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02x23 - Luna's Big Leap

Posted: 09/10/21 08:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Theme song playing --->

- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

- ♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
- ♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

- ♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
- ♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ ..Avalor♪

Season 02 Episode 23

"Luna's Big Leap."

Ooh, I like
the sound of that!


Sorry! My lunch alarm
is going off.

Point! I win.

But she distracted.
Aww, man.

Princess Elena!

Chief Zephyr!
Is everything okay?

We have a situation.

A baby jaquin named Rayo
got spooked

and bolted from Vallestrella.

Shot right
through the gateway to Avalor

and got himself
good and lost.

Uh! Poor little guy!

We just want to find him

before he gets
into any real mischief.

I was hoping you could use your
Farsight power to locate him.

I'd love to,
but I don't have my scepter.

It's being repaired
by the sunbird elders.

Luckily, you've got your best jaquin
guardians ready to join the hunt.

And we also have you three.

Search the area
southeast of the gateway.

And do not stop
until you find him!

Princess Elena.

First thing we should do
is find some anoki berries.

How can you think of food
at a time like this?

There's a frightened baby
out there

who's missing
his mama and papa

who love him more than anything
in the whole world!

Nope, being a father
hasn't changed you one bit.

Hang on, Rayo!
I'll save you!

Ohhh. Ah.

And I'll save Migs.

And I'll go find
some anoki berries.

What?! Baby jaquins
are always hungry.

Anoki! Anoki!

- Aha!
- Aah!

Oh, no!
Little guy, wait up!

I'm a friend!

I feel your hunger pain!




Nope. Duty first, then lunch.


Anoki! Anoki!




Let's get you home,
sweet thing.

You, uh, got an extra berry
for Auntie Luna?

Aw, who's a lucky boy?
You are!

Yes, you are.

Awww, isn't he cute?

And so's the baby.

Excellent job, Luna!

King Verago?!


Your Majesty!
What are you doing in Avalor?

I had to make sure.

Rayo was safe and sound.

How did you find him?

Just followed
my natural born instincts.

So, uh, what got him
so spooked?



How'd they get loose?

And what are they?

Dragallos are
voracious creatures

who never stop eating.

They live in a magical
glen in Vallestrella

where the jungle grows
back overnight,

so they can eat
as much as they want.

But a few young ones slipped
through a tear in the magical shield

that keeps them in the glen.

- How many?
- Three.

I ordered the King's Guard
to capture them

before they devour
our realm,

but the dragallos have proven
themselves extremely elusive.

Well, maybe you should
put me on the King's Guard.

Luna! You don't ask
to join the King's Guard.

The king asks you.

Okay. So I'm asking you
to ask me.

Migs is right.

There are rules
about this sort of thing.

So tell me, why should I make
an exception for you?

Because you need someone
who's on the ball,

standing tall, and ready
to heed the call!

♪ Ever since
I was a little cub ♪

♪ I've been driven
by a burning desire ♪

♪ I'd watch the Guards
standing tall and proud ♪

♪ It really set
my soul on fire ♪

♪ My best friends
are all superstars ♪

♪ We hold them
in such high esteem ♪

♪ But now it's Luna's turn
to raise the bar ♪

♪ To follow my deepest dream ♪

♪ The princess here
will tell you ♪

♪ I'll be there
when times are hard ♪

♪ Don't mean to brag,
don't wanna nag ♪

♪ Just wanna be a Guard ♪

♪ I know I'm asking a lot ♪

♪ But I can prove what I got ♪

♪ I'll knock your spots off ♪

♪ If you just give me a shot ♪

♪ I'll stand along
with the best ♪

♪ If you will only say yes ♪

♪ This is my thing ♪

♪ King, please
just give me a shot! ♪

Well, I...

♪ You saw what I got
when I saved that tot ♪

♪ My instincts are
always on the dot ♪

♪ Those dragallos are
already good as caught ♪

♪ So ask not "why"
when you can ask "why not" ♪

♪ C'mon, King V,
just gimme a shot ♪

♪ I know I'm asking a lot ♪

♪ But I can prove
what I've got ♪

♪ I'll knock your spots off ♪

♪ If you just
give me a shot ♪

♪ I'll stand
along with the best ♪

♪ If you will only say yes ♪

♪ This is my thing ♪

♪ King, please
just give me a shot ♪

♪ So I can prove what I got ♪

♪ Please, just give me a shot ♪

You have got a lot of nerve,

coming to me
with a request like this.

Which shows me the kind
of boldness we are looking for.

Report to Vallestrella
in the morning.

If you help us
catch the dragallos,

you will earn your place
on the King's Guard.

Hoo-hoo! Sleep easy
tonight, King V!

Your problems
will be gone tomorrow!

