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02x15 - A Family Holiday

Posted: 09/08/21 16:50
by bunniefuu
The pace of study has been stageringly slow.

There have been no significant advancements in nanites research since the original event.

Simply put, Providence is not doing enough.

What is required is not a military response but a serious, thoughtful reaction, a scientific answer.

The poor and afflicted deserve more.

The world deserves more.

Let me introduce Diane, mother of three.

Diane has been diagnosed as incurable, a lost cause.

Since then, she's been treated like an animal, locked away from her family No hope on the horizon until now.

At Moses Labs, we don't rely on tanks, g*ns, or secret weapons -- only an unwavering belief that whatever science breaks, science can fix.

Fantastic! Welcome back, Diane.

Happy birthday, little sister.

Hope Knight paid the bills.

This is gonna be expensive.

Release the hounds.

Hmm? Heh! I thought that was just a figure of speech.

You're a sick puppy.

Not cool, bro! Agua, por favor.

Water second, probes first.

No offense, but being a guinea pig is a lot less fun when it's you instead of Holiday.

Don't I run the biometric tests with the same efficiency? How are we related? Have you looked at Holiday? She ain't even my species, and I know she's a hottie.

She is very smart.

Where is the doc, anyway? She usually can't wait to get her hands on me.

Saw her this morning, looking pretty grim.

It's her sister.

Her sister's birthday, to be precise.

Holiday gets introspective this time of year.

Her sister? Oh.

Is she smart, too? Hey, guys.

Can't talk.

Hangar! Ah, human dames.

I don't know how you guys keep up.

Thank you for coming, dr.


It's a genuine honor.

Who the heck is that guy and why is Holiday acting all fan-girl around him? That's dr.

Branden Moses, the leading researcher in technogenic transmorphing! If anyone's gonna develop a cure for Evos, it's gonna be him! Now, that's actin' fan-girl.

Moses: Not the worst I've seen.


Holiday: Can you help her? Beverly would be an excellent candidate for my treatments.

Have her transported to my facility.

Hold up! I know you have a bunch of letters after your name, but curing Evos is what I do.

Some of them -- Some you just can't handle, Rex.


Moses' research goes to places you don't, so if you don't mind Ten minutes, and we'll be in the air.

Thank you, doctor.

I've earned five years' worth of personal time, Knight.

I plan to use it all.

I don't like it, but I like your sister even less.

Go for your "cure," Holiday, but if it doesn't work, don't bring her back.

What do you really know about dr.

Moses? Dr.

Holiday: I know what I saw.

You're not taking her to the doctor for a checkup.

Has he handed you supporting data? Why won't you let me have this? It's the first glimmer of hope I've had since Rex got here.

I think you've lost your objectivity.

If you can't help her -- That's the point! I can't! I need this cure.

If you won't help me, stay out of my way! Any chance she's right? Hope she is.

But we're not gonna sit around and do nothing in case she's wrong, right? Today you're my sidekick not a fashion-challenged soccer mom blocking my mojo.

If there's a chance of playing hero for Holiday, I call dibs.


Moses's inventions are not for public viewing -- especially not by Providence.

That "soccer mom" comment really got to you, huh? When did science geeks start packing heat? Check the machine.

I'm no engineer, but as far as I can tell, all this thing does is light up and go "ping.

" They never cured it! This was a scam! Holiday's in trouble.

Holiday, Moses is a fraud.

There is no cure! What's going on here? Dr.

Holiday: Moses, what is this? Business, Dr.

Holiday -- big business.

Now, if you wouldn't mind stepping aside so I can collect your sister Holiday?! What's happening?! Or don't step aside.

I'm good either way.

Holiday! We've got her coordinates.

Go! It's 100 miles away! Correct.

Hold on to your swords, old man.

I trusted you! A bad trait in a scientist.

but look on the bright side -- she won't be locked in a cell anymore.

That was just shameful.

Be the hero.

Be the hero.

Be the zero.

You'll be a lot less grouchy in a few seconds, pal.

Half cured? That's new.


Holiday: They've got Beverly.

You wanna talk to her? Now's not the time.

And when exactly is? She needs a friend, Six.

I prefer to keep it professional.

Keeps people from getting hurt.

Dude, take off the sunglasses.

She's already hurting.

If I were you -- If you were me, you'd have a lead.

Get Holiday.

Dust off in three.

Where are we going? Moses may be a genius, but not because he can cure Evos.

He overpowers them -- hypercharges the nanites with excess energy to push their transformations.

That's why Rex only partially cured that Evo.

