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03x07 - 51%

Posted: 09/09/21 18:10
by bunniefuu
[cell phone ringing]


I'm on my way.

[cell phone ringing]


[Gordon] Hey. Sorry to wake you.

No problem. What's going on?

Three att*cks already tonight.

A dozen k*lled, twice that many injured.

None of the attackers
have any history of v*olence.

Just regular folk who went berserk.

They found inhalers at all the scenes.

They're putting
their drug on the street.

First Lady Vic, now this.

What the hell does Crane want?

What he's always wanted,

to create chaos through fear.

Please tell me this doesn't
have anything to do

with you and I working together.

No, it's not.

He was doing this way before us.

- That's why Batman put him away.
- Yeah.

Then we let him out again.

We'll put him back in... together.

From your lips.

I'll call you from the office.

[Jason] What the f*ck is that?

Did you switch from weed to acid?

I hope you're watching the news.

Looks like Gotham
had a real party tonight.

[Crane] I was wrong about you, Jason.

[sighs] I underestimated you.

Good work.

- You're not mad I stole your stash?
- Nah.

It's all good, man.

With this new machine, I got plenty.

I thought you might be pissed.

Anger is just fear
in a little black dress.

Now, my dude, you can relax.

I'm not the Batman.

Damn. Those att*cks
tonight were awesome.

Our partners don't think so.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

The heads of the Five Families
called an emergency meeting,

said they want to speak to Red Hood.

That's why I stopped by.

Got to fuel up.

Don't worry.

I'll show them who's boss.

[inhaler hissing]

[Jason coughing]

What did you put in that?

[objects clattering]

[choking, coughing]

Like I said, I'm not the Batman.

[theme music playing]

[Valeska] Come on. Go for
a walk with Constantine.

There you go. Goodbye, babies.

What the f*ck happened to your face?

Town went nuts last night.

Chick I was with did it.

She got hopped up on that shit
Red Hood's been slinging.

Wait. That's why you called this meet?

[Rafelson] God damn right.

Look, the Hood promised business.

Chaos isn't business.

All I've got is % loss of income,

a five-way split
on a piece of shit bank job,

and a face full of metal brads.

And whatever happened
to that truckload of gold?

[Crane] I took it.

[Valeska gasps]

Scarecrow? What the f*ck?

What are you doing here?

Take a wild guess.

Wait. You're behind Red Hood?

[Crane] That's right, Valeska.

Call it a social experiment.

You got a problem with that?

No, no. No problem at all, Doctor.

We had no idea this was your operation.

Guys, relax.

If I was going to gas you, you'd
already be laying on the floor,

peeling your skin off,
starting with your eyelids.


You remember, right?


So, why are you here?

[Crane] I'm here to reassure you.

Red Hood's chaos is by design.

Thanks to it, Batman has left the city,

the Titans are reeling,

and the city is desperate
for a solution,

which means we are ready
for the final phase.

Final phase of what?

The destruction of Gotham?

Because that's where we're headed.

[Crane] No, I want to help Gotham.

I've always wanted to help Gotham.

That was my plan two years ago,
when the Batman disrupted it.

And now I can finally see
my plans come to fruition.

I've designed a superior product,

and I've produced enough of it

to medicate this entire city,

placing them under our control.

You call this under control?

Well, you know, we've had
to tweak some of the dosage,

make it a little more happy,
a little less stabby.

Your basic instincts set free.

Free from restraint,
free from conscience.

That's what my drug offers, freedom.

And what is more addictive than that?

So you all want business,

and I want the distribution
for my product

at a premium price.

The good people of Gotham,

they just want a feel-good drug.

So we have Red Hood,
who will protect our operation.

And within hours, you'll all be
richer than your wildest dreams.

What do you need?

I'll let you know.

The battle for Gotham ends tonight.

Be ready.

[people clamoring on computer]

[d*ck] A dozen dead in under two hours.

Crane and Red Hood
were only doing a trial run.

Crane is weaponizing anybody
willing to take his drug.

It's turning people
into violent psychopaths.

- That's what he did with Jason.
- Jason's gone.

He's Red Hood now.

It's time we all accept what he is.

Now that Crane has the multiplier,

he's going to start
mass producing this drug.

This was the damage
after three inhalers,

imagine what happens with , .

