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02x11 - Without a Paddle

Posted: 09/08/21 16:46
by bunniefuu
This is serious, Rex.

I'm talking life or death stuff here.

You're talking table tennis.

No oh no, not just table tennis, Rex.

Championship table tennis.

We could win the golden paddle.

But my last three partners have been injured in matches against East Side High's star player.

What did they do? Sprain their pinkies? Their pinkies were the only things that didn't get hurt.

Okay, now I'm interested.

Awesome! Two things, Rex first, if you decide to play, you've got to enroll in school.

And second, in order to win the state championship, we're gonna have to beat them.

Who's next?! Huh? Oh, I am so in.

Yeah! So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way Okay, here's your story.

You're a transfer student from Albuquerque Thanks, I Where you were Captain of the state-champion table-tennis team.

I got you in all the easy classes except for one.

The only math class open was Trig, which could be a problem.

Actually, I You've got to keep a passing average to play, so just attend all your classes and pray that there's no pop quizzes for the week you're gonna be here.

You got all that? Great.

Here we are.

Ready for some practice? Put your hands in your pockets, keep your he down, and walk fast.

What's the shirt for? Whoa! Yeah.

People around here take this game pretty seriously.

I don't get this much respect when I save the world.

What can I say, man? It's table-tennis season.

It's a pleasure to have you on board, son.

Heard great things about you.

I, uh, do have some questions about your transcripts, though.

Principal Rothberger.

I, uh, tried calling this principal Haha from your previous school.

He's really good at the game, sir.

Really? Good enough to stand up to our problem at East Side? Wrists look a little skinny.

You got to have powerful wrists to get a good backspin.

powerful enough for you? Well, everything seems to be in order, son.

It's just like regular tennis.

You work with your partner, set up the shot, then Or you could just do that.

Anything for our champions.

I can get used to this.

Of course, if you don't win the championship, you're a dead man.

No pressure or anything.

That's Mr.

Buchiner's Trig class.

The guy's love for triangles is a little unnatural.



So, this is the new table-tennis whiz.

Well, Trigonometry may not get you the ladies the way that so-called sport does, but consider this Without Trigonometry, there would be no table tennis.



Nice suit, by the way.

Is he the sixth-deadliest teacher on the planet or something? There are some pretty good players at the other schools Almost as good as me.

It won't be fair to use your evo powers on normal kids.

But when we go up against the twins - Hyah! - Game over.



Hey! Drop the w*apon! It's not a w*apon! It's a camera.

Who are you working for? East Side High.

Please don't k*ll me! You're a spy?! For table tennis?! Please don't break it! That's my dad's camera! Get out of here! We've got nothing to hide.

See you at the match Saturday.

Bring your camera.

Looks like you might have some actual competition, boys.

School's actually a pretty cool deal.

Home EC rocks! I got a C-plus on my cake.

Uh, that's great.

I get to hang around other kids, I'm learning all sorts of interesting things, and there's no evo monsters trying to pound my face into the ground.

Glad you're having such a good time, because your next class is no piece of cake.

Hate to leave you to the wolves, buddy, but I'm precalculous.

The excitement of Trig was last semester for me.

No problema.

I perfected the art of pretending to be awake during all those boring Providence briefings.

Just hope Buchiner doesn't spring a Pop quiz?! Pop quiz?! Pop quiz?! Pop quiz?! What?! What the devil is Buchiner thinking?! This could be a table-tennis k*ller! We are so hosed.

Any word? How am I supposed to know the difference between a cotangent and a cosecant? My brain hurts.

We are so totally hosed.

Hey, Noah.


What's going on? The quiz? Oh, you know, it's just Trig.

Just Trig? How did he do? It seems in addition to table tennis, we have a Trigonometry prodigy in our midst.

You? How? Did your nanites help you? It's just trajectories and horizon lines, like aiming my slam cannon.

All that matters is you passed.

You're still on the team! It's a beautiful day and one we've all been waiting for, as the state championship table-tennis tournament gets under way.

We'll be covering every ball bounce and paddle smack of this exciting event, so get ready for some action.

All this for table tennis? I know.

Isn't it great? This is an elimination tournament, two tables at a time, winners move up in the ranks to the final showdown.

You make it sound like the wild west.

I think you're finally getting it.

