuela's gift,

but we can't let her see it yet.

[loud] Then what are we
doing out here talking?

[frustrated groan]

All right, now will you
tell me what this thing is?

Abuela's present.

I call it the Snip-Snap.

Yes, yes. Go on.

We'll bring it
out to abuela's garden,

where it'll cut
the prettiest flowers

and wrap them up in this
nice paper to make a bouquet.

Ooh, I'd like to see that.

To the garden!

Wait, I have
to test it out first.

That's why I brought the plants.

Oh, all right.

Then crank that baby up!

[gears clicking]


[Isabel] No.

No! Wait! Stop!



Ohh, I get it.

Abuela hates flowers,

so she'll love watching 'em
get cut to pieces!

Great gift!

No, she loves flowers.

Oh. Then I don't think
she's going to like
it very much.

I just have to make
one or two adjustments.

I think you're gonna have
to make more than two.

[under breath] But good luck.

Abuela, you said you were going

to show Esteban
something special that day.

Where did you take him?

You're the one
with a magic scepter.

See for yourself.

Oh, right.

Where did abuela
take Cousin Esteban?

These are
the family's cacao trees.

This is where you get the beans
to make chocolate for the shop?

That's right.

And I'll let you in
on a little secret.

I planted each one
of these trees myself,

to mark a special occasion
in our family.

I planted these two trees
when my daughters were born.

This one was
for your mam?, Margarita.

And this one for Elena's mother,

your t?a Lucia.

That one was planted
when your parents got married,

and that one when Elena's did.

They're so tall.

They are now.

But every tree in this grove

began as one
of these tiny seeds.

And I was hoping that today,

you and I could plant a tree

to mark a new special occasion.

What special occasion?

You coming to live
with us in the palace.

Now can you give me a hand?

Sure! What do I do?

Dig here.

Together, we will give
this young seed so much love,

that one day it will grow

to be a strong,
magnificent tree.

Just like you will
grow into a strong,
magnificent man.

He was so lucky to have you.

We all were.

We still are.

Especially since you started
making chocolate again.

Because all these memories...


Si, Francisco.

I have some chocolate
in the kitchen.

Ah, mi amor.

[whispering] Here we go!

The new-and-improved Snip-Snap!

[whispering] 2.0!


You're supposed to snip,
not chop!

Oh! Aah!

No! No! Stop!

There'll be nothing left
to make bouquets with!

Now I get it!

Abuela loves
the flowers so much,

you're trying to clear out
all the old ones

so she can have fun
growing new ones!

Great gift!

- No, Flo, that's not it.
- [wheels screech]


By the way,
you don't need to get me
a birthday gift this year.


I'm good.

Wait! Stop! Come back here!

[cat yowls]

What's that noise?

Whatever it was, it's gone now.

- Mm!
- Mmm!

Let's watch another memory.

I'm really enjoying
Luisa's present.

Now you know what to get
him for D?a del Padre.


Let's see what we did

when we got back
to the palace that day.

[sigh] What a day!

- [Isabel cooing]
- [Lucia laughs]

Perhaps we should all wash up

for the royal
D?a de las Madres portrait?

Mami. This year
let's pose like this.

In your cooking aprons?
With chocolate all over you?

Please, can we?

Why not? This way,
we will always remember

how much fun we had today.

Today is certainly a day
I hope to remember.

Then a chocolate-covered
portrait it is.

- Yay!
- [Isabel laughs]

How charming.

Gather 'round everyone.

Show off
your most chocolatey smile.


This is gonna be my favorite
family portrait ever.


Now it will be mine, too.

[all laughing]

Wait. Esteban wasn't there.

Oh, that can't be right.

He was in the portrait with us.

Wasn't he?

Ooh, now that you mention it...

I'm gonna check.

[Elena] Nope. No Esteban.

He must have felt awful
that I forgot him.

And felt even worse

every time he walked
past this painting,
year after year.

[Luisa] Maybe Esteban was right
about how we treated him.

I did not do my job.

I was not
a good enough mother to him.


That is not true.

But here is the proof!

One painting does not erase
years of looking out for him.

Maybe it wasn't
just one portrait.

Maybe it was more than that.

I'm sorry, abuela.

I guess I shouldn't
have looked into the past.

Well, perhaps it is time
we look to the future, hmm?

We have to hand out chocolate
to the children of Avalor soo.

[gasp] But we haven't
made any chocolate!

Exactly my point.

You're right.
We better get to the shop.

[heavy sigh]

[horse whinnies]

We'll have to hurry.

I always thought we got our
cacao beans from those trees.

No, no. From the family grove.

So why did you plant them?

I didn't.

Then who did?

I don't know.

But we have to start
making the chocolate.

This will just take a second.

Okay, who planted those trees?

Young Master Esteban.

It is time to return
to the palace.

I just need
a few more minutes, please.

But if we don't
leave right away,

you will miss
the family portrait.

Your grandmother told me
to make sure you were there.

There will be other portraits.

But today, right now,

all I want to do
is plant these trees

to honor my mam?...

and my abuela.


Feliz D?a de las Madres.

I didn't forget him after all.

And he didn't forget you.

Now let's make that chocolate.

[knock on door]

Are you open?

I'm sorry. We haven't finished
making the chocolate yet.

That's okay. We're here
to give you something.

I-I don't understand.

For everything you gave us
when we were kids.

Most of which made it
to our moms.

Trudy? Is that you?

All grown up.


- Manuel?
- Mm-hmm.

Ay, you're all so big now.

Hi, abuela.

There you are, mijita.

Where have you been all day?

[sigh] I tried to invent

a bouquet-making machine
for you,

but instead it cut down
your entire garden.

This was the only flower left.

The entire garden?

Oh, yeah, it's all gone.

The roses, azaleas,
zinnias, marigolds,

those little
cute purple ones...
what are they called?

Uh, we get the idea, Flo.

I am so sorry, abuela.

Don't be, mijita.

You tried your best,
and that is enough.

And maybe we can plant
a new garden together.


I can invent machines

to help us dig up soil
and water seeds and...

[Flo clears throat]

Or we can just use our hands.
That's fine.

Uh, Luisa. You should see this.


Thank you, Se?ora Flores,

for being like a mother
to us over the years.

All of us.

Even to Cousin Esteban.

Well, I'm still going
to make you all chocolate.

Whether you want it or not.

Oh, we want it!

Yes, we do!

Then let's get to it.

[heartwarming music]

[lively conversations
and laughter]

[Isabel] Abuela! Come on!

[theme music playing]