Gotham will tear itself apart.

Did you do scans on the machine yet?

I tried to trace the multiplier's

heat and power signatures,
but so far, nothing.

It's like he's hidden it.

- Keep looking.
- Where are you going?

There's another computer.

The GCPD does this sort of thing.

A bit better hardware.

Why haven't we been using it?

Because it's illegal.

Well, if we're breaking laws,

I've got an unhappy
mobster to track down.

[Gordon] Just put it on the street.

Anybody caught with the drug
is caught with a m*rder w*apon.

- Got it.
- Thank you, Officer.

- Hey.
- Hey. Any luck?

That SPM machine Crane stole
is part of a city-wide ramp up.

He's in production.

So is that hundreds or dozens of doses?

Thousands. On the streets by tonight.


That machine has
a searchable heat signature,

but the Bat Computer can't see it.

We need something
that can see a little deeper.

[sighs] No. Don't even ask.

Oracle's our only hope.

Bruce couldn't stop Scarecrow
until he used Oracle.

And then the NSA
slapped an injunction on us,

and I don't really
feel like going to jail.

They'll never know.

That sounds like something
Bruce would say.

If we don't use it,
more people are gonna die.

You and I both know that.

I promised myself I wouldn't.

You didn't get rid of it, did you?

Why not?

Because I imagined
a moment in the future

so terrible that we might need it.

That moment, we're here.

[Oracle] Access verified.

Gordon Barbara Gail.

You have company.
Identification requested.


Grayson Richard John.

Hello, d*ck.

Hello, Oracle.

My condolences for the loss
of Mr. Todd, and Mr. Hall,

and Mr. Wayne's sudden departure.

I see you've updated your data systems.

As is my protocol upon reactivation.

Is there anything I can do
for you, Mr. Grayson?

The two you would like some time alone?

Commence search, Dr. Jonathan Crane.

Of course. One moment.

Public communication, negative.

Would you like to search
private communications?

- [Gordon] No.
- Yes.

Invalid answer.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

Of course. One moment.

[overlapping chatter]

[woman] Because I never said that.

[man ] Get off my phone.

[man ] ... kept f*cking
begging me, and I was like,

shut the f*ck up already!

[voices clamoring]

- [Crane] By tonight. Is it pure?
- That's Crane.

[man] Yeah, man, it's pure.

[Crane] Good. Bollinger Avenue.

I'll be there in six minutes.

[man] On my way.

d*ck, wait.

I'll tell you what I find.

Hey, Conner. Bollinger Avenue.

Meet me there.

[Oracle] Your heart rate is elevated.

You seem upset, Barbara.

Would you like to share your thoughts?

Command, sleep.

[Oracle] Of course.

[grunting softly]

I pity you, Jason.

You were reckless,

and you were impatient last night.

And you acted out of fear,
not out of strength.

You see, you're still afraid
of d*ck Grayson.

And I failed you.

I failed you as a teacher.

But here's today's lesson.

You know how I broke Batman?

It wasn't with fear,
it was with patience.

I'm going to show you
that you don't need to go

running around Gotham,
trying to destroy the Titans,

you can just sit back and watch

as the Titans destroy themselves.

Great idea to track down
this crime boss.

How ever did you come up with it?

When's Grayson showing up?

He's not.

d*ck's parents were m*rder*d
by a Gotham crime family.

- He won't work with mobsters.
- Hmm. Selfish of him.

Some crimes can't be forgiven.

Oh. But you're bigger than that.

You're well of forgiveness is deep.

Here you are with me,

m*rder*r of our parents,

for the good of a city
you don't even like.

You never asked me why I did it.

I know why.

- Really?
- Yeah. Power.

They had it, you took it.
Simple as that.

I wish it was.

- They left me with very narrow choices.
- Hmm.

You were forced into it.

Father used to say
that sometimes in life

the right choices were only a little
better than the wrong ones.

He called it the % rule.

If your choice was % good

and % bad, then you take it.

I hope you reminded him of that
while you were k*lling him.

- I'll do the talking in there.
- As you wish.

- Uh, boss.
- Yeah?

What happened to your nose?

Valeska Nox.

- My name is...
- Fire-star or something, right?

Yeah, I've seen you on television.

