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02x06 - Divide By Six

Posted: 09/08/21 16:25
by bunniefuu
Oh, you think you're bad? Check this! Yes! Numero uno, baby! No evos to fight, no Six looking over my shoulder, and no way this day could possibly get any Better.

Oh, man, Bobo would be so jealous if he knew I slipped out for this.

Good thing my nanites can't talk.

But if they could talk, they'd be telling me that's not good.

Hello? Hey! Get back here! Oh, brought a friend, huh? Make that friends.

Big ones.

I don't know who you evos think you are, but you just surrounded the wrong Providence agent.

Um, you're not evos.

Ooh, ain't he the clever one? So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way Oof! Ouch.

Whoa! You guys don't fight like humans.

But neither do I.

Aaaah! I-V! Let 'er rip! Take him out, Trey.

- Whoo-hoo! - Oh, boy.

Huh? Who are you? Just tell the blokes at the hospital that Five sent you.

Aah! All yours, Dos.

Claro que si.

¿Eres de Mexico? España! Aah! Not half bad, really.

I've seen better moves on a chess board.

Well, I thought he was pretty good, y'all.


But is he good enough? Yes, and that's why we're taking him with us.

Six? Six, what are you And then I said to the general, "Your surrender I can accept, but there is no excuse for that haircut.

" Blimey, Dos.

You told the same story last time.

And it wasn't very funny then, either.

Well, forgive me for trying to pass the time.

We may ride in silence, if you prefer.

Dat fine by me.

I like the sound them engine make.

b bl bl bl! Like that.

You do realize that you sound like a complete blockhead? Ignore her, Trey.

Five is obviously still bitter about the Malaysian job.

We're all still bitter about the Malaysian job.

Not like I can pick up a new one of these at pinkie mart.

The past is past.

We must focus on the task before us.

Which is what, exactly? Six, please tell me this is some sort of whacked-out, top-secret Providence mission.

So let me get this straight You've gone AWOL - with a bunch of weirdos - Hey! Who you calling weird, big hands? Who att*cked your partner, and now you're abducting that partner in a stolen jet? I'd say that sums it up.

Why? What's going on, and who are these people? Have you ever wondered why they call me "Six"? 'Cause that's how many seconds you have to answer my question? It's because I'm the sixth most dangerous man on the planet.

Meet Two through Five.

Trey, Five, Dos, and I-V.

It's like a Roman four.

I'm not stupid.

And it still doesn't explain why you let them attack me and knock me out.

The gas was a bit much.

Eh, force of habit.

Eh, I breathe that stuff for breakfast.

As for the rough and tumble, how else was we supposed to see your bag of tricks? Ho, we can't take no amateur where we're goin', no.

Okay, so where are we going? There.

Okay, for the record, you could have just asked for my help.

By the way, there are five people more dangerous than you? How is that possible? Who decides the order, and where's number one? Not far.

Is he gonna try to k*ll me, too? Very probably.

One has turned evo, and you're the only one who can save him.

Dos! Lend us a hand, love.

Like you lent me a hand in Buenos Aires? I take it you guys aren't exactly one big happy family.

We all care about the same thing.

Oh, you care, do you? Is that why you haven't gone to see him in months? My work is important.

Mines is, too.

Fighting a planetwide plague ranks just a bit higher than breaking arms and legs for You tell our secrets, we'll tell yours.

How's he doing? Not well.

He's been using meditation and physical discipline to fight the disease.

But he's losing bad.

Then it's a good thing I'm here.

If nanites are the disease, then I'm the aah! Cure.

This is a joke, Six.

The bad kind that's not funny.

Like a knock-knock joke? Shut it! Who dat?! I- V is right.

It's a fool's errand.

This boy cannot possibly save a man like This "boy" has faced things that would make you people run and hide.

Nice house.

We built it when One learned he was sick.

He wanted a failsafe.

If he doesn't enter a code every 41 minutes, the house drops, along with anyone in it.

