03x21 - Just Say No Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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03x21 - Just Say No Way

Post by bunniefuu »


I cooked you lunch.

Oh, Michelle. You are the
sweetest girl in the world.

I know. Eat it.


Mmm. I taste bananas
and... pickles...

and Jell-O... And
bubblegum. Mm-hm.

Mm, got all four food groups.

Hey, don't play with your food.

Aw, nuts.



♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
To predictability ♪

♪ The milkman The paperboy ♪

♪ Evenin' TV? ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold on to ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out
there And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Dooby-doo-baa-ba-daa ♪


All right, munchkins, we got
your chocolate moo juice here.

Extra chocolate,
easy on the moo.

Thanks, Uncle Jesse.

Hey, everybody.

JESSE: Hey, Joe.
KIMMY: Hi, Joey.

Guess what, Michelle?

I got you a tape of
children's songs by Raffi.

you. What is a Raffi?

Well, he's the guy who
sings "Baby Beluga."

Oh, I used to love that song.

Dad, remember our dance?

Come on, let's show Michelle.

Oh-ho-ho, this will be fun.

I'll just put it here in
your little baby boom box.

Okay, Joey, rock 'n' roll.


BOTH: ♪ Baby Beluga
In the deep blue sea ♪

♪ You swim so wild
And you swim so free ♪

♪ Heaven above
And the sea below ♪

♪ And a little White
whale on the go ♪

Two, three, four.

BOTH: ♪ Baby Beluga ♪

♪ Baby Belu... ♪

♪ Is the water Warm? ♪

♪ Is your mama home
With you so happy ♪

♪ Way down yonder
Where the dolphins play ♪

This is great, I got the
"Baby Beluga" dancers,

I'm drinking moo juice.

When did my life
become a G-rated movie?

DANNY: Hi. Hey.

BOTH: Bye.

Girls, heh, wait.

How about a little "Hello,
how was your day?"

No time to talk. We're
in charge of the dance.

What about your homework?

If we do our homework now,

what'll we do while
they take attendance?

Don't worry about
me, I'm almost finished.

JESSE: Oh yeah?
Let's see it then.

Did I say almost finished?
I meant almost started.

Great. The dance is next Friday.

Don't be late.

Dog Face said yes.

All right! We got a band.

Dog Face? Never heard of them.

That's because
you're in second grade,

and Dog Face is
a high school band.

So? The Rolling
Stones are about 100,

and I've heard of them.

So, what's next on our list?

Well, this is a backwards dance.

That means we have to get
some guys to be our dates.

Call up Kevin.

I can't right now. I don't
have his phone number.

Yes, you do. It's
the speed dial button

with the heart drawn around it.


It's ringing. [PHONE RINGING]


is the phone company.

Your phone works fine. Goodbye.




Sorry. But sometimes
she's funny.

Hello, Kevin?


This is Stephanie Tanner.

And I was wondering
if you'd like to go

to the backwards dance
with my lovely sister, D.J.?

I'm gonna k*ll you.

Okay. Bye.

Kevin said yes.

I'm gonna hug you.


You make such a big
deal out of everything.


Somebody do something!

It's been one solid
week of "Baby Beluga"!

I'm going bananas!

♪ Baby Beluga ♪
♪ Baby Beluga ♪

♪ Baby Beluga ♪
♪ Oh, Baby Beluga ♪

Joey, you gave her that tape.

You take it away.

Michelle, what do you say
we fast-forward this thing

to another song, huh?


Well, Baby Beluga's
tired. He needs a nap.

Don't make me cry.


How do I look?

All right! Whoa!

You look great!

Dad, do you have
to tape everything?

Oh, sorry. Okay, I'll stop.

Well, maybe a few more seconds.

I'm having a really
good hair day.

[DOORBELL RINGS] I'll get it.

Wait, that's Kevin!


Hi, neighbors.

Hi, camera.

♪ I got the right stuff ♪

♪ Oh oh oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh oh... ♪
Kimmy, uh,

I gotta save the
batteries for later.

D.J., bad news.

We don't have a band.
Dog Face broke up.

This is terrible.

I promised we'd
have a great band.

Everybody's gonna hate me.

Unless... Wh-wh-wh-what unless?

What are you looking at me for?

Oh, come on.

Oh, D.J., you know, I'd
be happy to help you out,

but I can't get my band
at this late a notice.

Well, what if I got you
another backup band?

Wait, I know who I
can get. They're hot.


Deej, get a grip.

Actually, loosen your grip.

All right. I'm there
for you, babe.

Oh, thank you.


Hi. Hi.

Kevin, I missed your entrance.

Could you go back out
and come back in again?


Kevin's mom is waiting.

And don't you dare
follow us out to the car.

Bye. ALL: Bye

Thanks for asking me out, Steph.

My pleasure.

Any little brothers
like you at home?


