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02x17 - Grounded

Posted: 09/08/21 16:52
by bunniefuu
Ship is searchin' the sea by.

I don't want to miss a spot.

Who supposed to be in vector 9? That would be Rex, sir.

Man, why is it always grape soda? Rex! I hate it when you do that! Why aren't you with the recovery patrols? Dr.

Rylander's lab blew up ages ago.

Why do I need to help with the clean-up crew? Are you questioning orders? There are loose ends that need to be tied up.

Only White Knight would fight evil by being tidy.

What was that? Getting back to the grid so I can tidy up.

This mission's a waste of time.

There's nothing to find here.

These'd look cool on my wall.

Maybe not.

He got me! Ah, grape soda! What's wrong? The mask and then and it was like this and it did Got it.

Knight, we have a hostile Evo, humanoid feline, approximately 2 meters tall.

Everybody, defense plan Gamma-3.

Rex, stay back until we have a fix on it.

What? But I found it! We will take it down as a team.

Stay back! Sir, hostile located.

Sector 14b.

It hasn't seen me.

Let's go.

Rex, stay here till I give the signal.

It was a trap.

Stick together.

Defense plan -- There you are.

Wasn't aiming for you.

Time for a catnap.

He's turned to stone? Knight, you can go back to your spring cleaning.

I took care of the big bad Evo.

Uh, sort of.

You did more than that! Knight's not happy with how you handled the mission.

He's never happy.

What's with the luggage? Going on a trip? Knight's decided we're long overdue for another global field exercise.

I'll be hitting the casinos.

It's secret-agent time.

Until I get kicked out for pinching the waitresses.

Happens every time.

I'm going to finally get to test my antimatter theory on the particle accelerator at CERN.

You get ninjas? Hey! Where's my assignment? The field exercises are about coordination with our operatives around the world.

Since you like to work solo, you can work alone, cleaning up the warehouse.

How's the work coming? Great.

Me and the skeleton crew left behind while everybody else is having fun.

It's not supposed to be fun.

Besides, it's nice to have some peace and quiet around here for a change.

I'm done.

Time for a break.

I thought I swept everything up.

Noah, it's the worst.

I'm stuck here in Providence.

I know how you feel.

I'm stuck in calculus.

No one's watching your house.

Make the best of it.

What? Like have a party? Why not? Why not?! I'm sort of light in the friends department.

Leave it to me.

Send a shuttle on autopilot.

Gotta go.

Detention? I hope you filled that thing up with kids.

Ooh, this is going to rock! Uh, about that What took you so long, freak? Let's get this party started! You brought them?! Those kids aren't your friends.

Oh, well, then I guess we're done freak.

They were the only people in detention with me.

The rest of the school had cleared out.

But these guys are jerks! You'd rather go back to sweeping the warehouse? Hey, someone point me in the direction of the all-you-can-eat nacho buffet.

Buffet? I had to promise them something.

Watch your step.

Now, that's a long drop.

And the smell! It's the sewer pipe for the base.

Only place White Knight doesn't have guards on.

I zapped the cameras.

Where's the cages with the Evo freak show? We don't put them in -- Get down! Hey, can I get pro wrestling on this rig? Don't touch that! Noah, get them out before -- Aren't you supposed to be in the warehouse? Oh, read my mind.

On the way right now! Where are you guys? Get off that! Why'd you move this? Did you move it? Move what? Your mama? You guys are making a mess.

I'm starting to sound like White Knight.

Don't ever pull that switch! It locks down the base in an emergency.

Nothing would get in or out! It would be grossly irresponsible to play with that switch, dunky.

So let's pull it after the dweeb's gone.

No, you don't.

Everybody out! And I unlocked the secret level so we could all play in squad mode.

Won't that be fun? How about we play some hoops? One-on-one or -- Come on.

We can do better than that! How about we do something educational? Like wreck stuff! That's a terrible idea.

Oh, I know! You -- you! My name is Rex.

Rex, you can use your Evo cooties to turn us into superheroes with powers based on our personalities.

Like, I'd have the power to turn underwear into pudding.

How's that based on Yeah! And I'll have the power to turn said pudding into animal shapes.

You know, with my mind.

Hold up! I can only cure Evos of their powers.

I can't give people them.

Then what good are you? Dead party, guys.

Let's vacate the premises.