- Mind if we tag along?
- Hey, Elena!

I want to see if the sunbirds
have fixed my scepter.

And I want to see
if you crack under the pressure.

I don't feel pressure.

Pressure feels me.

Those dragallos
aren't messing around.

Well, off to see
the sunbirds.

Good luck, Luna.

She doesn't need luck.
Luck needs her.


Since none of you have been
able to catch the dragallos,

today a new jaquin
will join the hunt.

Luna is the Avalor Guardian

who found
that runaway cub yesterday.

I look forward
to serving beside you.

Now let's bring Luna
up to speed.

Ah! Thank you, sir.

The tear in the glen's shield
has been repaired

so no more dragallos
will get out.

And we had sketches
of the three escapees made.


Stilts eats
trees and plants,

Big Mouth has a taste
for rocks,

and Roly will eat
anything and everything.

Except us, I hope.

I heard that. Heh!

Don't talk to me.

All right then, time to fly!

Wings up!

King's Guard!

King's Guard! Yep!

Luna. I want you
to meet someone.


What is it, chief?

Meet your new partner.

- Partner?!
- Partner?!

My most experienced guard
and most promising new tracker.

You have the makings
of a great team.

Now go out
and prove me right.

How 'bout that!

I had no idea
we got partners.

Up high, partner!

Look. I don't do "partner."

not with some gabby,

peacock-feathered tenderfoot

who hasn't earned
a spot on the Guard.

- But King Verago said...
- Mmph!

I know what he said.

So this is how
it's gonna work:

you don't talk,
you don't move,

you don't even think
unless I say so.

But you're gonna need
my tracking skills... Mmph!

What did I say
about talking?

The only way I can
answer you is if I talk.

Oh! Let's go.

Great! 'Cause
I was thinking... Whoa!

This way, rookie.

What are we doing in here when
the dragallos are out there?

Maybe that's
why you're having

so much trouble
catching them.

Stop yakking for a second

and you might learn
a thing or two.

Ooh! What are those?

I guess there's something
you don't already know.

These are snaptrap beans.

And we're gonna use 'em
to catch those dragallos.

Now keep quiet
and search for tracks.

But tracks only tell you
where the dragallo was.

We need to think about
where he's gonna be. Unh!

- Shh!
- Uh-uh.

Nobody shushes Luna.

Fine. Talk all you want,

but you'll never
catch a dragallo,

because dragallos
have sensitive ears

and will hear you
coming for miles.

There's one over there!

I know. I have eyes.

Where are you going?

To show you how it's done.

Time to earn my spot
on the Guard!




Awk! Awk!

Don't nom-nom me
with those hungry eyes.

I am not your lunch.

Hey, Stilts! Catch!


And that's how it's done.

See what I did
there? Huh?

Set you up so you could just
swoop right in and make the catch?

The way I see it,
I'm like your good luck charm.

Now, next time...

Next time, try doing
what I tell you.

Tell you what:
you do you, and I'll do me.

I know exactly how...


Here's the plan.

I'll circle around and catch
him from the other side.

What do I do?

- Hold this and wait here.
- Oomph!

Don't speak. Don't move.

Can I breathe?

I'd prefer you didn't.


Uh-oh. He's getting away.

Tornado! Tornado!

- Hey! Big mouth!
- Huh?

That's right,
I'm trouble!

- You better turn around!
- Huh?

What are you doing here?!

What?! I thought you
went that way!

What are you doing here?!

Laying a trap.


Ahh! Unh!

That you just walked into.

Lemme out!
I'll help you catch him!

I like my chances
better this way.

Tornado! We're supposed
to be partners!




Like I said,
I don't do partners.


What are you looking at?

Two down, one to go.

I knew teaming you up
was a good idea.

Yeah, about that.

Here we go.

Tornado doesn't listen
to a word I say!

She never stops talking!

She thinks
she knows everything!

She doesn't know anything!

If it weren't for me,

we never would've found Stilts!

If I hadn't been there,

Stilts would've gotten away!

She's holding me back.

She's always in the way.

And we are never
going to catch...

...that third dragallo...

- ...unless you split us up!
- Unless you split us up!

No. You're still partners.

So be back here
first thing in the morning.


Oh, Princess Elena.

I really need
to talk to you.

Sure, okay.

Alone, if you don't mind.

Hey, don't
let me stop you.

That's some view.

When I was a little cub,
I used to come up here

to watch the King's Guard
fly off in formation.

And I'd dream of joining
them some day.

And today's that day.

Hm. Yeah, except.

King Verago partnered me

with an old-timer
who's rude, cold,

and has done everything
she can to make me look bad.

- How?
- Well,

for starters, she won't
stop telling me what to do.

