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02x02 - Episode #2.2

Posted: 09/09/21 18:14
by bunniefuu
- Who's it from?
- They're coming back.

I mean, he nearly bankrupted us and
what was left went to me,

and now, what, two years later
he's in a Âã1 million house.

- I mean, what's going on?
- It's not your problem.

I've seen some of our friends
while I've been sorting this place out

and they say that nothing's changed.

Your same life but without me.

Out of the whole world,
you chose to come back

and live less than a
mile from my front door.

You can always find
somewhere else yourself.

So what's the plan?

Wait and see.

There's only one way
I'm leaving now

and that's in a coffin.

That's good to know.

- Are we going?
- Going where?

- Dad's.
- What? To stay?

He's not going anywhere.

You stay here!


Hi, it's Tom. Leave a message.

Tom, please call me back.

I don't understand why you left.

Love you.



Dropping Tom off?

- No.
- Oh, er, so you...

He's staying with his dad
at the moment.

- That makes sense. It's a nice house.
- No...

Video room, swimming pool,

huge garden. I'm not saying
he's shallow, I'm saying he's 15.

If you're not dropping him
off, then why are you here?

To see him.

But he's about to go in.

And I've seen him.

Do you want to meet
for breakfast tomorrow?

I've got a free period first thing.

We could talk.


I'll text you, make a plan.

- There you are.
- Thank you.


How's your day so far?


You know what to do?


- Hello, mate.
- How are you?

Oh! Hi!

Erm... er... I'm good!

- I'm here about the... the office space.
- I run it.

- What?
- The Courtyard.

Oh, right!
Right. Oh, well, then, erm...

This is awkward.

No. Come on,
it was a long time ago.

Do you want to look around?


Neil Baker, friend of mine.

- Hi. Can you give him the tour?
- Sure.

Hope you enjoy it.

Hey, wait!
We should catch up properly.

We should. I don't know that
I still have your number.

Oh, hold on, I think I've got
yours, erm... Well, I'll text you.

I mean, unless you're around tonight?

For a drink?

Yeah. Why not?


- Max!
- Oh, hi.

Is Tom coming out?

He said I should just
go and he'd see me later.

He moved in with his dad.

I don't know if he told you.


Has he said anything? About why he went?

We don't really talk about that stuff.


But you said you're
going to see him later?

Yeah, he said he had
a thing to do first.

What thing?

Maybe you should talk to him.


Don't tell him I spoke to you.

Why not?

He told me to leave him alone.

Hey! It's your day off.

You couldn't stay away, uh?

Er, no. I...

I am so sorry
about Simon's party.

It was just that so many
of my friends were going,

and it meant that Connor could
meet them before the wedding.

- Where's Tom?
- Er, what?

He just came in here.
Did he want to see me?

I don't know.

Julie, was Tom here?

Erm, well, yes, he's got an appointment.

- Not with me.
- Sian. He's in with Sian.

- Sian's not his doctor.
- Why? Why's he in there?

I don't know. And, well,
it's confidential, isn't it?

- All right?
- Yeah. Thanks.



What's the problem?

No problem, I was... I was just
going to make myself a cup of tea,

and I thought you might want to join me.


It's more or less arranged,

I mean, it's happening
in the next few days so...

But I understand that that's
exactly why you need to

plan your contingencies.
I mean, what if someone gets ill?

Or what happens if you haven't
booked the venue properly?

Or if something gets
on your dress? You know,

I went to a wedding once
where there weren't any plates.

They forgot the plates!

Well, I'm sure it'll be all right.

And the weather! You can't predict that!

They say you can but you
can't. Weddington boots.

- I'm sorry?
- Weddington boots. Wellies for a wedding.

You really should have some of
those. You should go online...

- I think we should be OK.
- We're indoors mostly.

But you can't be too careful.

My friend Esther, she
got married on a beach,

and there was a hurricane.

you put the kettle on.

I'll be with you in a minute.

OK. Sure.

Sian! Hi!


