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02x08 - Mercy

Posted: 09/09/21 10:46
by bunniefuu
(eerie music plays)

(energy crackles)

(music stops)

It's not supposed to be like this.

(jail door clanks shut)


(knocks on door)

- MAN: It's time.
- (gasps)

- (ticking)
- (panicked breathing)

This can't happen. I...

- (whirs)
- I saw him,

the one who ends it all.

It's up to me to stop him.

He isn't alone!

They are f*cking coming,

and everything will end!

You don't understand.

- Listen. (wheezes)
- ♪

It was happening. It
was finally happening.

It was coming... at last, but...

Hey! No, wait.

That... Don't do that.

They are ready, all of them.

Stop. You can't do that.

Stop. Wait.

You can't f*cking k*ll me.

(breathing shallowly)

(breathing stops)

♪ ♪

(theme music playing)

(engine stops)

- (keys jingle)
- (church bells tolling)


(phone rings)

MEGAN (on voicemail): This is Megan.
You know the drill.


Megan, it's me. Answer your damn phone.

I just want to know that you're okay.
Call me back.

(beeps, clicks)

(breathes shakily)

(door opens)

WOMAN (on PA): Nurse's aide,
report to station three.

Available nurse's aide to station three.

♪ ♪

Excuse me, ma'am. I need your help.

I'm sorry, sir.

Wait, wait, wait.

Look, I just need your help. Okay?

Unless you want me to use this hand.

ANDERSON: The man in that
room is a prisoner of w*r.

- Yeah, my prisoner.
- ANDERSON: And what w*r are you fighting, huh?

What do you want from him?

I mean, if you've got a secret
battle plan, I'd love to hear it.

God, if you didn't have your
head so far up your ass,

you'd see that we still
want the same thing.

Fine. Then only one of us needs to
go in there and speak with Sidney.

Except I don't approve of your methods.

- My methods?
- Yeah.

No, I know him. I've faced him before.

- And tried to burn him alive, I heard.
- Oh.

Look, you may have faced Sidney,

but we have suffered like he has.

Every one of us here was like him once.

- And every one of you is saved.
- (sighs)

Sidney will never see that. It's
too late for him, and he knows it.

He won't rise to your compassion.

I know that. I'm not stupid.

I still think he can
be some sort of asset,

and I'll never find out how if you
are in there screwing with him.

WOMAN: I really wish you
would let me wear gloves.

Yeah, I bet you do.

I didn't scrub up.

- The risk of infecting you...
- Don't worry about me.

No gloves means you'll be careful.



Ah! (breathes shakily)

- (clatters)
- How long has it been?

It's too late.

You can't change me.

Change? I don't wanna...
I wanna help you.

- (clatters)
- What you've been doing doesn't help us.

Just keep stitching.

- (chattering)
- (bell dings)

- MAN: Order up!
- (Blake coughing)

PARK: Be a shame if you choked to death

- after all the trouble I went to.
- BLAKE: Mmm.

It is good to be alive. Again.

Oh, you were never really dead,

but the sodium thiopental
made it look close enough.

Mm. Whatever. It's a neat trick.

PARK: It's all about friends
in the right places.

Still, the fact remains...

we are dying and far too quickly.

Dr. Feelgood, bringing the party down.

I feel fine. Better than fine.

PARK: 'Cause you seem
to be the exception.


From nearly the moment
you arrived here,

you were in solitary confinement.

Isolated from the world.

- It made you different.
- No shit.

I nearly lost my f*cking mind.

What I mean is... you are pure.


Which gives us a unique opportunity

to study why we're dying.


You saved me so I could be a guinea pig?

I'm looking for an associate...

in fighting the inevitable.

So we all live long enough
to make sure the...

great Merge comes down.

Why think so small, hmm?

After the Merge, our kind
will avoid extinction.

We'll be able to survive
here, but wouldn't...

wouldn't you rather live here?

Free to be who you are
for as long as you like?

That is... dangerous talk... Doc.

♪ ♪

I have some unfinished business first.

♪ ♪

Barnes. You need to come with me.

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Ah!

- Let go of me! Where's my mother?
- (both grunt)

What'd you do with her?

WOMAN: Hey! Someone call Security.

TUTTLE: Quit being an assh*le! Ah!

(birds chirping, cawing)

SIDNEY: I'm not sure you're
supposed to be in here.

