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02x06 - 8

Posted: 09/10/21 07:54
by bunniefuu
Dr. Orson Rudd, lead scientist,

Ice Shelf Depletion

and Antarctic New Species

NyBy Science Station,
month four of six.

23rd day. 1725 hours.

Preliminary results of our
research here is confirming

the thinning of marginal ice

is allowing increases
of sunlight to penetrate

subsurface ocean levels.

This creates an increase

of shallow water sea life
population which causes

migration of deep-sea predators
in search of food.

Most have never
been seen by humans.

Until this crew.

What I'm doing here

is gonna save a million lives.

The day is April 2nd.

17 miles off the southwest coast

of Papua New Guinea...

Where the hell is it?

But the launch

of the ship's scientific
submersible Cthulhu

is delayed by the appearance
of a school of 50 squid.

This is the first time the crew
have encountered squid

since departing from the
coastal waters of Australia.

More and more,
the explorers become accustomed

to the unexpected developments
of oceanic life.

they found any new species today?

We don't know yet.

Skua and Colvin aren't
back from their dive.

Seizing the
opportunity to explore

this swarm of mollusks,
the crew prepare for a dive.

Divers enter the...

Do you know when Kasper
and Doug due back?

Swim amongst a form
of alien life.

The explorers are frail
strangers to this domain.

Soon the presence of the dives

calls the attention
of prowling sharks.


Unaware of the predators'
dangerous presence,

the unpredictable occurs.

A ten-foot blue shark moves
directly toward the diver.

From the environment
which took our ancestors

billions of years to explore..

As the divers ascend
through the darkness

to their first
decompression level,

they are intuitively aware
of the murky presence

of death.

At the bottom of the world,

a group of scientists
is about to encounter

an entity of vast intelligence.

What they are about to learn
will go further and deeper

than anything
they hoped to learn.

Beyond science, beyond fear,

beyond humanity

in The Twilight Zone.

You're traveling
through another dimension,

a dimension not only of
sight and sound but of mind.

It is the middle ground
between light and shadow,

between science
and superstition.

And it lies between
the pit of one's fears

and the summit
of one's knowledge.

You are now traveling through
a dimension of imagination.

You've just crossed over
into The Twilight Zone.

Everyone to the diving hut now!

- What the hell happened?
- Where is Amy?

I don't know. S-She's gone.

Her suit's over there.

Kasper? Douglas?

There's no sign of them.

Should've both been up
ten minutes ago.

Janik, no. You're the only
trained diver we have left.

You can't go down there alone.

Somebody's got to go down
there and find them.

And you're high.

That thing's tether's
only good for 150 meters.

Skua and Colvin were diving to
the ice wall, 450 meters away.

You can't go in the water

until we know
what happened to them.

How will we find out
what happened to them

without going in the water?

That octopus.
It's, like, 40 kilos.

You don't think...?

You know what?

Let's tip over this cooler over
and dump it back in the ocean.

Don't harm it.

- Take it to the lab.
- She's right.

Help her take it
back to the lab.

f*ck the octopus.

It-it could be
the only one of its kind.

Who cares?

We're wasting time.
Let's go find them.

Janik, we don't know
what we're dealing with.

It's insane to go
back down there alone.

Even with double tanks
and seven-millimeter dry gloves,

at that depth and temperature,
they got an hour

before their hands and feet
become numb and useless.

They've been down there
that long already.

Visibility's bad.

15 meters.

- Help me get this specimen
to the lab.
- Help her take it to the lab.


Channing and I will support you
from the surface.

Channing, as soon as we can,

we need to examine that octopus.

- I agree.
- It's strange.

Even though Ling
is just an observer

from the Chinese
Antarctic Administration,

did you see how protective
she got of the octopus?

Maybe because she actually cares
about the work?


I think she knows about us.

I hate it down here.
What we're doing.

Channing, you can't say
anything to anyone.

I'm not gonna say
anything to anyone.

What the f*ck was that?

What? What is it?


Both shoulders dislocated.

Lungs filled with water.

His respirator
was ripped off of him.

He was deep below
sunlight levels.

I only found him
because I saw his headlamp.

And, yeah,
he was caught just, um,

bobbing against
the base of the ice shelf.

I saw no evidence of Doug.
No light, nothing.

If Amy fell
in the water without a suit on,

she would have died
within ten minutes.

What the hell
could have done that?

Those seals and whales
down there?

They know what happened.

They know that's what
k*lled them.

That's right. That's right.

How'd that thing get back
in the cooler

after it k*lled
Amy, Doug and Kasp?

Do you know how?

'Cause it's that f*cking smart.

These things have been around
for millions of years.