- Had a good morning?
- Yes. I didn't think you were in today.

Well, I'm not, officially.
Actually, I wanted to catch you.

I wondered...

Do you want to come
round for dinner tonight?

- Dinner? At yours? With...?
- With me.

Erm, just you?

Just me, yes.

There's been a bit of tension
between us and I thought maybe

we should get to know each
other in a less formal setting.

What do you think? Are you free?

Why don't you
come to mine instead?

I've got a monkfish
and some asparagus.

I was going to do it anyway.
Enough for two.

Sure. Right.

- Oh, bring wine.
- I'll bring lots.

They said you weren't here
today, but it's urgent.

I can't lift up my arms.

Erm, Sian?

Could you do me a favour?

- Hi. Sorry I'm late but I got held up.
- Yeah, so let's go.

You said early evenings
was better, I believe?

- I don't understand.
- Shall we start inside?

- Are you the taxi?
- Estate agent. Your husband called,

asking for a valuation.

I don't have a husband.

I'm sure this is the right address.

Is it Doctor Foster?

The man who called you,
you still have his number?

- I expect so.
- Call him back, say if he does this again,

his ex-wife will contact the police.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

And you.

So, you don't want a valuation?

- Oh.
- What?

- You are expecting me?
- Well, yes, but not at this time.

- You're early.
- By five minutes?

Exactly. I was...

It's fine. I'll manage.

- Well, come on in, then.
- Thank you.

- Hey!
- Sorry. Long day.

It's all right.

- So, er, what'll it be?
- Red Ribbon.

A Red Ribbon, please.

How are you coping with the pub?

Yeah. Well, I'm not entirely
comfortable, as you can imagine.

- I can.
- It's just so dirty.

Because of all the poor people.

It's good to know you haven't changed.

This could be so weird. Us meeting.

Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so.

Ah, thank you. There you go!

But, as you said, long time ago now.

You've got a new wife

and a big new house, by all accounts.

Life carries on.

Yeah, yeah. It does. For most of us.

Shall we open a bottle?

I actually brought a couple.

Oh! Well, er, let's, er...

Mmm... put these to chill,
start with one of mine.

All right? There's a vineyard

in Ledoc, and my half-brother
owns a stake in it,

brings me these bottles back.

Is that your son?

Yes. He's at university now.

I didn't realise you had any children.

Harry is
the product of an unhappy

and short-lived relationship
with a man called Evan.

Evan had issues, which, when we
were younger, appeared to be charm

and ambition, but, as he got
older, were revealed to be

bitterness and aggression.


Does Harry see much of him?

Not if I can help it.

His dad's a shit.

Harry is amazing.

And it's precisely
because I kept them apart.

What about you? You're
divorced. How's your son?

He's... fine. I think.

And do you see much of his dad?


Yeah, big house, big
mortgage, but it's worth it.

But, after everything that happened,
how... how can you afford it?

- What?
- You've not been the most

discreet person in the past.

Well, I was led astray.

- And how do I know it won't happen again?
- With Gemma?

Once was enough.

OK, well, the truth is Kate's
dad gave us a few thousand.

Then a mate had a tip-off in
an American energy company,

fracking, whatever. It doesn't matter.

The point is we invested what we could,

and within a year,
I mean, wow!

- You did well?
- Unbelievable.


You... you liked it? The space?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, small businesses

love the idea of a shared ethos.

And the community café acts
as a... as a hub which...


What? No.

No, I am past all that now.

Happily married.

What was she like?

My wife, when you slept with her?

I... mate...

Did you have fun?

Yeah, we did.

But you wouldn't go there again?

Like tequila. Great at the time.

Not worth the hangover.


Did she strip off at the end of the bed?

She likes to slowly take her
clothes off in front of you.

It's a thing she does.
Turns her on.

- You really want to know?
- Good body, right? For her age.

I suppose. Yeah, great body.

She used to tense. You're
right in the middle of it,

and she... she'd come and get
these, like, electric shocks,

all the way through her body,
right in the middle of f*cking.

