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01x04 - Lockdown

Posted: 09/08/21 14:34
by bunniefuu
rex: Even when you're a Machine-building, evo-curing Agent of providence, you have Good days and bad days.

This is gonna be one of those Bad days.

>> six: That's him.

Take him down.

bobo: So, what's the plan? rex: Hmm.

We're gonna need a cleanup on Aisle 7.

>> bobo: Whoa! This guy's got some mouth on Him.

rex: Blech! Ever hear of a napkin, buddy? >> rex: Aah! Aah! Hey, watch it! let me go! I'm serious.


Aah! Whoa! >> rex: I said, enough! Shut your mouth! Huh? six: Your powers are gone Again? Holiday, we've got a situation.

Holiday? Holiday?! dr.

Holiday: I'm here.

I'm heading to the lab right Now.

>> so make way to start the Revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the Revolution so make way so make way to start the Revolution make way to start the Revolution so make way Sub by Adriano_CSI dr.

Holiday: This temporary Loss of power is occurring more Than we'd like.

What happened this time? rex: That evo just wouldn't Stop laughing.

It really made me lose it.


Holiday: We know your Powers have a direct link to Your emotional state, rex.

Have you tried the calming Techniques I suggested? rex: Uh, yeah.

Hot! Hot! Hot! ohhmmm Ohhmmm Ohhmm-my gosh, this is boring! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Didn't really work.

Whoa! What are you doing? dr.

Holiday: Sit still.

There are less pleasant ways to Get a reading.

If we're going to figure this Out, I need a clean baseline Measurement.

No missions.

No strenuous activity.

rex: And what if I don't want To? dr.

Holiday: Rex, in this Line of work, we all have to do Things we don't like.

noah: Am I in trouble or Something? white knight: Noah, do you Remember why I hired you? noah: To keep an eye on rex.

white knight: And how would You say that's been going? noah: Uh Great? Okay, not -- not so great.

white knight: You can't Befriend a w*apon.

You can only use it.

Don't you want to help us win This w*r? six: I don't like lying to Rex any more than you do.

noah: Yeah, well, thanks for Mentioning that in there.

rex: Unh! Watch where you're -- noah? noah: Uh six: Heard you were taken off Duty.

Thought you could use a visitor.

rex: Really? six: Or I can take noah home.

rex: Okay, okay! Sorry I got all "really?" on You.

Uh, thank you! Appreciate it! Didn't expect to see you here.

You're like the one part of my Life these guys don't control.

noah: So, um How about a tour? rex: Ok, well, back there's White knight's office.

He's my boss.

Total head case.

noah: This isn't so bad.

rex: Yeah, in a couple Minutes, you won't even notice The monkey smell.

bobo: Unfortunately, the same Can't be said of the man-stank.

noah: Sweet gym.

Way better than our usual court.

rex: Even have my own private Locker room.

bobo: Wouldn't go in there if I was you.

rex: Used to have And this is sit ops.

Highlight of these guys' day is Getting to watch me pound some Evo face meat.

Am I right? Am I right? noah: Who's the hottie? rex: Dr.


noah: That's dr.

Holiday? The same dr.

Holiday that's Supposedly in love with you? Oh-ho! You're delusional.

six: You usually pick up on The first ring.

You were down there again, Weren't you? Going to the hole doesn't do Anybody any good Especially you.

rex: So that's where you're Always going, the hole? What's down there anyway? dr.

Holiday: It isn't polite To eavesdrop, rex.

rex: Yeah, well, keeping Secrets isn't exactly cool Either.

noah: rex: Oh, uh, right.


Uh, noah, meet holiday.

Six brought him in.

As a favor.


Holiday: Really? rex: I know! That's what I said.

We call this the petting zoo.

Most of what you've got here are Your typical mutated plant and Animal evos gone wild.

noah: Huh? Aah! rex: Chill, blinky, he's with Me.

Oh, but this -- this is what I Wanted to show you.

They call it the hole.

Only restricted area in the zoo.

noah: Ooh.

What's inside, Dead bodies? rex: I don't know.

But for some reason, holiday Can't stay away.

Let's find out why.

noah: Wait.

You don't want to do something Stupid.

rex: Dude, relax.

You sound like my boss.

noah: Open it.


What happened in here? rex: I don't know.

All the security systems are Trashed.

Holiday, I think we've got a Problem in the hole.

we're getting security Protocol failures all over the Zoo.

Door 27d Door 42f Grid 9.

Sir, the tower has been Compromised.


Holiday: Lock down the Zoo! Do it now! rex: It's in the tower! dr.

Holiday: Somebody -- respond! What is -- situation? rex: Everyone's gone -- maybe Dead.

Whatever was in the hole, it -- dr.

Holiday: Rex, listen to Me.

Get out now! You -- rex: No power.

So much for avoiding strenuous Activity.

>> rex: Can't even see it! Aah! noah: Where is it? rex: Let's get out of here.

I can't fight it if I can't see It! Phone's in my pocket.

noah: Hello? six: Noah? noah: You've got to get us Out of here! six: We're working on it.