I'm sure.

Don't imagine you've
got any smokes on you.

- (coughs)
- Of course not.

You're on the way out.

(sighs) Aren't we all?

- (rustles)
- Not all destined for the same place.

The knife that Aaron used on Patricia

came from her kitchen...

- but it might as well have been this one here.
- (clinks)

Now... Reverend.

ANDERSON: This one's tasted
blood too, I imagine.


I haven't seen him around for a while.

And my own.

I did that to steer you away.

I was trying to do you a favor.

Well, I thank you kindly.

Not that you'd never relied on fear,

threatening some terrible retribution...

fire, brimstone, eternal torment.

And then in front of God...

and the people of Rome...

you made me eat shit.

But I do see your point.

You and I...

we are alike.

Let me show you how alike we've become.


- (Sydney screaming)
- (wind whistling)

(engine stops)

(dogs barking)

(police radio chatter)

- (handcuffs clicking)
- GILES: I didn't say, "Cuff him."

TUTTLE: He resisted.

- What's going on, Chief?
- GILES: Ex-chief.

But loyalty does still mean
something to some people.

I asked Officer Tuttle here to
act as your guardian angel.

(police radio chatter)



(car door opens)

- (door shuts)
- (engine starts)

How'd you know I came back?

Bob told me you didn't
leave with your family.

I took that to mean you
decided to stay and fight.

I've been looking through this.

I think my father was trying to split the
town into people that he knew were taken

and people he knew weren't,

trying to figure out who
he could still trust.

Sure... years ago.

What good does that do you now?

I think he had the right idea.

Know your enemies, and your allies.

I say we figure out who in
the town hasn't been taken,

and we tell 'em what's going on.

We tell 'em to group up and that...

I'll come and help
when they get changed.

- It's a lot to swallow.
- Not as much as it was before.

They were at that town meeting.

They know something's going on.

- I can't.
- Chief.

I almost k*lled you.

- That wasn't you.
- f*ck that excuse.

It was me.

I should've been stronger.
I should've fought harder.

Don't matter how hard you
fight, no one's that strong.

That's why we gotta help each other.

There he is, big as life.

The lock was all rusted up, so I
had to cut it off with a saw.

You ready to do some shopping?

All right.

All right, now aside from the AKMs,

the Beretta AR s, and the Daewoos,

over here I got your magnesium flares...

stun grenades...

and toe poppers still packed
in the DOD Bubble Wrap.

This... isn't how we fight them.

Well, good luck and God bless us all,

but me and Rosie, we're gonna dig in.

They come after us, they're
gonna get a fight.

I need to protect what's mine.

- (country music playing)
- Here you go.

- Thank you.
- You good, hon?

- All right.
- (chattering)

- We good here? I'll take that.
- (billiard balls clacking)

- Another one?
- Oh, at least.

(chuckles) Been here long?

Born here, been here,
can't wait to leave here.

Why? You got a suggestion?

Where I've been living,
with your tits and ass,

you wouldn't have made it to lunchtime.

No. I was asking...

how long since you've been here?

I'm looking for Kyle Barnes or the
preacher he hangs around with, Anderson.

- I've never seen 'em, either of 'em.
- Hey.

That doesn't mean you don't know.

When I got here, it was with
everything we all knew...

and I'm sure you came with even more.

Every one of us knows more
than we've seen, right?

Are you crazy? He's Outcast.

I've never seen one over here, but
he lays a hand on you, it's over.

Yeah. Well, he laid hands on me,
and I'm here drinking beer.

Then, I'm told I'm different. (chuckles)

♪ ♪

(music continues, muffled)

- (unzips)
- (gasps, whimpers)

- Hey.
- (grunts)

I don't know if I mentioned
how important this is to me,

but it is a big f*cking deal.


- (gasps)
- Let's try again.

I need you to use that big
collective memory of ours, huh?

♪ ♪


- Oh.
- Come in, come in.

I just...

I was wondering if there was
a doctor out here with you.

You're sick?

I'm pregnant...

and I haven't been feeling right...

not like... when I had Holly.

I know. I know it's stupid...

When did this happen?

I mean, were you pregnant, um...

- When that thing got inside me?
- Yeah.

- Do you think it could've...
- No, no, I'm sure it's fine.

I'm sure it's fine. It's fine.

