03x16 - Bye Bye Birdie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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03x16 - Bye Bye Birdie

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay, Michelle, it's time
to go over to the big-girl wall

and see how much taller you are.


JOEY: Okay, up against
the wall, young lady.

Ooh, I'm very tall.

All right, Michelle.

Arms down.

Now stand up straight.

Okay... Let's see. Now you're...


No tippy toes?

No tippy toes.

Aw, nuts.

Okay, Michelle.

But look at this!
It's the good news.


You're half an inch taller!

BOTH: Yay!

Big deal. See ya.


♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
To predictability ♪

♪ The milkman The paperboy ♪

♪ Evenin' TV? ♪

♪ How did I get
Delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This whole world's
Confusin' me ♪

♪ Flowers as mean ♪

♪ As you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird Who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
Inside you whispers: ♪

♪ "Kid, don't sell your
dreams So soon" ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold on to ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out
there And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪
♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Dooby-doo-baa-ba-daa ♪

All right, bedtime, Michelle.

You got a big day tomorrow.

It's your first
day of preschool.

I'm not sleepy.

Oh, yes, you are.

Now hop into bed.

Hop, hop, hop into bed!


Hey, Michelle, isn't
this a pretty dress?

Ah, it's beautiful.

I think you need
that in a husky.

Let's go to school now!

No, Michelle, where
are you going?

Preschool doesn't start
till tomorrow morning.

If you go to school now,
you'll be the only one there.

You could come too.

I need a ride.

Why don't the four of
us mellow out Michelle

with a little bedtime story

about her first
day at preschool?

Great. Okay.


No, no, no. No, no, no.

I-I'm not the story guy.

I'm the dress guy. See?

I pick out dresses.

That's my specialty. That...

What am I bragging about?

I'm in.

Okay. Once upon a time,

there was a
beautiful little princess

who went to Meadow
Crest Preschool

for the very first time.

And can you guess the name
of the beautiful little princess?

Miss Piggy.

No. Princess Michelle.

And when Princess Michelle
opened the door she saw...

A magic land of fun.

It was like
Disneyland with a nap.

And Princess Michelle
made lots of new friends,

and they all played
with their toys and then...



Uh, uh, and then, uh,

and then they played with
their toys some more. And then...

And then they all cleaned
up the mess they made.

And then Princess Michelle said,

"My first day of preschool

was the most
wonderful day of my life."



Okay, Miss

into bed.

Good night.

Good night, munchkin.

Good night.

Good night, honey.

I can't sleep.

This is nuts.

Five, six, seven...
eight, nine...

36, 100.

Ready or not, here I come.

Where are they hiding?

I don't know.

I'm not behind this
pointy-headed guy

on the mushroom.

I know where Danny is.

Ha-ha. I found you.

Aw, nuts... This
game is so hard.

I never win!


Where are you?



[GASPS] I see you.

Ha-ha. You didn't
find Cowboy Jesse!

The princess is coming!

The princess is coming!

ALL: Yay!

Hi, people.

Hi, Princess Michelle.

You're the prettiest
princess in all the land.

You got it, dude.

ALL: ♪ Yay, yay
The princess is here ♪

♪ We love the princess ♪

♪ Her name is Michelle ♪

♪ Yay, yay Princess Michelle ♪

I like that song.

Sing again.

♪ Yay, yay The
princess is here ♪

♪ We love the princess ♪

♪ Her name is Michelle ♪

♪ Yay, yay Princess Michelle ♪

MICHELLE: ♪ Princess Michelle ♪

♪ Yay, yay Princess Michelle ♪

Wow! I love preschool.

I'm going now.

I need a car.

D.J., D.J.!

How come you're
going to school so early?

Because I am.

What kind of answer is that?

It's the kind of answer you get

when I don't want
to tell you something.

Are you meeting somebody?

Is it Kevin? Is it Kimmy?

Is it Kathy?

Is it anyone who
starts with a K?

Here's what starts with a K.

Keep your nose
out of my business.

I gotta say it.

How rude!

Michelle... what are you doing?

Making lunch for preschool.

Michelle, come here a minute.

Let me take a look at you.

Michelle... your
dress is on backwards.

Did you dress
yourself this morning?

Yes, I did.

And did you look in the mirror?

Yes, I did.

And did you think
you looked good?

Yes... I did.

Well, here's a
little fashion tip.

Walk backwards, and
maybe no one will notice.

That's easy.

See you later.