Go home. Fix your face.

Can I offer you ladies a drink?

Oh, I hope you realize
you're trespassing,

I should call the authorities,

I feel unsafe.

I'm not your enemy.

Not today.

I hear you're having second thoughts
about Red Hood and Jonathan Crane.

Never heard of either.

Miss Nox, don't bullshit me.

Partnering with someone like
Crane only takes you one way.

From what I hear, you're smart
enough to understand that.

Tell us where they're hiding,
and we'll make them go away.

But if you can't,
all this comes back on me.

What guarantees do I have?

Well, Valeska, life is a risk.

You help us now,

and we owe you a favor.

You don't help us,

and when we find Crane and Red Hood
anyway, our next stop will be you.

Believe that.

You don't talk much.

Hmm. Boss's orders.

[Valeska] Here's the deal, superhero.

You want to know about
Red Hood and Crane?

They're making moves tonight.

I can help you stop them,
but I need something first.

Trust is earned.

What do you want?


I need you to bring something
back to me that I lost.

Something personal.


Maybe. Can you scan it?

[Conner] It's covered in lead.
I can't see through it.

All right, knuckle up.
You take the right side.

[muffled grunting]

He knew we were coming.

[device beeping]

Oh, shit.

You're gonna be okay.

Defuse it.

- [timer beeping]
- [heart beating]

- Conner?
- It's been modified.

I can't defuse it. d*ck, you have to go.

- [man grunting]
- What?

There's no time.

- What are you talking about?
- d*ck, there's no time!


[breathing heavily]

That van was a trap.

Who gave you this address?

Someone I should have known
better than to trust.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey. What happened?

[d*ck] Crane is in Oracle.
He tried to k*ll us.

- It was a setup.
- That's impossible.

Hello, Commissioner.

[d*ck] I don't know how
he got in, but he got in.

- We can use this.
- Use?

d*ck, you could have died.

[d*ck] Yeah, but I didn't. We can
talk about it more in person.

I'm on my way.

[Crane] g*dd*mn.

Gordon's pretty when she's scared.

She knows we're in there.

[Crane] Well, duh. It's not what
they know, it's what they do.

How predictable are the righteous.


[Oracle] Yes, Commissioner Gordon.

How do I destroy you?

Check and mate.

Even the Batman needed
the Oracle to defeat me.

They had one w*apon and now...

You made them destroy it.

You're learning.

[tools whirring]

Mr. Nox?

[man] Sorry, you got the wrong guy.

I don't think we do, Michael.


You're Starfire.

Your mother sent us.

My mother?

What, she's hiring superheroes now?

[Kory] No, she's not hiring us,

she's helping us.

Part of the deal
is bringing you back home.

Not a chance.

No, I'm done with her.

Parents are such a burden, aren't they?

She wants to protect you.

You see what's happening in Gotham.

I know she's no saint,
but she's your mother.

There's no running away from that.

Look, we are our family,

even if we don't want to be.

This is f*cking crazy.

Look, no matter what she is,

you're safer with her than you are here.

Things are gonna get real
nasty in Gotham, trust me.

And I don't think your friends here

are going to be able to protect
you from what's coming.

I left for a reason, okay?

You don't know her. You
don't know what she does...

who she is.

Then don't be. Be better than her.

Help me save Gotham.

I'm not gonna force you to come with us,

but I am asking you...


[sighs] Come on, Jason,
how do I find you?

[mimicking Jason]
Yeah, butthead, figure me out.

[in normal voice] Could've at
least cleaned your damn room.

Sorry I didn't cram it full of
pinball machines and cat food.

What were you hiding?

[mimicking Jason]
Get out of my stash, narc.

[in normal voice] Narc.


Would you look at that.

Juvie :

Always have two stashes

just in case one gets compromised.

[chuckles softly]


[sighs] It's completely inaccessible?

[Gordon] Yeah.

To us and to Crane.

He hacked the system.

He knew that we knew.

So, I decided that any attempt

to manipulate the situation
would be pointless.

We could have manipulated
Crane using Oracle.

It was right there in front of us.

You had it destroyed. Why?

He tried to k*ll you.

I was afraid that he might
actually be successful next time.

I don't need you to protect me, okay?

Be stronger than that.

Excuse me.

