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02x18 - Six Minus Six

Posted: 09/08/21 16:53
by bunniefuu
My own personal timemachine.

Awesome! That's what we wanted put it in, mano.

If my device works as planned, you'll get back all your pre-event memories.

This thing hasn't even been tested.

Technically correct.

we could try a preliminary run with a test subject.

Oh, right -- monkeys before humans.

You scientists are all alike.

Well, uh, don't you have memories you'd like to regain? Not as many as I'd like to lose.

I don't want to wait.

It's a chance to get my past back in my head, to get my parents back -- not just hear about them, but remember them.

All right, if we're doing this, then let's get it done.


These aren't his neural paths being restored.

He's rebooting.

Six, you know what has to be done.

Six! Wait! I'll reverse the controls! I-I'm okay.

You see? He's fine.

But I'm not sure about agent Six.

I'm not sure about him, either.

You've got three seconds to tell me who you are, or you're dead.

Rex Holiday Caesar Hobo baha? Not buying it, people.

And believe me, I'd remember you.

The beam must have given him a form of amnesia.

Hopefully, the temporary form.

Start giving me the straight story, or I'm taking you out -- monkey first.


I'll make an exception for her.

Whoa, partner.

You look like you've just seen a ghost.

Do they got something to do with the Caspian Sea job we pulled last week? Last week? The Caspian Sea job was six years ago! The amnesia has displaced his current sense of time.


White Knight: Doctor, you've got a new patient, who needs a full neurological workup.

Nobody gets their hands on my head.

No matter how pretty those hands are.

Then, partner, I got a lot to fill you in on.

I've tried to bring him up to date, but for now he's regressed to his old self.

How bad could that be? A ruthless, hard-as-nails hired g*n with a moral compass in the red zone? Bad.

And an eye for the ladies.

Six years is pre-event, pre-Evos, and pre-Providence.

He wouldn't know any of it.

Hopefully, just for a short time -- because I expect we'll find a way to return Six to normal very soon.

Right, genius? Working on it! Until then, I've managed to convince old Six to stay and work for us.

Don't get your hopes up.

This is a temp job until I see how you guys operate.

I'm told I ended up with a punk kid for a partner.

I must have become an idiot to let that happen.

Six, I'd still like to run those tests on you.


We've got an Evo run amok in downtown treadwell.

Corral and contain.

Leave your schedule open.

Come on, partner.

No visual, but we're close.

Really close! So, this is an Evo, and we're their exterminators.

Yes! AndNo! Knight told me you had some tricks up your sleeve.

Come on, kid.

Quit dancing with it and finish it off.

That's not the assignment.

It's "corral and contain.

" Hey! Are you loco?! How are we gonna explain that?! Collateral damage.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 6th most dangerous man on the planet is back.

They got in my way.

Those are Providence agents! I work better alone.

Yeah, I've noticed that little flaw in our partnership.

You've got one last decision -- go out easy or go out ugly.

Six! No! Ugly it is.

Why do you need to k*ll it?! Mercy only gives the enemy hope.

k*lling sends a clear message.

It's more complicated than that! We need to handle these situations with a lot more finesse.

I can't believe I'm telling you this! I can't believe I'm letting you.

I can't imagine what I was thinking.

That I'm just another one of your soft-skinned, team-playing robots? You caused as much damage as the Evo, and you took out three of our own agents.

The cost of doing business to get the job done.

You know that.

Or maybe you don't anymore.

When did you stop being a warrior and become a politician? We both evolved with the circumstances.

To operate this weak-kneed, namby-pamby organization? I really must have lost my mind.


Beautiful is right -- I do need my head examined.

So, uh, what do you see in this last blot? I see you and me, Tahiti, under a palm tree.

Your cognitive areas appear undamaged, so there's no physical indication of what caused your off-the-chart behavior in the field today.

My what behavior? Let's just say the present-day Six would be a little more sophisticated, as in not needing to tear up a city to contain one scared Evo.

We're done here.

Now I see why I never got together with a knockout like you.

Six, old pal.

Memory still a blank? What do you want, Hobo? "Bobo.

" Uh, there's a little matter of some cash you still owe me from three years ago.

You try a gag like that on me again, banana breath Hey, hey! I was jokin'! Gah! Well, mighta worked.