I miss that. Did she do that?

You would remember.

I'm not sure I want to
share that information.

"Don't want to share."
You used to over share.

Every time I saw you we were
supposed to be talking about

investment options and you'd be
explaining what a butter churner was.

Bet you tried it.

Nearly broke my neck.

I'm a very different man now.



- Did it in the middle of a field.
- Sorry?

I mean the wedding!
Oh, God! Oh, God! No! Not sex. Never.

Evan told me very early on he
didn't like sex in "weird places".

I wanted to do it in a
car once and he was like,

"No, it's dangerous."
I asked him why.

He said, "What if you
knocked the handbrake off?

Grabbed it by accident
in the throes of passion."

I said, "If your penis
feels like a handbrake

we have got bigger problems"!

What about you? Any strange places?

We did it in a castle
once. My ex and me.

- Sorry?
- Castles. He liked castles.

Oh, geek.

I didn't mind them, actually.

We were at this one by the sea,

and they were kicking
everyone out, so we hid.

And then we f*cked each
other in the battlements.

After Evan, I never had
sex with another man.

- Really?
- Too messy. Women all the way.

I tell you, it's better.

You were married how long?

15 years.

And you divorced?

For two years.

Something they don't tell you.

That indent on your finger,
where you had the ring?

It never goes.

Why did my son come to see you?

You saw him leave.
I thought so.

Why was he there?

You know I can't tell you.

I know but I thought
since we were drunk...

I'm not drunk.

Could you at least explain
why he went to see you,

and not his own doctor?

Cos his own doctor is
one of your best friends.

So, why you?

He knew we weren't close.


You told him I was impossible.

I don't think you're impossible.

- You do.
- A little difficult perhaps.

- I think you're impossible.
- Unbelievably competitive.

- You're smug.
- I'm glad I came for dinner.

- Did you like the fish?
- No.

Look, Tom suddenly went
to live with his dad

and his dad is a very bad influence.

Now, on top of all that,
I'm worried that he might not be well.

But if you won't tell me...

I get it.

You're a professional.

It's... it's good.

It actually is.


I like that.

There is something
you don't know about me.

Despite being a doctor,

when I drink...

I smoke.

So what are you going to do about Gemma?

She thinks you're
scheming to make her leave

and she doesn't understand
why Tom's moved in with you.

- Why has he moved in with you?
- It's sad, isn't it?

I take responsibility for everything
I've done, but I mean, two years?

How difficult is it to
just get on with your life?

Instead, she's stuck there.

A scheme?

If I did, would you blame me?

I know I cheated.
Hands up to that.

But by the time she'd finished with me,
I had a criminal record,

no friends, no career,
my son hated me...

I made a mistake but what she did
wasn't fair, it wasn't justice,

simply revenge.

- Mate, I'm not getting involved...
- So would you blame me

if when I get an opportunity,
I look for a way to get my son back

and remove her from my life?

Put it this way.
I'm winning.

She said you should buy her a drink.


- Anxiety.
- What?

Tom's unusually conscientious
for a 15-year-old boy

I suppose he is your son.

He heard you in the past,

talking about a patient
with the same symptoms.

Not sleeping. Negative thoughts.

He said he'd recently left home
and moved in with his dad.

Did he say why?


And what did you suggest
that he do?

I said with everything
he's been going through,

I'd be... worried if his brain
wasn't reacting like that.

Was he really upset?

It's understandable.

I told him to come back and
see me whenever he wants.


Thank you.

And I promised him
I wouldn't tell you anything.

You're clearly very persuasive.

So, there is dessert.
Two minutes.


I was lying before. The
fish, it was really good.

I know.


You don't believe me?


You want to see the scar?

What, here? No,
thank you.

I'm sorry about Fiona. She's
got kids. Needs to be up early.

I've got kids, too, so...

What about you, Neil? Children?

No chance. Uh-uh.

No, I value sleep,
time, happiness, style.

- You don't like responsibility.
- Not particularly.

