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01x16 - The Swarm

Posted: 09/08/21 14:46
by bunniefuu
Aaaaah! So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way And what are we doing in the middle of nowhere? Weren't you in the briefing? I thought "Chinese hot spot" meant we were getting take-out.

Last night, this was a thriving village.

Now it's gone.

At least the people got out in time.

Okay, this is strange.

All traces of metal iron, copper, zinc are gone, completely extracted.

What could do this? Tornado? Magnetic tornado? This was an attack.

On an unarmed village in the Gobi desert? It doesn't add up.

A complex organic chemical, oxidized.

It must break down quickly.

Distress call.

South of here.

Another village.

We're over the town now.

Make that half a town.

Aah! Uh, what was that? They're eating the metal and leaving everything else behind, even the stone.


It's like an organic processing plant.



With me.

You're going down there? I'm all for physical force when necessary, but I recommend It'll be fine.

We're professionals.

Next floor lingerie, cookware, and giant mutant grasshoppers.


It looks like the evacuation was successful.

Weapons ready.


I hate bugs.

I'm gonna cure one so we can ask them what happened.


Rudimentary brain function only.

These insects were never people.

You say it like it's a bad thing.

Whoa! I thought those blades could slice through anything.

You didn't ask, but scans say their shells are an enhanced alloy, hyperatomic bonds.


Rex: I make metal.

They eat metal.

Should we have put this together sooner? And now you're spitting on me.

Rex, careful! That ichor it's a pheromone tag.

Whatever you do, don't get sprayed.

Anyone got a swatter? Fall back! I've been run out of town before, but not like this! Whoa! Excellent timing, Dr.


I'm not here for you.

But if you're through fighting what you don't understand, you're welcome to hitch a ride.

Where'd they go? Not that I'm sorry to see them leave.

Rendezvous with the keep.

Still got more than you.

That's what you'll be telling the guys in the motor pool.

I got 45, man! Whoa! Ha! One of mine! That puts me at 47, ahead by 2, baby.

You have six hands between the both of you.

You think you could lend one? Rex: It looks like a cricket on steroids.

If you find any of me in there, I want it back.

It's likely an evo fusion of locusts, termites, and beetles.

I've located the swarm in the wilderness of inner Mongolia.

They've congregated They're traveling in a straight line.

There's more.

They're attracted by the city's high metal content.


The swarm has congregated underground.

Based on the low heat signature, they've entered a dormant phase, likely to process their lunch.

I'll need reinforcements from our international divisions.

As a fallback only.

I've been given authorization for a more Direct approach.

Bleach protocol.

We have a last-stand device primed and ready.

You can't be serious! They're in an unpopulated area, doctor.

And if that changes? Make sure it doesn't.

We activate in one hour.

It's like using pesticides.

You may k*ll a few ants, but later generations come back even stronger.

I have science to back me up on this.

I don't know, doc.

Sometimes you got to say, "nuke 'em.

" Forced-plasma cascade.

Try working that into a catchphrase.

A better way is to use the creature's biological responses against it.

- You mean the sticky hormone? - Pheromone.

I just need a sample.

The creatures seem to use it to tag objects of high metal content.

Get 'em from your stinky friend.

It breaks down too quickly.

It has to be extracted from a living specimen.

I just need someone to go into the nest and Rex: There's your biological response right there.


I'm such a wuss.

In position, doc.

I made it from non-metallic polymer conductants - like the comlink and the - Rope? Kinda low-tech.

You can't build out, Rex.

Any metal could trigger the bugs' reflexive response.

But I'm full of little metal machines! Your nanites are too small, too dispersed.

They won't detect them I think.

Into the nest with no powers.

Thanks for saving that for last, doc.

Aah! No powers.

Remember, no powers.

Rex, what do you see? They'reI don't know, dividing, splitting in two.


That's why they've been collecting the metals, to generate duplicates! Hmm.

Huh? Hmm.


Ugh! Dis Gus Ting! Huh? Rex? Small problem, doc.

