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01x02 - StringTheory

Posted: 09/08/21 14:32
by bunniefuu
That is until they turn Something into one of these An evo.

This is my compañero agent six.

He's one of the guys that has To deal with them.

Right now, he needs a little Help.

six: So much for asking him To come along quietly.

Rex, what's your e.



? rex: Right now.

Whoo! And that's where I come in.

And how can I save your buttocks Today, agent six? Ooh, cactus man.


This should take about 10 Seconds.

six: Rex, wait! rex: Chillax.

I got it covered.

Whoa! I hope nobody saw that.

six: You need to listen.

rex: When you have super Boots, you can give the orders.

That's one small step for me, One giant pounding for ugly evo Guy.

Incoming! Unh! Whoa! Unh! Okay, what did you have in mind? six: Our orders -- cure it or k*ll it.

no! No! Dejalo en paz! rex: It's cool, kid.

I'm with the good guys.

est¡s mintiendo! T quieres matar al padre jose! rex: "father jose"? You mean that thing is your Priest?! so make way to start the Revolution * make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the Revolution so make way so make way to start the Revolution make way to start the Revolution so make way Adriano_CSI rex: Six, hold up! That dude's a priest! I'm going underneath to try to Cure it! six: Sorry.

What? rex: Thanks a lot there, six.

Next time, at least give me a Chance.

six: We're at w*r.

Orders are orders, even if we Don't like them.

noah: You sure you want to be Doing this? rex: It's no big deal.

I sneak out all the time.

noah: That's an "h" for you.

rex: A little normal goes a Long way.

noah: You make giant Mechanical hands and smash Stuff.

There's nothing normal about You.

You get an "o.

" rex: There's more to my job With providence than smashing Heads, noah.

I mean, that kid today was so Scared.

To him, I wasn't fighting some Evo'ed-out monster.

I was hurting someone he cared For.

I was the bad guy! What am I supposed to do with That? noah: You try talking to six About this? rex: Six? He doesn't do "talk.

" noah: Dude, I feel for you, But personally I'm glad you're Out there helping.

'cause, as far as b-ball skills Go, you're hopeless.

rex: I think that's an "h" for you.

Later, noah.

Next time I'll teach you how to Dunk.

bobo: A lot of headaches here Today because of you skipping Out.

Bring me along next time, will Ya? six: What you're about to see Is disturbing.

rex: Disturbing? Cool.

>> rex: No way.

Is that a zombie? dr.

Holiday: He's not a Zombie.

This poor soul is very much Alive, conscious of his actions And unable to control them.

bobo: Like bobo in vegas.

Kaching! isn't this providence? Make it stop! rex: What's doing that to Him? white knight: Until about Eight hours ago, the evo on your Screen was peter meechum, a top Research scientist.


Holiday: We had hoped That he would be the kind of evo We could reason with.

But he's too far gone.

Every attempt to get through to Him has failed.

It could make him a highly Unpredictable target.

white knight: It seems he has The ability to activate latent Nanites, bending non-evos to His will.

rex: Like ol' dancey-pants Here.


Holiday: When the event Occurred, nanites were imbedded Into the molecular structure of Almost everything on earth.

For most people, the nanites Are perfectly harmless.

rex: Yeah, until they turn You into a monster.

I feel fine! Really! rex: So this guy's not an Evo? dr.

Holiday: Correct.

All meechum can do is use the Activated nanites to seize Control of his victim's muscles.

white knight: Why he's doing This, we have no idea, but he Seems to be building an army.

We've been able to isolate Meechum and his victims to lower Manhattan and have mobilized a Mass evacuation but lost Valuable time and energy Searching for you.

Needless to say, if you can't Pull this off, I'll be forced to Cleanse the area.

rex: Cleanse?! What do you mean? white knight: Don't mess this One up, hotshot.

rex: Ah, the big apple.

And speaking of smells "cleanse the area"? Knight's losing it.

This is new york city.

You don't just "cleanse" New york city, right? six: Do your job, and you Won't have to worry.

rex: Cure, contain, or k*ll.

At least you keep it simple.

They sure look like zombies.

Check it out.

They even have that Fresh-from-the-brain-buffet, Living-dead walk.

bobo: Feel sorry for whoever They were.

rex: And you're positive they Don't want to eat us? six: Take him off the board, Rex, fast! rex: Okay, freak show! The crazy train is coming to a Stop! I can't.

He's not letting me cure him! meechum: You will join us.

rex: This is not cool.

bobo: Maybe you oughta get That hand looked at, chief.

I can't control my hand! bobo: Hey, watch it with the Sewer water.

The vest is dry-clean only! rex: It's not me.

It's not me! Huh? Oh! Whoa! dr.

Holiday: Rex, you've been Infected! rex: No freakin' duh! dr.

Holiday: If you don't cut Yourself off from meechum's Influence, your whole body will Turn! rex: Great! It's always something! dr.

Holiday: Six, meechum Infected rex through physical Contact.

