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02x05 - Among the Untrodden

Posted: 09/10/21 07:52
by bunniefuu
This is why Wordsworth says

that poetry is the spontaneous
overflow of powerful feelings.

The emotion is contemplated

to the subject of...
Ah, there she is.

This place can be a maze.
Class, this is Irene.

She's gonna be joining us
for the rest of the semester.

Go ahead, introduce yourself.

Uh, hi, hello.

Like she said, my name is Irene.

And where you're from

and what you like.

Oh, um

I guess I like stuff.

Um... Indian food

and memes and monsters.

Cool stuff.

I mean, I-I like other things,
too, you kn... whatever.

Irene will be starting
her science fair project

tomorrow so she can catch up.

And it's a spooky one.

Uh, tell the class.

Um, I-I thought I might do
a project on psychic abilities?


Do psychic powers,

like, do they really exist?

Ooh, we can't wait to find out.

Irene, go ahead and have a seat.

She looks like she's planning

on being the first
girl school sh**t.

Jesus, Gwen. Funny, though.

When we talk about the sublime,
what do we mean?

Take a look at the elements
of this poem.

There are concepts and motions
that are heightened

beyond typical human experience.

That's what Wordsworth and Blake
and Hugo are grasping at here,

the sublime.

These poets also express
a clear interest

in the deification
of imagination.

Imagination is placed
above experience.


Do you need a pencil
so you can answer the question?

Think of these poets
as expressing an ideal,

instead of reflecting on the
nature of reality around them.

Hey. Your head
got in the way of my pencil.

Could you fetch it?

Cupcake. My pencil.


High school.

It's a period that,
for most of us,

already feels
like a waking nightmare,

one in which we're lost
in a maze,

searching for ourselves.

But what if,

during this precarious phase
of our development,

you introduced a set
of extraordinary powers?

That's all it will take
to send the student body

of St. Mary's Boarding School
on a harrowing field trip

to The Twilight Zone.

You're traveling
through another dimension,

a dimension not only of
sight and sound but of mind.

It is the middle ground
between light and shadow,

between science
and superstition.

And it lies between
the pit of one's fears

and the summit
of one's knowledge.

You are now traveling through
a dimension of imagination.

You've just crossed over
into The Twilight Zone.

I think I would
like to change my project.


Yeah, so I was
thinking about it,

and I'm not sure that psychic
stuff really represents me.

I'm sorry, sweetie,
but the science fair guides

have already been printed.

I'm sure everyone
is gonna like your

psychic, uh, test thing.

So, um,
these are called Zener cards.

They have one of five symbols
on them.

So, I'm gonna pull a card
from the deck and stare at it,

and then you write down
what you think the card is

by trying to, like,
read my mind.

I do not want to be
inside her mind.



It's Irene.

Hi. Uh, is this a bad time?


Oh. Well, uh,

I just wanted to talk to you
about your test results.

Maddy, bring her in.

Can you imagine?

Did she bring Indian food?

She have any memes for us?

What's wrong with my test?

Well, uh, nothing.

It-It's-it's actually weird,
you know,

because, like,
you technically can't really get

lower than five on average...

Okay, what the hell
are you talking about?

Use your words.

You got zero on every test.


That's not possible.

It-It's like you know
what the answer is

and are specifically
not choosing it.

Or it means
I'm really not psychic.

Because it's stupid bullshit.

But you can't

I know it's hard
to imagine someone who's normal

when you are... like you are.

N-No, see,
normal would be five right.

I don't want to get ahead
of myself here,

but you could have,
like, superpowers.

Maybe you're suppressing them.
I don't know, but

if you have psychic abilities,
you could do anything.

Like what?

I don't know.
Whatever you wanted.

Cool stuff.
I-I'd like to do another test.

Maddy, if you want to go
off with your new friend...

Don't you know
that being a dork is contagious?

Uh, yeah, no, sorry.

I don't have
your dumb nerd powers.

Go, Maddy.

I give her two weeks
till she transfers.




