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02x13 - Night Falls

Posted: 09/08/21 16:48
by bunniefuu
Are we there, yet? All this futuristic technology, and you've never thought about bathroom? City hall! It must have a bathroom! Pull over now! Bathroom? Caesar.

Is it you? - Esteban? - It's mayor Esteban now.

Mayor? When you ran for class president, Maria Rodriguez got all the votes.

She was smarter and much better-looking.

And I see you're still building your crazy contraptions.

What brings you back to town? To visit Abuela.

It's a surprise.

You don't want to go there.

It is not the same as you remember.

Okay, bro, let's go! Is that little raghead? I haven't thought of that for years.

- What? - Nothing, son.

We'd better get going.

At least stay in town tonight.

You can head up to Abuela's in the morning.

It's been over five years, Esteban.

We're not waiting another minute.

If she is not really your grandmother, why are you calling her "Abuela"? There may not be a biological connection, but she practically raised the entire town.

When you were a boy, you spent every summer here.

I wish I could remember her.

Or any of this.

I'm sure she'll be excited to see you.

Just prepare yourself for a lot of sloppy grandma kisses.


It's me Caesar.

Caesar? And is that my raghead? Why is everyone calling me that? What are you doing here? We've come to visit.

May we come in? - No! - Maybe we should've called first.

So make way to start the Revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the Revolution ♪ so make way.

♪ ♪ So make way to start the Revolution ♪ make way to start the Revolution so make way.

Who wants breakfast? Yo! Abuela always was the best cook.

I have missed my children.

Rex, I have been following your work with providence.

And I always knew you would be a big important scientist.

So why did you slam your door last night? Oh, that.

You just caught me off guard.

We weren't expecting visitors.

I thought you always -- Enough with the questions, little brother.

Let me look at you.

I can't believe how you have grown.

Come see the rest of the family.

Does everyone in town live here? I remember evenings here -- laughing, telling stories.

And the food! Rex, if you thought breakfast was good, wait and see what Abuela makes for dinner.

It is an old building.

There are always repairs.

Uh what's up? It's me -- Federico.

Have you forgotten the secret shake? You and Federico were best friends when you were little.

Ragheads! Why do you keep calling me that? You used to put underpants on your heads and act out wrestling movies.

Glad I don't remember that.

Lucky you.

Abuela, I must speak to you.

Someone has forgotten his manners.

You can't just keep avoiding me.

My phone has been ringing off the hook.

The village is concerned about the recent activity.

Well, they shouldn't be.

What goes on here is our own business.

Not when it leaves these walls.

The situation is getting worse.

We have made the neccessary corrections.

It won't happen again.

You've got one last chance to get out of town.

Or I will evict you myself.

An old scrubble.

You don't need to worry.

What aren't you telling us, Abuela? Time to start making dinner.

Dinner? We just had breakfast.

Trust me.

To family! Family! Is it like this every night? Pretty much.


You're pretty good.

Ever think about going pro? Not anymore.

Okay, maybe not my best move.

- But it wasn't that bad.

- Come, children! You'll sleep here.

See you in the morning.

Did she just lock us in? - She locked us in! - We need to respect our elders.

I'm sure she hat her reasons.

Ooh! Bed's pretty comfy.

Good night.

But -- but It's only 6:30! Sure.

That's not weird, either.


I'm glad you could return my call.

I understand you can help me with my Evo problem.

Federico? That's his room behind here! Can you break it down? What about respecting my elders? Technically, I am your elder.

Break it down! I'll do one better.

Hunh! This place is just full of surprises.

Okay, fur face, if you ate my friend - Rex, wait! - There has been a breach! Where is Rex? I suspect halfway down the hill by now.

Abuela I know.

That is for Federico! Rex! No! That is Federico! Are those your hands? Genial.

I got out again, didn't I? So, you're like a Were-evo? Light-wolf mutant.


Come -- we've got to get back to the house.

I told you this would happen.

You can't control them anymore.

Uh, it wasn't her -- It was me.

I let him out.

I didn't know.

- All these Evos! - They're just boys.

Look at the destruction your "boys" caused.

The people are tired of living in fear.

You'll be leaving today.

I am sorry Abuela.

I had no idea.

And now you have to leave because of me.

I'm not going anywhere! We turn at sundown and then back at sunrise.

It only happens to some of us.

I took samples from all of the affected family members.

Everyone shares the same genetic code -- something similar to Hypertrichosis.

- Hyper what? - Werewolf syndrome.

The nanites triggered the dormant gene.

Can you cure it? I can try.


I don't feel anything.