Oh. Well,

that sounds really...

uh, not that bad.

Whose side are you on?

Yours, Luna. Always.

But you said she's been
on the King's Guard a long time.

This is your first day.

Shouldn't you listen
to what she has to say?

Listening to her
is what's messing me up!

She needs to let me be me
so I can do what I do.

It's the only way I'm gonna
prove I belong on the Guard!

I thought catching
the dragallos

was how you were
going to prove it.

It is. Which is
why I gotta make sure

I catch the last one.

Hey, maybe you can come along
tomorrow and talk to Tornado.

She might listen to you.


If it's important to you,
I'll be there.

Aw. You're the best.

Thanks for letting me
ride along with you, Tornado.

Happy to have you, Princess.

So, who are we
looking for today?

He's the little one,

so he should be easy
to catch.

Mm-hmm. If you do it
the right way.


And what is the right
way to catch a dragallo?

I'm glad someone
bothered to ask.

You sneak in, quietly,

plant one of these babies
in its path,

and drive it
toward the trap.

Hmm. Makes sense.

'Cept my "partner" doesn't
do anything quietly.

I don't gotta be quiet.

I just gotta be me.

Aah! Whoaaa!

Oh! Elena!

- Princess!
- Whoa! Oh!


Aww. You're adorable.

I take it back!!

Ooh! Unh!



Elena! I'll get y... Oof!


are you all right?!

I'm fine. We just need
to get you out of there

so we can go after him!

Won't make a difference.
He's long gone by now.

Aah! Oof!

We had our chance,
we blew it.

No, I blew it.

And if Tornado
hadn't been there,

that thing
would've eaten you.

I'm sorry.

To both of you.

You said you
don't do partners.

Well, you won't
have to anymore.

What does that mean?


Thank you
for the opportunity,

but I'm just not King's Guard
material after all.

What's going on?

I'm quitting
is what's going on.


What do you have
to say about this?

I did everything
I could to train her.

Is that so?

Hmph! Luna.

Return to Avalor
and rejoin the Guardians.

Tornado, you have
one more dragallo to capture.

As you command.

I can't believe
you just quit.

I can't believe
my instincts were that bad.

I really thought I had
what it took

to be a King's Guard.

You do.
But from what I saw,

Tornado was trying
to teach you,

and you weren't
really listening.

What's the point?

If I can't get it right
on my own,

then I shouldn't be there
in the first place.

You should know
that more than anyone.

You've always got
all the answers.

What are you
talking about?

I've messed up
plenty of times.

And I've got a whole Grand
Council giving me advice.

But you don't always
listen to them.

And I often wind up
regretting it.

If there's one thing that being
Crown Princess has taught me,

it's that when you stop
and truly listen,

you always wind up
learning something.

Hey, what's
that over there?

That's the third dragallo!
But check it out.

Tornado's driving him
toward a snaptrap.

Oh, no. There's a patch
of spidervine up ahead.

If Tornado doesn't look up,
she'll fly right into it!

You have to warn her!

I quit, remember?

Maybe she knows
it's there.

But what if she doesn't?

She was
your partner, Luna.

She needs you.

Tornado, look up!


Ha ha!

Hold on, I'll get you out.

No! You'll get
caught in it, too.

So listen up,
and listen good.

You have to stop him before
he does any more damage.

- But I...
- Better stop yapping

and start listening.

Take the snaptrap and quietly
plant it way ahead of him.

Then this is
the tricky part...

You gotta find a way
to chase him into it.

Of all of them,
he's the most unpredictable.

Well, there's one thing
about him

that is
completely predictable.

- What's that?
- I'll tell you later.

Hurry! We've got
to get out there!

No rush.

Our work here is done.

All right, Luna!

That's one angry mama.

I can assure you
this won't happen again.

The glen shield
has been repaired.



You two deserve
all the thanks.

Tornado more than me.

She caught Stilts
and Big Mouth,

and if it wasn't
for her advice,

I never would've
caught Roly.

And Luna's not so bad,
when she listens.

She even taught this old
grayfeather a trick or two.

Sounds like you guys
made a pretty good team.

They better.

Because, Luna, you have earned
your place on the King's Guard.

I have?! Yes!



Wait, there's an if?

You will be her partner,

Well, maybe I do
partners after all.

If I have the right one.

Put it there, partner!

Let's not get carried away,

You've got a lot to learn.

I can't wait.

I am so proud
of you.

Oh, don't make me cry
in front of these two.

It'll ruin my image.

- What image?
- Cry all you want.

Thank you, Princess.

Good luck
on the King's Guard.

For Vallestrella!

- For Avalor! - For Avalor!
- For Avalor!

Sync corrections by srjanapala

♪ Theme music playing --->