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02x02 - Waste Land

Posted: 09/08/21 16:21
by bunniefuu
Aah! Oh! Forget that stuff! She's going down! What's happening? Hurry! Is everyone out? Where's Hodgson? Oh! Hodgson! Get out.

We're abandoning ship! Yeah, I got that from the annoying alarms.

I have to shut down the reactor core.

If it melts down, the entire region will be a dead zone! This will not end well.

so make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way We're breaking up! Reroute all power to the hull! Ah! It's working, captain! Bath time's over.

We have a mission.

Oh, yeah? Where to? The middle of the Pacific.

Excelente! This is going to be so great, Six.

I've dreamed of being an undersea explorer for I don't know as long as I can remember.

You only remember the last 18 months.

I dream fast.

Look, I don't know how many times my brain's been rebooted, but, for now, I'm cramming it full of cool memories while I can.

And exploring the ocean, that's major, like visiting another planet.


Uh, close enough.

We're coming up on the drop coordinates.

I'll link you to the exterior camera feed.

Welcome to trash island.

Cool! How big is that thing? About twice the size of Texas.

The same currents that formed it have swept up every nanite in the north Pacific.

Who knows how many evos are down there? Sea monsters! What every explorer dreams of.

Something sunk that ship yet didn't harm the crew.


A sea monster with a conscience.

With intelligence.

Don't let your guard down.

We can't communicate once you're submerged.

How long do we have? It depends on the conditions of the reactor core.

If the rods are cracked, it could already be leaking radioactivity.

But if the core melts down, its radioactive steam could travel to the mainland.

Yeah, if it doesn't blow up first.

No danger of that, but you'd never need a night light again.

Bring me back a souvenir.


That's worse than the bottom of my closet.

And we're diving into that? Just hold your nose.

Whoa! Oh, yeah!! This is amazing.

Six the coral is using the trash as a foundation material.

You see trash? Guess, it's all in how you look at it.

It's a city.

I'm gonna say we are definitely not alone down here.

Whoever constructed this now has the w*apon potential of the reactor core.

And don't touch the controls.

That window is alive! And there's air in there! A city big enough to house an army and perfectly hidden.

The research ship could have been taken down for getting too close.

Well, I'm not seeing any army.

So far, all I've seen is Fish? Incoming! I've lost steering.

Take the controls.

Try to outrun them.

Oh, so, now I get to? Awesome! Aah! Aah.

Less awesome.

I just need a moment to reprogram a torpedo.

Got it.

Hold on.

Ew! Ouch! Two heads, twice the headache.

Suit up.

We need to check the damage.

Did you really need the sunglasses? Okay, maybe so.

One of the steering vanes is bent.

We need to remove it.

Whatever that sound is, it's really creeping me out.

Fish communicate with sonic waves.

I suspect those are commands.

There! You fix the sub! I've got the chum.

Come on, this way! Over here! Whulp! Uh, this may be a problem.

Come on, come on! Little farther, little farther! No, no, no! Okay.

New strategy.

Yes! Oh, no! Not down! Bad fish, bad! Finally found something that works underwater! Hostiles on our nine.

Where is that coming from? Rex! I'm gonna say the fish squeaks are coming from him.

Hang on! I don't know about you, but I'm craving me some fried calamari.


Keep your head down.

Take us in.

So, ringing the doorbell is out of the question? How is this better? Climb! Huh? Impressive.

This place is awesome! Aah! You saw the evo riding the squid, right? Mr.

Tall, dark, and mermaid-y? I'm thinking I'll skip the "melted butter" joke.

That claw just winked at me.

Hey! it's their natural instinct to protect their territory Even to the death.

We will not stand for any more att*cks on Aquannia.

Aquannia? Really? Please tell me that name wasn't your idea.

We haven't att*cked you or your city.

Liar! You fired torpedoes and injured this very room! To escape your squid.

Um, why don't we lighten up a bit? Less accusing, more amusing? The fact remains, you att*cked an innocent research ship.

So, you did all this? How did you get coral to take orders? Innocents?! As soon as those "innocents" find something profitable, a hundred more ships come to dredge and scrape out the ocean floor! Uh, guys, guys? Sort of freaking out the kids, here.

After that, the drills arrive, spitting out oil that chokes everything under it! Just leave us alone!! Aah! Just following their natural instincts.

