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02x07 - Mixed Signals

Posted: 09/08/21 16:26
by bunniefuu
- Whoa! - Aah! Aah! Whoa, big guy! Someone needs to ease off on the cheeseburgers.

Skip the insults.

Start the containment.

Like its feelings are gonna get hurt.

One fat 'n' ugly going down! Huh? Que-what?! Rex? Rex! So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way Goal! You want to explain this? I don't know.

It's like some weird vision of this thing filled my head, then built itself out of me.

Maybe the vision came from Blobbo.

Maybe it's trying to talk to me.

Come on, big boy! Send me some more pictures! What's on your mind? Groceries, that's what's on its mind.

Skip it.

I'm over it.

That vision must've been a fluke.

All right, then, we're going with a two-prong attack.

Use caution.

This kind of evo might be a splitter.

Rex! Snap out of it! Whoa! Whoa! I wasn't supposed to do that, right? Rex, I want you back at H.


But I feel okay now.

A- and we've got, um Two blobs to put down.

Now! No trace of any recent electrochemical or DNA abnormalities.

Everything reads normal.

But it's like the visions were being transmitted and I was seeing it from a nanite point of view.

I can't track it, Rex.

There's no sign of signal displacement or a nano disturbance.

Maybe we should consider the possibility that this is psychological.


I think he's having another vision.

Of lunch? With pineapple and salmon.

Yeech! He is nuts.

Aside from a strange choice in pizza toppings, all readings are normal.

I can't explain it.

Well, if my nanites are trying to get me to build something, maybe we should give them what they want.

Whatever it is, I'm not eating it.

Is that my electric toothbrush? It better not be! It's the one I've been using.


This is what I'm seeing in my head As stupid as it looks.

It's like someone or something is sending me instructions to build some big device.

Or build a pizza with pineapple and salmon.

Okay, I'm not sure about that vision.

Is that my hair dryer? I just need to figure out what it does.

Maybe it's a time machine or Or alien technology! Maybe it's just a big pile of junk or a way to order a really awful pizza.

Target acquired.

- Rex! - Wake up! Whoa! Six, we need you back at headquarters.

Ugh! Hey, where do you think you're going?! We've got a security breach ground floor! Lockdown protocols enabled! All hands report to duty stations! Security teams, take positions! Sorry, guys, I might be a little late.

Cease compression! Release! Ohh! Figures I'd build a machine with a serious attitude problem.

Rex? Is that you? Who's asking? It's me Caesar Your brother! Mijo! You're alive! And older.

Atomic clock was right.

- Esta es una problema grande.

- Uh, yeah, it is a big problem.

What is this place?! Who are you people?! I'm getting you out of here.

Sorry, amigo.

Put your hands up.

Or don't.

I got a clear shot either way.

A talking chimp? Don't bother.

I've heard all the jokes.

Have they hurt you? Are you okay? Stand aside! Hello? Do I get a say in this? If you're part of some elaborate plan to kidnap Rex, then you failed! Listen, bonita, you don't want to make me use this! Enough! Normally around here when someone barges in talking crazy, they get ground into the deck plates by my giant fists.

But you seem legit.

- I'm going with him.

- Rex! Okay, brother, lead the way.

So, if you are my brother, where have you been all this time? I'll explain later when we're safe.

Uh, this is Providence.

We are safe.


Providence? Never heard of it.

To be honest, the last five years has been a bit of a blur.

I want to believe you, but I'm gonna need some proof.

Your name is Rex Salazar.

Our parents are Violeta and Rafael.

The last time I saw you was at the applied nanite research lab in Abysus, right before those fools triggered a replication cycle.

And I have total amnesia, so for all I know, that could be completely bogus.

There's a scar on the back of your left knee you got when you were 7, riding the gantry arm in the reactor annex.


I always wondered how I got that.

Nice wheels.

Don't even think about it.

It's okay.

Six isn't going to hurt you, right, Six? You're coming in a little late on this, but, uh, this is Caesar My brother.

And he wants to get me out of here.

So, let's just let my brother have his way and see where this all goes.

Wherever you plan on going, they're going to follow us.

You know that, right? They can try.

I don't know.

Providence ships are pretty fast.

Track Rex's bio signature and find out who that guy really is.

You ain't kidding.

This thing moves fast.

A- are we in the Arctic? How do you think I got to your location so quickly once the locater signaled me? Locater? You sent me the schematics to build that thing? It tried to crush me like a bug! Sorry, mijo.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

I was looking for what's hiding inside of you.

The Omega One nanite.

That thing? Holiday discovered it before.

We had no idea what it was.

