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02x02 - The Day After That

Posted: 09/09/21 10:43
by bunniefuu


Rita, it's Tuttle. I'm in
the woods off Mallard Road.

The, uh, phone tip we got was legit.
We got an MVA down here.

Looks like the driver, uh, lost control,

crashed into the ravine.

Should I send medical?

Standby. I'll check it out.


Jesus Christ, Dispatch. It's, um...

It's Mark Holter.

He's dead.



Open up! It's the police!

Evening, Peter.

That took a while.

Well, it's the middle
of the night, Chief.

I had to find some pants.

- Is Evelyn home?
- What's wrong?

I need to know why she was in the basement
of the old Caldwell's department store.


She dropped her wallet in that basement.

Her purse got stolen.

Someone took it right
off her desk at work.

You just remember I gave you the
chance to do the right thing.

Look, it's after midnight.
Evelyn's sleeping.

This won't take long.


Hey! Uh...

- Huh.

Peter, what is this?

It... It's okay.

The chief and his, uh, friend
are just making a mistake.

I want you both to leave.

How long has it been?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Then why are you so nervous?

Well, of course she's nervous. You bust
into our house in the middle of the night,

threatening her... Hey! Hey! I said hey!

Where is Sidney?

I don't know who that is.

- Where is he?

Tell me where he is!

Where is he?

(SCREAMING) I don't know!

- Where is he?
- I don't know! I don't know!

Maybe we should just ask him.

How long've you been
protecting that thing?

He's got nothing to do with this.

Bullshit! He's on your side,

and that makes you worse
than one of them.

Maybe I should just blow his
brains out right here, right now.

- EVELYN: No, wait!
- Chief! Chief!


Evelyn, tell me, where can I find Sidney?
I can help you.

It's too late. You'll destroy me.

She's lying.

Let's find out.

I can only imagine how painful it is.

Nobody's seen Sidney for days.

How do I find him? Sidney has help.

Somebody's working with him.


I don't know his name. Nobody does.

I swear.



Where in the Holy Hell do
you think you're going?

We're done here.

That... woman just told
us Sidney has a partner,

and she damn sure knows who it is.

And what if she doesn't tell
us who it is, huh? What then?

Well, who the hell needs a g*n when
all it takes is you bleeding on her?

You got no idea what it takes, Chief.

We don't even know what
it is we're fighting.

I'm gonna tell you what I do know.

I do know that it won't be long before
there's more of them than there are of us,

and then it won't be nothing you
or anybody else can do about it.

Not if I can figure
out why they're here,

why they keep coming.

Then we can stop them all.

Not like this.

(SCOFFS, MUTTERS) I'm gonna k*ll him.





Clam down! You want the cuffs off?
You gotta calm down.

You touch me again, I'll sue your ass.

(SCOFFS) Sounds like fun.

Yeah, blow me.

Enjoy the accommodations, shithead.

Hey, f*ck you, pig. (SPITS)


What the f*ck you lookin' at, Grandpa?






Breakfast is ready.

I'm not hungry.

KYLE: Uh, excuse me?

Uh, I was told I could pick up my
brother-in-law's personal effects here?




Wanna check it? Make sure
everything's in there.

Yeah. Uh, I don't know
what I'd be looking for.

Oh. Just go ahead and sign here.

What's gonna happen to him?
His... His body?

Yeah. Um, funeral home's
picking it up for a cremation.

Would you like to say goodbye?

I'll give you a minute.


(SIGHS) Byron? Hey.

Well, I just got off the
phone with Peter Bailey.

Please tell me you didn't break into
his house and put a g*n to his head.

Evelyn is the vice
president of our bank.

And she may be aiding and
abetting a dangerous fugitive.

Are you out of your mind?

Your church's new favorite
son, that Sidney fella,

abducted Kyle Barnes and his
daughter a few days ago.

That's gotta be a mistake.

- Have you seen him lately?
- No.

He locked that man and his
daughter in a basement.

I got witnesses and everything.

Why? What for?

Well, when I catch him,
I'll be sure to ask him.

- Now, if you'll excuse me.
- My God.

Oh. Is it also true

that you have John Anderson
locked up for arson?

That fire is still under investigation,
and he is a person of interest.

By God, Byron, this is
Rome, West Virginia.

Things like that don't happen here.

They happen everywhere.

And I expect you to have my back
while I do something about it.

You're not making this easy.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Well, there's been rumblings.

- Talk.
- Rumblings?