Your fear of this machine
cost us the one lead we had.

If you can't keep
your emotions in check,

then you can't help me.

Why are you pushing me away?

Because you're getting in the way.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Forget it.

Look, if you want to do this like Bruce,

fine. But you're not doing it alone.

Crane isn't smarter
than both of us combined.

So, we go analog.

We think.

Unless you want
to be emotional about it.


Any ID on the guy in the van?

DNA came up clean.
He's not in the system.

License plate's clean, too.

[sighs] Crane doesn't k*ll randomly.

He needed the victim for something.

He has the multiplier. He has the drug.

What else does he need?


He'll need to pull a huge amount

to run the machine, right?

And he'll need someone
to help him hide it.

Missing person's report filed yesterday

by a woman married to a foreman
at Gotham Electric.

That's it. That's him.

That's the guy from Van. Dennis Feeg.

Vee, I need you to run a name for me.

I thought I was clear
about what I needed.



I only came because Starfire...

What a surprise.

[breath trembling]

He was working for the FBI.

Became a liability.

I didn't have a choice.

I promised him he would be safe.

[breathing shakily]

Never make promises you can't keep.

Speaking of which,

you did your part. I'll do mine.

I'll tell you what I know about Crane.

I like to shake on my deals.

Fair enough, Titan.

I'm not only a Titan.

I'm a Queen.

[intense music playing]




- Don't what?
- Don't say, "I told you so".

I know we needed Valeska's intel.

I know I screwed up.

Koriand'r, you were right
to do what you did.

That rage you feel right now?

I felt that the day
I k*lled our parents.

Perhaps now is the time to tell you why.

After you stopped Trigon,
you didn't come back home.

You cut off communication
and stayed on Earth.

The people of Tamaran were angry.

Why was their beloved Starfire
not returning to rule?

So they blamed me.

The cursed child.

I must have driven you away

so that I can take
the throne for myself.

There were riots.

Calls for my head.

They thought that by k*lling me,

it would bring you back.

And mother and father,

they saw a way to restore peace...

and maintain power.

All they had to do was

sacrifice their lesser daughter.

They decided that % was
good enough for them, too.

I had no choice, Koriand'r.

Because they never gave me one.

Why did you come to Earth?

I thought that if I took the throne,

it would help me unify Tamaran.

But Tamaran hates me.

I came to Earth to convince you
to rule by my side...

even though I knew
you would never forgive me.

I'm not even sure you believe me now.

But it's the truth.

[door creaks open]

[man] So Bogey pooped twice, but Evie,

she must've eaten cheese or something,
because she is all gummed up.

[dogs barking and panting]

[dogs whimpering]

[d*ck] This place has access
to the main power grid?

- That's what Vee says.
- [d*ck laughs]

Why do I get the feeling
Vee's never wrong?

[chuckling] 'Cause she's not.

[d*ck chuckles]

Looks like Dennis's co-worker

wasn't on board with Crane's plan.

Matthew Fasano.

This says he's
the sub-station's manager.

Are the distribution logs there?

[Gordon] Got 'em.

Look for any small
percentage changes in the grid.

Things that normally wouldn't
flag the system.

[Gordon] Right here.

Got % off of sub-stations.

Barely noticeable on its own.

Yet an enormous amount of power overall.

That's why Conner couldn't find

the multiplier's power signature.

Crane was hiding it.

Where's it going?

[Gordon] Conroy District.

There. But I can only narrow it down

to a -block radius.

- We'll have to check every building.
- Let's go.



We have a new problem.

[Kory] Talk to me.

We tracked Crane in the Conroy District,

but we don't know what building.

His machine goes hot
in less than an hour.

I already know.
I was about to call Barbara.

Look, mob contact, Valeska Knox,

she gave Crane supplies
in the Red Hood deal.

You made a deal with the mob?

A deal would be overstating it. [sighs]

Look, this Valeska woman,

she sent Crane a shipment of...

What was it again?

- [softly] Freon.
- Louder.

- Freon.
- Thank you.

Does that help narrow it down?


Air-conditioning coolant.


- Victor who?
- [d*ck] Victor Freeze.

I know exactly where Crane is.

[Conner] I just talked to d*ck.

Team's gotta head out.

Just wanted to...

check in on you.

Oh. Don't worry.