Me too. Sometimes I just like
to get on my horse and off I go

- into the fields.
- Oh!

No plan, I just... go.

You ride.

Yeah. I ride.


Sorry, that's really very funny!


- Aah!
- Oh! Look at that.

Why, is that a problem?

Does it look like a problem?

Excuse me.

Who's that?

Some twat.



Is Tom here?


But you said he was coming over.

He changed his mind.
Said he didn't feel like going out.

Why not?

Dunno. Maybe you should
just go round and ask him.

I can't.

They've threatened to
call the police on me.

Thanks anyway.


have you got any wine?


- Who is he?
- What?


My son.

I found cigarettes in his room at
his dad's, where he also got drunk.

And now he's run away from me.

People don't just change overnight.

Or maybe I just...
never knew him.

You're his best friend.

What do you mean? He's...

Yeah, he's good.

What doesn't he tell me?

Normal stuff you wouldn't
want your mum to know.


Has he had sex?

Not really comfortable
talking about that stuff.

I'm not judging him, Max.

I just want to know.

- No, don't think so. Not yet.
- But he smokes?

Sometimes. At parties.
If other people are.

Does he drink a lot?

No. Just... normal.

- He like girls?
- Yeah.

Has he ever had a girlfriend?

- I've never seen him...
- No, not a girlfriend.

- But he's kissed girls.
- Course.

- Girls rather than boys.
- Yeah, girls. At parties or whatever.

Why's he gone to his dad's?

I dunno.

Has he threatened him?

Don't think so.

He's been to the doctor's.
Because he's not sleeping, apparently.

- Do you know why?
- No.

Well, maybe you should
talk about these things.

He says he doesn't love you.

When did he say that?

At school. Yesterday.

We were talking and,
yeah, that's what he said.

He used to.

He used to love me.

So, what's changed?

Thanks for the wine.

Hi, it's Tom. Leave a message.



♪ You don't have my number ♪

♪ We don't need each other now ♪

♪ The creed or the culture ♪

♪ We can move beyond it now ♪

♪ Are you even listening now? ♪

♪ Cos you don't have my number ♪

♪ We don't need each other now ♪

♪ You can't steal my thunder... ♪

- Thanks for the text!
- I didn't think you'd come!

I like you!

I like you, too!

♪ I don't need no-one now ♪

♪ And I don't need these city streets ♪

♪ The creed or the culture now ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

What are we doing?

What do you think?

Oh, OK.

Sorry, sorry, stop.

- I'm not up for this. Not here.
- Why not?

They might be my students.

- So, how amazing will you seem?
- Seriously.


Oh, OK. Seriously.

There is nothing
I want more than to...

It's not the offer.
It's the context.


- God, I love that!
- What?

Just how you talk.

Want to come back to mine?

What? No! This is good.

Look, maybe we should, er,
maybe we should call it a night?


Doesn't like sex in weird places.

You go home, if you want to.

You'll be all right?


I'll be amazing.


Breakfast tomorrow, though,


Oi! What are you doing?

I said what the f*ck are you doing?

Having the kind of night that
I haven't had in... 15 years.

God, I'm shitfaced.

I am desperate for another drink

and that's exactly how I want
to feel cos I haven't got a clue

what's going on in
my life at the moment.

I'm also a doctor
who's putting your mate

in the recovery position
so he doesn't die.

You don't look like a doctor.

No white coat.

You're hot.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You think I'm hot?

- Yeah, why not?
- Yeah? You want to suck me off?

- Do you want to f*ck me?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Then it's not your night.

- What?
- Take him home.



I know some...

I'm going to tell you something.

- Hi.
- Had a good night?

Simon's done something, and now
apparently my son doesn't love me.

Neil not back?

He won't be now. It's too late.

- Oh, you mean...
- He'll stay out.

I thought you'd agreed

- he wasn't going to do that any more.
- We did.

- I hope you got what you needed.
- Anna...

are you all right?

I'm going to stay up for a bit,

- do a few things.
- What things?