So the fact that the house is still here Means there's still hope.

So, do we knock or Everybody back! One, it's me.

We're here, all of us And we brought help.

It's even worse than before.

He's too far gone.

We're just wasting our time.

Then leave.

How long has he been fighting it? Five years.

Most people go out of control in five minutes.

One isn't most people.

Oh, I guess he like that scented candle I sent to him.

Honestly, Trey, every time you open your mouth I brought someone.

I know you don't like strangers here, but I thought we could make an exception.

This is Rex.

I think he can help.

But you have to let him.

Do you understand? Training and discipline have taken him as far as they can.

Now he needs a cure.

He needs you.

- What have you done?! - I didn't even Trey! The chain! Oh! He is gone.

And unless one of you chumps knows his code, this place is going into the soup.

Run! Well, obviously! Aah! Aah! Grab on! - Told you the kid was a bad idea.

- I didn't even touch him.

I can do this.

We just have to catch up to him.

Come on, it's an island.

How far can he go? Rex is right.

We have to go after him.

We have to try.

That is not the only option.

No! He can still be saved.

He's heading east.

I don't want him hurt.

That's entirely up to him.

They can't hold him long.

I work fast, remember? Okay, uh, this might Sting a little.

It's working.

Hoo! Dat's what I was goin' to say.

That's right.

Almost huh? No! I told you.

No! Hurry.

They've still got him.

You can try again.

It won't matter, Six.

He's incurable.

I'm sorry.

Then we'll do what we should have done in the first place.

We'll handle this our way.

Stop! Aah! Your plan did not work.

This is the only option.

k*lling our teacher was never an option.

Even if Rex can't cure him, we can still help.

We've heard about your petting zoo.

He's not an animal! One would sooner die than live in a cage.

And no cage could hold him.

Let me try again.


There's got to be something I can do.

No! One is gone.

That thing is not him anymore just an abomination that must be destroyed.

That man gave me a home when I had nothing.

He trained me.

He took care of me.

And now I am gonna take care of him.

Sorry, love, but I think you're outvoted.

I voted twice.

This was never a democracy.

Rex, save One! Get him out of here before they Aah! Come on! Follow me! One! Rex to Providence.

Request emergency evac And a really big cage! Rex to Providence! Any agents on this frequency, please respond.

This is agent hall with recon 35.

Changing course to intercept.

ETA, five minutes.

Could I talk you down to Four? Gotta be honest I was kind of hoping for a rematch.

Step aside, hijo.

Don't make us hurt you, love.

Come on.

We're just tryin' to do the right thing, eh? Like Six told you Forget Six.

Look at him, kid.

He's just a monster now.

You know we're right.

All I know is I trust Six.

Aaah! This time, no mercy.

Huh? That's your problem, Dos no mercy.

Six! Aaah! That's new.

Been saving it for a special occasion.

Oh, no, y'all didn't! Huh? So, does this make me one of the most dangerous people on the planet? What number am I? Hang on, One.

Help is on the way.

They'll never make it in time.

Six, stand back.

Rex, enough.

Aaaaaaah! I had a coonhound sounded like dat.

I called her Daisy.

One more word out of you Six.

One? You left this place, quit life as a mercenary, and so rarely returned to visit.

I did what I felt was right.

I I never meant to dishonor So rarely that I never had time to tell you How proud you've made me.

We're going to help you.

We're going to take you home.

But, Six, I am home.

He's still One.

He's just one with everything.

So, does this mean you're the new number one? - No.

- Aw, why not? You kicked all their butts.

I mean, with an assist from a certain incredibly cool and handsome young agent, but, you know, who's counting? Come on! You beat everyone! Why doesn't that make you the new number one? We're not ranked by who's the best fighter.

We're ranked by who's the most dangerous.

There was a time when I wanted to be number one, and I was well on my way.

- So, what happened? - I met you.

Now, I believe I owe you a hamburger.

- Hungry? - Always.

Can we make it a double?