Adios, Tanners.

Jesse, be there by 7.

The gig pays $50,

but since you don't have
a whole band, you get 20.

Everybody sing! [♪♪♪]

I gotta go get
ready for the dance.

I gotta go recharge
my batteries.

Wait, your missing
the best part!



Hey, Deej, is your backup
band gonna show up or what?

Uh, they'll be
here. Don't worry.

Uh, and just remember,
you promised to play,

no matter what.

I have a feeling I'm
gonna earn my $20 tonight.

So, Kathy, who did
you bring to the dance?

Him, him and... him.

Where did Kevin go?

He's, um...

Kevin, come over here.

Uh, I'm just gonna get
some punch. Want any?

Hey, Kevin, who asked you here?


So how come your
babe's not here?

She's busy talking.
She knows everybody.

I'm not good at that.

gotta loosen up, man.


Come on. We got a
little surprise for you.

What are you guys talking about?

Just come on.


D.J. Tanner, report to
the stage immediately.

Oh, great. The band's here.

"Oh, great. The band's... ".

This is a marching band.

Unless we're playing
on a float, I'm outta here.

You promised.

You promised a good backup band.

They're good, they're a band...

and they're in back of you.

Just give them a chance, please?

All right.

But let's get one
thing straight.

We're not spelling
out the school name

during our songs.

All right. Come here.

Now, as you might have guessed,

this is not Dog Face.

But let's give a big Van
Atta Junior High welcome to...

No names.

The No Names.


You feeling all right out there?


We'll take care of that.

Here we go!



♪ Wild thing ♪

♪ You make my heart sing ♪

♪ You make everything ♪

♪ Groovy ♪

All right.

Wild thing, I think I love you.



B-but I would like
to know for sure.



Wild thing, you move me!

He's not worth 20 bucks.

Everybody. Two, three, four.


♪ Wild thing ♪

♪ I said, wild thing ♪

Thank you! Thank you!



Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop. Uncle Jesse,
you can stop now.

We found a stereo.

Oh, come on, Deej,
it's our big finish,

"Stars and Stripes Forever"

Uncle Jesse, it's over.


All right, rehearsal at
my house, Saturday.

Great job, kids.

Kimmy, have you seen Kevin?

Last time I saw him,
he was out in the hall.

[CHUCKLES] He's probably
hiding from the band.

I'll tell him it's safe
to come back in.


Kevin. Hey, D.J.

What are you doing out here?

Just hanging out.

The dance was lame, so
we started our own party.

You're drinking beer.

Yeah. It tastes
horrible. Want some?

No, I don't want some.

You guys aren't supposed
to be drinking beer.

Big deal, we're just
having some fun.

Try it.


Cut it out!

You didn't have to do that.

Look, I'm sorry, D.J.

I'll go get some paper towels.

Why don't you guys
just get out of here?

You are so uncool.

Oh, and you think you're cool?

"The dance was lame.
Now we're having a party."

Forget it, D.J. We
don't want any beer.

Yeah. We're only 13.

D.J. Tanner.

Uncle Jesse...

You're in big, big
trouble, young lady.


Uncle Jesse, I
didn't do anything.

Oh, yeah? Then what's this?

It's beer, but...

Oh, you're gonna tell
me you weren't drinking it?

I can smell it all over you.

Those guys were
the ones drinking.

I was trying to stop them.

All right, save it. I
saw the whole thing.

Come on, you're going
home. Uncle Jesse!

D.J., where are you going?

Home. She doesn't feel well.


♪ Baby Beluga ♪
♪ Baby Belu... ♪

♪ Baby Beluga ♪

Baby Beluga, are you sick?

Uh-oh. Help!


Honey, what's wrong?

Baby Beluga is broken.


Well, maybe I can fix it.

DANNY: No. Uhhhh.

I want "Baby Beluga."
I want "Baby Beluga."

I want "Baby Beluga."

BOTH: Okay, okay, okay, okay.

♪ Baby Beluga In
the deep blue sea ♪


Sing it nicely.

BOTH: ♪ Baby Beluga
In the deep blue sea ♪

♪ He swims so wild... ♪

Dad! Danny!

I'm talking to him first!
No, I'm talking to him first!

I am. You don't... I
am. I'm the adult...

Whoa! What's going on here?

I was not drinking beer.

You were not drinking what?

I saw the whole
thing. She had a beer,

waving it around,
talking about partying.

The other kids were drinking.

I was telling them
how stupid they looked.

Hey, Deej, everybody
makes mistakes.

We know how hard it is when
the other kids are drinking,

and they offer you a drink...

I know drinking is wrong!
We already had this talk.

That's why I didn't do it.
I'm telling you the truth.

Like you were telling us the
truth about your homework?

You weren't exactly honest
about this marching backup band.

That was totally different.

You believe me, don't you, Dad?