I think I smell like lunch.

Vámonos! Aaaah! Got to stay under.

Not sure I can Make it.

Rex, you're all right.

What What happened? We pulled you from the river.

It's a miracle you're still alive.

No one should have survived that long.

My life flashed before me, doc, in high-def.

Um, I'm sorry I didn't get your sample.

I'm sorry, too.

Holiday to Six.

He's awake.

I'll be there shortly.

We're in countdown to detonation.


Holiday: "Just nuke 'em," right? There's no way to fight these things, doc.

I got to get up there.

Huh? Uh Where's my clothes? Sorry.

I had to quarantine them.

There's a chance I can still salvage some of the pheromone compound they sprayed on you.


You mean, you saw me Dr.

Holiday: Oh, please.

I'm a doctor.

Motorcycles, huh? Ohhhh.

Welcome back from the light.

Nice bathrobe.

Evacuation of the area is complete, and the secretary confirms authorization to strike.

Commencing countdown.

Initiating bleach protocol in t-minus 109876 Initiate.


They're multiplying, sir, exponentially.

On the move again.

Original course.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here.

I think we made it worse.

It seems we'll have to implement the fallback plan.


Holiday: So, blindly charging forward didn't work? I'm shocked.

Doctor, we could use your help.

Now you want to listen to me?! I've got work to do.

I want troops on the ground.

We'll pick them off one by one.

Gentlemen, say hello to the broiler.

Your broiler is your friend.

Learn the broiler.

Love the broiler.

Focused microwave inducer.

Do not put your tongue on it.

This? Decorative.

But it completes the whole bug-sprayer motif, don't you think? Captain Calan, welcome to the fight.

Wouldn't miss it.

This thing was built to hold off Mongols on horseback, not that.

Um, Six? Now would be a good time to, you know, rally the troops, get everyone pumped up for the fight.

Command to all points, keep those things off the wall.

Six out.

Well, I'm pumped.

Here they come.

Aaah! Another outbreak in sector 8.

We lost post 7.

And 8.

And 3.

We're getting eaten alive! In my case, not a figure of speech! All troops, begin evacuation! Fall back! Go! You go! Fall back! Now! Six to white knight.

Defenses have failed.

Rex: Send the majority of the regiment to assist in the evacuation effort, the keep, too.

You know, considering we just got kicked off the largest manmade structure ever built and those things keep trying to eat me, I'm feeling pretty good about our chances.

Glad someone is.

Huh? Doc! Came to wish us luck? No.

I came to give you this.

It's the pheromone.

And you can have these back.

Found traces behind the nylon tag.

It's my backup pair, all right?! This going to be enough? It's extremely concentrated.

But just in case That's a lot of goo.

Doctor, good to see you.


It is.

We have a plan to lure the creatures back into the desert.

The swarm covers half the province.

Even our fastest jet couldn't fly around.

Then we go over.

Rex, load up! Me?! Put it in a m*ssile or something! This substance is proximity-based.

I need your accuracy.

Hop on.

Any last-minute instructions? Try not to die this time.

Bravo squadron, you're up.

sh**t anything that moves.

Rex: Doc, punch out! Noooo! Ugh.

That is totally messed up.

Doc! Wake up! I accidentally fired the gunk.

Now they're eating each other! Of course.

This "gunk" is a hundred times more potent than what's in them.

We're hijacking their biology and using it against them! I want sprayers in here.

Modify the bombers, as well.

It's working.

That's one more for me.

Yeah, well, I got the rest of them.

A massive section of the great wall was felled tragically yesterday.

But as the world mourns, it also celebrates the millions of lives saved in Asia, lives saved in large part to something you might find hard to believe Wait for it These colorful undies.

Our sources say they gave Providence scientists the scent they needed to turn those bugs against themselves.

Why is my underwear on TV? Sources? This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I stomped more bugs than you, would it? Heh.

What do you think? I think I'm going back to bed now.

Vroom, vroom.