Wait! How about we uh, break stuff? Break stuff? You shouldn't have called my friend a snot-licking sockmuncher.

Only I get to call him that.

Winged him! Who's the crack shot, baby? You think that's good? Check this out.

What can I say? Sometimes you need the big g*ns.

Rex! The warehouse is a mess! Well? All over it.

That's more like it! Who's the pasty dude? Your dad? He's sort of my boss.

That's your boss? You take orders from him? Lame! Lame is right.

Now we really are out of here.

Wait! Look out for the cameras.

It's a regular slumber party.

Rex! The fools have everything wired to the grid, including their sentries.

What'd you guys do? N-nothing! There's something loose in here.

Everybody down! Don't follow.

Let me go or I will k*ll all of you.

Sounds good to me.

Let the nasty pussycat go wherever it wants.

What'd you do that for? I'm not letting that thing escape.

Now that it can't leave the base, we hunt it down.

Hunt it down? It wants to k*ll us! You got a plan for that? Uh, I haven't figured that part out yet.

Shift search grid to C5.

C5? What is he talking about? Go left, dummy! Right! Go right! The main power grid's been sabotaged.

Care to tell me what's going on? I was throwing a party, okay? That cat thing got loose.

But I have it under control.

We're hunting it down.

With those misfits? You pull that off, I'll be impressed.

Guys! I found a lab! And there's this jet pack.

It's not a jet pack.

Do not touch it! The walkway.

Over the lab.

I found a way for us to get out safely! Come quick! What? That's me! It can imitate voices! That's how it tricked us in the jungle.

Guys, don't listen to me! It's him imitating me! Is this the real you or the fake you talking? Or a fake real you being fake? Really.

I uh You won't keep me from Van Kleiss! Don't do anything crazy.

We can work this out.

Don't drop him! Go ahead.

Drop him.

These little punks are trespassing.

No, man.

I was invited.

I just came for the nachos.

I'll save you! Someone get me down! I told you it was a jet pack! That thing cracked out of the stone and ran off.

He mentioned Van Kleiss.

When Van Kleiss used to drain Evos, they'd turn to stone.

This Evo might have been one of them.

Now he's resisting it.

And when dunky distracted it, it turned back for a second.


As long as it concentrates, it's fine.

But when it doesn't -- zap -- it turns back into a statue.

If Van Kleiss did this to him, if he's got a beef with Van Kleiss, then, technically, he's on our side.

That's a big if.

I'm not risking it.

Only I can deactivate the lockdown.

That thing leaves here over my dead body! Be careful what you wish for.

I think it's heading your way.

Hey, I just realized.

We could hide in the pipes here.

and the cops could rescue us later when they come to clean up all the bodies.

After all Rex did for us? The right thing to do is to stay with him till the bitter end.

But I'd rather not get k*lled.

Here, kitty, kitty.

Where is it?! Stealth powers.

Behind you! Knight, over here! That's not me! Do you value your life as little as you do the lives of others? Now you're messing with the men of action! Eat lead, you snot-licking sockmuncher! You came back to help us! We came back to blow up stuff, freak! They're sh**ting at everything! Not for long.

Hey! What are you doing? I'd rather you get k*lled than the rest of us.

Boo! Rex figured it out.

If the thing doesn't concentrate, it turns back to stone.

Time to de-claw you.

Don't! Or I'll never get my revenge on Van Kleiss.

Ah, you see! I knew it.

Every day I broke free from the stone a little longer and every day I was farther out of that jungle, closer to my revenge.

Until you took me to this prison! It doesn't have to be.

Come work for us.

What do you say, Knight? How'd you like a new double agent? Why would I help you? Because we can try to cure whatever is doing this to you.

And we want to take down Van Kleiss as much as you do.

Rex is right.

And from what I can see, you can handle yourself in a fight.

What's it going to be? Aw, man.

You two going to kiss now? Hey, doc, I need some more of that cream.

Dice hand's all chafed.

I can't -- oh, hello.

I'll come back later.

Why did we have to duck out the back way? The old creep already knows we're here.

I guess Knight has his reasons.

He always does.

Reasons to be a punk, right? Just like all you Evo freaks.


Worst party ever.

Ooh, right in the sewer.

Boy, that smell won't wash out easy.

Hey, I didn't do it! Just giving them the exit they deserve.

One of the many joys of cleaning up.

Laugh it up, men.

You two are going to have to fish them out.