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01x11 - Operation: Wingman

Posted: 09/08/21 14:41
by bunniefuu
You've got to stop it before it Kills us all.

A cutesy, wittle wabbit? I mean, come on, you couldn't Handle this yourselves? They nibble grass and wiggle Their noses.

I mean, they're harmless.

No, more than harmless.

They're stupid, mindless Rodents.

rex: What did I say?! What did I say?! It was worse than it looked, Okay? bobo: At least you took care Of it, right? rex: It, uh, sort of hopped Away before I had the chance.

bobo: Oh, brother.

rex: You've got to be kidding Me.

Come on.

Can't this wait till Monday? rexall right.


But this time, it's not going to Be a punch and run.

rex: Hey, noah.

What's up? noah: Rex, I've got a Serious situation.

I need help.

rex: Well, I've got a serious Situation of my own here.

noah: I promise you, this is Much more serious than some evo Thing.

It's prom night.

rex: I'm sorry.

Must have been a bad connection.

It sounded like you said, "prom Night.

" noah: You have no idea what I'm up against here! You know what? I-I got to call you back.

rex: No, no, no, no, no! No! Stupid bunny.

noah: You know how pretty Girls never get asked out? rex: That's a myth.

noah: Oh, no, it's not.

Case in point -- claire bowman.

She's the prettiest, most Put-together girl in school.

Usually only goes out with College guys and drummers, but She said yes to prom with me.

rex: Right.

Well, this is a big problem.

I'm so glad you called me on This, noah.

noah: See this? My master plan -- we're talking Years in the making -- all Ending tonight, when I take Claire to the junior prom.

That kind of photo op -- I'm Not just one of the cool kids.

I am the coolest.

rex: Sounds like good times For everyone -- but claire.

Speaking of which, why am I here Again? noah: 'cause you're coming, Too.

I need a wingman.

Claire's best friend doesn't Have a date, so I kind of Volunteered you to go with her.

I'm "save the world from evos" Guy, not "go on pity dates" guy.

It's bad enough I've still got Death bunny after me.

noah: Bunny? rex: Hey, this is serious.

It sneaks up on you when you Least expect it, okay? I mean, look at me.

noah: You'd rather hide from A bunny than go on a date with a Girl? white knight: It's still out There? rex: Every time I think I've Got it, the thing runs away.

I'm telling you, it's fast -- And mean.

white knight: What I don't Understand is how you got that Evo so mad at you in the first Place.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

Go back out there and wait for It to find you.

Cure it, k*ll it, cook it -- Just get rid of the thing.

rex: All right.


I'll go first thing tomorrow.

Tonight I've got to go to a Prom.

white knight: I'm gonna Pretend I didn't hear that.

You have your orders.


Holiday: It's prom.

You should let rex live a Little.

white knight: And have that Thing show up there looking for Him? No.

rex: You're not the boss of Me! I'm the boss of you! My hair.



Holiday: Go.

Be ready for action just in Case, but go to the prom and Have a great time.

rex: I'm only going as a Favor to noah, and this girl's a Hard-luck case.

She couldn't get a date.


Holiday: Rex, this night Is going to be a special night For her.

Be nice to that girl.

She's lucky, you know.

Nobody asked me to prom.

The pretty ones don't get asked Out.

So, holiday, you're not jealous I'm going out with another Woman? rex: Oh, yeah, she's jealous.

noah: Wow.

That is green.

rex: Not a lot of choice when You're shopping in six's closet, Okay? So, what are we waiting for? noah: Going early just shows We're too eager.

Show up on time, we're Predictable and dull.

But if we turn up a few minutes Late, that says cool and Relaxed.

You make a chart for that, too? noah: Don't ring it again! rex: Ow! What if they didn't hear it? noah: Of course they heard It! We heard it! rex: Oh, okay, so because we Heard it, they must've heard it? What if they didn't? Then we'd be out here all night.

I'm just saying.

noah: I'm gonna k*ll you.

I'm just saying.

rex: Promise me I won't be Buried in this tux.

I'm just saying.

is everything okay? noah: You lookAmazing.

really? Thanks.

noah: I, uh, sorry we're Late.

oh, I didn't even notice.

You must be rex.

I've heard a lot about you.

Annie! hi.

Sorry my hand's all bashed up.

Never text while riding a Motorcycle -- on a half-pipe.

rex: Annie's actually really Cute.

I'm surprised.

noah: Why are you surprised? rex: Because the way you were Acting before -- like there was Something wrong with her.