The years catch up with everybody...

- Bullshit.
- Oh, come on.

You've got a stressful job here.

There's no shame in admitting that.

I thought nothing ever
happened here in Mayberry?

Now, nobody has given more of
themselves to this town than you.

You've earned a break.

And just dump all this
shit on some youngster

with a chip on his shoulder?
Like, Officer Tuttle.

Well, why not? I mean, he can handle it.

It'll give you more time with Rose.

Come on now, before it's too late.

(SIGHS) I appreciate your concern, Owen,

but unless you're firing me,

protecting this town is
still my responsibility.

Hey, just think it over? All right?
Talk to Rose.

Yeah. All right?

And keep me in the loop, huh?

I'm still the damn mayor of this town.

Yes, sir, you are. Says
so on your vanity plate.

What's going on? Why
didn't you call me sooner?

I thought you wouldn't come.

Giles says you're being held for arson.

Do you have a lawyer?

Do you need me to get bail?

I don't need bail. I
don't want a lawyer.

What do you want me to do?

Just listen.

I think I k*lled somebody.

It wasn't an accident. It
wasn't a crime of passion.

I believed that Sidney was the Devil.

There's no sin in k*lling the Devil.

So I burned him.

Oh, my God.

Sidney wasn't in the trailer.

Somebody else was.

I don't understand.

I'm so sorry, Patricia.


I... If... If I'd known that
Aaron was inside there...

How can you... t*rture
me with those lies?

I wish they were lies.

I stood by you when nobody else would.

I never asked for anything.

I know. I know.

Aaron is alive. I know he is.

He will come home and I will
never forgive you for this.


Damn, Grandpa. Torching
your old lady's kid?

That some stone-cold shit.

Can I come in?

I thought you should know that Mark's
arrangements have been taken care of.

So you don't have to
worry about all that.

All right.

You get some rest.

I'll come back again in a
little while, check in on you.

I didn't deserve Mark,

and he deserved someone
way better than me.

Megan, you know that's not true.

I was thinking about the first
time he ever talked to me.

Felt like he could see right through me.

All the shit,

I fought so hard to
hide from the world...

(CHUCKLING) I couldn't hide it from him.

I was sure I'd scared him away.

But the next day, there he was.

And the day after that one,

and the next one, and the next.

He made me feel like it
was okay to have shit.

That I wasn't broken.

He was my only hope,
the only chance I had.

- Megan...
- I k*lled my husband, Kyle.

He bled out on the bathroom floor,

and I just watched him die.

Did nothing to help. I
don't even know why.

There was something... inside of you.

You didn't k*ll Mark, it did.

What are you saying?

There was something controlling you,

the same way that my
mother was controlled,

the same way Allison was.

But whatever it was that
made you do that...

we got it out. Okay?

It's gone now.

You can't fix this, Kyle. No one can.

Get out. Please. Just go.


ANDERSON: What's your name?

Heywood Jablowme.



What was it?

Heroine, meth? I mean, I'm
not... I'm not judging.

That's all people like you do.

Well, I'm just trying to help.


Just try to relax.

Fighting the withdrawal's
only gonna make it worse.

What the hell do you know?

I knew somebody who had
a drug problem, once.

And what? You got them clean?


I had the chance to do something
about it, but I didn't take it.

That's probably why your kid hates you.

Never said it was my kid.

Didn't have to.


Hey, baby girl.

How you doing?

Did Uncle Mark die because of us?

Is it our fault?

No. No, of course not.

Then why did it happen?

Well, I'm still trying
to figure that out.

I don't want to stay
here by myself anymore.

Well, you're not by yourself.

You've got Rose, Holly, Aunt Megan.

I want to be with my real family.

I want to be with you.


I know, Firefly.

You're just gonna have to stick
it out a little longer here,

till things are safer back home.

It's not safe here, either.

What do you mean?

Hey, Amber, what do you mean by that?

Aunt Megan, she had a
monster inside of her.

We took care of that, didn't we?

You saw it leave. We both did.

Yeah, but what if it comes back
and we can't stop it this time?

What if it goes back
inside of Mommy too?

(GROANS) It hurts so much! f*ck!

All right, I know, I know.

Will you just listen to my voice?

You were right about my son.

It started with a broken arm and...

a couple pills here and there.

Once that door was opened...

Shut the f*ck up and leave me alone!

I'm not your son, okay?

I didn't... break my arm

and start popping my old man's Vicodin.

Why are you in here?