This is stupid.





Square. Star.

Cross. Circle. Cross.

Star. Cross.

Square, circle, waves.

What the f*ck?

Thought you could prank me,

- What?
- Thought you could scare me

with your stupid cards?

- Tell me the f*cking trick!
- I...

I-I swear, Madison,
it's not a trick.

- Bullshit!
- Madison, I swear.

- Do you think I'm stupid?
- No.

What's your little plan?

Th-They're just cards.

They're just cards with pictures
on them, that's it.

Then how come I know
what's on every f*cking card?

Because you're special!

You're, like, I-I don't know,
you have psychic powers

or something, which is crazy,
because I didn't even

really think they were real,
okay? Like

I don't know, okay?
Look, if it's real,

it's, like, the coolest thing
to ever, ever happen

to, like, anyone.

Jesus. Stop talking.

So what do I do?

Uh, I don't know.

I mean, I-I know a lot
about psychic stuff,

but I-I've never actually

met a real psychic before.

I... I guess we could,
you know...

Or you could

figure out what powers you have,
and then we could

figure out how
to use them for stuff?


If this is a prank,
I'll ruin your life.

I promise it's not.


Okay. Okay, great.

What, are you trying
to burn the place down?

Well, I read that, uh,
natural lights and fire

can help with psychic focus.

But, I mean, we could just use
the regular light.

This is so corny.

So, um

uh, I wrote down
the major abilities.

Uh, the big ones are
astral projection,

clairvoyance, conjuration...

Wait, hang on. Stop.

None of that shit
means anything.

Okay, right. So, there's...

Right. So, this one is
projecting your mind

into another place
so you can see things.

Uh, the next one is
reading people's minds.

Conjuration is the ability
to materialize objects

out of thin air.

Dowsing is sensing
where water is.

Yeah, we don't need to check
for that one.

I don't care where water is.


Who needs
to know where water is?


Okay, then there's, um, flying,

moving stuff, knowing stuff,
seeing the future,

planting thoughts
into people's heads,

and, finally, um,
controlling fire with your mind.

That's a power?

I mean, it's been reported.

That would be cool.

Why do you care
about all this shit?

I don't know.

Don't you want to be normal?

Or cool?

Yeah. I... I mean,

I-I didn't even want to do
this project, you know?

But, like, Ms. Watson made me.

Like, I wanted to do something
about, like, marijuana,

or getting high,
like, how cool that is.


So what do we do here?

Test you here.

Uh, see what kinds of powers
you have, and then maybe

we can figure out
how to use them for stuff.

So, uh, what do you see?


Yes. Wow.

Wow. Okay. Cool.

Yeah. Wow.

Why don't I know
how I'm doing it?

Have I always been doing it?

Well, um, you don't
really know how you see,

you just... have it.

So it would follow
that a sixth sense

would be the same way.

Like, you can't feel it,
you-you just have it.

Mm... Right. But, like

I've never been able to see
what's on a card,

and now it's like it's nothing.

Yeah. Every time you do it,
you get better at it.

Like anything.

Okay, let's try this.

Hey, what are you doing?

Well, I want to see
if you can read minds

since you have
astral projection.

So... now the card
doesn't exist anymore,

so you can't, like,
look at it in space with, like,

psychic eyes...
You can only read my mind.

So, what do you see?

Look at me.

- Star.
- Yes.

Do another.

I just want to be like her.

Hey, it's Debbie, right?

Hi. We're sitting here.

Why don't you take your

tuna fish sandwich

and your french fries
somewhere else?

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Or do you want me
to tell everyone

how you saw your stepdad
jerking it to QVC?

And watched him finish.

Irene, did you

do your makeup different?


Oh. Uh...

Yeah. I-I just tried something
I saw in a tutorial.

It's great. I-It's almost there.

You used too much foundation.

It makes you look old. Here.



Don't load up along the eyes.

Gives you crow's-feet.


You should do videos online

for hair and makeup
or, or whatever.