It's just that stuff you squirt
on everything you eat.

That's not ketchup.

What? You have molecular
vision or some shit?

No, but I can see, that's not Ketchup.

You okay?

I'm fine.

[footsteps approaching]

[Starfire] Time to go.

You guys have fun without me.

Not so fast.

I wasn't there for you...

when you needed me most.

I'm sorry.

Well, too late to change the past.


But not the present.


Our parents never
really gave you a chance.

Maybe I should.

What are those?

A bit of Tamaranean technology.

[heroic instrumental music playing]

[speaking foreign language]

You, uh...

[clearing throat] You look good.

[indistinct chatter]

- [circus music playing softly]
- _



You're about to see
what winning feels like.

[Rafelson] This is
what we've been waiting for.

If Crane can get the whole city hooked

and we have the product,

it's a new day.

I'll believe it when I see it.

You don't have to piss yourself.

Didn't you hear? The Bat left Gotham.

[engine starts]

[guard groans]

- He's here.
- What?

[guard groans, screams]

[guard ] This way. I heard something.


[guard ] What the...

[Nightwing] Over here, fellas.

- sh**t 'em.
- [rapid g*nf*re]



- [Nightwing grunting]
- [guards groaning]

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Yep. Stand back.

[Starfire grunts]

No, no, no. No, this is all wrong.

No. No!

[guard ] Huh?


It's all over.

Not yet.

[guard ] We got her! Light her up!

Okay. I see how Earth can be fun.

[chuckles softly]

[Krypto growling]

[guards groaning]

Not bad.

You're not so bad yourself.

Let's see.

X-ray vision, super-hearing,

I'm wondering
what other skills you have.

I'd love to show you sometime.

All clear.

Let's check the exits.
They're on the move.

Don't worry.

We'll find Jason.

[Crane] Have no fear, my boy.

I'll get 'em back.

I always get 'em back.

[rock music playing]

[all laughing]

- One more?
- [Gordon] Um...

I think one's my limit. Thanks, though.


Three hundred thousand
nebulizers destroyed tonight.

His whole operation.

And dozens of Gotham's mobsters in jail.

And a few in the hospital,
thanks to Krypto.

[Conner] Not a bad night.

It will be better when we
bring down Crane and Jason.

They're on the run now.
They're getting sloppy.

That's when we win.

But good work. Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


I'm gonna hit the road.

Back at it tomorrow.

I'll see you out.

Um, I know the way. It's okay.

You kids have fun.

- Goodnight.
- [Kory] Goodnight.


[Kory] This might sound insane,

but I am dying for some ice cream.

Did anyone think to grab some
when we were at Snowy Cones?


Maybe DoorDash.

Couple gallons of Rocky Road?

I can beat DoorDash.

Thanks, Conner.

You know what? Save me some.

[footsteps approaching]

[chuckles softly]

I thought you said you were leaving.

I thought I was.

[d*ck chuckles]

The other night at my place,

when you left...

you didn't want to leave, did you?



'Cause I didn't want you to.

You're gonna give me a chance to answer?

[chuckling] Sorry.

Guess I'll take that second beer now.

The beers might have to wait a minute.

[doorknob rattling]

[door creaks open]

- [g*n cocking]
- [woman] It's : am.

Who the f*ck are you?

[Gar] Hi. Um, Molly?

I'm Gar Logan.

You might know me from the Titans.

Uh, you wrote this letter to Jason Todd

saying you wanted to help him.

So do I.

[lock clicking]

[door opens]

♪ Baby, you understand me now ♪

♪ If sometimes you see that I'm mad ♪

♪ Don't you know no one alive
can always be an angel? ♪

♪ When everything goes wrong
you see some bad ♪

♪ But I'm just a soul
whose intentions are good ♪

♪ Oh, Lord, please don't
let me be misunderstood ♪

♪ You know sometimes, baby
I'm so carefree ♪

♪ With a joy that's hard to hide ♪

♪ And then sometimes again ♪

♪ It seems that all I have is worry ♪

♪ And then you're bound
to see my other side ♪

♪ But I'm just a soul
whose intentions are good ♪

♪ Oh, Lord, please don't
let me be misunderstood ♪

♪ If I seem edgy ♪

♪ I want you to know ♪