Hey, listen, we've got a midwife.
We don't have a doctor,

but she's the best of the best.
Never lost a baby or a mother.

Come on, nobody goes to the
hospital anymore anyway.

It's all, you know, home
births in hot tubs.

- I'll think about it.
- Good.

MEGAN: Thank you.

(coughs, gasps)

What is it you want to know?

ANDERSON: Oh, lots of things.

I wonder if I'll ever see my boy again.

If his mother still thinks
I'm a narcissistic assh*le.

But from you, Sidney...

well, there's nothing
more you can tell me.

So this was just... to see me bleed.

You know, most...

men of religion who wear a hat
do so out of respect for God.

But I see a black hat...

well, that just means trouble.

Superstition and religion.

They're kissing cousins, you know.

- Because they both require belief.
- No.

They both require me.

My kind.

(chuckles) Instead of cutting me up...

you should be bowing down.


I may have cut too deep. You're beginning
to sound a little lightheaded.

Superstition didn't bloom
into the word of God...

till we got here.


Cutting me again won't change the truth.

Think about it.

Demonic possession.

Church got that one half right.

Talking in tongues,
speaking for the dead.

That was all us.

And our arrival here was
seen as diabolical.

f*ck off.

And then Christ arrived here, too.

Sent for us...

to seek and save the lost.


given all you know now...

what you've seen...

anyone taken to be a messiah...

could only have been one of us.

And that night...

in front of the crowd...

you were right...

I am the Devil...

every bit as much as I am God...

and every ramshackle deity in between.

(birds chirping)

(clears throat)

♪ ♪

BLAKE: Excuse me. Is
this the Barnes' place?

That's what the mailbox says.

Is Kyle Barnes here?
Or Reverend Anderson?

Are you a friend of Kyle's?

I know most of his friends.

(clears throat) Uh, he saved my life...
he and the reverend.

I would not be standing here
today if it wasn't for them.

They, what...

pulled you out of a burning
building or something?


Forget it.

- What's your name?
- I'm sorry to bother you.

Were you... were you...


- possessed?
- BLAKE: I was, yes.

Yeah, the reverend told me the...

spirit of the Lord brought me to him,

and it was his duty to
"bind the broken-hearted

and release from the
darkness the prisoner."

That's who I was. I was a prisoner...

until the reverend and Kyle saved me.

My brother's gone. He left town,

but I'll pass on your
thanks to the reverend.

Hey. You know where he is then.

♪ ♪

(engine rumbling)

(engine stops)

I already know what's inside.



Go ahead. Get yourself a good look.

Thirty years ago, your father
coaxed it out of ol' Helen

that... she was rooting out the beacons

and changing 'em. Simon found 'em.

Eight of 'em.

♪ ♪

They were alive, but they weren't.

All beacons, like him.

Like you.

Why? Why would she do this?

Simon thought Helen was...
hobbling the beacons.

She needed their light, just couldn't
be bothered with the human parts.

- (whirring)
- (muffled screams)

But you said he found them alive.

What are they doing here?

We worried that having them
all together was dangerous,

too much light in one place.

I said we should split 'em up.

I went to move 'em.

- (g*nshots)
- He said it was the only way we could be sure,

they wouldn't bring a flood of 'em over.

But how the hell could he do that?

They were beacons like him.

He said it was a mercy.

Maybe it was.

It's the last he and I ever spoke.

♪ ♪

- (can hisses)
- (car approaching)

Well, that didn't take too long.


(engine stops)


- Hey.
- Hey.

Maybe you can help me unload the car.

(vehicle approaches)

(engine stops)

Can I help you?

Hello. Blake. Morreau.

Um, Oscar.

He was...

He suffered, like the rest of us.

And I was saved.


Who's in there?

Open the door! Come on! Reverend?

Damn it. I know it's you! Come on!
We agreed you'd stay out of there!

- (kicks door)
- ANDERSON: We did, and I reconsidered.

What are you doing to him?

ANDERSON: What should've
been done a while ago.

What is this, revenge?
Are you having fun?

You just stay out there

praying, singing, waiting
for your messiah.

(scrapes, thuds)

I got this.

(pounds) Damn it!



BLAKE: Oh ho! Not bad!

One out of two!

I'm Blake. I'm new here.

Me too.

Oh wow. Cool stuff.

It's just a bunch of old kid crap.

