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02x16 - Exposed

Posted: 09/08/21 16:51
by bunniefuu
All Providence personnel, this is a priority-1 alert.

Do not panic.

Remember your training.

In all my years of working at Providence, never have I been put in such a situation.

These interlopers could be anywhere at any given moment.

Hey, what's all the -- Whoa! Sorry we're late.

You can't prove a thing.

Watch what you say.

Watch what you do.

The very future of Providence may depend upon it.

So, what's going on? Van Kleiss is attacking the H.


again? Worse.

I am Diane Farah, and for the first time ever, we've got an exclusive, all-access pass inside the top-secret organization known as Providence.

To uncover for our viewers all the juiciest behind-the-scenes details of this most secret of institutions.

And to find out the real story behind that "Man of mystery" you've all wondered about for so long.

All your questions are about to be answered.

Welcome to Providence exposed on "Ultimate exposure.

" Great intro, guys.

Okay, moving on.

This is cool! This is wrong.

Oh, how's my hair? Delicious.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the delightful Ms.

Farah and her crew have used the freedom of information act to force to allow them access to a day in the life of Providence.

And to assure that you are afforded the very best that Providence has to offer, I'm assigning our top man as your personal tour guide.

Six, please show Ms.

Farah whatever she wants to see.

Agent Six is the name.

Spare me the small talk.

I'm here to ask the tough questions, and I expect truthful answers.


So is there a Mrs.

Six? Smooth.

Like you'd have done better.

Are you kidding? They want exposed, I'm gonna give that reporter a piece of my mind and a few other pieces while I'm at it.

I got stories that'll make them run screamin' for the hills.

If you'll follow me, I'll be happy to show you one of our nanite research labs up close and personal.

Evo control is our primary area of concentration, but Providence has focused on a great many studies, each employing the best and the brightest our planet has to offer.

Thanks, Six.

You know, this is my brother's lab.

He's only, like, the smartest guy in the entire world.

Yeah, being the best at what we do totally runs in our family.

That experiment is highly sensitive.

So, agent Six, how did you become a Providence agent? That's also highly sensitive.

Amazing story, though, about how I became a Providence agent See, there was this big accident Good morning.

My name is dr.

Rebecca Holiday, officer for the Providence laboratory facilities specializing in the study of Evology.

Providence's number-one priority is the security of our planet, and through studying and understanding the forces that thr*aten us -- Let's cut to the chase, shall we, doctor? Oh, um o-okay.

How do you balance the threat of Evos, the constant danger, with being a woman? Excuse me.

Speaking of studying, check this out.

We're all about the editing.

Rex, maybe you could show these journalists some of your other duties, like what you're supposed to be doing right now, for instance? Oh, man! That's right! Come on! You're gonna love this! For a chance to be cured by this young man.

How often do you do this? At least once a week here at H.


When I'm in other parts of the country or the world, Providence sets up a mobile cure station.

There are a lot of people out there who need my help.

I only wish I could get to them all.

Um let me try again.

Shut it off.

But this is really good drama, Rex.

I asked to be on TV.

They didn't.

Please give these people their privacy.

Everybody has an off day.

In front of millions of viewers? So much for everyone's favorite Providence "Man of mystery".

Well, they're just lucky they haven't had the camera on me yet.

Oh, man.

Talk about ultimate exposure.

When I get through with them I just wish I could look cool on camera somehow.

Good luck.

The only way that's gonna happen now is if some experimental Evos busted out of their cages and went on a rampage so you could round them up and look like a hero.

Providence isn't known for being forthcoming with information.

I hope this interview will change that.

The people want answers, and I fully expect them from you.

Very well.

What do you want to know? For starters, how do you get fresh milk without any nanites in it? If you must know, it's passed through a powerful magnet that removes and neutralizes any nanite activity.


Anything else? Not at the moment, but I'll be back.

I look forward to it.

So, agent Six, what do you think about White Knight's obsession with staying nanite-free at the expense of human contact? He's a man of many mysteries.

Look out! Coming through! Dangerous, escaped Evos on the loose! Stand back! Let a professional handle this! Follow him.


I'm kind of awesome.

How many did you release? I don't know.

Three or four.

Well, which was it? Three or four? Rex's little demonstration is over, how about a visit to the Providence gift shop -- on me? How long has Providence had a gift shop? Since 8:00 A.


You wanna tell me how a class-five Evo got out of its electromagnetically-sealed container and just happened to cross paths with our tour? It's not like this kind of thing doesn't happen here all the time.

I just wanted it to happen this time in front of the camera, all right? Not all right.

That last Evo -- you just helped is molt so it could grow.

Its body's still out there somewhere, getting bigger.

Providence runs like a finely tuned machine until you decide to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

Hey, pal, let's leave the comedy to me.