Whatever you do, don't let him Touch you.

six: Noted.

Release them, meechum, or -- rex: Sorry! Aah! bobo: rex: Sorry! Aah! barricades are in place, sir.

white knight: Status on Bleach protocols.

moving in to position now.


Holiday: Rex, you need to Fight this.

rex: Easy for you to say, Doc.

You're not the one getting used As a battering ram! dr.

Holiday: We're losing Him! Rex, you need to focus.

When have you ever let someone Tell you what to do? rex: Not today! Qué gachó.


Holiday: Six, rex did it.

But his nanites have flat-lined.

six: Got it.

rex: Thanks, dude! Just -- just give me a second.

meechum: Why do you Interfere? We must obey.

He has her.

rex: Meechum? meechum: He has her.

white knight: Status report Now! six: The target is on the Run.

white knight: You mean, you Lost him? six: We're in pursuit.

rex: Wait.

Didn't you hear what meechum Said? I think we're missing something.

six: We have our orders.

Let's go.

bobo: Whaddya say we blow this party And grab a pizza instead? rex: Hmm.


We have our orders.

six: Meechum? All these lines are blocked.

You can't escape.

rex: Sorry.

Couldn't find the stairs.

Aw, now I made you mad.

meechum: Please.

She needs me.

six: Take him out! bobo: Punch him hard! rex: I think I got him.

Let me cure you! meechum: No! This is the only way! rex: bobo: Why does no one ever listen to The monkey? meechum: all: Aah! bobo: Say bye-bye! Aah! rex: No! Oh, he just zombied my sidekick! Unh! white knight: Captain calan, Our agents have failed.

The hostile is loose.

Do you have a visual? roger that.

white knight: Initiate bleach Protocol.

rex: Six, is the bleach Protocol what I think it is? six: Cure, contain, or k*ll.

They're wiping out everything.

We need to fall back.

rex: That's a big negative! This is just not working.

Knight, I think a part of Meechum wants help! I can reach him.

I just need something on him.

white knight: You've seen all The pertinent data.

Fall back! rex: No.

Something about the actual Person, about him! Ah, forget this.

Come on, pick up, dude.

noah: Hey, rex.

rex: Noah, you got your bike? I need you to check something.

And no pressure here, but the Fate of about 10 million lives Depends on how fast you can get There.

fall back! Fall back! white knight: Calan, insert The key.

white knight: If you hear my Voice, you are in the k*ll zone.

All personnel remaining have Three minutes to fall back to Safety positions.

The area is being bleached.

rex: Knight, you can't! All these people! white knight: Are an Acceptable loss to save millions More.

You've had your shot, and you Failed.

Fall back! rex: six: Rex, we have our orders.

We need to move now.

rex: Or what? You keep telling me that we're At w*r, but what are we fighting For? Orders aren't orders, six.

These are people.

They have families.


So, rex, how was new york? Oh, great.

Saw some sights, had some Fights, tried to reason with a Giant-brain dude.

Noah? Tell me something good! noah: Good how? It's just an apartment! It looks like the Discount-furniture catalog threw Up in a cardboard box! What am I looking for? rex: Something personal, Important, anything! noah: I think I found Something.

rex: Got it.

Hey, little privacy please.

I was on the phone here! meechum: You must submit.

He commands it.

rex: Who's he? Don't you get it? They're gonna nuke the bridge.

Where's the win in that? meechum: You don't Understand.

I have no choice.

He commands it, or else.

rex: Or else what? Who is "he"? meechum: Van kleiss.

rex: who -- who is Sarah? Is she who you needed to Protect? meechum: S-s-sarah? I have no choice.

This is the only way.

They took her, and I must obey.

rex: Obeying orders is way Overrated.

Trust me.

I can help you, but not if we're Dead! You need to chill out now.

meechum: Why? Why would you help someone like Me? rex: Because a person is a Person, no matter how screwed up They are.

meechum: Help me.

Doc, I'm shutting him down! Ugh! Gross! That's right.

Who's the hotshot? move along.

Everyone will be fine.

You can go home now.

rex: Hey, buddy, sorry about Kicking your butt today.

bobo: That's all right.

I spit in your oatmeal last Week.

What's happening to big head? rex: He's off to see Doc holiday for a full Exam.


white knight: Rex, if you Ever disobey an order again -- rex: Yeah, would love to Chat, but I've got to go find Someone.


Later, monkey.

Save me some pizza! bobo: Whatcha got in your Hand, green man? The launch key? You mean, b*mb wasn't gonna go Boom-boom? six: The kid was right.

Sometimes orders aren't orders.

rex: Now, that's what I like To see -- a happy ending, Courtesy of me.


Holiday: I wish he'd tell Us what van kleiss wanted from Him.

six: Still too afraid.

We'll keep them safe.

Someday he'll talk.

You did good, kid.

biowulf: Van kleiss, master, I've received some news.

We had a situation at the safe House.

Meechum is cured.

It was rex.