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01x13 - The Hunter

Posted: 09/08/21 14:43
by bunniefuu
it's -- it's providence! Some kind of evo attack! Huh.

Good times.


I hate it when they dig.

six: We need to take it down Fast before it causes any more Damage.

rex: All right.

Meet "exterm" and "nator"! Uh Yeah, I'm working on it.

rex: Ew! Evo breath.

Come on! That's my favorite hand! so make way to start the Revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the Revolution so make way so make way to start the Revolution make way to start the Revolution so make way Down, boy! You're okay.

This will all be over soon.

six: I got the pincers.

Now flip the switch on its Nanites.

rex: Uh, don't exactly have The best luck with non-humans, Remember? six: Afraid to try? Six! It's working! hunter cain: Enough.


Thank you.

oh, thank you so much.

rex: What's your damage, man? I was this close to curing that Thing.

hunter cain: Didn't look that Way to me.

Filthy evo.

rex: Filthy evo? hunter cain: Give me a Reason.

Just one.

six: Lower your w*apon.

hunter cain: I know my Rights.

The law says we can defend Ourselves against evo scum.

rex: In case you didn't Notice, that's exactly what we Were doing.

It's our job.

hunter cain: Really? Look around.

These are our homes.

What's left of them.

Your job is making our lives Worse.

yeah, it's making our lives Worse! hunter cain: These people Have had enough.

rex: What are you talking About? We're here to help.

hunter cain: Do these people Look like they want your kind of Help? People know what's going on.

Providence claims they are here To cure the world.

But now they got one of those Sickos working for them?! yeah, we don't want one of Them working for us.

yeah! hunter cain: It makes you Wonder whose side they're really On.

six: Come on, rex.

Let it go.

rex: Who does that guy think He is? I'm out there risking my neck Every day.

People love me.


Holiday: Some people just Have too much hate in them to See things any other way.

Hold still.

bobo: Don't sweat it, kid.

Humans are idiots, end of story.

rex: Not all of them.

But anyone who would believe What that guy has to say makes You wonder.

six: His name is hunter cain.

Lost his wife a few months ago When she turned.

Local authorities say this isn't The first evo he's att*cked.

white knight: Another Hometown hero.

Is he going to be a problem? six: Usually, I'd say no.

This time, I'm not so sure.

tonight on "ultimate exposure," the rise Of hunter cain.

Since his arrival on the scene Just over a month ago, the Hunter has captured the Public's attention as the Common man's answer to Providence.

He's inspired a devout Following, including the Makings of his own private Army.

hunter cain: We're dealing With an epidemic here, and We're the cure.

When something is making you Sick, you cut it out.

and what of providence's Secret w*apon? No longer so secret? hunter cain: How can we Protect our children from this Disease when the very thing We're fighting against is Walking free among u but you know you can't catch Evo, like a cold.

hunter cain: Says who? Providence scientists? You're gonna trust them? We need to protect ourselves From this rex and every other Sicko like him.

People should be able to draw Their own conclusions.

Here's my conclusion -- you're a Lying wack job! bobo: You know he can't hear You, right? Now can we finish this? See there? Nothing to worry about.

Your old pal rex making the Streets safe.

Uh, curing evos? Saving cute puppies? noah: Somebody's off their Game.

rex: I'm just warming up.

noah: We've been playing for An hour.

I saw the news.

Hunter cain really has it out For you.

rex: Forget him, noah.

I mean, the guy's a joke.

Do you really think people Believe what he's saying? Do you? noah: It's complicated, rex.

People are afraid.

They'll believe anything if it Sounds like it will keep them Safe.

I know you're cool, but everyone Else rex: They'll just have to be Won over by my charm and Personality.

yo, look -- it's him, the evo From tv.

rex: Oh, what's up? Want to play? then catch your freak Disease? rex: So, that would be a no.

why don't you get lost? We don't want you and your evo Germs around here.

yeah! noah: We don't want any Trouble.

stay out of this, evo-lover! You're the trouble.

Am I right? yeah! Oh, now we're throwing rocks? noah: You better go.

rex: No.

I'm not gonna let a Few jerks push me around.

noah: Rex, it's more than a Few.


Back off.

I said, back off! That was an accident! I wasn't trying to hurt him.

Come on, it's not like that.

I'm not -- You want evo?! That's what you want?! Try to run me over with your Big, dumb bus! noah: Rex, you really have to Get out of here.

rex: I didn't mean -- I -- I have to explain.

noah: It's way too late for That.

Go! Go now! Go! hunter cain: This is exactly What I was warning about.

Providence insists on Sheltering this dangerous evo, Letting it endanger our Families with its nanites.

Is that helping us? Not a chance.

it tried to infect me.