This was my Uncle Kyle's. It's
like a million years old.

(laughs) Then I must be a million,

because I had one exactly like it.

- Your Uncle Kyle, is he here?
- No.

Let's try again.

You wanna sight along the arrow.

No, no.

Well... yeah.

A little lower. A little lower.

There you go.

OSCAR: Hey. Hey!

Ho! Hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Can I help you?
- (engine stops)

I'm here for a friend of
mine, Reverend Anderson.

And who are you, friend?

- Kyle?
- Megan.

What the hell are you doing here?

OSCAR: You're Kyle Barnes?

I'm sorry. I... I didn't know.

(people chattering)

Giles told me I could find Rev out here.

He's around. He brought us here.

We needed to find our own place.

- At a church?
- It's not like that.

They're all like me. They
were possessed, and then...


(chattering continues)


By who?

Oscar, come with me.

- MEGAN: Dakota, this is...
- I know who he is.

You're coming too.


ANDERSON: I told you I
don't need any help!

Rev, it's me.


♪ ♪

Oh my God.

- How'd you find him?
- We found him.


Was it productive?

Well, it made me feel better.

So, it was about revenge.

ANDERSON: No, it's about
sending a message.

Just hoping it gets back to
them that we won't go lightly.

The light that we worship is about
more than what frees us from them.

It's what makes us better than them.

It's all f*cking words!

You sit around here, afraid to...
to lead these people...

waiting for somebody with
the light to protect you.

Well, there he is!

Your wait's over.


how's this gonna do us any good?

I suppose we're gonna find out.

- (bow snaps)
- BLAKE: Yes!

Take that, Joe-Joe!

- (both laugh)
- Thanks.

You know, when I was little,
I used to call him Reddo,

'cause of his red hair.

But I'm not little anymore.

What if I told you...

I ran away?

To fight the bad guys.

To become a soldier... like Reddo.

Could that be our little secret? Okay?


Can grownups even do that,
run away from home?

Oh, kid...

adults do all kinds of crazy shit.


I've heard "shit" before.

Please don't tell your mom.

It's her favorite word.

What? (tsks)

Megan, Megan, Megan.

She'll say it's not true,

but she lies about a lot of things.

Oh yeah? Like what?

She says she likes carrots,
but she doesn't, really.

She cries at movies.

She barfs every morning
and says she didn't.

- For real?
- Yeah.

She cried when ET died.

Well, who didn't? I mean, we
all loved that little shit.


- (crickets chirping)
- (frogs croaking)

- MEGAN: Dot?
- DOT: Yes.

I'm Megan. Dakota said
you'd be expecting me.

DOT: Oh. Come in.

(owl hooting)

Normal. Good girl.

Good to be normal again.

Do you remember how
it happened with you?

I'm sorry.

Is it okay to ask that?

I never got to see who it was
that took it out of me...

but I hope to soon.

It's gonna be a boy. I'm
not wrong about this.

Do you have a sixth sense
about those things? (laughs)

DOT: I believe it's a test.

Having boys?

God has chosen us to fight His holy w*r.

What's in this again?

Folic acid, cotton root
bark, blue cohosh.

I'll... I'll just wait till
I see a doctor-doctor.

It's a vitamin. It's good for you.

Take it.

I think I'll go now.

♪ ♪


DOT: We're the chosen ones...

(distorted) but we have to be pure.

Now, the evil was taken out of you,

but might have left its seed behind.

That was rude.


- (jazz music playing)
- (silverware clinking)


(vehicle approaching)


It's delicious.


(dog barking)

♪ ♪

(shouts) Who's out there?

You saw the signs!

I can legally sh**t you,
and I am a g*n nut.

NUNEZ: You can't hide in there forever.

Get the f*ck off my property, Nunez!

As long as you're walking free,
people are gonna keep looking to you,

ask for help. We can't have that.

You keep walking, and
you're gonna be sorry.

NUNEZ: They said even
before you made chief

you were an honest cop.

- I don't think you'd ever sh**t an officer of the law.
- (door creaks)

Bring your wife. It'll be
easier when the time comes.

You keep a'coming...

I'm not gonna be responsible.

We can keep her safe.

You've been warned.

So have you.



- (g*nf*re)
- (yelps)

(water trickling)


Break a bone, you keep
thrashing around like that.

Just relax.

f*ck... you.