Yeah, like Gwen or Lisa?

Or everybody?

I'm sure yours would be better.

I'm good. So what's our thing?

Right. Um, so tonight
is telekinesis.

Moving something with your mind.

Let's move some sand.

Well, I mean, there are still
a lot of powers.

Putting thoughts
into people's heads

and, uh, conjuring things.

Yeah, I'm done for tonight.
I want to get out of here.

Okay, uh, I'll clean up.

Just blow out the candles.
Leave it.

No one ever comes down here.

Come on, let's go.

Don't worry,
we'll try again tomorrow.

So, how did you find out
about the bathroom?

Like, did you see it,
like, in a vision?

N-Nah. We used to hang out on
the roof, like, on the balcony.

But they changed the locks,
and now no one can get up there.

We used to get high as f*ck
up there,

and the teachers
never caught us.

Anyway, Gwen's older sister
told us about the bathroom

'cause that's where she and
her friends used to hang out.

But Lisa's claustrophobic,
so we don't use it.


- The roof sounds really cool.
- Sha.


Stop right there.

It is 1:00 in the morning.

What are you two doing
in the hallway?

We-we weren't doing anything.

Now you're lying.

You're looking
at a serious demerit.

It's unacceptable.


Excuse me?

I said no.

You're gonna let us
go back to our rooms,

or I'll tell the dean
you've been raiding

the petty cash drawer
on the weekends.

- Young lady...
- I'm sure the headmistress
would love to hear

about you spending school
slush funds at the casino.

You're really in a hole.

$2,500 and counting?

Give us the key to the balcony.

I don't have the key to the...

Give us the key to the balcony
as collateral.

We'll never tell anyone about
your little gambling problem.

You two head back to your rooms
this instant.

That was pretty baller.

I mean, it was worth a shot.

f*ck, that would have been

I wish I could hypnotize people
or whatever.

f*cking shit.

Oh, I really wanted that key.

Oh, my God.


You can conjure.

Holy shit.

Let me get Gwen and Lees.

What are you doing? Let's go.

Oh, my God, open it, open it.

Holy shit, it worked.

What is it?

The key.

Oh, my God.

What's happening?

I don't know. It's like

maybe it only exists
until it's served its purpose?

So I have to conjure a new key
every time?

That's shitty.


Never have I ever...
been arrested.


I took four pair of Birkenstocks

- out of Nordstrom.
- Oh, shit!

Why four?

I mean,
were they all the same, or...?

Are you a narc?


Mad, your friend
is really cringey.


Are you a virgin?

I mean...

Have you ever orgasmed?

Well, sure, yeah.

Who hasn't orgasmed?

With who?

Well, like, I mean,
I've had orgasms.

Just not with, you know,
a-a boyfriend.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Wait, wait, okay.

Have you ever been high?

Yeah, tons of times.

Like, all the time.

You're crazy, huh?

Yeah. You bet I am.

- Oh, shit.
- Ooh.

Okay, that's enough.
Maybe we should head back.

Wait, we're just
getting started.

Yeah, Maddy. Let's see if we can
get her to take her shirt off.

See them itty-bitties.

I'll do it.

- I don't care. I don't care about anything.
- Oh!

Hey, will you f*cking stop?
What are you doing?

Ugh, why did you even
invite her, Madison?

Shut up.

Maddy, come on.

She's not even embarrassed
about how embarrassing

- she's being.
- f*ck off, Gwen.

Oh, my God. I hate you.

Oh, I know, Gwen, I know.

I also know you masturbate
with a hairbrush.

- The f*ck are you talking about?
- Whatever, Gwen.

Oh, sorry I insulted
your girlfriend.

Is that the best you can do?

You used to be so much meaner.

I guess blowing a 30-year-old
in a bar bathroom

really takes a lot out of you.

Okay, who's telling you
this shit? Is it you?

No, I haven't said anything.

I can go. I'm-I'm sorry.

- Good. Go.
- Stay.

Gwen, you're being a bitch,
and it's a bad look.