He stripped the Evo of its extra power.

But at its core, it was still incurable.

We learned something new today.


Gets worse.

Moses has turned his tech into a cottage industry.

He takes incurables and weaponizes them to sell to the highest bidder.

Don't sugarcoat it, Six.


Holiday: How did you find this out? I called some former associates -- people who know things, things that good people shouldn't know about.

Question -- why is my keep on an unapproved mission? It's cool, Knight.

We're helping Holiday.


We had a deal.

Return to base immediately.

It's over, guys.

I can't drag you down because of my mistake.

I won't.

Keep returning to base.

I said the keep is returning to base.

I didn't say we'd be on the keep.

You okay? Hanging in there.

Hanging in there is good.

I don't like to see you unhappy, you know.

I - I mean -- I know what you mean.


Better luck next time.

Jealous much, sidekick? Who is that? Someone who knows things good people shouldn't.

Machine boy! Like the new ax? You owe me for the last one.

We'll talk music later, Five.

You have word on Moses? Five don't lie.

Your guy is running an auction -- tonight.

I owe you.

She's a lot more beautiful than you let on, Six.

Try not to screw it up this time.

You coming? The Evo is the military ordinance of the future.

We all know it.

You drop one of these babies into your neighbor's backyard, and it's game over.

But to get the most annihilation out of your nanites you need me.

You promised a cure! My technology not only amps up their abilities, but, for an extra charge, will modify their behavior to suit your needs.

No! What am I bid for this army of one? I'll open with extradition for crimes against humanity.

Wait! This is just a minor disturbance.

Do you know what you just cost me, all for one hopeless wreck?! Her name is Beverly.

Then give sissy a hug.

No! Don't hurt her, Rex! Yeah, sure.

Handle with care.

Can you tell her that, too? Going nowhere? Uh, let's not be rash.

I'm gonna have to get you a dictionary.

Rash will not help anyone, especially not Beverly, who can still be cured.

What? No games.

Truth or dead.

Fight still going! Need assistance! Big time! I did invent a machine that de-powered nanites, almost.

But the bonds in nanite particles were too strong to break.

Instead, I discovered that I could reverse the polarity to its maximum, overpowering the nanites.

It's easier and profitable.

But you did isolate the bonds? So, you can break them! Holiday! Okay, I called hero, but I need some extra kick from my sidekick! Seriously! Time to earn a return on my investments! k*ll them all! I won't even bother telling you the trouble you're in.

Catch those other Evos and report to my office the minute you're back.

What other Evo-o-o-o-s? Think they got it? They'd better.

We're busy.


That's the flux transponder.

That's the nanite energizer.

Don't you explode on me -- not now.

I'll handle one crazed sister.

You take the other.

It'll be like a double date.

Don't bother your sister while she's working! I can see what he did, but there's no time! I can't -- I can't help her! It's over.

Holiday -- Rebecca -- you are the strongest, smartest woman I have ever met -- and the most stubborn.

You never give up.

If there is a way to help your sister, find it -- now.

That's my girl.

New plan.

Corral her to the machine.

Plans are good! What do you got, doc? Moses was right.

The polarity of the nanite energizer is wrong! I have to amplify and reverse it.

But I don't have -- Six Your magna blades But it would be too dangerous.

Six! Six! Is it working? It's working.

Six, get out of there! You called hero on this one, Rex! Finish it -- for her! Get them out, Rex -- both of them -- now! Doc! You got to see this! Don't you do this to me! I will hate you forever if you Rebecca? Beverly! That was I'm Wow.

Six, I've never said it, and I'll probably never say it again, but I'm honored to be your partner.

Mushy stuff? Oh! I'm glad I missed it.

But don't ever do anything like that again.


You have to admit, though it was worth it.

We're not running a boarding house here.

No more relatives.

I just need her for a few more tests, sir.

She was only 13 when she went Evo, and she's in a fragile state.

Rex just took me for a ride around the zoo on his cycle.


" Right.

We're going to the mall.

Are you asking permission? No.

I'm asking if we can have some money.

Providence pays me nada.

Can I have a word with you? Six: Sure this is a good idea? Could ruin your "hero" status with Holiday.

It's funny.

After meeting Bev, out of nowhere, it hit me that Doc Holiday's just a little too old for me.

So, since I'm out of the way, I guess there's nothing stopping you anymore, huh, "hero"? Well right.

I guess I'll set up those tests.

Or we could go get some dinner.

Outside? In the real world? Like real people? Like a -- Yes.

Like a date.

It's about time.