Big things.

Go to bed.


Hello, I'm Nigel from
Golding and Golding.

I believe your husband called
us about a valuation on your...

Well, you were never going
to make it to the café.

So I thought I'd deliver.
Croissants, fruits.

Could only find one
yoghurt. But we could share?


I haven't cleaned my
teeth yet this morning.

How are you?


You've been getting
drunk a lot recently.

I know.

Plates are in there.
Smoking, too.


I've started smoking again as well.

It's really bad.

This is what you're going
to have to deal with.

I'm not into emotional intimacy.

- That makes sense.
- I don't mean sex. I have sex.

Early part of this year there
was a guy called Charlie.

28. Really attractive.

- OK.
- Met in a café,

went back to his,
slept together.

But I loved that there
was no strings attached.

But then he started to
have feelings for me,

and wanted to talk about my life,
and I just wasn't into that. So...

- You broke up?
- I started paying him.

50 quid a time.

He didn't have much money,

and that made it clear
what the deal was about.

How did that work out?

We did it twice and then he texted
to say he thought it was insulting.

I didn't see him again.

Why are you telling me all this?

Essentially, I'm alerting you
to the fact that I thought I was just

about doing OK but then my husband
coming back has changed things.

It's really thrown me.

So maybe Tom's right to leave.

Messed-up Mum.

- I'm not put off by all this.
- You should be.

Because you're telling me.
You're being honest.

I just thought you ought to
know before you got too involved.

I think you're telling me
because it's time to change.

Change to what?
Sit down.

You miss Tom.
You want him to come home?

I want to make sure that
he takes care of himself.

And I would... very much like to have
a proper conversation with him.

Yes, of course I want him to come home.

Have you spoken to him about it?

- Not since he left. He won't answer.
- He loves you.

Thanks, but you really have
no idea what he feels about me.

Why are you interested in me?

Because most people would
make an excuse and run away,

and count themselves lucky.

You really don't have
to stay out of concern.

Change to what?

- I... I beg your pardon?
- Because things have changed.

Your husband's come back.
Your son's moved out.

So what do you do?
You keep everything the same?

You try and ignore it?
Or change?

What are you, like, a guru?

I'm a teacher. We're pretty
good at giving clear guidance,

- when required.
- Oh, f*ck you.

I would like that.

But not for money.

That might be the best I've ever had.

How about you?

Yeah, it was good.

Oh, God.

So... er...

Yeah, er, believe it or not,
he's... he's made the money.

Been very lucky by the sounds of it.

Kate's dad gave them
an amount, erm, he put it in

some American investment,
fracking, apparently.

Ah, he used the dividend
to fund the house,

to borrow against for the business.

His business partner called Mark,
who runs it with him. And then I...

I couldn't find out anything
more about Tom or why...

Or why...



When I got back this morning,
erm, she packed a bag for me.

Said it was over.
We'd made a commitment to each other,

I'd failed. She'd... she'd sort
my stuff and... and send it on.

I shouldn't have gone last night.
It's not your fault.

I don't know where I'm going to go.

You stay at mine.

I don't think that would help much.

Anyway I'm, er, I'm used to a hotel.

- She will get over this.
- She won't. Not now.

Sorry. Anyway, so that's,
erm, all I could find out.

No, it's useful.

Thank you.

Simon hates you.

Hates me, too. He knew what
he was doing last night.

He got me drunk and

when I woke up this morning
and realised what had happened

I knew she'd never forgive me again.

But, yeah, he hates you
and knows everything.

Someone's talking to him.

Is there anyone you don't trust?

The headache's still there.
Have you had the blood test back?

- One minute, please!
- Oh! Gemma.

I was just finishing up with Mr Ward...

Gordon, could you give us a moment?

She's about to tell me what's wrong.

- Honestly, I just...
- Doctor Lambert

will finish up properly in a moment,
if you just step outside.

You missed dessert,
did I do something wrong?

I checked your CV.

Simon, my ex-husband, did
economics at Warwick, same year.