Hey, found a new partner? You're next.

Don't mind the boys.

They're just a little enthusiastic.

May the best team win.

Those guys should get a trophy for good sportsmanship.

Nothing I love more than putting a beatdown on a bully.

This is going to be fun.

Dude, save it for the final.

Huh? This isn't me.

Something's messing with my nanites.

Rex, your hand.

Duh, my hand.

No, your other hand.

You got to be kidding me.

That sleazeball coach just tried to juice me.

Nice try, buddy! We'll deal with him later.

Let's just focus on winning.

Aah! What are you doing?! Backhand! Backhand! You're being too easy on them! Go for the k*ll! Yeah! Umpire, are you blind?! Ben Franklin fouled! Match to the C-Notes.

Final match East Side evos versus Benjamin Franklin C-Notes.

You'll never beat those guys playing like that.

Gabriel, you missed that drop shot.

Michael, why didn't you use a loop k*ll after the second service? You boys going evo was the greatest gift to table tennis I've ever seen.

I hate watching you waste it.

We didn't ask for it.


What are you saying? It it would just be nice to do normal things, you know, and have friends.

Friends? Table tennis is what you do, and you do it better than anyone else.

When you're a champion, nothing else matters.

Yes, dad.

When you inspire fear and respect, you don't need friends.

I promise I'll do my best.

Me too, dad.

You better, boys.

Now go out there and be a champion Or champions or whatever the heck you are.

If you're trying to psyche me out with your creepy double stink eye, you're wasting your time.

Okay, now, that creeps me out.

Point! Our point, loser.

Oh, it is so on! Aw, did you break your paddle? Hope you brought a spare.

As a matter of fact, I did.

Aah! Your serve! Hey, that's not regulation.

I think we threw out the rulebook a while ago.

I'll allow it.

Play ball.

Time to take home the gold.


Double whoa.

What are you waiting for? Serve the ball! Point to East Side High.

Match point! Guys, look what's happening to you.

You've been juiced.

I feel great! Point to the C-Notes.

You boys are worthless! What's it gonna take, boys? Uh, Rex? Guys, I know what you're going through.

Just let me Foul multiple balls in play.

That's enough! You're gonna hurt someone.

Good idea.

You first.

Don't just stand there.

Go after the shot.

Hey! You seriously need to work on your parenting skills.

Hey, champ, this better end in a win.

We're not playing table tennis anymore, are we? Imbeciles.

I wish the earth would open and swallow their substandard tests.

I should have wished for a pony.

Aah! Rex, theta equals the arc tangent of "b" squared plus or minus the square root of "b" to the 4th minus "g" times gx squared plus yv squared over "g"! Got it! In other words, stomp then smack.

Good thinking, Mr.


Well, just because I don't like table tennis doesn't mean I'm a jerk.

You need to chill out! Huh? So, where is your hotshot teammate? Where's our trophy? Where's Look out! Aah! *** we're cool! We're cool! I have no idea who won.

Smack him! You call that fighting?! Dude, a little perspective here.

You! All because of you! Enough! Wish I could cure you all the way, but that's all I've got.

It's okay.

I don't think you entirely knew what you were doing.

But you.

What were you thinking? Just trying to do what's best for my son sons whatever.

Do you even know what they want? What a stupid question.

They want to be champions.

Right, boys? Actually, dad I I mean, coach We've always hated table tennis.

What we really want to play Is piano.

Piano? We're not kidding.

You're not kidding? Mm.

You know, they have competitions for that.

We're gonna get you the best teachers there are, and you're gonna win gold records and make me proud.

Young man, after witnessing the destruction you caused I caused?! I have no choice but to disqualify you from the tournament.

And expel you from this high school forever.

And I'm gonna have a word with that principal Haha.

Oh, man.

No golden paddle? I already cleared a spot in the trophy case.

It was pretty nice.

I was in school for a week, and I was like a regular kid.

I even took a pop quiz, and I got an "A.

" I'm glad, Rex, because that's got me thinking.

I've been too lenient in your academic education.

Oh, no.

Wait a minute.

Starting today, more regular lessons Science, history, Spanish.

Spanish?! Oh, yes.

And I saw that Trig quiz.

98%? Do you know how that reflects on me? I know that you can do better, and you will.

I wonder if Buchiner will take me back.