I thought you were hiding Something.

noah: Who, me? rex: Wouldn't be the first Time.

oh, uh, don't take the Picture yet.

I need my lipstick from my Purse.

rex: It's cool.

I'll get it.

forgot I gave it to the Driver so I wouldn't lose it.

oh, not again.

rex! Are you okay? noah: Okay, there's something You should know about annie.

She kills her dates? Oh, you've got to be kidding me! noah: Every guy who's gone Out with her has ended up in the Hospital -- or worse.

They call her the blond widow.

rex: Huh, yeah, well, that Makes sense.

No wonder she was dateless.

noah: You are the only guy I Know in the whole world with the Power to survive her.

But if you don't think you can Handle this, I'llUnderstand.

rex: Hold on.

I never said -- noah: I know you've been off Your game ever since that bunny Rabbit started kicking your butt Every night.

rex: You know what? I'm going to be your wingman, Even if it kills me.

noah: Good.

Now we just need a new limo.

rex: A replacement is on the Way.

bobo: Ladies, your carriage Awaits.

noah: No, no, no, no, no.

No, this is not how it's Supposed to be.

We need a limo, not an armored Personnel carrier! rex: Relax.

It'll be fun.

we're going to prom in this? I love this place.

rex: Oh, you've been here Before? a few times, but never long Enough to actually eat.

Ooh, candles.

noah: S'il vous plaît, Monsieur.

Your finest basket of bread for The table.

[ french accent ] right away, Sir.

I'll leave this here.

rex: So do you have a girlfriend? rex: Well, it's Complicated.

She's in league with an evil Dictator who wants me dead.

yeah, my dad is weird about Me dating, too.

Rex, don't move! this thing was in your ear.

rex: Yeah, it's my Communicator.

Oh, and I've got a call.

rex: I'll just be a second.

white knight: Is that rabbit "stew" yet? rex: Still hasn't found me.

Maybe it wised up and hopped out Of town.

white knight: Or maybe it Hopped back in to town for Another rampage.

rex: I suppose you'll be Wanting me to take care of that, white knight: If you wouldn't Mind.

rex: Here, bunny, bunny, Bunny.

What is it with you?! noah: Rex, where are you? rex: I'm coming.

Uh, you guys mop up here.

What -- what happened? noah: Annie sneezed.

Long story.

maybe we should just call it A night.

rex: Nobody's calling it a Night.

I have it all under control, Okay? We're gonna go someplace even BetterAnd flame-retardant.

noah: The snack shack? rex: Come on.

This is great.

No snooty waiters, extra-greasy Fries.

noah: She's not happy.

Can't blame her.

rex: I think she's having Fun.

I'm so sorry.

I got ketchup on your tie.

Hold on.

Let me fix it.

I have some spot spray in my Purse.

Works on blood, too.

Be right back.

Found it! Here, rex! Catch! rex: Yeah.

And I thought van kleiss was bad News.

it's still alive! I'm sorry, noah.

I really hoped this was gonna Work.

noah: Claire, I -- you should just take us home.

Your friend seems to be a Bad-luck magnet.

rex: Me?! You think -- now, hold on a Minute.

She's -- Uh, this night isn't over, okay? We're going to prom -- all of Us.

noah: It's gonna be over any Minute, rex.

We should just quit while you're Still alive.

rex: What happened to all Your planning? No, noah.

We'll make it.

rex: And then there's that.

bob this kind of thing Ver haat homec [wlros erody,th prom! Pretenu don' a E? Kles ] Res ue Eping ]: , engagi t evono s.

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r: Eneave my datelon! noa d jt starteessing Ttbuons.

S screech ]exosion ]t.

Ok, I'sorry for cayou Okay, I am norr [ clngki ] noa o of a*mo? B Prom, novo annie?!Exwhatre doing I fou I W, The other one!Mi The other one!Mi h Ex: I'm going to d on prom Gh 'm acally goio td- Wa aine.

Annie!I'ngy mi! E the ile erun [ beep]obo: Ich [ beep]obo: Ich a Y' been a great owd.

Ight, eryb.

noah: [ grunting ] Ne has ever lasted tgh noah,t you tev ha date.

Nh: Sio >> Tin o mo rteindee t*nk -- who nh: It'cos ol.

No big deal.

Can le Toer? Besid, the's alwam xtr.

About go-cas? E rex: Y.

Lo noah: I got a pretu withe da.

Dn't e.

>>ok Arch-nemesis.

Wai ngmaybe yoanannie cod --ey a : Noa chancen's cute.

Yee', lyurvee firsdate.

Atnd T sh is.

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