You know him.

I don't think so.
I don't remember any Simons.

That wasn't a question.
You know him.

He said he'd spoken to some old friends,
but it was you, wasn't it?

- Talking about me.
- Gemma, I can't...

I could find out.
I could go on Facebook, check records.

I don't take well to
people who lie to me.

You can guess why.

All right, yes.

I know him from university
but not well.

The job came up, he lived nearby,
and I asked him about the area.

He said I should go for it, but
that his ex-wife was the senior GP,

wouldn't take it well if
I mentioned the connection,

and that she was leaving soon
anyway so there wasn't any point...

- Leaving?
- Yes, he said within a month

of him moving back,
you'd be gone.

So you want my job,
you're working with him to get rid of me?

- Don't be ridiculous.
- It's not!

Because you've been reporting back

- to my ex-husband...
- No, no, no!

On everything that I've been doing.

I have not been reporting back.

He calls and asks and
I tell him the truth.

- Get out.

- Er, being friends with your
boss's ex isn't,

as far as I know,
grounds for dismissal.

You don't need to work any notice.

Gem... Gemma, we didn't get on,
so maybe I wasn't hugely positive

about you with Simon to begin with,
but I always told him the truth.

And now that I've got to know
you, especially what I found out

yesterday, well, it's clear,
you're not the one with the problem.


Yes. Look, Gemma, last night
you wanted to know about Tom.

I wanted to know about you.
Now I do.

You're a good person
and an excellent doctor.

I hugely respect you.

And that's why in the end
I told you about Tom and not him.

After everything you said...

I get what you're up against.

And, well...

I very rarely feel the
need to apologise but...


So, what now?

- Drink, madam?
- No, thanks.

I'm so sorry, could you
excuse me for a moment?

Not here.

- Tom's coming home.
- Tom is home.

You've told him something.
Lied to him.

Why would you think that?
Because he's suddenly changed

- and it doesn't make sense.
- Well, now he's got all the facts.

What does that mean?

You look better than
when I last saw you.

I hope you had a good night.
What was it you wanted to say?

You shouted last night you
had something to tell me.

You know Sian.

You told her to apply for the job.

She saw it and asked me,
I thought it was a good opportunity...

You said when you came back
that I'd be gone within a month.

You will be.

What's your house worth
in the end? Did they say?

There is something I could tell you,

- that I know.
- Go ahead.

- It would hurt you.
- Go on, then.

I was watching your house last night

and saw Kate with a man that wasn't you.

Mark's her godfather.
Anything else?

Go home...

pack your things, and leave.

You're going to go away again and Tom...

Tom's going to come back
and live with me.

Or what?

Or I'll go to the lenders that
you've borrowed money from and

inform them of your mismanagement
of your previous business.

The "lenders".

Yeah. Did Neil get home
all right in the morning?

She was very attractive.
I hope they had a good time.

You wanted him to go off with her.
You knew that he promised Anna...

What Neil does is entirely up to him.

But on the other hand,
yes, of course.

He slept with my wife.

I really think you need to
see someone professional now.

Your eye's twitching.



- Yes, of course. 20 minutes.
- Who's that?

- It doesn't matter.
- Is it about Tom?

Was that what you wanted to tell me?

That you knew how I got the money,

the investment in the American company?

You didn't believe it, did you?


I thought you probably sent him
after me. Just turning up like that?

Not convincing. Fun night,
though. Compared notes on you.

- He said you weren't bad.
- Really?

For your age.

- Tom?
- Mate...

Tom's been in a fight.

Mr Foster, perhaps you'd
like to take a seat.

- Mum, I'm fine.
- Gemma.

What happened?

Well, we say a fight,
but from what witnesses are saying,

it was more like an attack.

Who att*cked him?

He att*cked another boy.

Max Gosford.

We're going to wait to
speak to Max's parents to see

whether they want to
involve the police.

- Mate...
- Let her finish.

But for now Tom's immediately excluded.

So he needs to go home
straight away. All right?