Guys, come on.

This is awesome.
Everyone has secrets,

and it's okay.

Oh, my God.

What, what happened?

Oh, my God,
did, did you save me?

- I didn't do anything.
- You must have.

Something unconscious.

Something we didn't know
you could do.


Look, I don't know
what happened,

but you should get back to your
room before somebody comes.

Hey, Irene.

Come sit with us.

You f*cking psycho.

- I'm gagging.
- You should be dead right now.

Well, falling off a roof
doesn't hurt

if, if you don't give a f*ck
all the way down.

What's this whole new vibe?

Well, I-I tried this thing
I saw in Girls Beat,

where they, um, they painted
one finger silver

and then the rest pink.

- I love it.
- Really?

- Awesome.
- Yeah.

Okay, you're a freak.

Okay, I'm ready to lie down.

Say cheese.

What is this?

What, Madison? Shit got lit.

Let's go.

- Oh, my God, Irene.
- My head.

How much did you have to drink?

I don't know.

Stop hanging out with them.

What? Oh

I'm sorry I missed training.

We can still do it.

I don't give a f*ck
about training.

I don't give a f*ck about you,
but I'm telling you now,

stop hanging out with them.

Wow. Okay.

Are you really that jealous
about me being friends

with your friends?

None of us are friends.

They don't talk to me anymore.

I mean, what am I even
doing here anyway?

You know what? We're done.

Do you hear me?

You and I are done.


Irene, did you hear me?

I said make sure
you visit our booth tomorrow

at the science fair.

We've got a surprise for you.

You'll love it.

This is your project?


It's a real medium effort.

I guess.

I know you joined school late,
but this work is unacceptable.


And here we
have the loser in her natural habitat.

Hey, Irene.

Want to check out our project?

everyone fart in their sleep?

Ew! Ugh.

I'll shave my legs after
I get a boyfriend, I guess.

See them itty-bitties.

I will. I don't care.

I don't care about anything.

I'll shave my legs after
I get a boyfriend, I guess.

- I've had orgasms, just not...
- Oh, she's gonna cry.

I'll do it.
I don't care. I don't care.

What did you do to them?

Did you know that they were
gonna do that to me?

- What did you do?
- I don't know
what you're talking about.

It's been your power
this whole time.

You've been controlling me,

pretending like
I had these abilities,

manipulating me so that
you could become popular!

Putting thoughts into my head

with your teleke...
whatever the f*ck.

- Madison, I swear, I...
- Shut up!

You did do something
to those cards.

You've been there

every time I used my powers,

because they're your powers.

You fell from

three stories.
You should be dead!

Madison, I promise...

- You made me think
I was special!
- You are!

That's why I never felt anything
when I used my powers.

I don't have them.

Did you k*ll Gwen?


I don't have powers, I swear!

- Bullshit!
- It was you.

You saw me crying.
You defended me.

Why would I defend you?
You ruined my life!

God, I'm so f*cking stupid.

You know, I... I really thought,

that when the door opened,
and you walked in that day

I wanted you
to be some normal girl.

I wanted someone.

I wanted a friend.

Instead, I got
this nonstop nightmare.

Why is it so hard for you
to accept that we are friends?

You are in all
of this pain because

you won't admit
that you are different.

You won't admit
that you care about people.

You won't admit
that you care about me!

And now, you won't admit
that you saved me,

with your powers,

from people who were hurting me.

You said yourself that none of
you were friends. Well, we are.

We are friends, Madison.

Why won't you accept it?

You're just gonna hurt me

or betray me or go away.

No. I never will.

I am your friend.

I'm your friend, too.


- W-What's happening?
- Madison?

Oh, my God.

You wanted a friend.

Oh, my God. Irene.

On the surface,
Madison appeared to have it all.

But on the inside,
she was lost, alone.

So she created Irene,
a projection in every sense.

One part wish fulfillment,
another part confession.

An unconscious cry for help
from within her psychic prison

in The Twilight Zone.