And how is it exactly that these Evos got out? Okay, "Mea Culpa".

I may have accidentally knocked open a cage or two -- or four.

That fourth cage was electromagnetically sealed.

I didn't say it was easy.

The Evo we had contained in there feeds on electricity.

It must be kept away from any electrical current.

Then it sure is a good thing this whole place isn't full of electricity.

Oh, wait.

Find it.

Subdue it.

And most importantly, don't let that camera crew see it.

Eh, we're wastin' time hunting this thing down when I could be on camera right now giving those people a piece of my mind.

Hey, I only saw the Evo's empty husk before.

What's the real thing look like anyway? Huh? That.

Any suggestions? Can you make a soccer net? Aha! Got you cornered now.

There's no way out.

You're overpowered.

You were saying? You wanted to interview me.

Now's your chance.


Um okay.

Tell me, Six -- may I call you Six? What is the real truth behind the nanite event that created the Evos? That's classified.

What is your role, if any, in that event? That's classified, too.

Are you always this talkative? No comment.


Let me do that again.

You didn't get my good side.

Which is my good side? Your backside.

Agent Six, you promised you were taking us to the heart of the operation.


The heart of the operation.

This way.

It went right.

Camera right! It's six feet in diameter and weighs 500 pounds! Less criticizing, more helping! Try to steer it in the direction of hallway 12.

We can isolate it in the atrium.

Oh, we've got it contained there now.

No, sorry.

I was reading that backwards.

Hallway 21.

Rex, hallway 21 leads to the central core! Okay, so, no big deal.

That's a cold-fussion reactor, not electric, right? Rex, all electricity is converted from something -- wind, solar, hydro -- at the central core! Rex, listen carefully and do exactly as I say because we're only going to get one shot at this.

One shot at what, doctor? The future.

Providence is the future.

The future used to be the space program.

Now the future is Providence and the science of Evos.

Doc? Are you still there? We have a situation.

Just a minor downgrade of power during a routine relay check.

Nothing to worry about.

Guys, I could really use some advice right about now! Attention all Providence personnel, we have a level-one priority drill.

Repeat -- this is our daily drill in the central core -- now.

Lunch bell.

It's taco day.

Anyone hungry? Agent Six, why are we appreciate all the spoons and the tacos? I can't help but think that you've been hiding something from our viewers.

Not at all, ma'am.

Providence is an open book.

Cut! You're ruining the shot, Rex.

Just be patient.

I will get to you -- I promise.

Get down.

That was what you did Just doing my job, ma'am.

And I'm just doing mine! Buddy, except back to your -- cage? We hope that you and the ultimate exposure team are enjoying our Evo containment demonstration, Ms.


All part of readiness training here at Providence.

Can I quote you on that? Ms.

Farah, I'm not gonna stop you from filming, but for your own safety and the safety of your crew, please step back and let my people do what they do best.

Alpha team, I need a containment at the cafeteria, cube formation.

Fire! Rex.

I'm on it.

This is the real deal.

Not on your life.

Find an elevator.

We're missing it.

Still not a good ti-i-i-i-i-me! Okay, big boy.

No more crawl spaces.

No more hallways.

Just you and me in a big, old hangar bay one on one.

Huh? Looks like you showed him.

Are you going to talk, or are you going to help? Talk.

Kidding! I'm helping! I'm helping! Please tell me you're getting all of this.

Providence's "Man of mystery" strikes again.

Ow! It -- it bit me! Quick, grab some bee roll before we get rid off all the evidence.

You did see that I did all the heavy lifting and Six just took out the trash, right? Don't worry.

The camera never lies.

Yes! Good.

Then get a load of this! - Do you have something to say? - Oh.

I think we have everything we need.

I dont know how you guys came off looking, but yours truly rocked hard.

Just call me Providence's "Man of mystery" from now on.

Oh, yeah.

Stardome starts in 5, 4, 3, 2 I am Diane Farah, and for the first time ever, we've got an exclusive, all-access pass inside the top-secret organization known as Providence.

We are so dead.

Nice knowing you, kid.

to find out the real story behind that "Man of mystery" you've all wondered about for so long.

Agent Six is the name.

- They did it.

- They did.


Holiday: This is a news show? What is the world coming to? Look out, ladies.

Agent Six is the full package -- brains, brawn, and Highly sensitive.

just what is he hiding behind those alluring, dark glasses of his? That's classified.

He's the Providence agent you women wanted to get to know.

Up close and personal.

That's right, girls.

He's The real deal.

and he's known throughout Providence as The heart of the operation.

He's the organization's best-kept secret, the ultimate agent, and The man of many mysteries.

And, yes, ladies, he is single -- or is he? Excuse me.

No comment.

Well, that's a relief.

So, man of mystery, what's it like being a big star adored by women everywhere? No comment.