They don't got bones or a skull.

- There's nothing like them.
- Look,

once the satellite's in range,
we can contact McMurdo,

send an emergency response team.

They'll pick up the body,
help us with any search.

TDR satellite will be
at 8.7 degrees.

is not Megaleledone setebos.

Okay. Go ahead.

This is another new species.

The radula is not chitinous.

It is made
of a harder substance.

This is why we came down here.

To save a species
affected by our behavior.

Living in this water and dept,

it likely has never
encountered a human.

We are the first.

I don't care
if it's that thing's

first encounter with anyone.

It'll be his f*cking only.

Look out!

What the f*ck?

Yo. Don't tell me it didn't know
what was going on.

Let's, uh.

Secure Kasper in the diving hut.

Turn the heater off.

He'll remain preserved
until USAP

can reach us in...
probably three days.


Can you fix the lights
and keep an eye on him?

I like animals, okay?

Even the ones I eat,
I'm cool with, yeah?

But I do not want to be in
a room with that m*therf*cker!

I hear you, Larry. I do.

700 million years ago

humans and octopuses were
both an underwater flatworm,

but evolution
took them their way.

We know that it did. They don't.

Human minds own this world.

They can feel human,

but they are not.

Just stay away
from its beak and tentacles

and it can't do a thing to you.

Channing? Can you, uh,

print out those USAP emergency
response forms off that e-mail?

this is the octopus we've been looking for.

Dr. Hai was right.

The radula is not chitinous.

The chromatophores
are reflective.

This is the new species.

Troxell sent us here to find.

The chemicals we can extract
from it will revolutionize

pain management, anesthesia,
you name it.

Once the satellite is up,

let's send a message

that we have secured
the specimen.

I did not sign up for this.

You're not thinking
about the big picture.

Let's just put
this g*dd*mn thing

back in the water and walk away.


What if we just let Janik
or Larry k*ll it?

You know, we could say,
"What could we do?"

Satellite's up in a few minutes.

It's time to go to work.

Hey, Larry, you don't see this?

The pipe's busted.


As soon
as the satellite's over the horizon

and the Internet's live,
I'll contact McMurdo Station

to send a rescue party.

Then you alert Troxell.


I need that two-step
verification code,

and the app is on my phone.

Have you seen my phone?

You had it in the lab.

Hey, have you seen my phone?


Channing, w-what's wrong?

Janik. Larry...


Oh, my God.

They're all gone.

Do you see anything?

In the tanks or on the floor?

If we see one?

We k*ll it.


Five are dead.
Why wouldn't we k*ll it?

I heard my phone in her room.

She overheard everything
we were saying.

She knows we're not really here
studying the ice.

We knew of Troxell's interest

in this species of octopus

three months before
you even arrived here.

It has my phone.

Orson, the projector, the laptop

are both controlled by my phone.

It's tapping into
Ling's computer.

- The octopus?
- It figured it out.

- It's broken into her research.
- What is this?

What do you need
all this data for?

An animal,
three hours out of the ocean,

is running
my f*cking cell phone?

Tell us what you know.

Chinese military?

So, it also wants to know.

What you're really doing here
is, let's see...

You're investigating
the physical mechanisms

of this octopus?

Artificial skin? Soft robots?

Invisibility cloaking?

You always think so small.

We will use this animal

to change
what a human being can be.

What we're after
is no different than you.

We're trying to develop it
to save lives, not take them.

This octopus is unique.

We've both been
searching for it.

You want to exploit
the neurological properties

of this octopus species?

Gene edit into a human egg...

Giving human beings
the best traits

of vertebrates and cephalopods.

So, if you bioengineer this gene

you would create
a new species of human.

Our arms and skin would have
the ability to taste,

see and react without reporting
to a centralized brain.

To camouflage
to its surroundings.

We'd be able to live
in the oceans

while controlling the land.

Let's be honest with ourselves.

We're both trying to take from
this animal what we don't have.

That's what human beings do.

It's what we've always done.

I was wrong.

We put it back in the sea,
and we go home.

Come on.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

What the hell is happening?

Oh, my God.
It changed the sequence.

It figured out that if somehow,

during this operation,
there were to occur

a mutation or sabotage
of genetic material,

and this same gene
is manipulated for octopus DNA,

the opposite would occur.

Sea life could rise out of the
ocean and stop life on land.

It would do what evolution
didn't 700 million years ago:

Put an end to the human species.

What if our role has
always been not to rule this world,

but to prime it?

To lay the foundation for the
true inheritors of the Earth?

The reign of humankind
has come to a close today,

here in the dark, icy waters

of The Twilight Zone.