I'd like to, but you
do smell like beer.

Someone spilled
it on me, really!

D.J., go to your room. [SIGHS]

I'm gonna talk to Jesse,

and then I'll come
up and talk to you.

This is so unfair!

How could you take his side

instead of believing
your own daughter?

♪ Baby Beluga ♪

♪ Baby Belug... ♪

Oh, no.

Get out! Get out! Get out!

How could they do this?

I was telling the truth!

[SOBBING] I don't deserve
to be treated this way.

I didn't do anything.

What didn't you do?

It doesn't matter. Nobody
believes me, anyway.

Not Uncle Jesse, not
Joey... not even Dad.


I believe you, D.J.

You do?

Of course I do.

You're my big sister.

And besides that,

you were looking
right in my eyes.

When you lie, you look
at the top of my head.

Thanks, Steph.

I've got to find a way
for them to believe me.

I can't believe
this is happening.

She's only 13.

And she's such a good kid.

Danny, this could happen
to any kid. There's...

There's a lot of pressure
on them to try drinking.

I know, and not
just from other kids.

You know, sometimes it's
celebrities and rock stars,

and people these
kids look up to.

I mean, they're making
drinking look cool.

I mean, they're sending
the wrong message to kids.

D.J.'s gonna get
the right message.

She's gotta know
there's no drinking, period!

I say we go upstairs,
and we lay down the law.

Jesse, wait a minute.

Just sit down.

I think it's not as simple
as just punishing her.

We have to find
out why D.J. did it,

so we can decide the
best way to help her.

I just don't want her
to be one of those kids

who has to learn the hard way.

Your attention, please.

Whatever it is you said
D.J. did, she did not do.

How do you know, Steph?

Because she was crying.

And those were not
"I'm in trouble" tears.

Those were "I really
didn't do it" tears.

We have to straighten
this out, now.

Yup. She's not in her room.

Where is she?

She went back to the dance

with Kimmy's mom to
prove she's innocent.

Oh, great. Now she sneaks out
of the house without telling us?

What is going on with her?

Look, you guys, I'll
handle everything here.

Go ahead. Take off.

Thanks, Joey. Bye, Dad.

See you.

I'll see you at school tomorrow.


D.J., you missed everything.

Kevin and Paul and
Sam got caught drinking.

They're gonna be
suspended from school.

I hate to say it,
but they deserve it.

Your mom's waiting outside.

I have to find Kevin.

He's over there
waiting for his parents.

You better talk to him now.

You may not see
him for a long time.



You and I have to talk.

My family thinks I was drinking.

Oh, man.

You gotta tell my
dad I'm innocent.

Why did you have to
go and drink anyway?

Those guys said it
would loosen me up.

I thought you'd have
more fun with me.

Well, I didn't have
fun with you tonight.

I had fun with the old Kevin.

Kevin... your parents are here.

I'm dead.

D.J... I'm really sorry.

I know you are.

Is it okay if I call
you again sometime?

All right.

But just make sure
the old Kevin calls.

Come on, son. Let's go.

Kevin, have you seen D.J.?

Yeah, she's in there.


Uh, Mr. Tanner... Yeah?

D.J. wasn't drinking tonight.

It was me and two other guys.

She was trying to stop us.

She was telling us the truth.

I'm sorry, man.

I-I... I saw her with a beer...

Oh, no, Jess, don't feel bad.

It was an honest mistake.

Thanks for telling us, Kevin.

Come on, Kevin.

Come on. Let's go.

I was pretty rough on her.

Do you mind if I go in and
have a word alone with D.J.?



Oh, great. Now I'm
in even more trouble.

Look, I came down here
to find Kevin, so that...

I just talked to Kevin outside.

You did?


He told me what really happened.

I owe you a big apology.

You really hurt my feelings.

I'm sorry for not
believing you, pal.

Well, I guess it
did look kinda bad.

And I did bend the truth
a couple times this week.

D.J., I want you to know
why I lost my temper tonight.

It just... It made me crazy

thinking of my little niece
out there starting to drink.

I mean, this isn't
fun and games here.

I've seen it happen
to my friends.

They think they
have it under control.

Before they know it,
they've messed up their lives.

That's why I'm so proud of you

for making the right
decision tonight.

It's not that hard to say no.

Those kids were
acting like idiots.

Well... we made
it through tonight.


The sad truth is that
you're gonna be faced

with a lot of tough
decisions in your life.

And not just about
drinking, either.

About dr*gs and
about sex, and...

Ah, who knows what?

I just wish you could
grow up in a world

where you can enjoy being a kid,

but I'm sorry, pal,
that's not the way it is.


I hope that you'll use
the same good judgment

that you used tonight.

Because I never
wanna see you get hurt.

I love you so much.

I love you, too, Uncle Jesse.

Thank you.

All right.

Let's go home, huh?



♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

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