Comet, I think our friend
D.J. is up to something.

Let's just take
a little... stroll

over to her secret
hiding place...

Take a peek into her diary.

Just for fun.


Hey, there's a note on here.

"Dear Stephanie, if
you read my diary,

"this room will be all mine

because you will be
living in the backyard."

Ooh, there must be
something really juicy in here.

I'll just get the key...

from under Melvin's derby...

It's gone.

I can't believe she
doesn't trust her own sister.

There's gotta be a
way into this thing.

Unh... Mm... Mm!

Comet, I just broke
the lock on D.J.'s diary.

I've gotta fix this
before D.J. gets home.



Hey, Steph. You ready?

Where are we going?

Oh, I don't know.

Paris... Rome... school.


Oh, yeah. I go there.

Comet, what are you chewing on?

Give me that. Give me that.

Give me that right...
Oh gosh, doggy drool.

Oh, he has D.J.'s diary.

You better put it back in
her secret hiding place...

I think it's in the
pillowcase this week, isn't it?


Comet, you rascal.

MICHELLE: Come on, Daddy.

Oh, Michelle, here we go.

Another major
milestone in your life:

your first day of preschool.

Come on, Daddy. Don't worry.

You're gonna have lots of
fun and make new friends.

Come on, Daddy.

You know, I'll never forget
my first day of preschool.

Bye, Daddy.

Ah, Michelle,
honey, wait for me.

Hi, Miss Petrie.

Hello, Mr. Tanner.

Michelle, I'd like you to meet
your teacher, Miss Petrie.

Well, hi, there.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Boys and girls,

let's say hi to our
new friend, Michelle.

KIDS: Hi, Michelle!

Hi, people.

I'm the king.

Michelle, this is Aaron.

Aaron gets to wear
the sharing crown

because he shared
his toys today.

Want to see Dave?

Okay. Who's Dave?

The birdie.

Dave is our class pet.

He's right over there.

Go say hello.

Well, I guess I'll just
hang out here today.

Well, Michelle seems to
be adjusting very quickly.

But if it would
make you feel better,

you're welcome to stay

and have juice
and cookies with us.


I'll check with Michelle.

Michelle? Honey?

Do you want Daddy to
stay here with you today?

Go home.

I'm a big girl.


Okay... then I'm gonna
come and pick you up

as soon as school is over.

Okay? Okay.


Drive safely.

Thanks, honey.

So, uh, what do I do now?

I cleared my whole day for this.

Oh, that's not really
your problem, is it?

We'll see you in a couple
of hours, Mr. Tanner.



I know!

I can wax the kitchen floor.

Heh. All right!

Yeah... Okay, boys and girls,

let's meet on the magic
carpet for story time.

Come on. All right, everybody.

Hi, Dave.

You're a pretty birdie.

Ready for a story,
boys and girls.

KIDS: Yeah.

Come on. It's story time.

Miss Petrie!

Dave flew out the window.

Michelle did it!

Well, it was just an accident.

I'm sure Michelle
didn't mean to do it.

I'm sorry.

I'm a bad girl.

A very bad girl.

I'm a very bad girl.


Dave, come back. Where are you?

Hey, yo, Dave, if
you're out there,

come back, give
the kid a break, huh?

Guys, you should've seen
Michelle in preschool today.

None of the kids
would play with her.

She just sat in a corner
all by herself saying,

"I'm a bad girl."

BOTH: Dave!

Dave, the bread is yummy!

Guys, we gotta
do something here.

Jesse, come with me.

Joey, please pick up this bread.


There. That should hold it.


They should put a
warning on this glue.

Oh, they did.

Hey, Steph. What's going on?

Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.

Just another day full of
nothing here in my room.

You know, I was thinking...

we never hang
out like we used to.

So you wanna go
to the mall with me?

This is cool. This is rad.

This is... a real bad time.

I am bushed.

Hi, girls. I'm taking
Michelle for some ice cream.

Who wants to come?

I do... not.

Thanks, Joey, but
I'm going to the mall.

She's acting very strange.

Even for her.

Steph, what are you
hiding under the pillow?


See, nothing at all.


Hey, how'd this get here?

Steph, give me D.J.'s diary.





You're in big trouble.

Go find Dave. Fly away.

You're no help.

Guess what, Michelle.

We got you a new birdie friend.

That is not Dave.

This is Sammy.

Say hi to Sammy.

Hi, Sammy. Where is Dave?