Get small! What next? Aah! Aah! Ask a stupid question Ugh! Aah! I'm rethinking the undersea-explorer career option.


Let me.


Is the paralysis spreading? Give me a sec.

Nanites took care of it I think.

This is from a scarlet cobra urchin.

You were lucky, Rex.

It would have k*lled a normal person.

You know a little too much about things that can k*ll you, Six.

We need to find the reactor core.

No telling what he plans to do with it.

I doubt he even knows what he has.

Sure, he's a little nutty.

I mean, he came up with "Aquannia.

" But this place is more like a paradise than a military camp.

I mean, how many extremists do you see running a nursery? Oh, yuck! Please stop touching things.

Maybe they want their mommy.

I suppose *** a mommy.

Come no further.

Uh, what are you doing? An example of why I keep the company of fishes instead of men.

Oh, come on, guys! Truce! Rex! Maybe that research ship looked like trouble to you, but they were just documenting the pollution to make people understand the harm their garbage does.

But if you think you're the one getting the shaft, we'll listen.

Come on.

What could it hurt? After my change, I found I had a closer bond with these new species.

With what, telepathy? No.

I understand their natural instincts and use them to modify their behavior.

Oh, like a fish whisperer.

And "modifying behavior" includes sinking ships? The facts are clear! I build.

You destroy.

Hey, I know.


This is Six.

My name is Rex.


That's a machine's name.

I think that we've established that not everyone is good at picking names.

And you are? Surge.

Now, see, that's totally rad strong, powerful, like a like a tidal Surge, right? It's my name Short for Sergio.


Well, works both ways.

There is much to do if the oceans are to be clean Again.

These anemones can process even oil and plastics into food that is circulated throughout the coral colony.

The coral builds everything we need, even the mirrors that bring light from Whoa! Seaquake! No, it's just a curse that you humans have set upon me! It became jammed into the lower spires and is now at the mercy of the currents.

It's the research ship! The shaking will stop when the crab men cut it free and drop it into the abyss.


Bad idea.

See? He doesn't want a w*apon.

He has no idea what he has! w*apon?! So, your interest in my work was a lie?! It's not a w*apon, but it will destroy your home.

We're running out of time! Listen to me.

The reactor inside that ship would be crushed.

If it leaks, this whole stretch of ocean will be unlivable.

That's why we came, to get the thing out of here! To protect the ocean.


Go green.

Yay! We'll inspect it together.

If you're telling the truth You've poisoned us all! Anyone up for plan "b"? We're over a deep-sea trench.

Even I can't withstand the depths down there.

Then we better hope I can.

The boy will be crushed before he reaches the ship, and that reactor will destroy Aquannia.

Underestimating him would be your biggest mistake.

You're going to have to work fast, Rex.

We don't know how much pressure you can take.

Come on, Six.

You know I do my best work under pressure.

Some lights are still on.

That means the reactor is probably still okay.

Yeah, but the ship is sliding into the trench! If it starts breaking up, get out whether you have it or not.

Ignoring that part.

radio updates as you make your way through the ship.

I can't hear you! Must be the steel hull.

Don't worry.

I got it covered.

At least I hope I do.

Whoa! Ugh! Great going, Rex.

White knight will probably take this out of your imaginary paycheck.

And I sort of needed it to breathe.

Aah! Ah, there you are.

Okay, this should be easy.

Except for the whole "no air" thing.

Going great! Everything's cool! Got to learn to build myself a submarine.

Okay, maybe I didn't think this through.

Come on, Rex! Focus or you're gonna be fish food.

Whoa, that's trippy.

I can breathe! The radioactive rods! We can't leave them, and I can't carry them all.

Seaweed bubble wrap 100% natural and crab-man approved.

Up top! Ugh! Never mind.

I understand what you're trying to do here.

I see no reason to reveal Aquannia to anyone for now.

Forgive my suspicions.

And what else did we learn today? Surge? Six? Anyone? To see things from the other person's point of view.

I do have more paralyzing urchin spines if you want them.


You realize if anyone saw those I know.

Maybe we can come back and visit.

I'd rather not.

I figured you'd say that.

It's for Holiday.

She said to bring her back a souvenir.

Just don't expect me to feed it.