Do you? Thanks anyway.

I'm seeing no active nanite traces whatsoever.

Well, maybe it's because he's not in Evo form.

I just want a normal life again.

I don't want to have to leave my home.

Maybe there's a way you can have both.

Sorry about the wall.

Why didn't you tell us? Because I didn't want providence to know.

But providence can help.

By taking those afflicted away? No.

Every night, when the bell tolls, those that have the change are locked away safely.

For years, it has been this way, and no one has been hurt.

But you're prisoners in your own home! You may see it that way, child, but at least we are a family.

You know, if I was busted today, it was kind of fun to get out.

Don't you ever feel cooped up in here? There is one thing I miss.

Goal! Why did you stop playing if you loved it so much? One day during practice, I stayed late so some scouts could see me play.

Sun went down, and, well they made me quit the league after that.

Still haven't replaced the goal box.

- Is that providence? - I don't know who it is.

We should probably get back.

It's almost evening bell.

Rex! That guy just shot my ball! Oh, this is just perfect.

Hunter Cain.

He has a thing for hunting down Evos.

I already put him away once.

So what's he doing here? Guessing your mayor called him.

No, I mean, did he break out or something? Don't know.

Don't care.

Why am I not surprised? This one of them? Bringing this guy here was a bad move.

For them.

And I get to settle an old score while I'm at it.

Lucky me.

No -- lucky me! - Rex, you gotta go.

- You don't have to worry.

This guy is nothing to sweat.

No! Well, what do we have here? Esteban, my friend, I may not even charge you for this one.

The mayer was not kidding.

He sent an Evo hunter who likes to sh**t first and skip the questions.

We'll need every man, woman, and werewolf.

You were warned Abuela.

You can leave peacefully, or we will bring you out.

I didn't come here for conversation.

But you said it would just be a show of force.

We run them out of town -- no one gets hurt.

I don't negotiate with Evos or their families.

If you don't like what you're about to see, you can head on down the hill.

Why don't you join them, Hunter? I never back down from a fight.

Neither do I.

You bring you magic evil b*ll*ts or is this going to be a real fight? Lucky for you, these are the old-fashioned kind.

But they hurt just as bad.

Yeah, that is kind fo annoying.

Just hours ago, there wasn't any nanite activity.

But now it's like night and day.

That was my little pun.

It seems the samples are reacting differently in the absence of sunlight.

If I can only work out the photo-reactive elements I don't even think a cure will stop Hunter Cain.

He'll never listen to reason.

I still got to try.

I think I can effect a change in the nanite programming during the nocturnal cycle.

If I'm gonna cure this, I have to do it before sunrise.

Not if Hunter gets to them first.

I can keep doing this till you run out of a*mo.

Fire on target! Note to self -- don't give him any ideas.

You have to lock them out.

I made a promise to keep them safe from harm! Where they can't defend themselves? That's exactly what won't happen! Grandma, step aside.

I stand with my family.

Have it your way.

I'll take all of you down.

You obviously haven't met my family.

Can't believe we're not related.

So what was your big jail brake? Nail file in a cake? Exploding smoke b*mb? Cold, hard cash.

Not everyone at providence is an Evo-lover.

Yes! We can reprogram the nanites to disregard the photo-reactive coding of their DNA with a frequency-tuned pulse! That should allow you to cure them! Sounds great, but I've sort of got my hands full.

You mess with my brother you mess with me.

Who are you? You an Evo? No.

I'm a scientist.

Your turn.

Wait! I thought you said you had to zap their nanites.

In a manner of speaking.

First, I zap you.

Then, you have your nanites do the rest.

Too strong.

I'll make an adjustment.

Adjustment? How about you wait for me to say "okay" next time? You're still here? When I said I was out of the disintegrator a*mo, I lied.

One left, and it has your name on it.

Federico, I'm not sure if you can understand me, but it might be time for the return of ragheads.

I think I have got the setting figured out.

You think? That's more like it.


Let's give it a try.

I'm not trying to hurt you.

Federico, my heart.

Let him try.

Maybe we have to wait for sunrise.

We we made it worse.

Now he's stuck that way! It isn't him it's me.

I can control it now! Doesn't change a thing to me.

He's still an Evo.

I'm gonna finish the job I came here to do.

I'll wipe out the whole compound if I have to.

There is no place for your kind of hatred here.

Hunter: You think I'm afraid of you? I think you should be.

Hunter knows I hold a grudge.

He'll come back.

And we'll be waiting.

So, this mean you're gonna try out for the pros? I think it's time we all go out and live our lives.

Family! Family! Ragheads! Ragheads!