I'm sorry.

Did you just say you needed me to keep a close eye on Six? Until he gets his memory back, he's a liability.

Six minus six years is a rogue assassin, not a team player.

You mean like moi? Yes, like you.

You didn't have to ask.

I want the old Six back, too.


Been a long time, Six.

Sure you're ready to get back in the game? Well? What have you got for me? An unknown player that requests permanent retirement of a target in Jagestan.

Uh, Six! Dude, how about we go to the crash lab and you show me some of your old assassin moves? Sorry, kid.

I'm busy.

Or we can go to Jagestan.

This is not good.

Target to intercept, Sorry, love, but this is my gig.

Not so fast there, fish and chips.

I was here first -- me.

Five? Trey? You look older.


It's all that bad english cooking she made me eat, yeah.

Shut it, you deep-fried chum bucket! Must be some target if they hired all three of us.

You're not in our game, Six.

You're Providence.

Not anymore.

Now, don't you try that with us.

If you ain't still Providence, Then what he's doing here? Okay -- busted.

Rex, you've got no idea what you're in the middle of.

He knows too much already.

You know the contract rules.

Contract rule 4-A -- no witnesses.

Or is that 4-B? You know I get confused.

I remember the rules.

So, are you Providence or not? Sorry, kid.

These two taking me out, I get.

But not you, Six! You know me! I know them.

I don't know you at all.

But -- but you will get to know me if I live long enough! Sounds like you two blokes got some issues.

Don't you worry, Six.

I'll save you the therapy.

Unh! If you're the "most dangerous on the planet," why does it take three of you to take out a teenager and complete a contract job? Snarky devil! He's right.

It shouldn't take three of us.

You two can go.

Well, listen to granddad.

Wants a taste of the old game and we're all supposed to get out of his way! Eh, they probably figured you for a no-show since you ain't what you used to be.

You have no idea.

Guess we're not drawing straws to settle this.

While they're sorting out who gets to k*ll me, I'm gonna find out what I'm getting k*lled for.

Your little swords and guitars ain't nothin' but a crock! A dangerous man only need these right here! Like that? That's good.

That even better.

O-okay, now you're showing off.

You and I could settle this differently.

Giving me the old sly dog from back in the day.

Sorry, love.

Sounds out-of-tune now.

Unh! I never liked your taste in music, anyway.

Well, you still gots it going on, Six.

I never lost it.

We'll just call this a professional withdrawal.

How I'm gonna get home, y'all? Sorry, guys.

Better me than those K*llers.

Now let's see what's behind door number 1.

It's an Evo power plant, providing all the energy to the country of Jagestan.

But not for long.

Did Providence send you here to stop me? Only to stop you from yourself -- your old self.

You don't really want to do this.

You're right.

I think I'll take care of you first.

You could have run me through when my back was turned.

Too easy.

Or maybe your heart isn't into this line of work anymore.

Unh! Something made you join Providence and take the path that made you the man you are -- well, were yesterday -- and made me what I am today.

I'm not your parent, kid.

You're close enough.

Or at least you used to be.

I don't want to lose that -- again.


Then this is genius.


That was just stupid.

The smartest thing I've ever done is learn to trust your judgment, and I'll trust it -- even if it's from Six years ago.

Not even a flinch.

You believe in me that much, kid? I'd really like to meet this Six you think so highly of.

Maybe my brother can arrange that.

Are you confident this is going to work? Probability of full memory restoration is very good.

But a percentage for failure has to be factored in.

As in total memory loss or coma.

You sure you want to do this? I want to be that better man that I was.

And getting back my memories of you is worth any risk.

Powering up.

Idios mio, bro! Que paso?! We can't take a chance on losing you.

But I'm not that Six you know.

Not yet.

But willing to risk it all to put the past behind you means you're becoming that Six.

I guess k*lling your brother wouldn't be a step forward? This might take a little while.

Tell me how I became me.

Well uh putting up with me, to start.

Gotta hand it to the kid.

He found some pretty good ways to test your patience.

Like the time he adopted a cat for you -- and not even a cute one! Oh, and there was that time that I wore your suit to prom.


Holiday: It was his favorite one.

Favorite?! They're all exactly the same!