I sent a signal instructing the Omega One to track and contain.

But since the nanite has integrated into your DNA, you became the conduit for building the machine.

What I don't get is how the Omega One got inside of you.

Rylander was supposed to have that under lock and key.

Rylander? He's the one that put it inside me.

Why would he do a thing like that? I'm really gonna have to let that old fool have it when I see him.

Not possible courtesy of Van Kleiss.

Van Kleiss?! What does that third-rate lab hack have to do with this? What? I guess I'm not the only one who needs an update.

Where have you been? It's a long story Actually, short by my clock.

A splinter group had formed at the lab.

They had other ideas about how the nanites would be used.

We tried to stop them, and you were hurt.

The only way to save your life was an infusion of nanites.

It was risky, but it worked.

We thought that would be enough to stop the others, make them see the right path.

But We were wrong.

Mom and dad were in the reactor.

As for me, I managed to escape in my lab.

But the shock wave, the same one that probably blanked your memory Also interfered with the engine that powers this pod.

I was stuck in sub-light drive.

How long? That's how long it took me to reboot the system.

But at the speed I was going, it was five years of your time.

I knew there was an accident, but I had no idea how bad.

My nanite sensors were off the charts.

My first priority was to insure the OM-1 was safe.

That was our promise.

And Here we are.

So, what have I missed these past five years? Providence.

We need to talk.

They can wait.

So, let me understand.

They're called evos, and Van Kleiss claims to be their leader? Well, not for all of them yet.

I want to know about me, about our parents.

They were scientists.

We lived all over the world.

Things settled down when you came along.

That was in Geneva.

Wait a second.

- Are you saying I'm Swiss? - Not really.

Mother was born in Mexico City, father in Buenos Aires.

And they're really Gone? Um, where exactly did this ship take us? What do you know? We're back at the original lab site.

You mean the one in Abysus? Is that a problem? I'd say just a small one.

We should go, like now.


Must be low on charge.

We may be stuck, but on the bright side, I can take a look at some of these variegated organisms.

Caesar, wait! Fascinating.

We theorized mutations might occur but never anything this random.

Sorry, bro, but these guys usually don't sit still for questions.


That's new.

Guess I've learned a a few tricks.

But they still won't be enough if Van Kleiss shows up with all his g*ons.

Six! We're locked onto you.

The keep is already on its way.

Your ship may be out of juice, but I'm not.

Hop on.

I can get us out of here.

I won't leave my lab, and you definitely don't want Van Kleiss getting his hands on some of the things in here.

I'll try to reroute the capacitors to an alternate power source.

Oh, you want to see a photo of you, me, and papi? Maybe later.

You're a little off, aren't you, Caesar? What was that machine it flew off with? A laboratory One I thought I'd never see again.

It seems an old friend has returned.


Providence isn't so bad now, eh, hermano? Is this a Grinnell? They always made good consoles, except for the random power surges.

Well? Everything's cool.

He's a little kooky, but I'm pretty sure he's my brother.

Glad to hear it.

Now I need you back.

We still have some unfinished business.

Got to get back to work.

My little brother, the hero.

I remember when you just wanted to be a musician.

Guitar? No, wait drums.


You got to be kidding me! As I recall, you started it.

Huh? The evo is dividing faster than we can contain it.

The city is being evacuated.


Excuse me, admiral.

I need you to take me down there immediately.

Afraid I'll have to insist.

Rex! Are you crazy?! Depends on who you ask.

I had something in my lab that I thought could help.

Help? You're not even supposed to be outside the keep.

Whoo-hoo! Way to go, bro! First day on the job, and you already got a save! - Job? - Oh, come on, admit it, Six.

He just saved our chicharrones.

What? What's so funny? You always make me laugh when you try to speak Spanish.

We've pulled his records, and I've confirmed his DNA.

It seems Rex really does have a brother.

If everything I've read about him is true, he could be an incredible asset to Providence.

Or a major liability.

All the more reason to keep him with us.

Give him whatever he needs.

White's right, Six.

He knows more about nanites than anyone on the planet.

- He helped invent them.

- My point exactly.

He's settling in? I guess so.

Caesar's a little strange.

Hard to believe he's actually my brother.

I'm happy for you, Rex.

You always said you wanted to find your family.

Thanks, but You know what? I already did.

Caesar may be my brother, but you, Holiday, Bobo, you're who I have a connection with.

Aww, now, see, I'm getting all misty.

There you are.


Nice view.

Say, mijo, you think your cafeteria could whip up a pizza with pineapple and salmon? I've been craving one for days.

Connection, huh?