It's not your fault, honey.
You're just too Pollyanna

to realize the danger here.

Dakota is just like you.

- (grunting)
- If it offends thee,

pluck it out.

- (muffled screams)
- (pounding on door)

This is a private consultation!

(pounding continues)


- (thuds)
- (clatters)

- Here! Here!
- (door handle rattles)

- (door bangs)
- DOT: Private consultation!

She's trying to take the baby!

I'm trying to make you right!

Make yourself right!

(Megan coughing)

You're not clean.

- That thing is still inside of you.
- (coughing continues)

- (laughs)
- (gasps)

- (grunts)
- (yelps)

- (grunting)
- (gasping)

This'll be our little secret, okay?

(Blake panting)

(frogs croaking)

(crickets chirping)



I guess that makes us even, Rosie.

To them things...

- we must be as bad as Bonnie and Clyde.
- (faucet runs)

- (faucet stops)
- Hey, Rosie?

I said between the two of us...

Oh. Oh, Rosie.

Is everything all right?

Hard to say.

It all depends on what we gotta do next.



There are people out there in
Rome who still don't know.

And look, you and your followers can
go out there and explain it to 'em.

Not everyone'll believe.

ANDERSON: Some will.

Enough will.

And those that do, tell 'em if they're
afraid, they can come out here.

That way I can get to 'em
quick if something happens.

- Okay.
- (Sidney laughs)

Such f*cking hypocrites.

Man of God, caring for his human flock.

And you, Kyle...

trying so hard to stop the Merge.

Look at the people around you.

Not us. The vicious, scheming,
deplorable monsters

born here, raised here.

(coughs) This man I merged with...

he's a blight.

He had an appetite for...

taking lives.

Young lives.


There's seven billion
people on this Earth.

How many others like him? Hmm?

How many more monsters?

You should thank me.

Me and all the travelers like me.

You can help us.

You can help us change this world.


I just came from the
grave of eight people...


by a traveler like you...

and now my mother's gone missing.

Something like that gonna happen to her?

(scoffs) What makes you
think it was one of us?

One man's tactic...

is another man's pleasure.

Pleasure? So, is that what
Helen DeVere was after

when she rounded up eight beacons...

and destroyed them?

I don't think so.

It was that thing inside of her.

It drilled into their heads.

Not enough to k*ll 'em.

That thing wanted those people alive.

(chuckles) She didn't want them dead.

She needed to...

strip away the...

the human in their heads.


(chuckles) She... She
gathered them together

to purify them.



Let it all out.

Tell me, what do you mean by "purify"?


- MAN: It's not by the book.
- (teenager scoffs) Weird is what it is.

- I was thinking the same thing.
- (chuckles)

So, when we agreed to this meeting,

we assumed...

Sidney would be here.

Especially since he assured us
that he was onto something.

Sidney's been blowing
smoke up your asses.

With all due respect.

I, however, am not.

So, you're pushing a new plan.

That... sounds like mutiny.


That implies a difference of opinion
between crew and commander.

Well, actually, it means "a rebellion
against lawful authority."

Someone's been doing their homework.
Good for you. Good for you.

No, what I propose is
simply a change of plan.

- TEENAGER: To bring on the Merge.
- (pounds)

f*ck the Merge!

♪ ♪

No. No, to finally crawl
out of the shadows...

to stay alive here and run roughshod

over a world we have been hiding from.

f*ck this.

I had a feeling you wouldn't be onboard.

I'm sorry you won't be able
to enjoy your desserts.

MAN: Park!

You bald-headed f*ck!


(country music playing)

♪ The old devils are at it again ♪

♪ Who knows what they'll do ♪

♪ And its true right now
like it was back then ♪

♪ The old devils are at it again ♪

♪ Mm-hmm ♪

(music continues)

♪ When I say devils ♪

♪ You know who I mean ♪

♪ These animals in the dark ♪

♪ Malicious politicians ♪

♪ With nefarious schemes ♪

♪ Charlatans and crooked cops ♪

♪ Oh, moonshine still ♪

♪ Gets you five to ♪

♪ The old devils ♪

♪ Are at it again ♪

♪ Stripes on your back ♪

♪ And a ball and chain ♪

♪ The old devils ♪

♪ Are at it again ♪

♪ I said the old devils ♪

♪ Are at it again ♪

♪ Oh ho ♪