With the lockdown -- noah: White promised I'd be Safe.

This isn't safe! rex: Wait.

You know white? noah: If we're gonna die down Here -- rex: We're not going to die.

noah: You need to know.

I work for white.

rex: You'reA spy? For white?! I don't believe this! >> noah: rex: Not again! Okay, spider guy.

No need to get all monster on Us.

noah: Come on! rex: Wha-- Who else knows about you? Does six? Holiday? noah: Six knows.

Holiday I don't think so.

rex: When did white hire you? noah: I don't know.

Before we met.

rex: So this whole time, our Friendship was a lie? noah: No! I was working for white, but -- noah: Rex lost his powers.

We're sitting ducks.

rex: What? six: Rex, listen carefully.

With the level locked down, the Only way out is the access hatch On the other side of the zoo.

But the hatch has a double safe Lock.

You have to open your side so we Can open ours.

>> six: Hello? Rex? Hello?! >> dr.

Holiday: What did he say? six: His powers flatlined.

bobo: Ooh, now this just got Interesting.

white knight: Six, gather a Team and get to the hatch.

If and when rex opens it, you Are to enter the zoo and Terminate that creature.

noah: I wanted to tell you Before, but there was never a Good time.

N-not that this is a good time, But -- rex: Get away from me! noah: What? I wouldn't last 10 minutes down Here on my own.

rex: Good.

noah: Look, white hiring me, That's just how I met you.

It doesn't mean I didn't really Become your friend.

rex: Stop.

noah: No! I want to explain! rex: Quiet! Look! >> rex: Shh.

>> rex: >> >> rex: Equipment room! In there.

This is where the evo handlers Keep their stuff.

Look for weapons.

Still not working.

Ugh! Come on, there's got to be Something here I can use.

noah: Over there! Sweet.

Hand me the tranq-g*n.

Just listen to me for a minute, Okay? You don't even know the whole Story.

rex: All right.

What? Did white kidnap your family, thr*aten to t*rture you? noah: It wasn't like that.

He offered me a chance to help Win the w*r And, well, some money.

rex: noah: Look, let's just get Out of here alive.

Then you can k*ll me.

>> noah: So what's the plan? rex: I'm out of here.

noah: Is it gone? rex: Wait.

>> rex: Whoa! >> >> >> noah: It's a trap! That thing set us up! rex: Come on! Right here! noah: What are you -- Whoa! Those were some big crocs.

rex: Be glad it wasn't their Mother.

All right, I saved you.

Now I never want to see you Again.

You hear me? We're through.

noah: Rex, I'm sorry.

You may not believe it, but it's True.

And if surviving this together Doesn't prove our friendship, I Don't know what will.

six: Hurry! noah: Aah! >> rex: Noah! Noah! six: Stay here.

We'll bring him back.

rex: Ugh.

What am I doing? Noah, you're gonna owe me big Time for this.

>> rex: Huh? dr.

Holiday: If you want to Find noah, come with me.

Still no powers? What triggered it this time? rex: If I had to guess, I'd Say it was finding out my best Friend is a spy working for White.


Holiday: Rex, I had no Idea.

rex: Hey, well, at least now I know that jerk isn't really my Friend.

>> dr.

Holiday: Don't be so Sure.

Providence can force people to Make some veryPainful Compromises.

But that's white's fault, not Noah's.

We're here.

rex: Uh, yeah, I can see That.

Noah! dr.

Holiday: They're not Hurt.

She's just keeping them warm for Now.

rex: "she"? >> dr.

Holiday: Go! I've got this! noah: Rex! What are you doing here? rex: You were right, noah About us.

Hola, feo.

Still hungry? That's right.

Over here! noah: But your powers -- rex: Funny thing.

Once I realized we were cool They came back.

noah: Yeah! rex: Whoa! Ouch! dr.

Holiday: Rex, stop! rex: Give me one good reason! dr.

Holiday: Because, rex That's my sister.

rex: Can I help? dr.

Holiday: S-she's an Incurable.

six: Go.

Restrain itCarefully.


Holiday: Thank you.

And when she's safely back in The hole, we're going to have a Talk about noah.

white knight: Why is that Thing still alive? six: Because that was the Deal.

As long as she's not a threat, She can stay.


Holiday: She didn't k*ll Anybody, sir.

Everyone who was missing is Here, alive in that nest.

noah: Thanks.

rex: Yeah.

white knight: Listen to me, Rex.

If I find out you caused any of This -- rex: I know about noah.

And if you ever try anything Like that again, I'm coming After you, white.

You won't be safe in that Office of yours.

white knight: How did he find Out? noah: Uh six: I told him.

rex: You, uh sh**t like me.

noah: Hey.

So rex: Yeah, look, this was Not a fun day.

But you know my problem's with White, not you.

noah: That mean you're not Going back? rex: I don't know.


Holiday says in this kind of Work, we have to do things we Don't like.

noah: Well, you better make Up your mind.

rex: Don't worry.

I'll see you around.

Providence can wait.