Michelle, all the kids
are gonna love Sammy

when you bring him
to preschool tomorrow.

I'm not going to preschool.

Oh, yes, you are, honey.

No way, Jose.

No one likes me.

hold it there, ankle-biter.

Now, we love you
very, very much.

And if you don't want
to go to preschool,

then you don't have to
go to preschool, okay?

Yay! Thank you.

All right.

There ya go.

No more school!

Daniel, problem solved.


Problem made worse.

Jesse, Michelle has
to go to preschool.

How can you send her back to
school? The kids don't like her.

Look, I know you just want
to protect her from being hurt,

but we can't be by
her side 24 hours a day

just to stop every bad
thing that might happen.

We have to help
her get through this,

not run away from it.

Look, I know what
the kid's going through.

In kindergarten, I was
the goldfish monitor.

Part of my job was
to take the goldfish

home for the weekend.

I learned a very
important lesson.

When taking a goldfish
home, take the bowl with you.

You k*lled the
kindergarten goldfish?

Hey, back off, man. I'm
still trying to get over it.

To this day I can't eat sushi.

So, what happened?

Well, my parents made
me go back to school,

and all the kids teased me.

They called me "fish hater."

Ooh, brutal.

For how long did this go on?


Actually, it went on
till Show and Tell.

Oh, yeah.

Luckily Barry Fox brought
in his toenail collection,

all the kids turned on him.

I suppose you were
right, and I was wrong.

Okay, she should
go back to school.

And who better to tell her
than the man that was right.

Congratulations, Daddy.


Thanks, Joey. You saved my life.

Now, Steph, when
you break the next thing

you're not supposed to touch,

be very careful
with the permaglue,

because as you...
know... this could happen.


What are you
doing with my diary?


Well, nice seeing you all again.

Uh, Steph, isn't there
something you'd like to say to D.J.

about her diary?

Yes, there is.

D.J., Joey did not
steal your diary.

Michelle did.


Maybe it was me.

You know how I am with names.

Joey, may I have a word
alone with my nosy sister?


Joey, don't go.
Steph, I have to go.

I really wish I
hadn't done that.


I am not gonna yell at you.

I'm just gonna talk in a very
firm voice for a very long time.

Now, why are you always
snooping around in my stuff?

I can't help it.

You fascinate me.

Listen, you have
no business to...

I fascinate you?

Of course you do.

You go to school dances,

you have seven different
teachers in the same day,

and you carry a purse.

You're a woman of the world.


But I still need my privacy.

I tell you what.

If you really promise
that my diary is off-limits,

I'll try to tell you more
about my fascinating life.

I promise.

Forgive me?

I guess so.

Besides... I keep my really
hot stories in my journal.

You have a journal?

Where is it?

What does it look like?

Okay, Michelle,
you wait right here.

I'm gonna go talk to
the other boys and girls.

You stay with me all day.

I promise, I won't leave
unless you say it's all right.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Now, you stay right here...

where I can see you.

Hi, Miss Petrie.

Oh, hello, Mr. Tanner.

Boys and girls,

Michelle's daddy
wants to talk to you.

They're all ears.


Hi, kids.


I'm Danny Tanner.

I have my own talk show,
Wake Up, San Francisco.

Oh, well, we are on
opposite Sesame Street,

so I guess that's why
you're all so impressed.

My sweet little girl Michelle
has brought someone

for you to keep
here at the preschool

because she likes
you all so very much.

Come on in, Michelle.

KIDS: Ooh, a birdie.

Now, talk to the boys and girls.

This is Sammy, and
he's a nice birdie.

I give him to the preschool.

Michelle, that's very generous.

Why don't we thank Michelle
by clapping our hands?

KIDS: Thank you, Michelle.

See, honey, all your
new friends are saying,

"Thank you, very much."

Welcome, very much.

Everyone, come say
hi to our new birdie.

Here, Michelle.

You can wear the sharing crown.

Thank you.

Daddy, I'm a princess.

Yes, you are, Michelle.

You're my little princess.

Sweetheart, I am very proud
of you for being so brave

and coming to preschool.

Do you want me to
stay here with you today?

No, thank you. They like me now.


I think you're gonna have

a real good time
here in preschool.

I like being a big girl.

Go play with your new
friends now, honey.

You okay?

Yeah. I'll be fine.

But if she's ever
crowned Miss America,

I'll be crying like a baby.


People, don't open that door.



♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahhh ♪

♪ Dooby-doo-baa-ba-daa ♪
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