It's a miracle I'm still alive.

I saw what it could do.

We're lucky to have a good man Like hunter cain protecting us.

I thought rex was helping, But is it really safe having Him around? white knight: This is Officially completely out of Control! dr.

Holiday: Rex was only Defending himself.

Hunter cain is whipping the Public into a frenzy.

bobo: Why am I not surprised? Humans are sheep.

I should shave them and make a Coat.

white knight: We should have Dealt with this sooner.

Can't someone put a lid on this Guy? dr.

Holiday: We have truth on Our side.

Once we discredit him, this is Over.

rex: Uh, two slices of apple.

noah: Let's just go, okay? You said we were going for pie.

rex: Yeah.

Pie at his Favorite restaurant.

I just want to talk.

hunter cain: I've got nothing To say to you.

rex: Then just listen.

You hate evos.

I get it.

A lot of them are really bad News.

But I'm not.

People need to know the truth.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

rex: What have I ever done to You? hunter cain: You're infected.

rex: We're all infected, Every one of us.

Even you.

hunter cain: Providence lies.

rex: That's just -- argh! You are a moron! noah: Rex hunter cain: What are you? The world's big hope? I don't need an evo to save me.

And they don't, either.

We don't need you.

We don't need providence.

yeah, that's exactly right.

we gonna go after him? hunter cain: No.

His day is coming.

rex: They don't want my help? Fine.

No more flying to the rescue.

No more turning giant blobs back Into mailmen.

bobo: Works for me.


Holiday: But the people Who really do need you, they're The ones that will suffer.

bobo: Ah.


rex: If they don't think I'm Any different than those things Down there in the petting zoo, Why should I care? dr.

Holiday: Because someone Has to.

Most people have given up hope, Rex.

Sivce you came here, that's Changing.

Don't let one man's anger get in The way.

rex: That's the problem, doc.

It isn't just one man.

I walk down the street and Everyone looks at me like I'm Gonna turn them into some Monster.

Forget it.

I'm through.

bobo: [ sighs ] well, if you Want my opinion -- dr.

Holiday: I don't.

white knight: Full-scale Alert! I want strike teams geared up And ready to deploy.

this is alpha team -- ready! bravo team a go! weapons check! nothing yet, sir.

No sign of -- Sweet mother of mercy! Open fire! Open fire! Alpha team -- we're surrounded! We're cut off! they're on top of us.

They're right on top of us! bravo team -- we're pinned Down! We're pinned down! to your left, to your left! Look out! send reinforcements! Send everything! white knight: How did we get Such a huge concentration of Evos in one place? Did you talk to rex? six: Still says no.

white knight: Get down there With another team and clean this Mess up.

Wipe it if you have to.

hunter cain: See that, folks? Providence isn't the only Answer.

And what happened to its hero? What about rex? blasters are useless against These things.

Whatever they have is working.

rex: Que pasa, people? six: Glad you could make it.

rex: Tired of seeing someone Else do my job.

Poorly, I might add.

hunter cain: Not this time, Freak.

six: Rex! rex: Hot! Hot! Hot! hunter cain: Can't you just Die already?! rex: I don't do dying.

You're not soTou-- rex: You have no idea who You're trying to k*ll.

hunter cain: Unh! rex: You're done.

I just want to know why.

hunter cain: You push hope When there isn't any.

There's no saving evos.

There can't be.

You're a sickness.

And you need to be destroyed! hunter, help us, please! We're out of the a*mo.

The evos, they're everywhere! hunter cain: Cost me Everything I had for those Cloned evos.

rex: This was a setup? hunter cain: A demonstration.

To prove how worthless Providence is.

rex: Did you hear that guy? It's not exactly working.

hunter cain: Every w*r has Its casualties.

rex: You are one messed-up Dude! hunter cain: Aah! Well, what are you waiting for? Show everyone who you really Are.

rex: I will.

I don't care what you think About me.

I don't care what anyone thinks.

Not anymore.

The people want to hate me? I can't stop them.

But it's not going to stop me From doing my job.

You want to know why? Because I'm awesome.

Try not to fall.

I got this.

Well? Adios.

hunter cain: There's a fight Coming.

It's time to choose sides.

you showed me we didn't have To be helpless anymore.

But sometimes You still got to ask for help.

rex: He's not the only one Out there like that, is he? six: Unfortunately, no.

sometimes you just get the Wrong idea.

He's fighting for us.

he saved my mother! he saved my dog! he saved my priest.

providence's secret w*apon -- a teenage boy named Rex.

Hero? Abomination? Humanity's last hope? You decide.

rex: Well, a few people get It.

That's a start.

bobo: What can I say that I Haven't said already? Humans are idiots.

But every once in a while, they get it right.