'Cause I like doing dr*gs.

'Cause I can do whatever the
f*ck I want with my life.

Justify that.

We're all given free will.

We make our choice, we
face the consequences.

There is no f*cking God.

Just a bunch of f*cked up assholes doing
bad things 'cause they feel like it.

I don't believe that's true.

I wonder what your girlfriend's
son would think about that.



Jason! Jason, answer me!

Guard! I need some help in here!



It's just you and me.

Kyle Barnes isn't here to save you.

Jason, listen to me.

Listen to me, it's not too late.


You need to fight this
thing inside of you.

Come on, fight it inside of you.

Jason, stop it!

Stop it!


Jason, stop it!



Mr. Barnes, I'm glad you're here.

You moved her room.

I thought she'd be
more comfortable here.

How is she?

Well, we ran another series of tests.

Unfortunately, the results
were less than encouraging.

I'm afraid we're looking at
multi-organ system failure.

Your mother's body is shutting down.

She's... She's letting go.

How long?

Best case scenario, she
could have months.

That's best case?

Worst case is days.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Barnes, when was the last time you
had more than a few hours of rest?

I don't... I don't know.
What time is it now?

Have you been eating enough?

Keeping your, um, stress
levels under control?

Yeah, making it my priority.

I know this is hard, but...

you need to take care of yourself.

All right? Especially with...
everything that you're going through.

Appreciate your concern.
Thank you, I'm fine.

Just, um, at least let me give
you something to help you sleep.

Better safe than sorry.

Safe for who, Doc? Me? Or you?

I don't understand.

Why are you so concerned about
my health all of a sudden? Huh?

I can see that you're sleep
deprived and malnourished.

It's my job to offer care and
comfort to anyone who needs it.


Be careful, Kyle.

At times like these, emotions tend
to cloud our better judgment.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have
other patients to check in on.


Rose, what's wrong?

Amber's run off. Kyle, I can't find her.
You need to get out here.

Uh, I'm on my way.


I saw it happen, Byron.

I watched that young man
become something else.

And there was not one damn
thing I could do about it.

Never felt so helpless in all my life.

I'm familiar with the feeling.

No, that was a sign.

God has turned his back on
me and I don't know why.

I always followed his word, his will.

And I just kept racking up the failures.

My advice?

You want to survive, stop keeping score.

Maybe there's a better way to fight
this fight, with or without God.

I agree.

But we gotta make sure the one guy who can
actually do something about it does too.


Talk to him.

Make sure the three of us are...
all playing by the same rules.

You... You want to give
me my visiting hours?


You didn't k*ll Aaron McCready.

ME's report on the body recovered
from under the trailer.

It was a woman, John.

Been down there at least years.

Looks like some kind
of ritualistic m*rder.

Lips sewn shut, body wrapped in plastic.

Jesus. Who is she?

Don't know yet, but she's long dead

before you ever lit a match.

So go on, get the hell
out of my jail cell.


Old Briar Road.

That's where Kyle's family is staying,

I'm guessing that's where
you're gonna find him.

I'm sorry, Daddy.

Oh, I've been looking
everywhere for you.

You had me worried sick, Firefly.

I told you I didn't want to
stay in that cabin anymore.

Yeah, I know, but where are you
going in the middle of the night?

I don't know.

I just wanted to be with you.

And I want to be with Mommy.

We need to protect her
from the monsters.

And I miss her, Daddy.

Me too, baby girl. I miss
her more than anything.

Why can't we go and get her? Why
can't we be a family again?

We can.

We can.



We're just getting started.


You didn't hurt him?

Just scared him a little.

He's getting pretty bold.

I've got him under control.

Of course you do.

Though he did seem to get the
better of you in that basement.

Kyle and his little girl will do
exactly what they're meant to.

He can fight it all he wants,

but he can't deny his reason for being.

And when the merge is finally complete,

he'll find out what it
really means to suffer.




You're gonna be...

You're gonna be all right.


♪ : and I hope I've
made the right decision ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no-no ♪

♪ My heart is beating, I'm alive ♪

♪ But I don't call this living ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no-no ♪

♪ Rationalize till ♪

♪ I'm blue in the face ♪

♪ You cannot lose ♪

♪ If you throw the race ♪

♪ I'm still searching ♪

♪ For the Ants invasion ♪

♪ : and I hope I've made ♪

♪ The right decision ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no-no ♪

♪ . 's the bore
With / vision ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no-no ♪